Our Morning Offering – 29 April – Fifth Sunday of Eastertide

Our Morning Offering – 29 April – Fifth Sunday of Eastertide

An Act of Confidence
Before Holy Mass
By St Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787) Most Zealous Doctor

My soul expand your heart.
Your Jesus can do You every good
and indeed, love you.
Hope for great things from Your Lord,
who, urged by love,
comes all love to You.
Yes, my dear Jesus, my hope,
I trust in Your goodness,
that in giving Yourself to me this morning,
You will enkindle in my poor heart,
the beautiful flame of Your pure love
and a real desire to please You,
so that, from this day forward,
I may never will anything
but what You will.
Amenac act of confidence before Holy Mass - st Alphonsus - 29 april 2018 - 5th sunday of easter


One Minute Reflection – 28 April – Saturday of the Fourth Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of St Gianna Beretta Molla (1922-1962)

One Minute Reflection – 28 April – Saturday of the Fourth Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of St Gianna Beretta Molla (1922-1962) Today’s Gospel: John 14:7–14

Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name, I will do it...John 14:13-14

REFLECTION – “The stillness of prayer is the most essential condition for fruitful action. Before all else, the disciple kneels down.”…St Gianna Beretta Mollathe stillness of prayer - st gianna molla - 28 april 2018

PRAYER – Since it is from You God, our Father, that redemption comes to us, Your adopted children, look with favour on the family You love, give us true freedom and to all who believe in Christ and bring us all alike to our eternal heritage.   Grant we pray, that by the prayers of Your holy one, St Gianna, we may run this race always in prayer, trusting in Your divine Son’s intercession, to attain the Glory of Your Kingdom and the Light of Your Face.   Through Jesus Christ, in the union of the Holy Spirit, one God with You, forever and ever, gianna molla - pray for us us - 28 april 2018


Thought for the Day – 26 April – Thursday of the Fourth Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of St Rafael Arnáiz Barón (1911-1938)

Thought for the Day – 26 April – Thursday of the Fourth Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of St Rafael Arnáiz Barón (1911-1938)

“This humble worship that surely is more pleasing to God than many deeds that the world calls charity. . . How much greater in God’s eyes is a heartfelt ‘Hail Mary’ than even the greatest thing done without wholehearted love for God.”

Rafael had only four more years to live.   A few months after entering the monastery, he was diagnosed with a virulent form of diabetes.   The illness brought with it melancholy and perplexity.   Three times the novice’s superiors sent him home to rest and recover his strength.   Drafted into the Nationalist Army at the very height of the Spanish Civil War, Rafael was declared unfit for active duty.   Returning to the monastery for the last time, he was received as a regular oblate, that is, a man living within the cloister without vows and following a personal rule of life approved by the abbot.   Regular oblates were, at that time, somewhat marginalised in monastic communities.   Their peculiar status — monks living without vows and without the security that comes from having made profession — was not without its own challenges.   Rafael entered fully into the vocation of the oblate, understanding that the oblate is destined for the altar, that is, for sacrifice.

St Rafael, in spite of the brevity and discontinuity of his monastic experience, lived it fully.   He remained faithful in the face of bewildering contradictions, uncertainties and apparent failure.   He found the Will of God in weakness, in illness, in war, in the inability to make monastic profession and in the sufferings inherent in community life.

Brother Rafael Maria was humble because he accepted one humiliation after another without ever despairing of the mercy of God.   He died stripped of everything, without having fulfilled even the legitimate human aspirations that so appealed to him. Configured to the poor and crucified Jesus, he died in the splendour of the Resurrection on 26 April 1938 at the age of 27.

St Pope John Paul II proclaimed Rafael a model for today’s youth but for me, he is a model for us all on how to learn to love suffering, how to learn to love the Cross of Christ and thus suffering in our own crosses in total abandonment to Divine Providence.

“The whole community is gathered in adoration
to ask the Lord for peace,
to pray for those who are dying and to make reparation for so many sins . . .
But one mustn’t spread discouragement. . . .
When we ask for mercy and pardon, we are doing as David did . . .
that is, the Lord will blot out all our sins and those of the whole world,
not by any poor merits of ours
but by the multitude and the greatness of His mercy.”

Saint Rafael Arnáiz Barón, Pray for us!st rafael arnaiz baron - pray for us no 2- 26 april 2018


One Minute Reflection – 26 April – Thursday of the Fourth Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of St Rafael Arnáiz Barón (1911-1938)

One Minute Reflection – 26 April – Thursday of the Fourth Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of St Rafael Arnáiz Barón (1911-1938)

The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us, who are being saved, it is the power of God…1 Cor 1:181 corinthians 1 18

REFLECTION – …(I am) “a humble lay brother who has chosen the road of truth in the dark night of the world…only the Cross of Christ sheds light on the path of this life….God is in the detached heart, in the silence of prayer, in the voluntary sacrifice to pain, in the emptiness of the world and its creatures.   God is in the Cross and, as long as we do not love the Cross, we will not see Him, or feel Him…. If the world and men knew…. But they will not know;  they are very busy in their interests;  their hearts are very full of things that are not God.”…St Rafael Arnáiz Barón (1911-1938)

only the cross of christ sheds light - st rafael baron - 26 april 2018

PRAYER – Lord God, we were sinners and Your grace made us holy.   We were without hope and You filled us with joy.   Stand by us in Your saving work and stay with us in Your gifts of grace.   May we never fail to persevere in the path of holiness that comes from following You, carrying our crosses behind the Cross of Your Son and looking forward in hope to the promise His Resurrection.   Grant Lord, that our faith may increase and our courage grow, by the prayers of St Rafael Arnáiz Barón.   Through Jesus our Lord, one God with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, amen.

st rafael arnaiz baron - pray for us - 26 april 2018


Thought for the Day – 25 April – Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter and the Feast of St Mark the Evangelist

Thought for the Day – 25 April – Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter and the Feast of St Mark the Evangelist

Today we celebrate St Mark, the Evangelist, the first Gospel writer and the friend of Sts Peter and Paul, the cousin of St Barnabas and our Father in faith – our friend too, a chosen member of the Catholic Church who has gone before to show us the way.   Mark knew there would be difficulties for believers in every age, for the persecution of the early Church was the beginning “of the labour pains” (13:8), since “the Gospel must first be preached to all nations” (13:10).   He has given us a moving story of how God works in mysterious ways and shown us in the actions of Jesus how to be patient in our faith even in the most troubling circumstances, for “he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him as he told you” (16:7).   This narrative could only have been created by someone who himself knew suffering, the pain of unfulfilled hopes and the sorrow of untimely death.   His faith made him write about it.   His hope makes it so convincing!   Let us listen to Pope Benedict on being a Catholic today, now, in the world we live in!

Chosen:   I think it is worth reflecting on this word.   We are chosen.   God has always known us, even before our birth, before our conception, God wanted me as a Christian, as a Catholic, He wanted me as a priest.   God thought of me, He sought me among millions, among a great many, He saw me and He chose me.   It was not for my merits, which were non-existent but out of His goodness;  He wanted me to be a messenger of His choice, which is also always a mission, above all a mission and a responsibility for others.   Chosen: we must be grateful and joyful for this event.   God thought of me, he chose me as a Catholic, me, as a messenger of His Gospel, as a priest.   In my opinion it is worth reflecting several times on this and coming back to this fact of His choice;  He chose me, He wanted me, now I am responding.

Perhaps today we are tempted to say:  we do not want to rejoice at having been chosen, for this would be triumphalism.   It would be triumphalism to think that God had chosen me because I was so important.   This would really be erroneous triumphalism. However, being glad because God wanted me is not triumphalism.   Rather, it is gratitude and I think we should relearn this joy:  God wanted me to be born in this way, into a Catholic family, he wanted me to know Jesus from the first.   What a gift to be wanted by God so that I could know His face, so that I could know Jesus Christ, the human face of God, the human history of God in this world!   Being joyful because He has chosen me to be a Catholic, to be in this Church of His, where subsistit Ecclesia unica;  we should rejoice because God has given me this grace, this beauty of knowing the fullness of God’s truth, the joy of his love.

Chosen:  a word of privilege and at the same time of humility.   However “chosen” — as I said — is accompanied by the word “parepidemois”, exiles, foreigners.   As Christians we are dispersed and we are foreigners:  we see that Christians are the most persecuted group in the world today, because it does not conform, because it is a stimulus, because it opposes the tendencies to selfishness, to materialism and to all these things.

Christians are certainly not only foreigners; we are also Christian nations, we are proud of having contributed to the formation of culture, there is a healthy patriotism, a healthy joy of belonging to a nation that has a great history of culture and of faith.   Yet, as Christians, we are always also foreigners — the destiny of Abraham, described in the Letter to the Hebrews.   As Christians we are, even today, also always foreigners. In the work place Christians are a minority, they find themselves in an extraneous situation;  it is surprising that a person today can still believe and live like this.   This is also part of our life:  it is a form of being with the Crucified Christ, this being foreigners, not living in the way that everyone else lives, but living — or at least seeking to live — in accordance with His Word, very differently from what everyone says.   And it is precisely this that is characteristic of Christians.   They all say:  “But everyone does this, why don’t I?”   No, I don’t, because I want to live in accordance with God.   St Augustine once said:  “Christians are those who do not have their roots below, like tree, but have their roots above and they do not live this gravity in the natural downwards gravitation”.   Let us pray the Lord that he help us to accept this mission of living as exiles, as a minority, in a certain sense, of living as foreigners and yet being responsible for others and, in this way, reinforcing the goodness in our world.

This is faith:  touching Christ with the hand of faith, with our heart and thus entering into the power of His life, into the healing power of the Lord.   And let us pray the Lord, that we may touch Him more and more, so as to be healed.   Let us pray that He will not let us fall, that He too may take us by the hand and thus preserve us for true life….


Chapel of the Seminary
, 8 February 2013

St Mark, Pray for us!st-mark-pray-for-us-25 april 2017



Quote/s of the Day – 25 April – Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter and the Feast of St Mark the Evangelist

Quote/s of the Day – 25 April – Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter and the Feast of St Mark the Evangelist

Speaking of:  Being Catholic

“I would not believe in the Gospel,
had not the authority
of the Catholic Church
already moved me.”

St Augustine (354-430) Father & Doctori would not believe - st augustine - speaking of being catholic - 25 april 2018

“In her voyage,
across the ocean of this world,
the Church is like a great ship
being pounded by the waves
of life’s different stresses.
Our duty is not to abandon ship
but to keep her on her course.”

St Boniface (672-754) Father & Martyrin her voyage across the ocean - st boniface - speaking of being catholic - 25 april 2018

“Jesus is with me.
I have nothing to fear.”

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-1925)jesus is with me - bl pier - 25 april 2018

“The Jesus of the Gospels
is surely not convenient for us.”the jesus of the gospels - pope benedict - 25 april 2018

“The Jesus who makes everything okay
for everyone is a phantom,
a dream,
not a real figure…”

Pope Benedict XVIthe jesus who makes - pope benedict - 25 april 2018

“Catholicism is a matter
of the body
and the senses,
as much as it is a matter
of the mind,
precisely because,
the Word became flesh.”catholicism is a matter - bishop barron - 25 april 2018

“Easter is an earthquake,
an explosion.
If you see it as less than that,
you’re not getting it.”

Bishop Robert Barroneaster is an earthquake - bishop barron - 25 april 2018

“At some point,
Jesus is going to call you out.
That’s what He does.”

Father Mike Schmitzat some point - fr mike schmitz - 25 april 2018





One Minute Reflection – 25 April – Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter and the Feast of St Mark the Evangelist

One Minute Reflection – 25 April – Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter and the Feast of St Mark the Evangelist

Jesus said to the Eleven, “go out to the whole world and the proclaim the gospel to all creation.”…Mark 16:15

REFLECTION – So that this call should resound throughout the world, Christ sent forth the apostles he had chosen, commissioning them to proclaim the gospel:  “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.”    Strengthened by this mission, the apostles “went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it.”
Those, who with God’s help, have welcomed Christ’s call and freely responded to it, are urged on, by love of Christ, to proclaim the Good News, everywhere in the world.   This treasure, received from the apostles, has been faithfully guarded by their successors.   All Christ’s faithful are called to hand it on, from generation to generation, by professing the faith, by living it in fraternal sharing and by celebrating it, in liturgy and prayer…CCC 2-3those who with god's help...ccc 2-3 - 25 april 2018

PRAYER – Almighty God, You chose the Evangelist St Mark and ennobled him with grace, to preach the Gospel.   Let his teaching so improve our lives and his prayers so support us, that we may walk faithfully in his footsteps, which are the footsteps of Christ our Lord.   Through Jesus Christ our Lord, in union with the Holy Spirit, one God forever, mark - pray for us - 25 april 2018

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, EASTER, FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, The RESURRECTION

Our Morning Offering – 25 April – Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter

Our Morning Offering – 25 April – Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter

Easter Prayer
By St Pope Gregory the Great (540-604) Father & Doctor of the Church

It is only right,
with all the powers of our heart and mind,
to praise You Father
and Your Only-Begotten Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear Father,
by Your wondrous condescension
of Loving-Kindness toward us,
Your servants,
You gave up Your Son.
Dear Jesus, You paid the debt of Adam for us
to the Eternal Father
by Your Blood poured forth in Loving-Kindness.
You cleared away the darkness of sin
by Your magnificent and radiant Resurrection.
You broke the bonds of death
and rose from the grave as a Conqueror.
You reconciled Heaven and earth.
Our life had no hope of Eternal Happiness
before You redeemed us.
Your Resurrection has washed away our sins,
restored our innocence and brought us joy.
How inestimable is the tenderness of Your Love!
We pray You, Lord,
to preserve Your servants
in the peaceful enjoyment
of this Easter happiness.
We ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord,
Who lives and reigns with God the Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
forever and ever.

it is only right with all the powers - easter prayer of st pope gregory the great - wed 4th week of easter - 25 april 2018


Posted in EASTER, FEASTS and SOLEMNITIES, Of LAWYERS & CANON Lawyers, Attorneys, Solicitors, Barristers, Notaries, Para-Legals, PATRONAGE - PRISONERS, The APOSTLES & EVANGELISTS

Saint of the Day – 25 April – St Mark the Evangelist

Saint of the Day – 25 April – St Mark the Evangelist – also known as John Mark (Born 1st century – Martyred 25 April 68 at Alexandria, Egypt) – The Winged Lion – Evangelist, Martyr, Missionary, Preacher, Teacher, friend and assistant to St Peter, St Paul, cousin of St Barnabas.1977.2_evangelista-san-marcosst mark and the winged lion

John Mark, later known simply as Mark, was a Jew by birth.   He was the son of that Mary who was proprietress of the Cenacle or “upper room” which served as the meeting place for the first Christians in Jerusalem (Acts 12:12).   He was still a youth at the time of the Saviour’s death.    We cannot be certain whether he knew Jesus personally.    Some scholars feel that the evangelist is speaking of himself (so he then did know Jesus) when describing the arrest of Jesus in Gethsemane:  “Now a young man followed him wearing nothing but a linen cloth about his body.    They seized him, but he left the cloth behind and ran off naked” (Mark 14:51-52). 

During the years that followed, the rapidly maturing youth witnessed the growth of the infant Church in his mother’s Upper Room and became acquainted with its traditions. This knowledge he put to excellent use when compiling his Gospel.   Later, we find Mark acting as a companion to his cousin Barnabas and Saul on their return journey to Antioch and on their first missionary journey.   But Mark was too immature for the hardships of this type of work and therefore left them at Perge in Pamphylia to return home.

As the two apostles were preparing for their second missionary journey, Barnabas wanted to take his cousin with him.   Paul, however, objected.   Thereupon the two cousins undertook a missionary journey to Cyprus.   Time healed the strained relations between Paul and Mark and during the former’s first Roman captivity (61-63), Mark rendered Paul valuable service (Col. 4:10; Philem. 24) and the Apostle learned to appreciate him.   When in chains the second time Paul requested Mark’s presence (2 Tim. 4:11).

An intimate friendship existed between Mark and Peter;  he played the role of Peter’s companion, disciple and interpreter.   According to the common patristic opinion, Mark was present at Peter’s preaching in Rome and wrote his Gospel under the influence of the prince of the apostles.   This explains why incidents which involve Peter are described with telling detail (e.g., the great day at Capharnaum, 1:14f)).   Little is known of Mark’s later life.   It is certain that he died a Martyr’s death as bishop of Alexandria in Egypt.   His relics were transferred from Alexandria to Venice, where a worthy tomb was erected in St Mark’s Cathedral.

St Mark’s Tomb inside the Altar at St Mark’s, Venice
st mark's venice
St Mark’s Venice

The Gospel of St Mark, the shortest of the four, is, above all, a Roman Gospel.   It originated in Rome and is addressed to Roman, or shall we say, to Western Christianity. Another high merit is its chronological presentation of the life of Christ.   For we should be deeply interested in the historical sequence of the events in our blessed Saviour’s life.

Mark2. Benozzo Gozzoli
Ceilings in the Vatican depicting St Mark

Saint Mark Mosaic Angels Saint Peter's Basilica Vatican Rome Ita

Furthermore, Mark was a skilled painter of word pictures.   With one stroke he frequently enhances a familiar scene, shedding upon it new light.   His Gospel is the “Gospel of Peter,” for he wrote it under the direction and with the aid of the prince of the apostles.   “The Evangelist Mark is represented as a lion because he begins his Gospel in the wilderness,   ‘The voice of one crying in the desert:   Make ready the way of the Lord,’ or because he presents the Lord as the unconquered King.”…Excerpted from The Church’s Year of Grace, Pius Parsch

st mark - the winged lionthe winged lion of st mark



25 April – Feast of St Mark the Evangelist and Memorials of the Saints

St Mark the Evangelist (Feast) Also known as John Mark (Born 1st century – martyred 25 April 68 at Alexandria, Egypt) – The Winged Lion

St Agathopodes of Antioch
Bl Andrés Solá Molist
St Anianus of Alexandria
Bl Antonio Pérez Lários
St Callista of Syracuse
St Clarentius of Vienne
St Ermin of Lobbes
St Evodius of Syracuse
St Franca Visalta
St Giovanni Piamarta
St Heribaldus of Auxerre
St Hermogenes of Syracuse
Bl José Trinidad Rangel y Montaño
St Kebius
St Macaille
St Macedonius
St Mario Borzaga
St Pasicrate of Mesia
St Paul Thoj Xyooj
Pedro de San Jose Betancur
Phaebadius of Agen
Philo of Antioch
Robert of Syracuse
Bl Robert Anderton
Stefano of Antioch
St Valenzio of Mesia
Bl William Marsden

Martyrs of Yeoju – 3 saints: Three Christian laymen martyred together in the apostolic vicariate of Korea. 25 April 1801 in Yeoju, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
They were Beatified15 August 2014 by Pope Francis
• Ioannes Won Gyeong-do
• Marcellinus Choe Chang-ju
• Martinus Yi Jung-bae


Thought for the Day – The Fourth Sunday of Easter Year B – “Good Shepherd/Vocations Sunday

Thought for the Day – The Fourth Sunday of Easter Year B – “Good Shepherd/Vocations Sunday” – Todays Readings: Acts 4:8-12, Psalm 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28-29, 1 John 3:1-2, John 10:11-18

“The Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep”

Despite Jesus’ realistic word-picture, the parable of the Good Shepherd only fully comes alive in Jesus Himself, God’s appointed “Shepherd” of men.   He names two characteristics of such a shepherd:  first the shepherd’s commitment to the flock even to the point of death;  and second, the reciprocal recognition between sheep and shepherd, which is anchored in the innermost mystery of God.

The theme of self-giving to the point of death, is found at both the beginning and the end of the Gospel.   This devotion, contrasts sharply with the flight of the “hired hand”, who, when facing danger, has the excuse that the life of a man is more valuable than the life of a dumb animal.   This argument loses its force, however, when the shepherd cares so much for his sheep, that he prefers them to his own life.   That is scarcely conceivable in purely natural terms but it becomes a central truth in the realm of grace.   It only makes sense with the aid of the second theme of the parable – the shepherd knows his sheep and the animals likewise instinctively recognise him.   For Jesus, this is merely the point of comparison for a completely different recognition:  “as the Father knows me and I know the Father.”   This has nothing to do with instinct but with the most profound mutual recognition, as it is found in absolute trinitarian love.   When Jesus applies this utterly sublime trinitarian love recognition to the inward mutuality between Himself and His own, He elevates this knowledge far above that which is hinted at by the parable.

And thus, it becomes clear, that the first motif of the parable (giving one’s life for the sheep) and the second motif (mutual recognition) coincide rather than merely parallel each other.   The Father’s and the Son’s knowledge of each other is identical with their mutual and perfect selfgiving and therefore, the knowledge exchanged between Jesus and His own, is one with the perfect selfgiving of Jesus for and to His own and it implicitly includes the unity of the Christian’s knowledge and loving dedication to his Lord.

At the end, both themes are expressly joined together:  the Father (also) loves the Son for His perfect selfgiving for the sake of men, a selfgiving which is both freely chosen by the Son and commissioned by the Father.   This unmitigated surrender to mankind because it is Divine Love, is at the same time the power that achieves victory over death (“the power to take up life again”).

“No other name under heaven”  in the First Reading, Peter gives the Lord all glory for the miracle he has effected.   The point is not that, Jesus excepted, all who care for sheep are “hired hands” for the Lord Himself installed Peter to pasture His flock – precisely Jesus’ Flock, not Peter’s.   Thus everything effective and appropriate ultimately is accomplished by the “chief Shepherd alone” (1 Pet 5:4), even if through the activity of His assistants.

Hans Urs von Balthasar “Light of the Word”

john 10 11 - good shepherd no 2


Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, EASTER, FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, The HOLY EUCHARIST / The HOLY MASS

Our Morning Offering -22 April – The Fourth Sunday of Easter Year B

Our Morning Offering -22 April – The Fourth Sunday of Easter Year B

Give me Yourself, O My God
By St Augustine (354-430) Doctor of Grace

Give me Yourself, O my God,
give Yourself to me.
Behold I love You
and if my love is too weak a thing,
grant me to love You more strongly.
I cannot measure my love
to know how much it falls short of being sufficient
but let my soul hasten to Your embrace
and never be turned away,
until it is hidden in the secret shelter
of Your presence.
This only do I know,
that it is not good for me
when You are not with me,
when You are only outside me.
I want You in my very self.
All the plenty in the world
which is not my God is utter want.
Amengive me yourself o my god - prayer of st augustine - act of petition - 22 april 2018 - 4th sun of easter year B


Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, EASTER, MORNING Prayers, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Our Morning Offering – 21 April – Saturday of the Third Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of St Anselm (1033-1109) Doctor of the Church

Our Morning Offering – 21 April – Saturday of the Third Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of St Anselm (1033-1109) Doctor of the Church

Prayer for the Grace to Love God
By St Anselm (1033-1109) Doctor of the Church

We love You, O God
and desire to love You more and more.
Grant that we may love You
as we wish to love You
and as we should love You.
O dearest Friend
who has loved us so deeply and redeemed us;
come and take Your place in our hearts.
Watch over our lips, our steps and our deeds
and we no longer fear for soul and body.
Yes, give us love, most precious of gifts,
which knows no enemies.
Give our hearts that pure love
borne of Your love for us,
that we may love others as You love us.
O most loving Father of Jesus Christ
from whom all love flows,
grant that our hearts, frozen in sin
and grown cold toward You,
may be warmed in the divine glow.
Help and bless us in Your Son.
O blessed Lord,
You have commanded us to love one another,
give us the grace that, as we have received
Your unmerited favours,
we may love all persons in You and for You.
We implore your clemency for all people
but particularly for our friends
whom You have given us.
Love them, Source of Love and instill in them
a thorough love of Yourself,
that they may seek, utter and do nothing
save what is pleasing to You.
Amenprayer for the grace to love god - by st anselm - we love you o god - 21 april 2018

Posted in DEVOTIO, DOCTORS of the Church, EASTER, EUCHARISTIC Adoration, FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, SPEAKING of ....., The HOLY EUCHARIST / The HOLY MASS, Uncategorized

Quote/s of the Day – 20 April – Friday of the Third Week of Eastertide – Today’s Gospel: John 6:52-59

Quote/s of the Day – 20 April – Friday of the Third Week of Eastertide – Today’s Gospel: John 6:52-59

“Speaking of: The Holy Eucharist”

“You can call happy those who saw Him.
But, come to the altar and
you will see Him,
you will touch Him,
you will give to Him holy kisses,
you will wash Him with your tears,
you will carry Him within you
like Mary Most Holy.”

St John Chrysostom (347-407) Doctor of the Churchyou can call happy - st john chrysostom - 20 april 2018

“The Blessed Eucharist is the perfect Sacrament
of the Lord’s Passion, since
It contains Christ Himself and his Passion.”

St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Angelic Doctorthe blessed eucharist - st thomas aquinas - 20 april 2018

“The last degree of love
is when He gave Himself to us
to be our Food;
because He gave Himself to be
united with us in every way.” 

St Bernardine of Siena (1380-1444)the last degree of love - st bernardine of siena - 20 april 2018

“Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus
in the Blessed Sacrament
is the greatest after the sacraments,
the one dearest to God
and the one most helpful to us.”

St Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787) Most Zealous Doctorof all devotions that of adoring Jesus in the blessed sacrament - st alphonsus liguori - 20 april 2018

“Upon receiving Holy Communion,
the Adorable Blood of Jesus Christ
really flows in our veins and His Flesh
is really blended with ours.”

St John Vianney (1786-1859)upon receiving holy comm - st john vianney - 20 april 2018 - fri 3rd week easter

“I urge you with all the strength of my soul
to approach the Eucharistic Table
as often as possible.
Feed on this Bread of the Angels from which
you will draw the strength to fight inner struggles.”

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-1925)i urge you 2 - bl pier


One Minute Reflection – 20 April – Friday of the Third Week of Eastertide

One Minute Reflection – 20 April – Friday of the Third Week of Eastertide

So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you;  he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day.   For my flesh is food indeed and my blood is drink indeed.”...John 6:53-55

REFLECTION – “About these words I observe, first, that they evidently declare on the face of them some very great mystery.   How can they be otherwise taken?   If they do not, they must be a figurative way of declaring something which is not mysterious but plain and intelligible.   But is it conceivable, that He who is the Truth and Love itself, should have used difficult words, when plain words would do?   Why should He have used words, the sole effect of which, in that case, would be to perplex, to startle us needlessly?   Does His mercy delight in creating difficulties?   Does He put stumbling-blocks in our way without cause?   Does He excite hopes and then disappoint them?   It is possible;  He may have some deep purpose in so doing but which is more likely, that His meaning is beyond us, or His words beyond His meaning?
All who read such awful words as those in question will be led by the first impression of them, either with the disciples to go back, as at a hard saying, or with St Peter to welcome what is promised:  they will be excited in one way or the other, with incredulous surprise or with believing hope?   And are the feelings of these opposite witnesses, discordant indeed, yet all of them deep, after all unfounded?   Are they to go for nothing?   Are they no token of our Saviour’s real meaning?   This desire and again this aversion, so naturally raised, are they without a real object and the mere consequence of a general mistake on all hands, of what Christ meant as imagery, for literal truth?   Surely this is very improbable!”…Blessed John Henry Newman (1801-1890)but is it conceivable that he, who is the truth and love itself - bl john henry newman - 20 april 2018 - john chapter 6

PRAYER – Lord God, source of our freedom and our salvation, listen to our humble prayer.   We stand with St Peter and welcome what our divine Saviour, Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ has promised.   Help us to grow in love and faith at each Holy Sacrifice we attend.   Help us to accept with total commitment this great Mystery and as He gives Himself to and for us, help us to give ourselves to and for the glory of Your Kingdom. Through our Lord Jesus, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever, amen.  Peter, the spokesman for the apostles, proclaims, “Lord, to whom shall we go?   You have the words of eternal life and we have believed and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God” (Jn 6:67-69).john 6 67-69


Quote/s of the Day – 19 April – Thursday of the Third Week of Eastertide “Speaking of: Becoming a Saint”

Quote/s of the Day – 19 April – Thursday of the Third Week of Eastertide

“Speaking of:  Becoming a Saint”

“Think well.
Speak well.
Do well.
These three things,
through the mercy of God,
will make a man go to Heaven.”

St Camillus de Lellis (1550-1614)think well speak well do well-st camillus de lellis

“He who wishes for anything but Christ,
does not know what he wishes;
he who asks for anything but Christ,
does not know what he is asking;
he who works and not for Christ,
does not know what he is doing.”

St Philip Neri (1515-1595)he who wishes for anything - st philip neri - 19 april 2018

“The great saint may be said,
to mix all his thoughts with thanks.
All goods look better,
when they look like gifts.”

G K Chesterton (1874-1936)the great saint - g k chesterton - 19 april 2018 speaking of becoming a saint

“Enemy-occupied territory –
that is what this world is.
Christianity is the story of how,
the rightful king has landed,
you might say landed in disguise
and is calling us all, to take part,
in a great campaign of sabotage.”

C S Lewis (1898-1963)enemy occupied territory - c s lewis - 19 april - speaking of becoming a saint

“What people don’t realise, 
is how much Christianity costs.
They think faith is a big electric blanket,
when of course, it is the cross.”

Flannery O’Connor (1925-1964)what people don't realise = flannery o'connor - speaking of becoming a saint - 19 april 2018

“Take courage!
Fix your gaze on our saints.”

Pope Benedict XVItake courage - pope benedict - speaking of becoming a saint - 19 april 2018

“Take the Crucifixion personally.”take the crucifixion - fr mike schmitz - 19 april 2018

“The road to holiness
goes through your neighbour.”

Father Mike Schmitzthe road to holiness - fr mike schmitz - 19 april 2018




One Minute Reflection – 19 April – Thursday of the Third Week of Eastertide – Today’s Gospel John 6:44–51

One Minute Reflection – 19 April – Thursday of the Third Week of Eastertide – Today’s Gospel John 6:44–51

“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.   It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’   Every one who has heard and learnt from the Father comes to me.”….John 6:44-45

REFLECTION – “What delights we will find in forgetting self and seeking God!   The Saints renounced themselves in order to seek God and to look for Him alone.   It is in this that we attain heaven.”…St John Vianneywhat delights we will find in forgetting self - st john vianney - 19 april 2018

PRAYER – Infinite Lord, You are greater than anything we can imagine.   Help us to forget self and seek only You in Your divine Son, who You sent to teach us and save us.   May we follow Your Son and live in You in all our thoughts, words and actions.   St Pope Leo IX, you sought by your life to follow the Lord, please pray for us.   Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever pope leo IX - pray for us - 19 april 2018.jpg


Thought for the Day – 18 April – Wednesday of the Third Week of Eastertide – Acts 8:1-8, Psalm 66:1-7, John 6:35-40

Thought for the Day – 18 April – Wednesday of the Third Week of Eastertide – Acts 8:1-8, Psalm 66:1-7, John 6:35-40

St John Chrysostom (347-407) – Sermon 45 on the Gospel of John – John 6:40

And I will raise him up at the last day.   Why does He continually dwell upon the Resurrection?   Is it that men may not judge of God’s providence by present things alone; that if they enjoy not results here, they become not on that account desponding but wait for the things that are to come and that they may not, because their sins are not punished for the present, despise Him, but look for another life.

Now those men gained nothing but let us take pains to gain by having the Resurrection continually sounded in our ears;  and if we desire to be grasping, or to steal, or to do any wrong thing, let us straightway take into our thoughts that Day, let us picture to ourselves the Judgment-seat, for such reflections will check the evil impulse more strongly than any bit.   Let us continually say to others and to ourselves, There is a resurrection, and a fearful tribunal awaits us.

If we see any man insolent and puffed up with the good things of his world, let us make the same remark to him and show him that all those things abide here:  and if we observe another grieving and impatient, let us say the same to him and point out to him that his sorrows shall have an end;  if we see one careless and dissipated, let us say the same charm over him and show that for his carelessness he must render account.

This saying is able more than any other remedy to heal our souls.   For there is a Resurrection and that Resurrection is at our doors, not afar off, nor at a distance.  For yet a little while, and He that shall come will come and will not tarry. Hebrews 10:37   And again, We must all appear before the judgement-seat of Christ 2 Corinthians 5:10;   that is, both bad and good, the one to be shamed in sight of all, the other in sight of all to be made more glorious.   For as they who judge here, punish the wicked and honour the good publicly, so too will it be there, that the one sort may have the greater shame and the other more conspicuous glory.

Let us picture these things to ourselves every day.  If we are ever revolving them, no care for present things will be able to sting us.   For the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18   Continually let us say to ourselves and to others, There is a Resurrection, and a Judgement and a scrutiny of our actions;  and let as many as deem that there is such a thing as fate repeat this and they shall straightway be delivered from the rottenness of their malady;  for if there is a Resurrection, and a Judgement, there is no fate, though they bring ten thousand arguments and choke themselves to prove it.

But I am ashamed to be teaching Christians concerning the Resurrection:  for he that needs to learn that there is a Resurrection and who has not firmly persuaded himself that the affairs of this world go not on by fate and without design and as chance will have them, can be no Christian.

Wherefore, I exhort and beseech you, that we cleanse ourselves from all wickedness and do all in our power to obtain pardon and excuse in that Day….For a man cannot possibly live a pure life without believing in the Resurrection!for a man cannot - st john chrysostom - 18 april 2018

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, EASTER, FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers

One Minute Reflection – 18 April – Wednesday of the Third Week of Eastertide

One Minute Reflection – 18 April – Wednesday of the Third Week of Eastertide – Acts 8:1-8, Psalm 66:1-7, John 6:35-40

Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth;  sing the glory of his name;  give to him glorious praise!...Psalm 66:1-3psalm 66 - 1 3

REFLECTION – “My dear brothers and sons, fruit of the true faith and holy seed of heaven, all you who have been born again in Christ and whose life is from above, listen to me;  or rather, listen to the Holy Spirit saying through me:  Sing to the Lord a new song.   Look, you tell me, I am singing.   Yes indeed, you are singing;  you are singing clearly, I can hear you.   But make sure that your life does not contradict your words. Sing with your voices, your hearts, your lips and your lives:  Sing to the Lord a new song’.
Now it is your unquestioned desire to sing of Him whom you love but you ask me how to sing His praises.   You have heard the words:  Sing to the Lord a new song and you wish to know what praises to sing.   The answer is:  His praise is in the assembly of the saints;  it is in the singers themselves.   If you desire to praise Him, then live what you express.   Live good lives and you yourselves, will be His praise.”…St Augustine (354-430) Doctor of Gracehis praise is in the assembly of saints - st augustine - 18 april 2018

PRAYER – God and Father, we honour the yearly feast of Your Son’s Resurrection by celebrating it in the sacramental mystery.   Give us likewise the grace, to rejoice at all times, with all the saints, until He comes in glory.   Through our Lord Jesus, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever, amen.

Posted in BREVIARY Prayers, EASTER, HYMNS, MORNING Prayers

Our Morning Offering – – 18 April – Wednesday of the Third Week of Eastertide

Our Morning Offering – – 18 April – Wednesday of the Third Week of Eastertide

At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing

At the Lamb’s high feast we sing
praise to our victorious King,
who hath washed us in the tide
flowing from His piercèd side;
praise we Him whose love divine
gives His sacred blood for wine,
gives His body for the feast,
Christ the Victim, Christ the Priest.

Where the paschal blood is poured,
death’s dark angel sheathes his sword;
Israel’s hosts triumphant go
through the wave that drowns the foe.
Praise we Him, whose blood was shed,
Paschal Victim, Paschal Bread;
with sincerity and love
eat we manna from above.

Mighty Victim from the sky,
pow’rs of hell beneath Thee lie;
death is conquered in the fight,
Thou hast brought us life and light;
hymns of glory and of praise,
risen Lord, to Thee we raise;
Holy Father, praise to Thee,
with the Spirit, ever be.

Paschal triumph, Paschal joy,
only sin can this destroy;
from the death of sin set free,
souls reborn, dear Lord, in Thee.
Hymns of glory, songs of praise,
Father unto Thee we raise;
risen Lord, all praise to Thee,
Ever with the Spirit be.

Translator:  Robert Campbell
Robert Campbell was a Catholic advocate residing in Edinburgh. He died in 1868.

at the lamb's high feast we sing - 18 april 2018 - wed of the 3rd week of easter


Our Morning Offering – Tuesday of the Third Week of Eastertide

Our Morning Offering – Tuesday of the Third Week of Eastertide

Grant me Grace O Lord
By St Paschal Baylon O.F.M. (1540-1592)

I am a sinner
and You are He
who justifies the impious.
I am poor,
You are rich in infinite riches.
Give me an increase of faith,
an increase of love,
a complement of all virtues
with which I may serve You
and praise You
all my life so that, at last,
I may enjoy You in Heaven.
Amengrant me grace o lord - st paschal baylon - 17 april 2018



One Minute Reflection – 16 April – Monday of the Third Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of St Bernadette Soubirous (1844-1879)

One Minute Reflection – 16 April – Monday of the Third Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of St Bernadette Soubirous (1844-1879)

For to you has been granted, for the sake of Christ, not only to believe in him but also to suffer for him...Philippians 1:29for to you has been granted - philippians 1 29

REFLECTION – “The more I am crucified, the more I rejoice.”…St Bernadette Soubirous

the more i am crucified - st bernadette - 16 april 2018

PRAYER – Let the crucifix be not only in my eyes and on my breast but in my heart.   O Jesus!   Release all my affections and draw them upwards.   Let my crucified heart sink forever into Thine and bury itself in the mysterious wound made by the entry of the lance…By St Bernadette Soubirous, of whom we request, your prayers!st bernadette - pray for us - 16 april 2018


Sunday Reflection – 15 April – The Third Sunday of Easter Year B

Sunday Reflection – 15 April – The Third Sunday of Easter Year B

“Christ wished to choose this sacred symbol of human life, which bread is, to make an even more sacred symbol of Himself.   He has transubstantitated it but has not taken away its expressive power – rather, He has elevated this expressive power to a new meaning, a higher meaning, a mystical, religious, divine meaning.   He has made of it a ladder for an ascent that transcends the natural level.
As a sound becomes a voice and as the voice becomes word, thought, truth – so that sign of the bread has passed from its humble and pious being to signify a mystery, it has become a Sacrament, it has acquired the power to demonstrate the Body of Christ present.”

Blessed Pope Paul VI (1897-1978) – when Archbishop of Milan from a homily on the Solemnity of Corpus Christias a sound becomes a voice - paul VI - 15 april 2018 - sunday reflection

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, EASTER, FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, SPEAKING of ....., The HOLY EUCHARIST / The HOLY MASS

Quotes of the Day – 15 April – The Third Sunday of Easter Year B “Speaking of the Holy Mass”

Quotes of the Day – 15 April – The Third Sunday of Easter Year B

“Speaking of the Holy Mass”

“Recognise in this bread what hung on the cross
and in this chalice what flowed from His side…
whatever was in many and varied ways
announced beforehand in the sacrifices
of the Old Testament
pertains to this one sacrifice
which is revealed in the New Testament.”

St Augustine (354-430) Father & Doctorrecognise in this bread what hung - st augustine - 15 april 2018

“Jesus taught a new sacrifice
which the Church received
from the Apostles and offers
throughout the whole world.”

St Irenaeus (130-202) Father of the Churchjesus taught a new sacrifice - st irenaeus - 15 april 2018

“All the good works in the world
are not equal to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
because they are the works of men – 
but the Mass is the work of God.
Martyrdom is nothing in comparison,
for it is but the sacrifice of man to God – 
but the Mass is the sacrifice of God for man.”

St John Vianney (1786-1859)all the good works in the world are not equal - st john vianney - 15 april 2018

“Many Christians take their time
and have leisure enough in their social life
(no hurry here).
They are leisurely, too, in their professional activities,
at table and recreation (no hurry here either).
But isn’t it strange, how those same Christians.
find themselves in such a rush
and want to hurry the priest,
in their anxiety to shorten the time devoted
to the most holy sacrifice of the altar?

St Josemaria Escriva (1902-1975)many christians take their time - st josemaria - 15 april 2018




One Minute Reflection – 15 April – The Third Sunday of Easter Year B

One Minute Reflection – 15 April – The Third Sunday of Easter Year B

Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.”... Luke 24:45-48o lord let the light of your countenance shine upon us - pope benedict - third sun easter B - 15 april 2018

REFLECTION – “This very experience of repentance and forgiveness is relived in every community in the Eucharistic celebration, especially on Sundays.   The Eucharist, the privileged place in which the Church recognises “the Author of life” (Acts 3: 15) is “the breaking of the bread”, as it is called in the Acts of the Apostles.   In it, through faith, we enter into communion with Christ, who is “the priest, the altar and the lamb of sacrifice” (see Preface for Easter, 5) and is among us.   Let us gather round Him to cherish the memory of His words and of the events contained in Scripture;  let us relive His Passion, death and Resurrection.   In celebrating the Eucharist, we communicate with Christ, the victim of expiation and from Him we draw forgiveness and life.   What would our lives as Christians be without the Eucharist?   The Eucharist is the perpetual, living inheritance which the Lord has bequeathed to us in the Sacrament of His Body and His Blood and which we must constantly rethink and deepen so that, as venerable Pope Paul VI said, it may “impress its inexhaustible effectiveness on all the days of our earthly life” (Insegnamenti, V [1967], p. 779).”…Pope Benedict XVIin it, through faith, - pope benedict - 15 april 2018

PRAYER – Lord God, grant Your people constant joy in the renewed vigour of their souls. Grant them sorrow for their sins and gratitude for the suffering of Your Son.   Grant them forgiveness and life in the Holy Eucharist, through which we meet Him, who saved us. Grant, we pray, that we may grow in our love for the saving banquet to which we are called so that we may one day rejoice eternally, with You, in union with our Lord, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever amen.   “O Lord, let the light of your countenance shine upon us”!


Our Morning Offering – 15 April – The Third Sunday of Easter Year B

Our Morning Offering – 15 April – The Third Sunday of Easter Year B

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Before Holy Mass

O most blessed Virgin Mary,
Mother of tenderness and mercy,
I, a miserable and unworthy sinner,
fly to you with all the affection of my heart
and I beseech your motherly love,
that, as you stood by your most dear Son,
while he hung on the Cross,
so, in your kindness,
you may be pleased to stand by me, a poor sinner,
and all Priests who today are offering the Sacrifice
here and throughout the entire holy Church,
so that with your gracious help
we may offer a worthy and acceptable oblation
in the sight of the most high and undivided Trinity.

(This prayer is adapted from the Priests’ Prayers Before each Mass)prayer to the blessed virgin before mass - 15 april 2018

Posted in EASTER, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS

Thought for the Day – 14 April – Saturday of the Second Week of Eastertide

Thought for the Day – 14 April – Saturday of the Second Week of Eastertide

We Are Keeping a Feast
The Greatest of ALL Feasts!

St John Marie Baptiste Vianney (1786-1859)

In the early days of the church, the faithful of one province, or district, used to come together publicly on the feast day of a saint in order to have the happiness of participating in all the graces which God bestows on such days.

The office of the vigil was started.   The evening and night were spent in prayer at the tomb of the saint.   The faithful heard the word of God.   They sang hymns and canticles in honour of the saint.   After passing the night so devoutly, they heard Mass, at which all those assisting had the happiness of going to Holy Communion.   Then they all withdrew, praising God for the triumphs He had accorded the saint and the graces He had bestowed in response to the latter’s intercession.   After that, my dear brethren, who could doubt but that God pours out His graces with abundance upon such a reunion of the faithful and that the saints themselves are happy to be the patrons of such people.   That was the way in which the feast days of patrons (and all feasts) were celebrated in olden times.

What do you think of that?   Is it thus that we celebrate such feasts today?   Alas!   If the first Christians were to come back upon this earth, would they not tell us that our feasts are no different from those that the pagans kept?   Is it not the general rule that God is most seriously offended on these holy days?

Does it not seem, rather, that we combine our money and our energies together to multiply sin almost to infinity?

What are we concerned with on the vigil of such feasts and even for several days beforehand?   Is it not with spending foolish and unnecessary money?   And all this time poor people are dying of hunger and our sins are calling down upon us the anger of God to the point where eternity would not be sufficient to satisfy for them.   You should pass the night in repentance and remorse, in considering how very little you have followed the example of your patron saint.   And yet you consecrate that time to preparing everything that will flatter your gluttony!   Might it not be said that this day is one for pure self-indulgence and debauchery?   Do parents and friends come, as in former times, to enjoy the happiness of participating in the graces which God bestows at the intercession of a patron saint?  They come but only to pass this feast day almost wholly at the table.   In former times, the religious services were much longer than they are today, and still they seemed always too short.   Nowadays you will see even fathers of families who, during the performance of the offices, are at table filling themselves with food and wine.   The first Christians invited each other in order to multiply their good works and their prayers.   Today it seems rather as if people invite each other so that they can multiply the sins and the orgies and the excesses in which they indulge in eating and drinking.   Does anyone think God will not demand an account of even a penny wrongly spent?   Does it not seem that we celebrate the feast only to insult our holy Patron and to increase our ingratitude?

Let us look a little closer, my dear brethren, and we shall realise that we are far from imitating Him whom God has given us for a model.   He passed His life in penance and in sorrow.   He died in torments.   What is more, I am sure that there are parishes where more sins are committed on those days than during all the rest of the year.   The Lord told the Jews that their feasts were an abomination and that He would take the filth of their feasts and throw it in their faces.   He wished to make us understand by this how greatly He is offended on those days which should be passed in weeping for our sins and in prayer.

We read in the Gospel that Jesus Christ came on earth to enlighten souls with the fire of divine love.   But we can believe that the Devil also roams around on earth to light an impure fire in the hearts of Christians and that what he promotes with the greatest frenzy are balls and dances.   I have debated for a long time whether I should speak to you about a matter so difficult to get you to understand and so little thought upon by the Christians of our days, who are blinded by their passions.   If your faith were not so weak that it might be extinguished in your hearts in the blink of an eye, you would understand the enormity of the abyss towards which you precipitate yourselves in giving yourselves over with such abandon to these wretched amusements.   But you will tell me.   For you to talk to us about dances and about the evil that takes place at them is just a waste of time.   We will indulge neither more nor less in them.   I firmly believe that, since Tertullian assures us that very many refused to become Christians rather than deprive themselves of such pleasures.

does anyone think - st john vianney - 14 april 2018


Posted in EASTER, MORNING Prayers, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 14 April – Saturday of the Second Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of Bl Lucien Botovasoa O.F.S. (1908-1947) Martyr

One Minute Reflection – 14 April – Saturday of the Second Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of Bl Lucien Botovasoa O.F.S. (1908-1947) Martyr

When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near to the boat.   They were frightened but he said to them, “It is I; do not be afraid.”   Then they were glad to take him into the boat and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going...John 6:19-21

REFLECTION – “When the disciples are facing danger and difficulty in the agitated lake at the time of nightfall, Jesus comes to their rescue.   His presence puts heart into them and enables them to cross the lake, instantly and without any further danger.   He is in our midst as one who serves and saves.   His presence saves His apostles in the trials and troubles they face on the way.   When they – and we – feel frightened and helpless, the Lord comes and says “It is I, do not be afraid.”   We get frightened because we fail to recognise His presence in our difficult experiences.   But His voice is effective, it removes fear.   The tempest calms down and the other shore is reached without fear and trial. When everything seems to turn against us and we live the experience of the Cross of Christ, He comes to console and strengthen and carry our tired bodes, minds and souls.”…Fr George Kaiholil SSPhe is in our midst as one who serves and saves - fr george kaiholil ssp - 14 april 2018

PRAYER – Father of wisdom, help us to accept all earthly misfortunes with the sure knowledge that good will come from them.   Let us never despair but trust in Your Providence that governs all things.   Let us know and trust that Your divine Son walks with us, that He is our faithful help in all things, that He will carry us on and carry our Crosses for us.   Blessed Lucien Botovasoa, today you join the halls of the saints, please pray that we may have the courage that you did, amen.blessed lucien botovasoa - pray for us - 14 april 2018 - beatification 15 april 2018

Posted in EASTER, SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 14 April

St Abundius the Sacristan
St Antony of Vilna
St Ardalion the Actor
St Benezet the Bridge Builder
St Bernhard of Tiron
St Domnina of Terni
St Eustace of Vilna
St Fronto of Nitria
Bl Hadewych
St John of Monte Marano
St John of Vilna
St Lambert of Lyon
Bl Lucien Botovasoa (1908-1947) Martyr
St Lydwina of Schiedam
St Maximus of Rome
St Peter Gonzalez
St Tassach of Raholp
St Thomaides of Alexandria
St Tiburtius of Rome
St Valerian of Trastevere

Posted in EASTER, GOD the FATHER, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES on TRUST and complete CONFIDENCE in GOD

Thought for the Day – 13 April – Friday of the Second Week of Eastertide

Thought for the Day – 13 April – Friday of the Second Week of Eastertide

“Calls You by Your Name”

Blessed John Henry Newman (1801-1890)

God beholds me individually, whoever I am.

He “calls you by your name”.

He sees me and understands me, as He made me.   He knows what is in me, all my own peculiar feelings and thoughts, my dispositions and likings, my strength and my weakness.   He views me in my day of rejoicing and my day of sorrow.   He sympathises in my hopes and my temptations.   He interests Himself in all my anxieties and remembrances, all the risings and fallings of my spirit.   He has numbered the very hairs of my head and the cubits of my stature.   He compasses me round and bears me in His arms.   He takes me up and sets me down. 

he compasses me round - bl john henry newman - 13 april 2018

He notes my very countenance, whether smiling or in tears, whether healthful or sickly.   He looks tenderly upon my hands and my feet.   He hears my voice, the beating of my heart and my very breathing.   I do not love my self better than He loves me.   I cannot shrink from pain more than He dislikes my bearing it and if He puts it on me, it is as I will put it on myself, if I am wise, for a greater good afterwards…

I Will Put Myself In Your Hands

O my God, I will put myself
without reserve into Your hands.
Wealth or woe,
joy or sorrow,
friends or bereavement,
honour or humiliation,
good report or ill report,
comfort or discomfort.
Your presence or the
hiding of Your countenance,
all is good
if it comes from You.
You are Wisdom
and You are love –
what can I desire more.

Blessed John Henry Newman (1801-1890)

i will put myself in your hands - prayer - bl joh henry newman - 13 april 2018