Novena in Honour of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary – DAY SIX – 4 December

Novena in Honour of the Immaculate Conception
of the Blessed Virgin Mary

THE SIXTH DAY – 4 December
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Refuge

A simple short Novena DAY SIX here (which also attracts Indulgences):
NOTE on Indulgences HERE:

In thy conception, O Virgin Mary,
thou wast immaculate;
pray for us to the Father, Whose Son Jesus,
conceived in thy womb by the Holy Ghost,
thou didst bring forth.

Indulgence. 200 days, every time. (Pope Pius VI, 21 November 1793).

We carry the precious treasure of sanctifying grace in a frail vessel. Our inclination to evil remains with us and continues to impel us to that which is forbidden.
On whom shall we call for aid? Call on Mary! She is conceived without sin. She, the lily among thorns, who never lost God’s friendship. She, is our advocate!
Let her, who was found worthy to become the Mother of our Redeemer, inspire you with trust and confidence.
The Church invokes her as the refuge of sinners and, under no other title, does she show her love for us more convincingly and, her power with God, more efficiently.

We may trust confidently in Mary’s intercession and aid, in all temptations and trials, if we but have recourse to her. Therefore, St John Damascene writes:
“Come to my aid, O Mother of my Redeemer!
Thou art my help, my consolation in life.
Come to my aid and I shall escape. unscorched.
from the fire of temptation;
amongst a thousand I shall remain unharmed;
I shall brave the storms of assault unwrecked.
Thy name is my shield,
thy help my armour,
thy protection my defence.
With thee, I boldly attack the enemy
and drive him off in confusion;
through thee, I shall achieve a triumphant victory.”
In all temptations, therefore, let us have recourse to Mary and through her intercession we shall overcome them.

O God, Who through the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin didst prepare a worthy dwelling-place
for Thy Divine Son; grant that, as in view of Thy Son,
Thou didst preserve her from all taint,
so Thou wouldst vouchsafe unto us
that cleansed from all sin by her intercession,
we too may arrive at Thine eternal glory.
Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mary Immaculate, most brilliant star of purity,
I rejoice with thee
because thy Immaculate Conception
has bestowed upon the Angels in Paradise,
the greatest joy.
I thank and bless the Ever-Nlessed Trinity,
Who enriched thee with this high privilege.
O let me, too, one day enter into this heavenly joy,
in the company of Angels,
that I may praise and bless thee,
world without end.

Hail Mary, Glory be … etc.


Thought for the Day – 4 December – TRUE LOVE of SELF

Thought for the Day – 4 December – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)


“Any other kind of self-love is not true love but is a distorted affection which diverts us from the pursuit of our final end.

Let us examine ourselves on this point.
What is the object of our thoughts, affections and actions?
Is it the glory of God and the triumph of His Kingdom?
If so, we can claim to love ourselves as we ought.
Otherwise, our self-love is distorted or sinful!

Antonio Cardinal Bacci



Quote/s of the Day – 4 December – St Peter Chrysologus

Quote/s of the Day – 4 December – St Peter Chrysologus (c400-450) “Golden Words” Confessor, Father & Doctor of the Church

Listen to the Lord’s appeal:
‘Come, then, return to Me
and learn to know Me as your Father,
Who repays good for evil,
love for injury
and boundless charity
for piercing wounds!

Christ’s birth was not necessity
but, an expression of omnipotence,
a sacrament of piety for the redemption of men.
He, Who made man, without generation,
from pure clay, made man again
and was born from a pure body.
The Hand which assumed clay
to make our flesh,
deigned to assume a body,
for your salvation!
That the Creator is in His creature
and God is in the flesh,
brings dignity to man. without dishonour to Him
Who made him.
Why then, man, are you so worthless
in your own eyes and yet, so precious to God?!


St Peter Chrysologus (c400-450)
“Golden Words”
Father & Doctor of the Church

Posted in "Follow Me", CHRIST the LIGHT, CHRIST the SUN of JUSTICE, CHRIST the WORD and WISDOM, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, ONE Minute REFLECTION, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 4 December – “So let your light shine before men …” – Matthew 5:16

One Minute Reflection – 4 December – St Peter Chrysologus (c400-450) “Golden Words” Confessor, Father & Doctor of the Church – 2 Timothy 4:1-8; Matthew 5:13-19 – Scripture search here:

So let your light shine before men …” – Matthew 5:16

REFLECTION – “The Lord had called His disciples “salt of the earth” because, by means of the taste of heavenly wisdom they changed the hearts of those, who had become tasteless, through the devil. And now, He calls them “light of the world” because, enlightened by Himself, Who is the Eternal and true Light, they, in turn, have become a light in the darkness (Jn 1:5). Because He, Himself, is the “Sun of Justice” (Mal 3:20), He too calls His disciples “light of the world.” Through them, as with shining rays, He can pour out the Light of His knowledge, over the whole earth. They really did, chase away the darkness of error, from the people’s hearts, by displaying the Light of Truth.

Enlightened by them, we too, who were darkness, have become light, as Saint Paul says: “There was a time, when you were darkness but now, you are light in the Lord. Well, then, live as children of Light.” (Eph 5:8) And again: “We belong neither to darkness nor to night; [we] are children of Light and of the day.” (1Thess 5:5). Saint John was correct when he asserted in his letter: “God is Light.” The person who abides in God is in the Light, just as He Himself is in the Light (1Jn 1:5-7). Since we have the joy of being freed from the darkness of error, we must live in the Light and walk in the Light, as true children of the Light.” – St Chromatius of Aquilaea (Died c407) Bishop, Father of the Church (Sermons on St Matthew 5 (Trans – Breviary)

PRAYER – O God, Who willed to foreshow divinely that blessed Peter Chrysologus would be a great Doctor to rule and teach Thy Church, grant, we beseech Thee that we may be worthy to have him as our intercessor in Heaven, who on earth was a teacher of life. Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).

Posted in ADVENT PRAYERS, FATHERS of the Church, HYMNS, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS

Our Morning Offering – 4 December – The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky

Our Morning Offering – 4 December – “The Month of the Divine Infancy and the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary” – The First Week of Advent

The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky
By St Venantius Fortunatus (c 530 – c 609)

The God whom earth and sea and sky
Adore and praise and magnify,
Whose might they claim, whose love they tell,
In Mary’s body comes to dwell.

O Mother blest! the chosen shrine
Wherein the architect Divine,
Whose hand contains the earth and sky,
Has come in human form to lie.

Blest in the message Gabriel brought,
Blest in the work the Spirit wrought,
Most blest, to bring to human birth
The long desired of all the earth.

O Lord, the Virgin-born, to You
Eternal praise and laud are due,
Whom with the Father we adore
And Spirit blest for evermore.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 4 December – St Bernardo degli Uberti OSB Vall. (c1060-1133) Cardinal Bishop – a fascinating Saint who even Pablo Picasso could not resist painting

Saint of the Day – 4 December – St Bernardo degli Uberti OSB Vall. (c1060-1133) Cardinal Bishop, Benedictine Vallombrosan Monk, Abbot of San Salvi Monastery, Abbot-General of the Vallombrosans. Created a Cardinal by Pope Urban II in 1097. Papal legate, Bishop of Parma, Italy in 1106. Exiled twice during disputes with Anti–Papal forces opposing Pope Saint Gregory VII. Born in c1060 in Florence, Italy and died on 4 December 1133 in Parma, Italy of natural causes. Patronage – of Pavia. – A fascinating Saint who even Pablo Picasso could not resist painting (2nd image below – maybe Senor Picasso’s ‘Blue Period?’

Bernardo was born around 1060 in Florence in the region of Tuscany in central Italy. His father’s name was Bruno and he came from a noble family which, in the following Century, took the name Uberti. But Bernardo gave up a life of power and luxury and, in July 1085, gave his inheritance to relatives, friends and the Town’s Monastery of San Salvi. He himself became a Monk in the Vallombrosan Order in the Mother house Monastery in Vallombrosa. It was an ascetic community, founded not long before, by Saint John Gualbertus .

In time, Bernardo was elected Abbot of San Salvio and then the 4th or 5th Abbot-General of the Vallombrosan Order. Under his leadership, the Order spread from Tuscany into Emilia Romagna and Lombardy. In 1097, while holding Office as Abbot-General, he was appointed Cardinal by the Blessed Pope Urban II (1088-1099) and he was entrusted with various assignments as Papal Vicar in northern Italy and Legate of Canossa. On behalf of Pope Paschalis II (1099-1118), he promoted the Ecclesiastical reform in many Cities in northern Italy. In 1106, on the occasion of the Consecration of the new Cathedral, Pope Paschalis II appointed Bernardo as the Bishop of Parma. Pope Paschalis himself, Consecrated Bernardo and under his guidance and governance, Parma became a centre of the reform movement.

At a time when many Bishops, not only accepted but sought secular power, Bernardo renounced all the secular power which his predecessors in the Episcopate had received. He never forgot and did not let others forget that he had been trained as a Monk in a very ascetic school and, so far as was compatible with his duties, he maintained his monastic observances.

Parma was, at this time, seriously affected by several schisms. First, on 28 October 1061, Bishop Peter Cadalus of Parma had established himself as antipope Honorius II (1061-1072) and then there were other Bishops who supported Archbishop Guibert (Wibert) of Ravenna, who, on 25 June 1080, also established himself as antipope Clement III (1080-1100). Bernardo was a zealous supporter of the true Pope, Saint Gregory VII (1073-1085) and his reforms. He was a particular opponent of simony which was widespread in his Diocese. He proved a very successful Bishop but was twice banished from Parma. The first time was in 1104 by the followers of the antipope Maginulf or Sylvester IV (1105-1111), who arrested him at the Altar, on 15 August 1104. He was in exile for two years.

In 1124, for the Vallombrosan Order, Bernardo obtained protection from Emperor Henry V (1106-1125) Emperor from 1111. In the investiture dispute, Bernardo took an intermediate position but nevertheless, he was arrested, together with the Pope, by Emperor Henry V.

In 1127 there was a civil war in Germany and the Hohenstaufen elevated Duke Frederick II of Swabia’s brother, Konrad of Staufen (Henry V’s nephew), to counter-king (1127-35) against Lothar III (1125-1137). Pope Honorius II (1124-1130) Excommunicated Konrad in 1128, along with Archbishop Anselm of Milan, who had crowned him King of Lombardy. Bernardo also protested against the elevation of Konrad and he was, therefore, then again driven into exile. In 1133, Lothar came to Rome to be crowned Emperor . Bernardo continued to attempt a mediatation and while he was already suffering in his last illness, he received Lothar in Verona, on his way to Rome.

Bernardo had returned to his See, when, on 4 December 1133, he died in Parma. The Vallombrosans immediately began to venerate him as a Saint and his Relics were already elevated, on 3 December 1139 by his successor as Bishop, Lanfranc. At the time, this was equivalent to a Canonisation. His Memorial day is the day of his death on 4 December and his name appears in the Martyrologium Romanum. His tomb is in the Chancel of the Cathedral in Parma and Relics are found in Vallombrosa, Florence and Parma.

The Vallombrosans consider St Bernardo as their “third father” after Saints Benedict of Nursia and John Gualbertus. In art, he is most often portrayed as a Cardinal, sometimes being carried to Heaven by Angels. He is sometimes depicted preaching, giving alms, blessing, casting out demons, or appearing to devoted followers after his death.

St Bernardo being carried to Heaven by Angels – the ceiling of Pavia Cathedral

Notre-Dame-de-la-Chapelle d’Abbeville / Our Lady of La Chapelle, France (1400), St Peter Chrysologus (c 400-450), St Barbara (Died 3rd Century) Virgin Martyr and all the Saints for 4 December

St Ada of Le Mans
St Adelmann of Beauvais

St Apro
St Bernardo degli Uberti OSB Vall. (c1060-1133) Cardinal Bishop
St Bertoara of Bourges
St Christianus
St Clement of Alexandria
St Cyran of Brenne
St Eraclius
St Ezequiel Álvaro de La Fuente
St Felix of Bologna
Bl Francis Galvez
St Heraclas of Alexandria
Bl Jerome de Angelis
St John the Wonder Worker
St Maruthas
St Melitus of Pontus

St Prudens
St Sigiranus
Bl Simon Yempo
St Sola