Our Morning Offering – 12 August – Prayer of Abandonment By St Jane Frances de Chantal

Our Morning Offering – 12 August – Wednesday of the Nineteenth week in Ordinary Time and the Memorial of St Jane Frances de Chantal VHM (1572-1641)

Prayer of Abandonment
By St Jane Frances de Chantal (1572-1641)

O sovereign goodness
of the sovereign Providence of my God!
I abandon myself forever to Thy arms.
Whether gentle or severe,
lead me henceforth whither Thou will.
I will not regard the way
through which Thou will have me pass
but keep my eyes fixed upon Thee,
my God, who guides me.
My soul finds no rest without the arms
and the bosom of this heavenly Providence,
my true Mother, my strength and my rampart.
Therefore I resolve with Thy Divine assistance,
0 my Saviour,
to follow Thy desires and Thy ordinances,
without regarding or examining
why Thou does this rather than that
but I will blindly follow Thee,
according to Thy Divine will,
without seeking my own inclinations.
Hence I am determined to leave all to Thee,
taking no part therein,
save by keeping myself in peace in Thy arms,
desiring nothing, except as Thou incites me to desire,
to will, to wish.
I offer Thee this desire, 0 my God,
beseeching Thee to bless it.
I undertake all it includes,
relying on Thy goodness,
liberality and mercy,
with entire confidence in Thee,
distrust of myself,
and knowledge of my infinite misery and infirmity.
Amenprayer of abandonment - st jane frances de chantal 12 aug 2020


Passionate Catholic. Being a Catholic is a way of life - a love affair "Religion must be like the air we breathe..."- St John Bosco Prayer is what the world needs combined with the example of our lives which testify to the Light of Christ. This site, which is now using the Traditional Calendar, will mainly concentrate on Daily Prayers, Novenas and the Memorials and Feast Days of our friends in Heaven, the Saints who went before us and the great blessings the Church provides in our Catholic Monthly Devotions. This Site is placed under the Patronage of my many favourite Saints and especially, St Paul. "For the Saints are sent to us by God as so many sermons. We do not use them, it is they who move us and lead us, to where we had not expected to go.” Charles Cardinal Journet (1891-1975) This site adheres to the Catholic Church and all her teachings. PLEASE ADVISE ME OF ANY GLARING TYPOS etc - In June 2021 I lost 95% sight in my left eye and sometimes miss errors. Thank you and I pray all those who visit here will be abundantly blessed. Pax et bonum! 🙏

6 thoughts on “Our Morning Offering – 12 August – Prayer of Abandonment By St Jane Frances de Chantal

  1. Beautiful and timely prayer but I fear [as in I fear justice] and coupled with my absent sense of discernment of God’s true will for me since that make impotent in making any decisions at all, even those of the activities of daily living in this crazy and godless world. I have no pride or confidence in myself anymore. I find myself unrelenting in a ‘coulda, shoulda, woulda, but didn’ta world of my own making. You my darling Annie are my respite, my comfort, my shoulder to lay my head on. I have faith and so I can hope.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do understand this ‘coulda, shoulda,woulda’ and it is a hard thing to believe that God has forgotten our errors – those that were sins.
      But many of our errors were not sins, just worldly mistakes.
      I think we need to keep in mind always – especially you dearest – that NOTHING IS RANDOM – those errors, those wrong turnings, were ALLOWED by God for exactly the reason you are constantly seeking – your own edification!
      Accept the daily struggle – offer everything to Him – including your indecision – say to Him – I can’t BUT YOU CAN. THEN be quiet and at peace. For now, it is no longer your problem but His! 💖💖💖🙌🤗


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