Quote/s of the Day – 20 June – Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home, the Consecrating the Family to the Sacred Heart and the 12 Promises

Quote/s of the Day – 20 June – “The Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus”

Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home
and the Consecrating the Family to the Sacred Heart:

The Twelve Promises of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary
and to those Devoted to His Sacred Heart:

  1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.
  2. I will establish peace in their families.
  3. I will console them in all their troubles.
  4. They shall find in My Heart an assured refuge during life
    and especially at the hour of their death.
  5. I will pour abundant blessings on all their undertakings.
  6. Sinners shall find in My Heart the source of an infinite ocean of mercy.
  7. Tepid souls shall become fervent.
  8. Fervent souls shall speedily rise to great perfection.
  9. I will bless the homes where an image of My Heart
    shall be exposed and honoured.
  10. I will give to priests the power of touching the most hardened hearts.
  11. Those who propagate this devotion shall have their names
    written in My Heart, never to be effaced.
  12. The all-powerful love of My Heart will grant to all those
    who shall receive Communion on the First Friday of Nine consecutive months the grace of final repentance; they shall not die under my displeasure, nor without receiving their Sacraments;
    My heart shall be their assured refuge at that last hour.

His Heart is the natural Sign and Symbol
of His boundless love for the human race.

Pope Pius XII (1876-1958)


23 June – Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home

23 June – The Octave Day of the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ

Consecrating the Family to the Sacred Heart

Excerpt – Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home
By Father Joseph Husslein SJ (1873-1952) Imprimatur 1917

My desire is to reign through My Heart,” our Divine Lord said to St Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690), “I shall bestow abundant graces on the houses where the image of My Sacred Heart is exposed and especially honoured.

These words are the foundation of a practice whose object is the solemn Consecration of the entire family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, made before an image of that Divine Heart displayed in the home.
It is a practice which should profoundly appeal to the laity and there should be no Catholic family which has not been dedicated to that Divine Source of Love and blessings.

For the Christians living in the world,” wrote St Margaret Mary, “my Sovereign Master assured me that they would find, in the devotion to the Sacred Heart, all the help necessary for their state of life, peace in their families and consolation in their miseries.

That adorable Heart has likewise pledged Itself by means of this devotion, to reunite families who have been divided and to bring about peace among them, to protect those who shall be in any necessity and, to turn aside the punishments of the just wrath of God in restoring them to His grace, should they by sin, have fallen from it.

Finally, it is properly within the Divine Heart Itself, that these Christians shall find a place of refuge during life and especially at the hour of death.
These promises are translated from the authentic text of the revelations made to the great servant of the Sacred Heart, St Margaret Mary.

The picture selected … [the image avove was the only one ever used when I was a child] should be exposed in the room where all the members of the family usually meet, that it may always be conspicuously in their sight. Thus laying aside human respect, they will openly acknowledge Christ as the King of their home. Under His eyes the little ones will grow up into a noble manhood and womanhood, for His image will constantly serve to keep them in mind of His Love and to model their lives upon His. Before It, all the great family events will transpire, its joys and its sorrows and Christ will ever be in their midst, where parents and children are united in His Name.

The head of each family, the father, or, in his absence, the mother, or the oldest of the children, or whoever may hold the place of authority, should take the initiative in bringing about this Consecration. So likewise, Apostolates, schools, colleges, asylums, associations, convents and institutions of every kind, may wisely adopt this practice.
Although the ceremony, according to the customary method, is for the first time performed by the Priest in the presence of the entire family and a ceremonial has even been prepared for the purpose, yet often this cannot readily be done and, therefore, the head of the family will suffice and he too must ensure that frequent renewals occur to make it living and effective.. A lovely practice is to renew on the annual Feast of the Sacred Heart AND during the Season of Christmas AND on each family member’s Birthday.

Solemnity can be given to the ceremony by placing flowers and lights about the image of the Sacred Heart and, it is well that the picture of Mary’s Immaculate Heart and of St Joseph, should not be wanting to complete the religious beauty of that family room.

What greater joy for Christian mothers than frequently to repeat this Act and to know that their dear ones are safely hidden and protected in the Heart of Jesus, there to live and there to die?

The following is the Act of Consecration omitting the ceremonies in the absence of a Priest.
Mere words alone do not, of course, suffice – the family should henceforth strive to live in the spirit of this Consecration:

Lord Jesus, vouchsafe to visit this home, in the company of Thy sweet Mother and confer on its inhabitants the graces promised to families, especially consecrated to Thy Divine Heart. Thou Thyself, O Saviour of the world, didst solicit, with merciful purposes, the solemn homage of universal love toward the Heart which has so loved men and by whom, such ungrateful returns are made to Thee, as Thou hast revealed to Thy servant Margaret Mary.

Therefore, this family hastens to Thy call and in reparation for the apostasy of so many souls, by whom Thou art forsaken, proclaims Thee, O Sacred Heart, their amiable Sovereign and Consecrates to Thee ,absolutely their joys, their troubles and their sadness, the present and the future of this their Home which is to be, henceforth and forever Thine. Bless, then, sweet Jesus, those present and absent and bless those who, by the will of Heaven, have been snatched away by death.

We beseech Thee, O Loving Heart, through the love of the Virgin Mary that Thou wouldst establish in this house of Thine, the empire of Thy charity; inspire all its inhabitants with Thy spirit of faith, of sanctity and of purity and win their souls for Thee, leading them away from the world and its foolish vanities. Open, O Lord, the radiant wound of Thy merciful Heart and keep therein, as in the Ark of Salvation, all those who belong to Thee for all eternity.
May the conquering Heart of Jesus be always loved, blessed, and glorified amongst us! Amen.

Consecration to the Sacred Heart
By Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903)
Pope from 1878-1903

Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race,
look down upon us
humbly prostrate before Thine altar.
We are Thine and Thine we wish to be
but, to be more surely united with Thee,
behold each one of us,
freely consecrates himself today
to Thy most Sacred Heart.
Many indeed have never known Thee,
many too, despising Thy precepts,
have rejected Thee.
Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus
and draw them to Thy Sacred Heart.
Be Thou King, O Lord,
not only of the faithful,
who have never forsaken Thee
but also of the prodigal children,
who have abandoned Thee,
grant that they may quickly return
to Thy Father’s house
lest they die of wretchedness and hunger.
Be Thou King of those
who are deceived by erroneous opinions,
or whom discord keeps aloof
and call them back
to the harbour of truth
and unity of faith,
so that there may be
but one flock and one Shepherd.
Be Thou, King of all those.
who are still involved
in the darkness of idolatry or of Islamism
and refuse not, to draw them
into the light and kingdom of God.
Turn Thine eyes of mercy
towards the children of the race,
once Thy chosen people –
of old they called down upon themselves
the Blood of the Saviour;
may it now descend upon them,
a laver of redemption and of life.
Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church,
assurance of freedom
and immunity from harm;
give peace and order to all nations
and make the earth resound
from pole to pole, with one cry:
“Praise be to the Divine Heart
that wrought our salvation;
to It be glory and honour forever.”

The above prayer, composed by Pope Leo XIII was included in the 1899 Encyclical, Annum Sacrum, issued by Leo XIII as he Consecrated the entire world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The Consecration was influenced by two letters written to the Holy Father by Blessed Sister Mary of the Divine Heart, who stated that in visions of Jesus Christ, she had been told to request the Consecration.