Posted in ONE Minute REFLECTION, QUOTES - J R R Tolkien and MORE, QUOTES on WOMEN, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 18 September – And the twelve were with him and also some women … Luke 8:1-2

One Minute Reflection – 18 September – Friday of the Twenty Fourth week in Ordinary Time, Readings: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20Psalms 17:16-78 and 15Luke 8:1-3 and the Memorial of St Joseph of Cupertino OFM Conv. (1603-1663)

And the twelve were with him and also some women … Luke 8:1-2

REFLECTION – “Also with Jesus are some women… these women from Galilee will follow Jesus, even to His death and buriel (Lk 23:49,55-56) and will be the ones who discover the empty tomb, hear the announcement of the resurrection and report it to the apostles (Lk 24:1-11). Three are named here, though there are many others. Most familiar is Mary, called Magdalene, who is mentioned again in Luke’s resurrection narrative (24:10) and frequently in the other Gospels. She is from Magdala, a fishing town on the western shore of the lake. Jesus had freed her from a severe case of possession by seven demons (11:26).

The other named women are Joanna and Susanna. Joanna is also mentioned in Luke’s resurrection narrative (24:10). Since she and Mary Magdalene thus accompany Jesus for a good portion of His public ministry, they may well be among Luke’s “eyewitnesses” (1:2) on whose testimony his Gospel is based, especially Joanna, who is mentioned only by Luke. In particular, since she is wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, she may be – like Manaen, “A close friend of Herod the tetrach” (Acts 13:1) – a source of Luke’s special passages about Herod (Luke 13:31-33; 23:6-15). Her association with Herod’s household also indicates that Jesus’ followers included people of high social and economic standing. Hence, with their resources, (8:3), she and the other women provided for them. What is emphasised here, is their financial support.

Luke’s complementary depiction of men and women, include, even the itinerant groups of disciples that accompany Him. As Paul says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female – for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:28). By reaching out to Gentiles, the poor and to women, Jesus challenged and turned on it’s head, the social conventions of His time and even in ours.” … Father Pablo T Gadenz – The Gospel of Luke

PRAYER – Heavenly Father, help me to be holy in the way that You have laid out for me. Let me carry out my duties of my state of life to the full and grant me the grace to carry my crosses in honour of You. Only in You may I attain holiness, learning to give myself, my will, my heart and my soul only to You. St Joseph of Cupertino, you who were so disadvantaged, achieved by the grace of God, sanctity in this life and now behold His Face through all eternity. We ask for your intercession, amen.


Thought for the Day – 24 November – “Jesus remember me”

Thought for the Day – 24 November – The Solemnity of Christ the King, the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year C, Gospel: Luke 23:35–43

“Jesus remember me”

jesus remember me - luke 23 42 - christ the king 24 nov 2019.jpg

These words are brought to mind by a line from the Eucharistic hymn “Adoro te devoto,” by St Thomas Aquinas – “I ask for what the repentant thief asked” (Peto quod opetivit latro paentitens). – “Jesus, remember me.”
What a beautiful aspiration!
Each day and throughout the day, we can ask Jesus for the many things we need, summing up our prayers of petition, by asking Jesus to remember us, according to His mercy, remembering not our sins (Ps 25:7).
And, like the good thief, let us ask at the moment of our death:
“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” (Luke 23:42)

“Angels, saints and nations sing
‘Praised be Jesus Christ, our King.
Lord of life, earth, sky and sea,
King of love on Calvary.”angels saints and nations sing praise be jesus christ our king 24 nov 2019.jpg