Posted in Against ICONOCLASM, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 20 February – St Leo of Catania (c720-789) Bishop

Saint of the Day – 20 February – St Leo of Catania (c720-789) Bishop, Defender of Sacred Images for which opposition he was forced to flee into exile for some years, Hermit. Born in c720 in Ravenna, Italy and died on 20 February 789 in Etna, Sicily, Italy, natural causes. St Leo was the 15th Bishop of Catania, Sicily, famed for his love and care for the poor, his brave opposition to the iconoclastic Government of the time and for his Miracles. Sadly I have found no accounts of his miracles but by the artworks below, it seems they were renowned in their day. Patronages – of these Cities and Towns in Sicily, Italy : Longi, Ronetta, Saracena, Sinagra. Also known as – “Il Maraviglioso” (the Wonderworker) or “He who performs Miracles” Leone.

The Roman Martyrology reads: “In Catania, Sicily, St Leo, the Bishop, illustrious vor virtue and miracles.

Leo was born in Ravenna in around 720. Since his childhood, he felt the call of God. It is said that his mother saw him on his knees absorbed in prayer at the age of two. While still very young, he entered the Order of Benedictine Monks and moved to Reggio Calabria. Here he remained until he was elected Bishop of Catania. It is reported that the people of Catania had received an angelic vision in a collective dream, wherein they were informed that Leo was the perfect choice to hold the office of their new Bishop. Initially, Leo, not considering himself worthy, did not want to accept but after the insistence of the Catanian faithful, he became thei 15th Bishop of Catania.

In those years, the ferocious destruction of sacred images “iconoclasm – considered a sign of idolatry” was taking place throughout the Byzantine Empire. Those who did not obey the edict which forbid the use of sacred images, were imprisoned and often ended in exile and even Martyrdom. The Bishop of Catania openly opposed the imperial laws. For this reason, the Byzantine Governor of Sicily, ordered Leo’s arrest who was forced to leave Catania and take refuge in the mountains. He wandered in the wooded peaks of the area, in the surroundings of Longi and Sinagra, protected by the faithful, who honoured him as the proud opponent of the unjust laws of the Empire and as a Miracle-worker.

He finally arrived in Rometta. Here, in the nearby Peloritan mountains, he lived as a Hermit in a cave he dug himself. After some years, he returned, uncontested, to Catania, where he resumed his Episcopal Seat and his fight, with ever more energy, against the iconoclastic laws. He died in the City of Etna on 20 February 789. The image below was taken during the annual Procession held in Sinagra.


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