15 July – The Feast of the the “Divisio Apostolorum – the Division of the Apostles”

Saint or Feast of the Day – 15 July – The Feast of the the “Divisio Apostolorum – the Division of the Apostles” also known as (‘Dispersion’) a Feast which was very popular in the Middle Ages and continued into the Tridentine period on many local calendars but was never on the General Calendar. It is the Liturgical commemoration of an ancient tradition that some time after the Ascension, the Apostles cast lots for which part of the world each one of them would go, spreading out from Jerusalem. to preach the Gospel to all the ends of the earth.

The Common Office of the Apostles refers to this idea repeatedly, as, for example, in the first Antiphon of Matins, taken from Psalm 18. “Their sound hath gone forth into all the earth and their words unto the ends of the world” and, likewise, the third Antiphon from Psalm 44, “Thou shalt make them princes over all the earth; they shall remember Thy Name, O Lord.” …

The earliest reference to this Feast is a sequence which was well-known and widely used in the Middle Ages, written by one Godeschalk, a Monk of Limburg Abbey in Western Germany, who died in 1098.

There is a tradition known from the 4th Century, which declares that the Baptismal Creed, now called the Apostles’ Creed, was composed as a rule of the Faith by the Twelve before this dispersal, with each one of them contributing an one of the Aarticles of our Faith. … It is seen here in a Carthusian Breviary c1490, (starting near the top of the right column), in which the name of an Apostle is printed in red before each Article of the Creed.