Thought for the Day – 28 April – The Role of the Eucharist in Increasing Our Love of God (Part Two)

Thought for the Day – 28 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

LV: … The Role of the Eucharist in
Increasing Our Love of God (Part Two)

“Meditating on this truth, let each man say within himself:

Who could have imagined, O Lord, that a God of such Infinite greatness would bestow His affections on such an abject and insignificant creature as myself!
What could be Thy design, O King of glory?
What canst Thou expect of me who am but dust?
I see clearly, O my God, by the Light of Thy burning charity which enlightens me with knowledge and enkindles me with love that Thy design, was one divorced from all self-interest.
For Thy wish in so graciously bestowing this Sacrament, is to transform me into Thee that I may live in Thee and Thou in me.
Such an intimate union will ultimately remake my heart, fashioning from a vessel of earth, a delicate instrument attuned to things Divine

Then, full of joy and wonder at the indications of Divine Love given us by Christ and aware that His only purpose is the transformation of our hearts from things of earth, to things of Heaven, let us offer a sacrifice, and consecrate the will, the memory and understanding, to the sole task of pleasing Him in the gracious acceptance of His Holy Will.

After this, recognising our incapacity to dispose ourselves properly, unaided by His grace for proper reception of the Eucharist, let us strive earnestly to obtain that grace by ejaculations such as the following:

O heavenly food, when shall I be united to Thee, to be consumed joyfully in the fire of Divine Love?
O Divine charity, when shall I live in Thee, by Thee and for Thee alone?
O heavenly manna, Sovereign good, joy of my heart, when shall I, loathing all other food, seek Thee alone?
O life of eternal joy, when shall I dwell in Thee alone?
O my Loving And almighty Lord, free my heart from the tyranny of its passions and vicious attachments; adorn it with Thy heavenly virtues and with gentle compulsion, force it to rejoice in loving and pleasing Thee.
Then O Lord, will I open my heart and bid Thee enter; then shalt Thou come, my only Treasure, to transform my heart by Thy Divine Presence.

Such are the tender and affectionate sentiments which we should form on the evening before and, on the morning of, reception of Holy Communion.”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli



Thought for the Day – 26 April – The Manner in Which We Ought to Receive the Blessed Sacrament (Part Two)

Thought for the Day – 26 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

LIV: … The Manner in which We Ought
to Receive the Blessed Sacrament (Part Two)

“You will recall, we are discussing various requirements to be observed for approaching this Divine Sacrament, at three different times:
Before Communion (completed in Part One);
At the moment of reception of Communion (No 2 below);
After Communion (No 3 below).

  1. When we are about to receive the Body of Our Lord, let us quickly consider the faults committed since our last Communion and, in order to conceive a more perfect sorrow, let us remember that we committed them as callously as if Christ had not died for us on Calvary’s tree – such a remembrance should fill us with shame and fear, for having basely preferred a trifling compliance to our own will, to the obedience due to so gracious a Master.
    But when we consider that, in spite of this ingratitude and infidelity, this God of all charity still condescends to visit us and live within us, then let us approach Him with confidence and open hearts; for when He lives within, no tainted affections of the world may steal in.
  1. After Communion, we are to remain in profound recollection, adoring Our Lord with great humility and saying within our souls: “Thou seest, O God, of my soul,
    my wretched propensity to sin;
    Thou seest how domineering is this passion
    and that, of myself, I cannot resist.
    It is Thou Who must fight my battles
    and if I share in the combat,
    it is Thee from Whom I must expect
    the Crown of victory!
    ” Then addressing ourselves to the Eternal Father, let us offer to Him, this beloved Son, Who now dwells within our breast; let us offer Him thanksgiving for innumerable benefits and implore Him, for the grace which will make our victory complete.

Finally, let us resolve to fight courageously against the enemy from whom we suffer most.
Thus we may expect victory, since if we are not wanting in petition, God is not wanting in bestowing and, sooner or later, victory will be ours!”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli



Thought for the Day – 25 April – The Manner in which We Oughtto Receive the Blessed Sacrament (Part One)

Thought for the Day – 25 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

LIV: … The Manner in which We Ought
to Receive the Blessed Sacrament (Part One)

“The Motives for approaching this Divine Sacrament are many, from which it follows that there are various requirements to be observed at three different times:
Before Communion
At the moment of reception of Communion
After Communion

  1. BEFORE COMMUNION: Whatever be our motive, we must, if stained with mortal sin, cleanse ourselves in the Sacrament of Penance.
    And with all sincerity of heart, we must offer ourselves to Jesus Christ, consecrating our souls and all their faculties to His service.
    For, it is in this Sacrament that He bestows to mankind, His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, together with the immense and inexhaustible treasure of His Infinite merits.
    And as all of our gifts to Him are insignificant, when compared to His gifts to us, we should desire nothing less, than the totality of merits gained by the created beings of the universe, to offer as a gift deserving His regard.
    If our desire is victory over spiritual adversaries, we should meditate for some time previous to the reception of Communion on the incomprehensibly ardent desire, of our Saviour to be one with us in suppressing our inordinate appetites.

In order, however, to formulate some idea of this Divine wish in our regard, we might consider two things.
The first is the ineffable joy with which Wisdom Incarnate dwells among us, for He calls it His delight [Prov VIII:31].
The second is the implacable hatred He bears toward mortal sin, inasmuch as it is both an insuperable obstacle to that much-desired intimate union with Him and in utter opposition to His Divine perfections.
For as God is sovereignly good, a Light undimmed and Beauty inviolate, He must inevitably hate sin which is all malice, all darkness and all corruption.
So burning indeed is this hatred of God for sin that the entire dispensation of the Old and New Testaments, has been ordained for its destruction.
Several of God’s Saints have said that Divinity would have suffered a thousand deaths on a thousand Golgothas, if the smallest faults could be annihilated within us.
These considerations, rudimentary as they are, may enable you to see ,how much our Saviour desires to dwell within our hearts to expiate therefrom, our common enemies; thus we should welcome Him with all the fervour of which we are capable.
The joyful expectancy of His arrival will raise our courage and inspire us to war anew on our predominant passion, by performing many
acts of the contrary virtue.
Particularly should this be so on the evening before and on the morning of our reception of Holy Communion.”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 24 April – Concerning the Most Holy Sacramentof the Eucharist

Thought for the Day – 24 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

LIII: … Concerning the Most Holy Sacrament
of the Eucharist

Thus far, I have tried, as perhaps you have observed, to furnish you with four kinds of spiritual weapons and the methods by which they may profitably be employed.
It remains to present to you the invaluable aids to be derived from the Holy Eucharist in subduing the enemies of perfection and salvation.

As this sublime Sacrament towers above the others in dignity and efficacy, it is the most terrible of all weapons to the infernal powers.
The methods previously treated have no force but through the merits of Jesus Christ and by the grace He has purchased for us by His Precious Blood but the Eucharist is Jesus Christ Himself, His Body, His Blood, His Soul and Divinity.

The former methods are bestowed upon us by God that we may use them in subduing the enemy through Jesus Christ but, the Eucharist is given that we may fight against the enemy with Him!
For by eating the Body of Jesus and drinking His Blood we dwell in Him and He in us.

We may eat His Body and drink His Blood in reality every day and spiritually every hour, both of which are highly profitable and holy.
The latter should be practiced as often as possible, the former as often as shall be judged expedient.”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 23 April – The Benefits derived from Meditations on the Cross and the Imitation of the Virtues of Christ Crucified

Thought for the Day – 23 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

LII: … The Benefits derived from Meditations on the Cross
and the Imitation of the Virtues of Christ Crucified

“GREAT are the ADVANTAGES to be derived from meditating on the Cross, the first of which is, not only a detestation of past sins but also, the firm resolution to fight against our ever-present disorderly appetites which, Crucified our Saviour.
The second advantage is, the forgiveness of sins, obtained from Jesus Crucified and, a wholesome self-contempt which inspires us, forever to forsake offending Him and continually to love and serve Him with all our heart, in acknowledgment of that which He suffered for our sakes.

The third, is the unceasing labour with which we root out all depraved habits, however trivial they may appear.
The fourth consists in our ardent efforts to imitate our Divine Master, Who died, not only to expiate our sins but, to bequeath to us, the sublime example of a life of sanctity and perfection.

The following method of meditation will be highly serviceable, assuming, as I do, that you particularly wish to imitate the patience of your Saviour in carrying your crosses.
Consider well these several points:

What the Soul of Christ suffered for God.
What God did for the Soul of Jesus.
What the Soul of Jesus did, for itself and its Body.
What Jesus did for us.
What we ought to do for Jesus.

  1. Consider in the first place that the Soul of Jesus engulfed in the ocean of Divinity, contemplated that Infinite and Incomprehensible Being, before Whom, even the most exalted of creatures is utterly insignificant – contemplated, I say, in a state so debased as to suffer the vilest indignities of ungrateful man, without the least diminution of its essential glory and splendour.
    And from the depths of its suffering, the Soul of Christ adored its Sovereign Majesty, giving it myriad thanks and accepting all for its sake.
  2. Behold, on the other hand, what God bestowed on the Soul of Jesus – consider that the Divine Will decreed the scourgings, spittle, blasphemies, buffetings, crown of thorns, for love of us and the crucifixion which were meted out to Jesus, the Only and Beloved Son of God.
    See with what delight God, knowing the admirable end to which it was all directed, beheld His Divine Son, loaded with infamy and overwhelmed with affliction.
  3. Contemplate next, the Soul of Jesus and observe with what alacrity it submitted itself to the Will of God, either because of the immensity of its Divine Perfection, or the Infinity of Divine Favour bestowed upon it.
    Who can describe the ardent affection of this Soul for crosses?
    This was a Soul which sought, even new ways of suffering,and failing in this, abandoned itself and the innocent Body to the mercy of miscreants and the powers of Hell.
  4. Turn, then, your eyes to Jesus, Who, from the midst of His Agony, addresses you in this affectionate manner:
    See to what depths of misery I am reduced by thy ungovernable will, which refuses the least constraint in compliance with mine.
    Behold the horrible pains I endure, with no other purpose than to teach thee a lesson of patience.
    And let me persuade you, by all these sufferings, to accept with resignation, this cross I here present and those which I shall send in the future.
    Surrender your reputation to calumny and your body to the fury of the persecutors whom I shall choose for your trial, however vile and inhuman they may be.
    Oh, that you didst know what delight your patience and resignation afford me!
    But then, how can you be ignorant of it, when you behold these wounds received to purchase for you, those virtues with which I would adorn your soul, more dear to me, than life itself?
    If I have suffered this debasement for you, can you not bear a light affliction, in order to lessen My Agony to some degree?
    Can you refuse to heal those Wounds, I have received, through your impatience, Wounds more cruel to me than physical anguish
  5. Consider who it is who speaks thus to you – consider that it is Jesus Christ, the King of Glory, true God and true Man.
    Consider too, the magnitude of His torments and humiliations, greater than that deserved by the most vicious of criminals. Be
    astonished to behold Him in the midst of these agonies, not only firm and resolute but even replenished with joy, as if the day of His Passion was a day of triumph.
    Just as a few drops of water sprinkled upon a flame, only adds a fresh intensity to its glow, so did His torments, embraced in a charity which made the burden seem light, serve to augment his joy and desire of suffering still greater affliction.
    Moreover, reflect that throughout His entire life, He was motivated, not by compulsion or self-interest but rather, by pure love alone that you may learn from Him, the manner of practicing patience.
    Endeavour, therefore, to attain a perfect knowledge of what He demands of you and consider His delight at your practice of patience. Then form an ardent desire of carrying this cross and heavier ones, not only with patience but with joy, that you may more exactly imitate Christ Crucified and render yourself more acceptable to Him!

Picture to yourself all the torments and indignities of His Passion and amazed at His constancy, blush at your own weakness.
Look upon your sufferings as merely imaginative, when compared to His and regard your patience as not even the faintest anticipation of His.
Dread nothing so much as an unwillingness to suffer for your Saviour, rejecting such unwillingness as a suggestion from Hell.

Consider Jesus on the Cross as you would a devout book, worthy of your unceasing study and, by which you may learn the practice of the most heroic virtues.
This is the book which may truly be called the “Book of Life” [Apocalypse, III, 5], which, at once enlightens the mind by its doctrines and inflames the will by its examples.

The world is full of books but were it possible for man to read them all, he would never be so well instructed, to hate vice and embrace virtue, as by contemplating a Crucified God!

But remember that there are those who spend hours lamenting the Passion of our Lord and admiring His patience and yet, on the first occasion, betray as great an impatience, in suffering, as if they had never thought of the Cross.
Such men are like untried soldiers, who, in their barracks breathe nothing but conquest but on the first appearance of the enemy, beat
a hasty and inglorious retreat!
What is more despicable after considering, admiring and extolling the virtues of our Redeemer, than to forget them all, in an instant, when an opportunity of practicing them presents itself!”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 22 April – Meditation on the Sufferings of Christ (Part Three)

Thought for the Day – 22 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

LI: … Meditation on the Sufferings of Christ
(Part Three)

Moreover, as this Divine Saviour loved mankind to an ineffable degree, such an ardent and tender love must have caused Him much sorrow for the sins which would tear men from Him.
For He knew that no-one could sin mortally, without destroying that sanctifying grace which is the bond between Himself and the just.
And this separation would cause Jesus greater anguish of soul than dislocated limbs caused His body.
For the soul, altogether spiritual and immeasurably superior to the body, is much more delicately attuned to pain.
But of all the afflictions of our blessed Saviour, the most grievous, doubtless, was the sight of the damned, incapable of repentance, who must inevitably be banished, from His presence, for all eternity.

If the contemplation of such suffering moves you to compassion for your dying Jesus, meditate further and you will find that His excessive suffering was not caused by your sins alone; for His Precious Blood was shed, not only to cleanse you from the sins you have committed, but to preserve you from those you might have committed were you unaided by Heaven.

It is a fact that you will never be without motives for taking part in the sufferings of Jesus Crucified.
Know, moreover, that human nature never was and never will be, subject to any affliction which was unknown to Him.
He suffered from injuries, reproaches, temptations, pains, loss of goods, voluntary austerities, more acutely, than those who groan under.
For, as this tender Saviour had a perfect comprehension of any affliction of mind or body to which we are prone, even to the least pain or headache.
He must certainly have been moved with great compassion for us.

Who, however, can express what He felt at the sight of His Blessed Mother’s pain and grief?
For she shared in all the pangs and outrages which attended His Passion and, with the same views and from the same motives.
And although her sufferings were infinitely short of His, they were excruciating beyond expression.
The awareness of our Lady’s agony redoubled the sorrows of Jesus and pierced His heart still deeper.
Hence it was that a certain devout soul compared the heart of Jesus to a burning furnace in which He voluntarily suffered from the ardent flames of Divine love.

And after all, what is the cause of such unspeakable agony?
Nothing but our sins – this is the answer.

Therefore, the greatest compassion and gratitude we can possibly show towards Him, Who has suffered so much for us, is to be truly sorry for our past offences, out of pure love for Him; to detest sin with all the fervour of our soul because it is displeasing to Him and to wage ceaseless war against our evil inclinations because, they are His greatest enemies.

Thus divesting ourselves of the old man and putting on the new, we adorn our souls with virtue, in which alone, their beauty consists.

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Posted in "Follow Me", GOD ALONE!, GOD is LOVE, GOD the FATHER, QUOTES on LOVE of GOD, The PASSION, THE SPIRITUAL COMBAT - Fr Lorenzo Scupoli

Thought for the Day – 21 April – Meditation on the Sufferings of Christ (Part Two)

Thought for the Day – 21 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

LI: … Meditation on the Sufferings of Christ
(Part Two)

“If you would have a lively sorrow for your sins, let your meditation convince you that if Jesus Christ suffered so much, it was to inspire you with wholesome self-contempt and a hatred of your disorderly passions, particularly your greatest faults which are naturally most offensive to Almighty God.

And if you would excite sentiments of admiration, you need only consider that nothing is more shocking than the sight of the Creator of the universe, the Fountain of Life, butchered by His own creatures, the right of the Supreme Majesty, as it were, annihilated, Justice condemned, Beauty defiled and lost in filth, the Beloved of the Eternal Father become the hated of sinners.
Light inaccessible is overwhelmed by the powers of darkness; Uncreated glory and felicity are buried under ignominy and wretchedness!

To arouse compassion in your heart for the sufferings of your Saviour and God, exclusive of His exterior pains, consider the most acute of His sufferings, His interior anguish.
For if you are moved by the first, you will be pierced with grief at the sight of the second.
The soul of Christ beheld the Divinity in Heaven, then as clearly as it does now.
It knew how much God deserved to be honoured and, as it infinitely loved Him, desired that all creatures should love Him with all the power of their souls.
Seeing Him, therefore, so horribly dishonoured throughout the world by countless, abominable crimes, it was overwhelmed with grief that the Divine Majesty was not loved and served by all men.
As the greatness of this desire of the soul of Christ that His Father be loved, was beyond imagination, it is futile to try to comprehend the depths of His interior sufferings in the agonies of death.

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli



Thought for the Day – 20 April – Meditation on the Sufferings of Christ (Part One)

Thought for the Day – 20 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

LI: … Meditation on the Sufferings of Christ
(Part One)

That which I previously prescribed concerning the method of praying and meditating on the sufferings of our Lord and Saviour, regarded only the petition of those things of which we stand in need – now, we are to proceed to the adoption of the proper sentiments from our considerations.
For instance, if you have chosen the Crucifixion and its attendant circumstances, as the subject of your Meditation, you may dwell on the following considerations.

Consider firstly, the arrival of Jesus on Mount Calvary.
His executioners rudely stripped Him, tearing the garments off which
adhered to the torn flesh of His lacerated body.
Consider next the fresh wounds made in His Sacred Head by the Crown of Thorns, removed and reset by his barbarous executioners.
Next,visualise Him nailed to the Cross with spikes, driven through the flesh and bone into the wood with a large hammer.
Consider that His hands, not reaching the places designed for them, were stretched so violently that all His bones were dislocated, enabling the onlookers to count His very bones [Psalm XXL:18].
Then think of the actual elevation of the Cross,and the weight of Christ’s body resting on nails which tore gaping wounds in His hands and feet, giving Him excruciating pain.

If, by these and similar considerations you wish to enkindle the flames of Divine love within your heart, try to attain, by meditation, a sublime knowledge of the Infinite Goodness of your Saviour, Who, for you, condescended to suffer so much.
For the more you advance in the knowledge of His love for you, the greater will be your love and affection for Him.
Being convinced of His extraordinary charity, you will naturally conceive a sincere sorrow for having, so often and so heinously, offended Him, Who offered Himself as a sacrifice for your offences.

Proceed then to make acts of hope, considering that this great God on the Cross, had no other plan than to extirpate sin from the world, to free you from the devil, to expiate your crimes, to reconcile you to His Father and to provide a resource for you in all your necessities.
But if, after contemplating His passion, you consider its effects, your sorrow will be turned into joy.
For observe that by Christ’s Death, the sins of humanity were blotted
out, the anger of a Sovereign Judge appeased, the powers of Hell
defeated, death itself vanquished and the places of the fallen Angels filed in Heaven.
And the joy arising from such reflections will be increased by thinking of the joy with which the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin, the Church Militant and Triumphant received the glad, tidings of the Redemption of Mankind.”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli

Posted in ArchAngels and Angels, ON the SAINTS, QUOTES on MEDITATION, The COMMUNION of SAINTS, THE SPIRITUAL COMBAT - Fr Lorenzo Scupoli

Thought for the Day – 19 April – Meditation and Prayer through the Intercession of the Saints and the Angels

Thought for the Day – 19 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

L: … Meditation and Prayer through the
Intercession of the Saints and the Angels

“The TWO following METHODS of obtaining the protection of the Saints and Angels, maybe of great assistance.

The first method is to address yourself to the eternal Father, laying before Him the hymns of Heavenly choirs, the labours, persecutions and torments suffered by the Saints on earth for love of Him.
Then, in recalling their fidelity and love, beseech Him to grant your petitions.

The second method is to invoke the Angels, those blessed spirits, earnestly desirous, not only of our earthly perfection but, of our greater Heavenly perfection.
Earnestly beseech them to assist you in subduing your evil inclinations and conquering the enemies of your salvation and beg a particular remembrance at the hour of death.

Sometimes think over the extraordinary graces God has granted to the Saints and Angels and rejoice as if they had been bestowed upon yourself.– rather, let your joy be even greater, for His having bestowed such favours upon them, rather than upon yourself, for such was His Will and you should bless and praise God in the accomplishment of His Divine Plan.

To facilitate the regularity and performance of this exercise, it would be well to assign the different days of the week to the different orders of the blessed.
On Sunday, implore the intercession of the nine Angelic choirs; on Monday, invoke Saint John the Baptist; on Tuesday, the Patriarchs and Prophets; on Wednesday, the Apostles; on Thursday, the Martyrs; on Friday, Bishops and Confessors; on Saturday, the Virgins and other Saints.
But let no day pass without imploring the assistance of Our Lady, the Queen of all the Saints, your Guardian Angel, the glorious Archangel Saint Michael, or any other Saint to whom you have any particular devotion.
Moreover, beseech daily the eternal Father, His Divine Son and the Blessed Virgin that you may be particularly under the protection of Saint Joseph, the worthy spouse of the most chaste of virgins.
Then addressing yourself to this loving protector, ask with great humility, to be received into his care.
For innumerable are the instances of assistance afforded to those who have called upon St Joseph in their spiritual or temporal necessities.
Particularly, has he aided them when they stood in need of Light from Heaven and direction in their prayers.

And if God shows so much regard for the other Saints who have loved and served Him here below, how much consideration and deference will He not show, for the person He so honoured, as to pay him filial homage and obedience?”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 18 April – Considerations to Produce Confidence in the Assistance of the Blessed Virgin

Thought for the Day – 18 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XLIX: … Considerations to Produce Confidence
in the Assistance of the Blessed Virgin

“Whoever wishes to have recourse to the Blessed Virgin with confidence, must observe the following motives.

  1. Experience teaches us that a vessel which has contained perfumes, preserves their odour, especially if the perfume is in the container for any length of time, or if any remains in it, yet here, there is but a limited power, similar to the warmth carried from a fire, the source of that warmth.
    If such be the case, what are we to say of the charity and compassion of the Blessed Virgin, who for nine months, bore, and still carries in her heart, the only Son of God, the uncreated charity which knows no bounds?
    If, as often as we approach a fire, we are affected by its heat, have we not reason to believe that, whoever approaches the heart of the Mother of Mercies, ever burning with her most ardent charity, must be profoundly affected, in proportion to the frequency of his petitions, the humility and confidence in his heart?
  2. No creature ever loved Jesus Christ more ardently, nor showed more perfect submission to His Will, than Mary, His Mother.
    If then, this Saviour, immolated for us sinners, gave His Mother to us, an advocate and intercessor for all time, she cannot but comply with His request and will not refuse us her assistance.

Let us, then, not hesitate to implore her pity.
Let us have recourse to her with great confidence in all our necessities, as she is an inexhaustible source of blessings, bestowing her favours in proportion to the confidence placed in her.

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 17 April – A Method of Prayer Based on the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin

Thought for the Day – 17 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XLVIII: … A Method of Prayer Based on
the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin

Besides the Methods of Meditation already mentioned, there is another which is addressed particularly to the Blessed Virgin Mother.
We firstly consider the eternal Father, then Jesus Christ Our Lord and finally, the Blessed Mother.

With regard to the eternal Father, there are two considerations.
The first is the singular affection He cherished, from all eternity for this most chaste Virgin whom He chose to be the Mother of His Divine Son.
The second is the eminent sanctity He was pleased to bestow upon her and the many virtues she practiced in her lifetime.
Meditating on the affection of the eternal Father for our Lady, you must begin by raising your mind above all created beings – look forward to the vast expanses of eternity, enter into the Heart of God and see, with what delight He viewed the person destined one day, to become the Mother of His Son; beseech Him, by that delight, to give you sufficient strength against your enemies, especially those who most grievously afflict you.

Contemplate, then, the virtues and heroic actions of this incomparable Virgin.
Make an offering of each or all of them to God, as they are of such efficacy, as to obtain for you, divine assistance in your particular necessities.

After this address yourself to Jesus, begging Him to be mindful of that loving Mother who, for nine months carried Him in her womb, and, from the moment of His birth, paid Him the most profound adoration.
For this was her acknowledgment that this Child was at once God and Man, her Creator and her Son.
With compassion she saw Him poorly accommodated in a humble stable, nourished Him with her pure milk, kissed and embraced Him a thousand times, with maternal fondness and throughout His Life and at His Death, suffered for Him beyond expression.
Present this picture to the Saviour that He may be compelled, as it were, by such powerful motives, to hear your prayers.

Appeal to the Blessed Virgin herself, reminding her of her commission ,from all eternity, to be the Mother of Mercy and the Refuge of sinners and that, after her Divine Son, you place your
greatest confidence in her intercession.
Present to her the fact, asserted by the learned and confirmed by miracles that no-one ever called upon her with a lively faith and love, was left unaided.

Finally, remind her of the sufferings of her Son for your salvation that she may obtain of Him, the grace necessary to make proper use of His sufferings for the greater glory of that loving Saviour!”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 16 April – Another Method of Meditation 

Thought for the Day – 16 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XLVII: … Another Method of Meditation

“There is another method of prayer and meditation besides
the one to which we have referred.

In this latter method, having considered the poignant sufferings of your Saviour and His patient endurance of them, you proceed to two other considerations of equal importance.
The one, is the consideration of Christ’s Infinite merits and , the other, of that satisfaction and glory which the eternal Father received from His obedience – an obedience unto death, even the Death of the Cross.
You must represent these two considerations to the Divine Majesty, as two powerful means of obtaining the grace you seek.

This method is applicable, not only to all the Mysteries of Our Lord’s Passion but, to every exterior or interior act He performed in the course of His Passion.”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 15 April – On Meditation 

Thought for the Day – 15 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XLVI: … On Meditation

When a considerable length of time [as a half-hour, hour, or an even longer period] is to be spent in prayer, it is advisable to make a meditation on some feature of our Saviour’s Life or Passion; the reflections naturally arising from such meditation, should then be applied to the particular virtue we are striving to attain.

If, for instance, you need patience, contemplate the Mystery of your Saviour Scourged at the Pillar.
Consider firstly, the blows and revilements hurled at Him by the soldiers as they brutally drag their innocent victim to the appointed place as ordered.
Secondly, consider Him stripped of His garments, exposed to the piercing cold.
Thirdly, picture those innocent hands, bound tightly to the pillar.
Fourthly, consider His Body, torn with whips until His Blood moistened the earth.
And finally, envision the frequency of the blows, creating new wounds, re-opening others on that Sacred Body.

Dwelling on these or similar details, calculated to inspire in yourself, a love of patience, you should try to feel within your very soul the inexpressible anguish so patiently borne by your Divine Master.
Then consider the excruciating agony of His spirit and the patience and mildness with which that agony was endured by Him, Who was ready to suffer even more for God’s glory and your welfare.

Behold, then, your Master, covered with Blood, desiring nothing more earnestly than your patient acceptance of affliction and, be assured, that He implores for you, the assistance of the Heavenly Father that you may bear, with resignation, not only the cross of the moment but the crosses to come.

Strengthen, therefore, by frequent acts, your resolution to suffer, with joy and, raising your mind to Heaven, give thanks to the Father of mercies, Who didst send His Only Son into this world to suffer indescribable torments and, to intercede for you in your necessities.

Conclude your meditation by beseeching Him to grant you the virtue of patience, through the merits and intercession of this beloved Son, in Whom He is well pleased.

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 14 April – On Mental Prayer 

Thought for the Day – 14 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XLV: … On Mental Prayer

MENTAL PRAYER is the elevation of our minds to God, asking of Him, either expressly or tacitly, those things of which we stand in need.
We ask for them expressly, when we say in our hearts:
O my God, grant me this request
for the honour of Thy holy Name

Lord, I am firmly convinced
that this petition is Thy Will
and, for Thy greater honour,
I ask this petition.
Accomplish, therefore, Thy Divine Will in me.

When harassed by the attacks of the enemy, let us say:
Come swiftly, O Lord, to my assistance
lest I fall a prey to my enemy.

O God, my refuge and my strength,
help me speedily, lest I perish.

When temptation continues, we must continue the same prayer, courageously resisting the foe and, when the fury of the combat has passed, let us address ourselves to the Almighty, imploring Him to consider our weakness in the face of the enemy’s strength:
Behold, my God, Thy creature,
the work of Thy hands, a man redeemed
by Thy Precious Blood.
And behold, Satan trying to carry him
from Thee to utterly destroy him.
It is to Thee I fly for aid and it is in Thee
that I place my entire confidence,
for I know that Thou alone art Infinitely good and powerful.
Have pity on a miserable creature who stumbles
blindly, though willfully, into the path of his enemies,
as do all who forsake the assistance of Thy grace.
Help me, therefore, my only hope,
O sole strength of my soul!

We tacitly ask favours of God when we present to Him our necessities, without making any particular request.
Placing ourselves in His Divine presence, we acknowledge our incapacity to avoid evil or do good, without His aid.

We are, nevertheless, inflamed with a desire of serving Him.
Thus we must fix our eyes upon Him, waiting for His assistance with unbounded confidence and utter humility.
The confession of our weakness and the desire to serve Him, this act of faith so performed, is a silent prayer which will infallibly obtain our request from Heaven.
The more sincere the confession, the more ardent the desire and the more lively the faith, the greater will be the efficacy of the prayer before the throne of God.

There is another method of prayer similar to this but more concise, consisting as it does, in but a single act of the soul.
The soul presents her requests to the Almighty, adverting to a favour already asked and still sought, although not formally expressed.

Let us endeavour to cultivate this kind of prayer and employ it on all occasions; for experience will convince us that nothing is easier, yet nothing more excellent and efficacious!”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 13 April – On Prayer (Part Four)

Thought for the Day – 13 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

The Fourth Weapon of the Spiritual Combat
XLIV: … On Prayer (Part Four)

“Continue perseveringly in prayer; for humble perseverance vanquishes the invincible.
And, if the importunity of the widow in the Gospel, inclined to her request the unjust judge, laden with iniquity, shall a like perseverance fail to incline to our petitions that Good God, Who is Himself the plenitude of goodness?!

And, although the Lord should delay to hear and even seem to reject your prayer, pray on still and still hold fast firm and lively confidence in His aid; for, in Him, there is no lack but an Infinite superabundance of all things needful for the grace we ask.

Therefore, unless there be some fault on your part, you may rest assured either of obtaining all your petition, or something which will be more profitable to you, or, it may be, both together and the more He seems to repulse you, the more do you humble yourself in your own sight, considering your own de-merits and fixing your eyes steadfastly on the mercy of God.

Establish thus, more and more, your confidence in Him which will be most acceptable to your Lord, if you maintain it more lively and entire, the more it is assailed.

Lastly, give thanks always to God, acknowledging Him to be no less good and wise and loving, when some things are denied, than if all were granted you.
Happen what may, do you remain ever steadfast and joyful in humble submission to His Divine Providence.

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli



Thought for the Day – 12 April – On Prayer (Part Three)

Thought for the Day – 12 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

The Fourth Weapon of the Spiritual Combat
XLIV: … On Prayer (Part Three)

“5. Let your petitions be ordinarily preceded by thanksgiving for previous mercies, in the following or similar forms:
O Lord, Who, of your goodness,
have created and redeemed me
and on so many and numberless occasions,
unknown to me, have delivered me
out of the hands of my enemies;
help me now and refuse not my petitions,
although I have been ever rebellious
and ungrateful to you.

And if, while you are praying for any particular virtue, some painful occasion for its exercise should present itself, fail not to return thanks to God for the opportunity thus afforded you which is no small token of His loving-kindness.

  1. As prayer derives its efficacy and its power of propitiating God and inclining Him to our desires from the goodness and mercifulness of His own nature, from the merits of the Life and Passion of His Only-Begotten Son and from His promise to hear us, conclude your petitions with one or more of the following sentences:
    Of Thine great mercy, O Lord,
    grant me Thine grace.
    May the merits of Thine Son
    obtain for me my petition.
    Remember Thine promises, O my God
    and incline Thine ear to my prayer.”
    And at other times ask for graces through the merits of the Virgin Mary and the, Saints, who have great power with God and are greatly honoured by Him because, in this life they greatly honored His Divine Majesty!”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli



Thought for the Day – 11 April – On Prayer (Part Two)

Thought for the Day – 11 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

The Fourth Weapon of the Spiritual Combat
XLIV: … On Prayer (Part Two)

“3. When you pray, let it be your intention to will God’s Will alone and not your own, as well in asking as in obtaining that is, pray because God Wills you to pray and desire to be heard, insofar and, no farther, than He Wills. Your intention, in short, should be to unite your will to the Will of God and not to draw His Will to yours.
And this because ,your will, being infected and ruined by self-love, often errs and knows not what to ask but the Divine Will, being always united to ineffable goodness, can never err.

The Will of God is, therefore, the rule and ruler of all other wills and, it deserves and Wills to be followed and obeyed by all.
Ask, therefore, always such things as are conformable to God’s Will and, if you be in doubt whether anything be so or not, ask it on the condition of its being according to the Will of God.
And those things, (such as all virtues) which you certainly know to be agreeable to Him, ask rather, in order to serve and please Him thereby, than for any other motive, how spiritual so-ever.

  1. Be careful when you go to prayer to adorn yourself with works corresponding to your petitions and, after you have prayed, labour more earnestly still, to fit yourself for the grace and virtue you desire to obtain.
    For the exercise of prayer must be so continually accompanied by the exercise of self-discipline that the one may involve the other; otherwise, to pray for a virtue and take no trouble to obtain it, would be rather to tempt God than to serve Him!”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli



Thought for the Day – 10 April – On Prayer (Part One)

Thought for the Day – 10 April – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

The Fourth Weapon of the Spiritual Combat
XLIV: … On Prayer (Part One)

If self-distrust, trust in God,and spiritual exercises, be so needful, as has been already shown, in this conflict, needful above all is prayer (the fourth weapon above-mentioned) by means of which, we may obtain, from the Lord our God, not these alone but all other good things.
For prayer is the instrument for obtaining all the graces which flow down upon us, from that Divine Source of love and goodness.

By prayer, well used, you will put a sword into the Hand of God wherewith to fight and conquer for you!
And to use it well, you must be well exercised in the following practices, or be striving to become so.

  1. You must have an earnest desire to serve His Divine Majesty in all things, in the way most acceptable to Him.
    In order to enkindle this desire, consider well that God is supremely worthy to be served and honoured for His Supreme Excellencies, His Wisdom, Goodness, Majesty, Beauty and all His other Infinite perfections.
    That, to serve you, He laboured and suffered for three-and-thirty years; binding up and healing the putrefying sores envenomed by the poison of sin, not with oil, or wine, or linen but with the precious stream which flowed from His most Sacred veins and with His most pure Flesh torn by scourges, thorns and nails.
    And, consider further, the great value of this service.
    By it we gain the mastery over Satan and ourselves and are made the children of God Himself.
  2. You must have a lively faith and confidence that the Lord will give you all things needful for His service and your good.
    This holy confidence is the vessel which Divine Mercy fills with the treasures of His grace and the larger and more capacious it is, the more richly laden will our prayer return into our bosom.
    For how shall the Almighty and unchanging God fail to impart to us His gifts, when He has, Himself commanded us to ask for them, promising, too, to give us His Spirit, if we ask with faith and perseverance?”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 9 April– Of the Temptation to Form Rash Judgements of Our Neighbour (Part Two)

Thought for the Day – 9 April– The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XLIII: … Of the Temptation to Form
Rash Judgements of Our Neighbour (Part Two)

And know that, whenever you are so unhappy as to think any evil of your brother, then there is some root of the same evil in your own heart which, in proportion as it is ill-disposed itself, gives a ready welcome to anything like itself!

Whenever, therefore, it comes into your mind to judge another for some fault, despise your own self as guilty of the same and say, in your heart,:

How can a wretch like me, laden with this
and far worse faults, dare to lift up my head
to see and judge the faults of others!

And thus, will the weapon which, directed against another, would have wounded you, being turned against yourself, bring healing to your wounds.

If the error committed be clear and manifest, find some compassionate excuse for it and believe that in your brother are some hidden virtues, for the sake of which the Lord has suffered him to fall, or to be, for some time, subject to this failing that he may become vile in his own sight and that, being also despised by others on this account, he may reap the fruit of humiliation and render himself more acceptable to God and so, his gain may become greater than his loss.

But if the sin be not only manifest but grievous and wilfully obstinate, turn your thoughts upon God’s awful judgements.
Then you will see men who were once great sinners attaining high degrees of sanctity and others, who seemed to have reached the sublimest heights of perfection, falling into the lowest depths of perdition!

Therefore, fear and tremble for yourself, far more than for any other.
And, be assured that every good and kindly feeling towards your neighbour is the gift of the Holy Ghost and that, all rash judgement, all contempt and bitterness towards him, flow from our own evil hearts and the suggestions of Satan.
If, then, any imperfection of another has made an impression on your mind, rest not, nor give slumber to your eyes, until, to the utmost of your power, you have effaced it from your heart!”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli




Thought for the Day – 8 April– Of the Temptation to Form Rash Judgements of Our Neighbour (Part One)

Thought for the Day – 8 April– The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XLIII: … Of the Temptation to Form
Rash Judgements of Our Neighbour (Part One)

“From the same vice of self-esteem and self-conceit arises another most injurious to us, i.e. rash judgement of our neighbour, leading us to despise and disparage him.
And this fault which arises from our pride and evil inclination, is by that same pride, voluntarily nourished and increased! for, as it increases, so does pride also increase, insensibly flattering and deluding us.

For the more we presume to exalt ourselves, the more do we unconsciously depress others; while we imagine ourselves free from those imperfections which we think we perceive in them!

And the cunning tempter, who discovers this most evil disposition in us, is continually on the watch to open our eyes and keep them awake to see, investigate and exaggerate, the defects of other men.
Careless souls know not and believe not, how diligently he studies and contrives to impress upon our minds the little failings of this or that person, when he cannot discover and use our greater faults.
Therefore, as he is watching to do you harm, be you also awake, lest you fall into his snare.
And when he brings before you any defect of your neighbour, banish the thought at once and, if you still feel a temptation to pass judgement upon it, resist the impulse.

Consider that the Office of Judge has not been committed to you and that even if it were, beset as you are by a thousand passions and but too prone to think evil without just cause, you would be unable to form a righteous judgement

And, as an effective remedy against rash judgements, I would remind you to occupy your thoughts with your own defects; so will you perceive, more and more plainly every hour, how much you have to do in yourself and for yourself and you will find neither time nor inclination, to attend to the doings of others.
Besides, by faithfully performing this exercise, you will be enabled, more and more, to purge your inward sight from the malignant humours whence this pestilent vice proceeds.

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 7 April– How to Resist the Devil When he Seeks to Delude Us, by Indiscreet Zeal

Thought for the Day – 7 April– The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XLII: … How to Resist the Devil When
he Seeks to Delude Us, by Indiscreet Zeal

“When our cunning adversary perceives that we are walking onward in the path of holiness with fervent, yet well-regulated desires, being unable to draw us aside by open allurements, he transforms himself into an Angel of Light and, by suggestions of seeming friendship, words from Scripture and examples of Saints, importunately urges us to aspire indiscreetly, to the height of perfection that ,so doing, he may cause us to fall headlong from thence.

To this end, he encourages us to chastise the body with great severity, by fasts, disciplines, hair-shirts and other similar mortifications, that he may either tempt us to pride by the thought that we are doing great things which is a temptation which especially, besets women, or that we may fall sick and so be disabled from the exercise of good works; or else that from pain and over-weariness, we may take a disgust and abhorrence to spiritual exercises and thus, by degrees, grow cold in the way of godliness and, at last, give ourselves up with greater avidity than before to worldly pleasures and amusements!

This has been the end of many, who, following presumptuously the impulse of an indiscreet zeal, hav,e in their excessive outward austerities, gone beyond the measure of their interior virtue and so, have perished in their own inventions and become the sport of malicious fiends.
This would not have befallen them had they well considered what we have been saying and remembered, that these acts of painful self-discipline, praiseworthy as they are and profitable to such as have corresponding strength of body and humility of spirit, must yet be proportioned to each man’s state and condition.

And those who are unequal to labour with the Saints in similar austerities, may find other opportunities of imitating their lives by strong and effective desires and fervent prayers, aspiring after the most glorious crown of Christ’s true soldier by despising the whole world and themselves too; by giving themselves up to solitude and silence; by meekness and humility towards all men; by patience under wrongs; by doing good to those most opposed to them and, by avoiding every fault, however trivial it may be – all things far more acceptable to God than painful bodily exercises!

With regard to these, I would have you to be rather discreetly sparing, in order to be able, if necessary, to increase them, than by certain excesses of zeal, to run the risk of having to relinquish them altogether.
I say this to you, being well assured you are not likely to fall into the error of those who, though they pass for spiritual, are enticed and deluded by deceitful nature into an over-anxious care for the preservation of their bodily health.
So jealous are they and fearful of the slightest thing which might affect it that they live in constant doubt and fear of losing their physical attributes.
There is nothing of which they better love to think and speak than of the ordering of their lives in this respect.
Hence, they are ever solicitous to have food suited rather to their palate than
their stomach, which is often weakened by over-delicacy.
And although all this is done on the pretext of gaining strength, the better to serve God, it is in fact but a vain attempt to conciliate two mortal enemies, the spirit and the flesh; an attempt which injures both, instead of benefiting either; for this same over-carefulness impairs the health of the one and the devotion of the other!

A certain degree of freedom in our way of life is therefore safer and more profitable, accompanied, however, by the discretion of which I have spoken, having regard to different constitutions and states of life which cannot all be brought under the same rule.
In the pursuit of interior holiness, as well as of exterior devotion, we should proceed with moderation, as has been shown before, on the subject of the gradual acquisition of virtues.”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 6 April– We Must Never Wish to be Delivered from theTrials we are Patiently Enduring

Thought for the Day – 6 April– The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XLI: … We Must Never Wish to be Delivered from the
Trials we are Patiently Enduring

“When you shall find yourself in any painful position and bearing it patiently, take heed lest the devil or your own self-love persuade you to desire deliverance from it; for you may thereby, incur two great evils.

+++ Firstly – If this desire should not rob you at once of the virtue of patience, it would at least gradually dispose you to impatience.
+++ Secondly – Your patience would become defective and would be rewarded by God only according to the duration of the suffering; whereas, if you had not desired to be freed from it but had committed yourself wholly to His Divine goodness, your sufferings, although but of an hour’s duration, or even less, would have been accepted by your Lord as an enduring service.

In this, then and in all things, make it your unvarying rule, to keep your wishes so far removed from every other object that they may tend simply to their true and only end, the Will of God.
For thus, will they be ever right and true and, in any cross, or accident which may occur, you will be not only tranquil but content because, as nothing can happen without the Supreme Will, by willing the same, you will come, at all times, both to will all that happens and to possess all that you desire!

This must not be understood either of our own sins or those of others, for God Wills not these but, it applies to every chastisement arising from them, or from any other cause, although it be so keen and searching, as to reach the very bottom of the heart and, to wither the very roots of the natural life; a cross wherewith God is sometimes pleased to favour His nearest and dearest friends.

And, what I say of the patience which you are bound to practice on all occasions, is to be understood of that portion of any trouble, which still remains, after we have used all lawful means of relief and which, it is the Will of God that we should endure.

And, in the use of these means, we should be guided by the Will and disposal of God, Who has appointed them to be used, not to please ourselves but because He so Wills; nor as loving or desiring deliverance from suffering beyond what is required for His service and by His Will!”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 5 April–Of the Time to be Given to the Exercise of Each Virtue and Of the Signs of Progress (Part Two)

Thought for the Day – 5 April– The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XL: … Of the Time to be Given to the Exercise
of Each Virtue and Of the Signs of Progress (Part Two)

“And the greater the alacrity and joyfulness of spirit which accompanies these acts, the greater may be our hope that we have derived protit from this exercise.

We must beware, however, of assuming, as a certainty, that we have acquired any virtue, or entirely subdued any one passion, even though, after a long time and after many struggles, we may have ceased to feel its motions within us.
For here too, the arts and devices of Satan and our own deceitful nature, may find place, since that which is really vice seems to our lurking pride, to be virtue.
Besides, if we look to the perfection to which God calls us, we shall hardly persuade ourselves, however great the progress we have made in the way of holiness, that we have even crossed its threshold!

Return, therefore, to your first exercises, as a young soldier and a newborn babe but just beginning to struggle, as if you had hitherto done nothing.

And remember to attend rather to advancement in holiness, than to an examination of your progress; for the Lord God, the true and only Searcher of our hearts, gives this knowledge to some and withholds it from others, according as He sees that it will lead to pride or to humility and, as a loving Father, He removes a danger from one, while to another, He offers an opportunity of increase in holiness.

Therefore, although the soul does not perceive its progress, let it continue these exercises; for they shall be seen when it will please the Lord, for the soul’s greater good, to make it known to it.”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Posted in QUOTES on SANCTITY, QUOTES on TIME, QUOTES on VIRTUE, QUOTES on Will (Sensual or Inferior), THE SPIRITUAL COMBAT - Fr Lorenzo Scupoli

Thought for the Day – 4 April–Of the Time to be Given to the Exercise of Each Virtue and Of the Signs of Progress (Part One)

Thought for the Day – 4 April– The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XL: … Of the Time to be Given to the Exercise
of Each Virtue and Of the Signs of Progress (Part One)

“It is not for me to determine the time to be given to the exercise of each several virtue.
This must be regulated by the state and necessities of individuals, by the progress they are making in their spiritual course and, by the judgement of their director.

But, if we set ourselves faithfully and diligently to work after the manner I have described, there is no doubt but that, in a few weeks’ time, we shall have made no little progress.

It is a sign of advancement in holiness if we persevere in our exercises of virtue amid dryness, darkness and anguish of spirit and the withdrawal of spiritual consolation.

Another clear indication will be the degree of resistance made by the senses to the performance of acts of virtue; for the weaker this resistance, the greater will be our progress.
When, therefore, we cease to experience any opposition or rebellion in the inferior and sensual will and, more especially, in sudden and unexpected assaults, we may look upon it as a sign that we have acquired the virtue.

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 3 April– How to Avail Ourselves of Occasions for the Exercise of a Single Virtue

Thought for the Day – 3 April– The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XXXIX: … How to Avail Ourselves of Occasions
for the Exercise of a Single Virtue

We have already seen that it is more profitable to exercise ourselves, for a time, in a single virtue than in many at once and that, we should use, with this view, the occasions we meet with, however diverse they may be.
Now learn how to accomplish this, with tolerable success.

It may happen that in the same day, or even in the same hour, we are approved for something in which we have done well, or blamed on some other account; we may be harshly refused some favour we have asked, it maybe a mere trifle; we may be unjustly suspected; or, we may be called upon to endure some bodily pain, or some petty annoyance, such as a dish badly cooked; or some more heavy affliction and more difficult to be borne, may befall us, such as this wretched life is full of!

Although, in the variety of these or similar occurrences, we may perform various acts of virtue, yet, if we would keep to the rule laid down, we shall continue to exercise ourselves in acts wholly conformable to the virtue we have at the time in hand; as for example:

+++If, when these occasions present themselves, we are exercising ourselves in patience, we shall endure them all willingly and with a joyful heart.

+++If our exercise be of humility, we shall, in all these little crosses, acknowledge ourselves to be deserving of every possible ill.

+++If of obedience, we shall submit ourselves at once to the Almighty Hand of God, as well as, to all created things, whether rational or even inanimate which may have caused us these annoyances and this, to please Him because He has so willed it.

+++If of poverty, we shall be well content to be stripped and robbed of all earthly consolations, whether great or small.

+++If of charity, we shall produce acts of love towards our neighbour as the instrument of good to us and towards our Lord God, as the first and loving cause whence these annoyances proceed, or by Whom they are permitted for our spiritual exercise and improvement.

From what has been said of the various accidents which may befall us daily, we may also learn how, during a single trial of long duration, such as sickness or other like affliction, we may yet continue to produce acts of that virtue in which we are at the time exercising ourselves.

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 2 April– Esteem All Opportunities of Fighting for the Acquisition of Virtue (Part Two)

Thought for the Day – 2 April– The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XXXVIII: … Esteem All Opportunities of
Fighting for the Acquisition of Virtue (Part Two)

The other consideration (of which we have already spoken) is, that all events which befall us come from God, for our good, in order that we may derive fruit therefrom.

And although, as we have said before, some of these occasions, such as our own defects, or those of others, cannot be said to be of God, Who wills not sin, yet they are from Him, inasmuch as He permits them and though able to hinder them, hinders them not.
But all the sorrows and afflictions which come upon us, either by our own fault or the malice of others, are both from God and of God because He concurs in them and that, which He would not have us do, as being full of a deformity beyond measure hateful to His most pure eyes, He would yet have us suffer, for our greater advancement in holiness, or for some other wise reason unknown to us.

Seeing, then, that it is most assuredly our Lord’s will that we should suffer willingly, any Cross which may come upon us, either from others or from our own evil deeds, to say, as many do in excuse for their impatience that God wills not evil but abhors it, is a vain pretext, whereby to cover our own faults and avoid the Cross which He wills us to bear.

Nay, I will say further, that supposing all other circumstances the same, our Lord is more pleased with our patient endurance of trials which come upon us from the wickedness of men, especially of those, whom we have served and benefited, than with our endurance of other grievous annoyances.
And this because, our proud nature is, for the most part, more humbled by the former than by the latter and also because, by willingly enduring them, we do above measure, please and magnify our God, co-operating with Him in that, wherein His ineffable goodness and omnipotence shine forth most brightly, namely, in extracting from the deadly poison of malice and wickedness, the sweet and precious fruit of holiness and virtue!

No sooner, therefore, does our Lord perceive in us an earnest desire to attempt and persevere in so glorious an undertaking, than He prepares a chalice of strongest temptation and strongest trial, for us, that we may drink it at the appointed hour and we, recognising therein His love and our own good, should receive it willingly and blindly, confidently and promptly drinking it to the very dregs, as a medicine compounded by a Hand which cannot err; of ingredients the more profitable to the soul, in proportion to their intrinsic bitterness!”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli



Thought for the Day – 1 April– Esteem All Opportunities of Fighting for the Acquisition of Virtue (Part One)

Thought for the Day – 1 April– The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XXXVIII: … Esteem All Opportunities of
Fighting for the Acquisition of Virtue (Part One)

I shall not be contented to have you simply NOT shun the opportunities which may present themselves of attaining the different virtues, – for, I would have you esteem them as goods of great price and value – seek and embrace them joyfully whenever they present themselves and, account those dearest and most precious which are most repugnant to nature!

To this end, by the Divine assistance, you will be enabled to attain, by impressing strongly upon your mind, the following considerations:
Firstly – that opportunities are means adapted, nay, necessary, for the attainment of virtue.
When, therefore, you pray to the Lord for any virtue, you at the same time ask for occasions to exercise it; or else would your prayer be vain and you would be contradicting yourself and tempting your God, Who does not usually give patience without tribulation, nor humility without humiliations!

The same may be said of all virtues which are most surely attained by means of Crosses.
And the more painful these are, the more effectually do they aid us and, therefore, the more acceptable and welcome should they be.
For acts of virtue performed in such circumstances, are more generous and energetic and open to us, an easier and more speedy way to virtue.

But, we ought also, to value and not to leave without its appropriate exercise, the most trifling occasion, though it be but a word or a look which crosses our will – because, the acts thus produced, are more frequent, though less intense, than those called forth by circumstances of great difficulty.”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 24 March – Do Not Shun Any Opportunity which Offers the Attainment of Virtue

Thought for the Day – 24 March – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XXXVII: … Do Not Shun Any Opportunity
which Offers the Attainment of Virtue

We have seen very clearly that we must go forward without ever stopping in the way of perfection.
To this end, we ought to be very careful and vigilant, not to let slip any opportunity which may present itself for the attainment of any virtue.
For they have very little knowledge of this way, who avoid, as much as they can, all such adverse things as might greatly assist their progress.

For, not to forget my accustomed advice, if you would acquire the habit of patience, it is not expedient to avoid those persons, actions, or thoughts which move you to impatience.
Withdraw not, therefore, from the society of anyone because it is disagreeable but, whilst conversing and holding intercourse with those who most annoy you, keep your will always ready and disposed, to endure whatever may befall you, however wearisome and annoying; for otherwise, you will never learn to be patient.

In like manner, if you find any occupation irksome, either in itself, or because of the person who imposed it upon you, or because it hinders you from doing something else more pleasing, do not, therefore, shrink from undertaking and persevering in it, although it disquiets you and although you think to find peace by neglecting it; for this would be no true peace, as proceeding, not from a soul
purified from passion and adorned with virtues, neither could you ever, in this way, learn to suffer.

I would say the same of harassing thoughts — which, at times, will annoy and disturb your mind.
There is no need to drive them entirely from you, for besides the pain they occasion, they accustom you too, to bear contradiction.
And to give you contrary advice, would be to teach you rather to shun labour, than to attain to that virtue which you have in view.

It is very true that it becomes every man and especially the tried soldier, to defend himself on these occasions with vigilance and dexterity – now confronting his enemies, now evading them, according to the measure of spiritual strength and virtue which he has attained.

But, for all this, he must never actually turn back and retreat, so as to leave behind all opposition, for, even if we thereby save ourselves for the time, from the peril of falling, we shall risk exposing ourselves, more to future attacks of temptation, not being armed and fortified beforehand, by the exercise of the contrary virtue.
This counsel, however, applies not to the sins of the flesh, of which we have already spoken more particularly.”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli

Posted in QUOTES on VIRTUE, QUOTES on WATCHING, QUOTES on Will (Sensual or Inferior), THE SPIRITUAL COMBAT - Fr Lorenzo Scupoli

Thought for the Day – 23 March – Proceed with Unceasing Watchfulness in the Exercise of Virtue

Thought for the Day – 23 March – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XXXVI: … Proceed with Unceasing Watchfulness
in the Exercise of Virtue

“One of the most important and necessary means for the attainment of virtue, besides what has been already taught, is to press forward continually to the end we have proposed to ourselves, lest by standing still, we fall back.

For, when we cease to produce acts of virtue, many unruly passions are generated within us by the violent inclination of the sensitive appetite and, by other exterior influences, whereby virtue is destroyed, or at least diminished and moreover, we thus lose many gifts and graces with which our Lord might have rewarded our further progress.

Therefore, the spiritual journey is different from the course of the earthly traveller; for he, by standing still, loses nothing of the ground already gained as is the case with him, who travels heavenward.
And moreover, the weariness of the earthly pilgrim increases with the continuance of his bodily motion, while, in the spiritual journey, the farther a man advances, the more does his vigour and strength increase!

For, by the exercise of virtue, the resistance of the inferior part of the soul which made the way difficult and wearisome, grows daily weaker while the superior part, wherein the virtue resides, is estalished, in the same proportion and strengthened.

Hence, as we advance in holiness, the pain which accompanied the progress, gradually diminishes and, a certain secret joy which, by the Divine operation, is mingled with that pain, increases hourly more and more.
And thus, proceeding with increasing ease and delight, from virtue to virtue, we at last reach the mountaintop, where the perfected spirit henceforth labours
without weariness but, rather with joy and ecstasy because, having now tamed and conquered its unruly passions and overcome itself and all created things, it dwells forever blessed in the bosom of the Most High and there, while sweetly labouring, takes its rest. Amen.”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli


Thought for the Day – 22 March – Of the Means Whereby Virtues are Acquired (Part Two)

Thought for the Day – 22 March – The Spiritual Combat (1589) – Dom Lorenzo Scupoli OSM (c1530-1610)

None shall be crowned who has not fought well.” 2 Tim 2: 5

XXXV: … Of the Means Whereby Virtues
are Acquired (Part Two)

The Sacred Words of Holy Scripture, either uttered with the lips or pondered in the heart, as may best suit our case, have a marvellous power to aid us in this exercise.
We should, therefore, have many such in readiness to bear upon the virtue we wish to practice and these, we should repeat continually throughout the day and especially, at each rising of the rebellious passion.

For instance, if we are striving to attain the virtue of patience, we may repeat the following words, or others like them:

My children, suffer patiently the wrath which is come upon you.” Baruch 4:25.
The patience of the poor, shall not perish for ever.” Psalm 9:18.
The patient man is better than the valiant and he who ruleth his spirit, than he who taketh cities.” Proverbs 16:32.
In your patience you shall possess your souls.” Luke 21:19.
Let us run with patience to the fight proposed to us.” Hebrews 12:1.

To the same end, we may, in like manner, use such prayers as the following:

When, O my God, shall this heart of mine be armed with the buckler of patience?
When shall I learn to bear every trouble with a quiet mind, so I may please my Lord?”
O most dear sufferings which liken me unto my Lord Jesus, crucified for me!
Only Life of my soul, I shall ever, for Thy glory, live contented amid a thousand torments!
How blessed shall I be, if, in the midst of the fire of tribulation, I burn with the desire of even greater sufferings!

Let us use these short prayers and others suitable to our advancement in holiness so that we may acquire the spirit of devotion.
These short prayers are called Ejaculations because they are darted like javelins towards Heaven.
They have great power to speed us towards virtue and will penetrate even to the heart of God, if only they have these two accompaniments for their wings:

+++ The one – a full certainty that our exercise of virtue is greatly pleasing to our God.
+++ The other – a true and fervent desire for the attainment of virtue, for the sole end of pleasing His Divine Majesty.”

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli