Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 16 June – Saint Aurelian of Arles (c523-c551) Bishop

Saint of the Day – 16 June – Saint Aurelian of Arles (c523-c551) Bishop of Arles from 546, Founder of Monasteries. His predecessors were St Auxanius (the Bishop from 542/3–546) and St Caesarius of Arles (Died 533). His father, Sacerdos, (Died552) was an Archbishop of Lyon. His cousin, Nicetius (Died 573) succeeded his father as the Archbishop of Lyons. He died on 16 June c551 in Lyons, aged just 28 years old and is buried in the Church of Saint-Nizier. The text of his Epitaph is preserved. Also known as – Aurelianus, Aurelian the Sinner (his own name for himself), Aureliano.

The Roman Martyrology reads: “At Lyons, the blessed Aurelian, Bishop of Arles.

Aurelian was elected as the Bishop of Arles in 546, when he was only 23 years old. At the request of King Childebert, he was appointed as the Vicar of the Apostolic See in Gaul, by Pope Vigilius and invested with the Pallium.

He founded the Monastery of St Peter, in Arles to which he gave a Rule inspired by that of St Caesarius. He also founded a Convent dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mother in collaboration with King Childebert I and his wife Ultrogotha. Saint Peter’s Monastery may count among the first Monasteries (co-)founded by a Merovingian King.

He wrote a Rule for Monks for his first foundation which is primarily based on St Caesarius of Arles’ Rule for Monks but also uses parts of St Caesarius’ Rule for Virgins. It is the only early medieval Monastic Rule for Monks which requires total enclosure. Later Aurelian produced a female version of his Rule for his second foundation. His Rule for Nuns is somewhat shorter but shows few signs of an adjustment. Both Rules are preserved.

In 549, Aurelian participated in the 5th Council of Orléans which was presided by his father. as the Archbishop of Lyons, in which the condemnation of Nestorius and Eutyches was renewed.

He received a letter, dated 29 April 550, from PopeVigilius in response to one of his own, in which he complained about the Papal attitude regarding the ‘three chapters.’ The Pontiff justified himself by saying that he did not intend to admit any proposition against what was established by the Councils of Nicaea, Chalcedon and Ephesus and asked him to intervene with Childebert so that he could obtain, from the Arian Totila and the Goths the respect of the Church of Rome.

Aurelian died in Lyons, probably on 16 June. 551 and was buried in the Basilica of Nizier.. Mentioned by sTS Florus and Adonis, the name of Aurelian also appears in the Roman Martyrology, which commemorates his Feast on 16 June.

St Nizier Basilica In Lyons where St Aurelian is buried


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