The Monthly Novena to the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague – The Fifth Day – 20 December

The Monthly Novena to the
Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague

There are two standard Novenas to the Infant Jesus of Prague – the one we will use below and the other for the Feast on 2 January. The Monthly Novena attracts Indulgences (see Note below).

The more you honour Me,
the more I will bless you.

Devotion of the Saints to the Holy Infant:
Members of the Carmelite Order have been zealous, at all times, in promoting devotion to the Holy Infant of Prague.
In particular might we mentioned a certain Father Ildephonse. This Priest always carried a picture of the Infant Jesus on his person and on one occasion was miraculously saved from shipwreck by imploring His assistance.
It has been ordained that in all Convents of Our Lady of Mt Carmel, whether of men or of women, a Statue of the Holy Infant should be set up for veneration.
St. Teresa of Jesus, the celebrated reformer of the Carmelite Order, was very fond of this devotion. The Blessed Crescentia of Kaufbeuern also
possessed a Statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague which she had adorned with a beautiful dress.
St Clement Maria Hofbauer, a Redemptorist, was another ardent worshiper of the Divine Infant and always had a Statue of the Little King in his room.

The Infant’s Patronage is especially sought for:
vocations, good health, financial issues, a holy family life, schools, the welfare of children, freedom and peace, the missions and safety in travel.

The Fifth Day


  1. Eternal Father, I offer to Thy honour and glory,
    for my own salvation and that of the whole world,
    the Mystery of the Birth of our Divine Saviour.
    Glory be to the Father, etc.
  2. Eternal Father, I offer to Thy honour and glory
    and for my eternal salvation and that of the whole world,
    the sufferings of the most holy Virgin and of St Joseph,
    in that long and weary journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem.
    I offer Thee the sorrow of their hearts
    when they found no place wherein to shelter themselves,
    when the Saviour of the world was born.
    Glory be to the Father, etc.
  3. Eternal Father, I offer to Thy honour and glory
    and for my eternal salvation and that of the whole world,
    the sufferings of Jesus in the stable where He was born,
    the cold He endured, the swaddling clothes which bound Him,
    the tears He shed and His tender Infant cries.
    Glory be to the Father, etc.
  4. Eternal Father, I offer to Thy honour and glory
    and for my eternal salvation and that of the whole world,
    the pain which the Holy Child Jesus felt in His tender body,
    when He submitted to circumcision.
    I offer Thee that Precious Blood which then,
    for the first time He shed for the salvation
    of the whole humanrace.
    Glory be to the Father, etc.
  5. Eternal Father, I offer to Thy honour and glory
    and for my eternal salvation and that of the whole world,
    the humility, mortification, patience, charity,
    all the virtues of the Child Jesus
    and I thank Thee and I love Thee
    and I bless Thee without end,
    for the ineffable Mystery of
    the Incarnation of the Divine Word.
    Glory be to the Father, etc.

The Word was made Flesh,
And dwelt among us.

O God, Whose Only-begotten Son
was made manifest to us in the substance of our flesh,
grant, we beseech Thee, that through Him,
Whom we acknowledge to be like unto ourselves,
our souls may be inwardly renewed.
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee
forever and ever.

7 years Indulgence each day, if the above prayers are recited on the 9 days preceding the 25th of any month. Plenary Indulgence under the usual conditions, when the Novena is completed. (125)

More about the Infant:


Thought for the Day – 20 December – The Swaddling Clothes of the Divine Infant

Thought for the Day – 20 December – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

Christmas Novena V
The Swaddling Clothes
of the Divine Infant

The swaddling clothes of the Infant Jesus are finally, symbols of the bonds of love which should unite us to our neighbour.
Let us always remember that we shall never love God sincerely, as long as we do not love our neighbour.
This is My commandment” Jesus said, “that you love one another as I have loved you” (Jn 15:12).
This means that we must love our neighbour, not only in word but, in deed.
We must make sacrifices on his behalf and must even be prepared to die for him!

In practice, how do we love our fellowman?
Are we prepared to spend time, money and energy, in order to alleviate the material and spiritual afflictions which beset so many of our brothers?
If we refuse to do so, our piety is hard and false and, is an insult to Almighty God!

Antonio Cardinal Bacci



Quote/s of the Day – 20 December – Love one another …

Quote/s of the Day – 20 December – “The Month of the Divine Infancy and the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary” The Vigil of St Thomas, Apostle – Ember Wednesday, Third Week of Advent – Sirach 44:25-27, 45:2-4, 45:6-9; John 15:12-16 – Scripture search here:

This is My commandment
that you love one another,
as I have loved you.

John 15:12

“To love our neighbour, in charity,
is to love God, in man.

(Treatise on the Love of God Book 10 Chapter 11)

We should always love our neighbour,
as in the breast of Christ

(The Spirit of St François de Sales II, 1)

We must help one another,
as much as we can
and leave the rest to God.

(Letters to Persons in Religion,I, 8)

Love the poor and poverty,
for it is by this love
that you shall become truly poor.

(Introduction to the Devout Life
Part III Chapter 15)

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
Doctor of the Church

Posted in "Follow Me", CHRIST the WORD and WISDOM, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, LOVE of NEIGHBOUR, ONE Minute REFLECTION, QUOTES on LOVE of GOD, The HOLY GHOST, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 20 December – This is My commandment that you love one another …

One Minute Reflection – 20 December – “The Month of the Divine Infancy and the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary” – The Vigil of St Thomas, Apostle – Ember Wednesday, Third Week of Advent – Sirach 44:25-27, 45:2-4, 45:6-9; John 15:12-16 – Scripture search here:

This is My commandment that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love than this no man hath that a man lay down his life for his friends.” – John 15:12-13

REFLECTION – “We cannot truly love God without loving our neighbour, nor can we truly love our neighbour without loving God. This is why … the Holy Ghost was given a second time to the disciples. First He was given by the Lord while He was still dwelling on earth and later, while He was watching over us in Heaven (Jn 20:22; Acts 2). He was given to us on earth, that we may love our neighbours; from Heaven, that we may love God. Why first on earth and later from Heaven – except for the reason given us openly by John: “How can anyone, who does not love his brother, whom he sees love God Whom he does not see?”

So let us love our neighbours, my friends, let us love the one who is near us, so that we may be able to attain the love of the One, Who is above us! Let our hearts reflect on what our neighbours hold up to God, so that we may be found completely worthy, to rejoice in God with them. Then shall we reach the happiness of the heavenly multitude, the happiness of which, we have received an assurance from the Holy Spirit. Let us move forward toward that goal, where we shall be happy without end, with all our love. There is the holy community of heavenly citizens, there is the sure and solemn observance, there untroubled rest, there the true peace which is no longer dependent on us but given to us through our Lord Jesus Christ (Jn 14:27).” – St Gregory the Great (540-604) Pope, Father and Doctor of the Church (Excerpt Sermons on the Gospel No 30).

PRAYER – Put forth Thy power, O Lord, we beseech Thee and delay not and with Thy great might, come to our aid, so that what is hindered by our sins, maybe hastened by Thy merciful goodness. Who livest and reignest with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen (Collect)

Posted in ADVENT PRAYERS, CATHOLIC DEVOTIONS of the Month, DIVINE Mercy, Goodness, Patience, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, The DIVINE INFANT

Our Morning Offering – 20 December – Let Your Goodness, Lord, Appear to Us By St Bernard

Our Morning Offering – 20 December – “The Month of the Divine Infancy and the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary” – Ember Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent

Let Your Goodness, Lord, Appear to Us
An Advent Prayer
By St Bernard (1090-1153)
Father and Mellifluous Doctor

Let Your goodness, Lord,
appear to us,
that we, made in Your image,
conform ourselves to it.
In our own strength
we cannot imitate
Your majesty, power and wonder,
nor is it fitting for us to try.
But Your mercy reaches from the heavens
through the clouds to the earth below.
You have come to us as a small child
but You have brought us
the greatest of all gifts,
the gift of eternal love.
Caress us with Your tiny hands,
embrace us with Your tiny arms
and pierce our hearts
with Your soft, sweet cries.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 20 December – Saint Ursicinus of Saint-Ursanne (c552-c625) Abbot

Saint of the Day – 20 December – Saint Ursicinus of Saint-Ursanne (c552-c625) Abbot, Hermit, disciple of St Columban (543-615).  Born in c552 in either France or Ireland and died on 20 December in c625 near modern St-Ursanne, Jura, Switzerland of natural causes. Patronages – against stiff neck, Besançon in France, in Switzerland – Basel, Saint-Ursanne. Also known as – Ursicino del Giura, Ursan, Ursitz, Ursanne. Additional Memorial – 24 July in the Diocese of Basel, Switzerland.

Reliquary of St Ursicinu , 1519, in the Monastery Church in St Ursanne

The cult of St Ursicinus, a Hermit in the Jura, is attested in this Swiss region since the third part of the 7th Century. In fact, already before 67, the Abbot German of Moûtier-Grandval, had built a Church in our Saint’s honour near Grandval.

Furthermore, an ancient document reports that Abbot St Wandregisel (Died 668), built a Monastery around 630 in the same place where Ursicinus rested.

The Sarcophagus of the Hermit Saint, dating to the 7th Century, is still venerated in the beautiful Church of St Ursanne (Ursicinus), located in the bend of the Doubs river which rises in the French Jura and enters Swiss territory for a short stretch, forming the aforementioned bend, on whose shore the Church is located.

Altar and Sarcophagus in the Monastery Church in St Ursanne

As regards the life of Ursicinus, everything that the Hagiographers have considered and spread, comes from an ancient document, first cited by the Jesuit Claudio Sudan (1579-1665) in his work “Sacred Basel” but which unfortunately, he did not transcribe verbatim. The document was a liturgical legend in 24 lessons, which was composed at the request of Bishop Hugh I of Besançon, the Diocese to which the Hermit Ursicinus then belonged.

This ‘Vita’ which was lost, said that Ursicinus was an Irish Monk, a companion of St Colomban (543-615), the Abbot who emigrated from Ireland to France and then to Italy, where he founded the Monastery of Bobbio in 614. Ursicinus, who had followed the Abbot Colomban, together with the Monks Gallus, Sigisbert, Fromond, in the Gaul of the time, when in 610, they had to leave Luxeuil in French territory, split from his master who was headed for Italy and with Fromond, he went up the mountain range of Franco-Swiss Jura, looking for a suitable place for a Hermit’s life.

This Statue rests in the Hermitage Shrine

Tradition says that Ursicinus proposed to his fellow Monk to throw their sticks into the air from the top of a mountain, thus letting Heaven decide the correct indication at the point of where they fell. The sticks fell in different places and the two companions were separated, Ursicinus’ fell near a cave, in the valley of the Doubs river, where he retired as a Hermit.

St Ursicinus’ Hermitage

In this place he built a Chapel dedicated to St Peter and which would, in the future, take his name. Soon his fame attracted various disciples, so Ursicinus founded a Monastery for them, under the rule of his master, St Columban and under his governance.

After about ten years of an exemplary hmonastic life, Saint Ursicinus died around 625. Hhis name is found in the Litanies of the Saints venerated in Besançon since the 11th Century and in the Martyrology of the same Diocese today, 20 December.

The Monastery he founded in the Doubs valley underwent various changes over time, passed to the Benedictines, in 1040 it was dependent on that of Moûtier-Grandval, then in 1077 it was assigned to the Bishops of Basel. In 1119, one of these Bishops established a Collegiate Church there which lasted until 1793 when it was destroyed.

The Monastery of St Ursicinus

The Town of Saint Ursanne arose around the Monastery. He is venerated throughout the Northern Jura, in Besançon, Mainz, Basel. Images of him show him holding a book and lilies.


Vigil of St Thomas, EMBER WEDNESDAY, Apostle, Christmas Novenas – Fifth Day, Notre-Dame de Molène / Our Lady of Molene, France (1075) and the Saints for 20 December

Christmas Novena to the Divine Infant Jesus
By St Alphonsus Maria de Liguori (1696-1787)

The Monthly Novena to the Miraculous
Infant Jesus of Prague

EMBER WEDNESDAY – Fast and Abstinence
In case you have forgotten about Ember Days as they are not promoted or encouraged since Vatican II, here is a reminder:

St Attala of Strasbourg
St Bajulus of Rome
St Crescentius of Africa
St Damian of Padua
St Dominic of Brescia

St Eugene of Arabia
St Hoger of Hamburg-Bremen (Died 916) Bishop
Bl John de Molina
St Julius of Gelduba
Bl Lorenzo Company
St Liberatus of Rome
St Macarius of Arabia
St Malou of Hautvillers
St Paul of Latra
Blessed Peter de la Cadireta

St Thomas of Dover
St Ursicinus of Saint-Ursanne (c552-c625) Abbot