Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 3 June – Saint Albert of Como (Died c1092) Bishop

Saint of the Day – 3 June – Saint Albert of Como (Died c1092) Bishop, the 15th Bishop of Como. Also known as – Aribert, Ariberto, Adalbert, Adelbert.

Various Saints on the facade of Como Cathedral

The scant historical information describes Albert as a zealous Bishop, dedicated to the care of his people, while legend exalts his heroic virtues and miraculous powers.

Legend has it that, accused by the Pope of incontinence, Albert managed to triumph over such slander with the evidence of his holy life, his apostolic zeal and his thaumaturgical powers. On this occasion, he actually went personally to Rome, where he performed various miracles in the presence of the Pope, announcing among other things, that his death would follow the recovery of full visual faculties of the same Pontiff, who had a monocle. The Pontiff, then, when he recovered, went to Como, where he assisted the holy Bishop on his deathbed and participated in his funeral.

The actual date of Albert’s death cannot be determined. He was buried in the Church of the Apostles which, from 818 was called St Abbondius. His Relics were later placed together with those of St Rubiano,his predeccessor, under an Altar dedicated to them. In 1580 there was a further transfer of the Relics of the two holy Bishops, placed partly in the Cathedral under the Altar of the Crucifix, partly in the Dominican Church of St John. St Albert’s Feast was celebrated on 7 July and on that date he was also remembered in the Breviary of 1519-1523. His Feast was later moved to 3 June.

Como Cathedral

Within the Octave of Corpus Christi, Madonna della Lettera / Our Lady of the Letter (Messina, Sicily, Italy) 1693 and the Saints for 3 June

Within the Octave of Corpus Christi

St Albert of Como (Died c 1092) Bishop
St Athanasius of Traiannos
St Auditus of Braga
Bl Beatrice Bicchieri
St Caecilius of Carthage

St Conus of Lucania
St Cronan the Tanner
St Davinus of Lucca
Bl Diego Oddi
St Gausmarus of Savigny
St Genesius of Clermont
St Glunshallaich
St Hilary of Carcassone
St Isaac of Córdoba

St Laurentinus of Arezzo
St Liphardus of Orléans
St Morand of Cluny
St Moses of Arabia
St Oliva of Anagni
St Paula of Nicomedia
St Pergentinus of Arezzo
Bl Phaolô Vu Van Duong
St Urbicius

Martyrs of Rome – 8 Saints: A group of Christians Martyred together. We know nothing else about them but the names –
Amasius, Emerita, Erasmus, Lucianus, Orasus, Satuaucnus, Septiminus• Servulus.
They were Martyred in Rome, Italy, date unknown.