Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 4 December – St Bernardo degli Uberti OSB Vall. (c1060-1133) Cardinal Bishop – a fascinating Saint who even Pablo Picasso could not resist painting

Saint of the Day – 4 December – St Bernardo degli Uberti OSB Vall. (c1060-1133) Cardinal Bishop, Benedictine Vallombrosan Monk, Abbot of San Salvi Monastery, Abbot-General of the Vallombrosans. Created a Cardinal by Pope Urban II in 1097. Papal legate, Bishop of Parma, Italy in 1106. Exiled twice during disputes with Anti–Papal forces opposing Pope Saint Gregory VII. Born in c1060 in Florence, Italy and died on 4 December 1133 in Parma, Italy of natural causes. Patronage – of Pavia. – A fascinating Saint who even Pablo Picasso could not resist painting (2nd image below – maybe Senor Picasso’s ‘Blue Period?’

Bernardo was born around 1060 in Florence in the region of Tuscany in central Italy. His father’s name was Bruno and he came from a noble family which, in the following Century, took the name Uberti. But Bernardo gave up a life of power and luxury and, in July 1085, gave his inheritance to relatives, friends and the Town’s Monastery of San Salvi. He himself became a Monk in the Vallombrosan Order in the Mother house Monastery in Vallombrosa. It was an ascetic community, founded not long before, by Saint John Gualbertus .

In time, Bernardo was elected Abbot of San Salvio and then the 4th or 5th Abbot-General of the Vallombrosan Order. Under his leadership, the Order spread from Tuscany into Emilia Romagna and Lombardy. In 1097, while holding Office as Abbot-General, he was appointed Cardinal by the Blessed Pope Urban II (1088-1099) and he was entrusted with various assignments as Papal Vicar in northern Italy and Legate of Canossa. On behalf of Pope Paschalis II (1099-1118), he promoted the Ecclesiastical reform in many Cities in northern Italy. In 1106, on the occasion of the Consecration of the new Cathedral, Pope Paschalis II appointed Bernardo as the Bishop of Parma. Pope Paschalis himself, Consecrated Bernardo and under his guidance and governance, Parma became a centre of the reform movement.

At a time when many Bishops, not only accepted but sought secular power, Bernardo renounced all the secular power which his predecessors in the Episcopate had received. He never forgot and did not let others forget that he had been trained as a Monk in a very ascetic school and, so far as was compatible with his duties, he maintained his monastic observances.

Parma was, at this time, seriously affected by several schisms. First, on 28 October 1061, Bishop Peter Cadalus of Parma had established himself as antipope Honorius II (1061-1072) and then there were other Bishops who supported Archbishop Guibert (Wibert) of Ravenna, who, on 25 June 1080, also established himself as antipope Clement III (1080-1100). Bernardo was a zealous supporter of the true Pope, Saint Gregory VII (1073-1085) and his reforms. He was a particular opponent of simony which was widespread in his Diocese. He proved a very successful Bishop but was twice banished from Parma. The first time was in 1104 by the followers of the antipope Maginulf or Sylvester IV (1105-1111), who arrested him at the Altar, on 15 August 1104. He was in exile for two years.

In 1124, for the Vallombrosan Order, Bernardo obtained protection from Emperor Henry V (1106-1125) Emperor from 1111. In the investiture dispute, Bernardo took an intermediate position but nevertheless, he was arrested, together with the Pope, by Emperor Henry V.

In 1127 there was a civil war in Germany and the Hohenstaufen elevated Duke Frederick II of Swabia’s brother, Konrad of Staufen (Henry V’s nephew), to counter-king (1127-35) against Lothar III (1125-1137). Pope Honorius II (1124-1130) Excommunicated Konrad in 1128, along with Archbishop Anselm of Milan, who had crowned him King of Lombardy. Bernardo also protested against the elevation of Konrad and he was, therefore, then again driven into exile. In 1133, Lothar came to Rome to be crowned Emperor . Bernardo continued to attempt a mediatation and while he was already suffering in his last illness, he received Lothar in Verona, on his way to Rome.

Bernardo had returned to his See, when, on 4 December 1133, he died in Parma. The Vallombrosans immediately began to venerate him as a Saint and his Relics were already elevated, on 3 December 1139 by his successor as Bishop, Lanfranc. At the time, this was equivalent to a Canonisation. His Memorial day is the day of his death on 4 December and his name appears in the Martyrologium Romanum. His tomb is in the Chancel of the Cathedral in Parma and Relics are found in Vallombrosa, Florence and Parma.

The Vallombrosans consider St Bernardo as their “third father” after Saints Benedict of Nursia and John Gualbertus. In art, he is most often portrayed as a Cardinal, sometimes being carried to Heaven by Angels. He is sometimes depicted preaching, giving alms, blessing, casting out demons, or appearing to devoted followers after his death.

St Bernardo being carried to Heaven by Angels – the ceiling of Pavia Cathedral


Passionate Catholic. Being a Catholic is a way of life - a love affair "Religion must be like the air we breathe..."- St John Bosco Prayer is what the world needs combined with the example of our lives which testify to the Light of Christ. This site, which is now using the Traditional Calendar, will mainly concentrate on Daily Prayers, Novenas and the Memorials and Feast Days of our friends in Heaven, the Saints who went before us and the great blessings the Church provides in our Catholic Monthly Devotions. This Site is placed under the Patronage of my many favourite Saints and especially, St Paul. "For the Saints are sent to us by God as so many sermons. We do not use them, it is they who move us and lead us, to where we had not expected to go.” Charles Cardinal Journet (1891-1975) This site adheres to the Catholic Church and all her teachings. PLEASE ADVISE ME OF ANY GLARING TYPOS etc - In June 2021 I lost 95% sight in my left eye and sometimes miss errors. Thank you and I pray all those who visit here will be abundantly blessed. Pax et bonum! 🙏

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