Quote of the Day – 20 June – ‘…let Him hear the prayer of Christ ringing in His ears!’

Quote of the Day – 20 June – Thursday Eleventh Week of Ord Time Year C – Today’s Gospel Matthew 6:7-15

“So, my brothers, let us pray as God our master has taught us.
To ask the Father in words His Son has given us,
to let Him hear the prayer of Christ ringing in His ears,
is to make our prayer one of friendship, a family prayer.
Let the Father recognise the words of His Son.
Let the Son who lives in our hearts, be also on our lips.
We have Him as an Advocate for sinners, before the Father,
when we ask for forgiveness for ours sins,
let us use the words given by our Advocate.
He tells us –
Whatever you ask the Father in my name, He will give you.
What more effective prayer could we then make,
in the name of Christ, than in the words of His own prayer?”

Saint Cyprian of Carthage (c 200- c 258)
Bishop, Father of the Church and Martyr

An excerpt from his “On the Lord’s Prayer”let-us-pray-as-god-our-master-has-taught-us-st-cyprian-12-march-2019-lenten-thoughts-no-2- used again 20 june 2019.jpg


Thought for the Day – 6 May – The Contest of Faith

Thought for the Day – 6 May – Monday of the Third week of Easter, Gospel: John 6:22–29 and the Memorial of St Francois Laval (1623-1708)

The Contest of Faith

Saint Cyprian of Carthage (200-258)
Bishop, Martyr, Father of the Church and Martyr

An excerpt from his Letter 58

Dear brothers, the commands of the Gospel are nothing else than God’s lessons, the foundations on which to build up hope, the supports for strengthening faith, the food that nourishes the heart.   They are the rudder for keeping us on the right course, the protection that keeps our salvation secure.   As they instruct the receptive minds of believers on earth, they lead safely to the kingdom of heaven.

As we do battle and fight, in the contest of faith, God, His angels and Christ Himself, watch us.   How exalted is the glory, how great the joy of engaging in a contest with God presiding, of receiving a crown, with Christ as we do battle and fight - st cyoprian of carthage - 6 may 2019 the contest of faith

Dear brethren, let us arm ourselves with all our might, let us prepare ourselves for the struggle with uncorrupted minds, with a whole faith and with devoted courage.

The blessed Apostle teaches us how to arm and prepare ourselves – Put round you the belt of truth, put on the breastplate of righteousness, for shoes wear zeal for the Gospel of peace, take up the shield of faith to extinguish all the burning arrows of the evil one, take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.

Let us take this armour and defend ourselves with these spiritual defences from heaven, so that when the evil day comes we may be able to resist the threats of the devil and fight back against him.

Let us put on the breastplate of righteousness so that our breasts may be protected and kept safe from the arrows of the enemy.   Let our feet be shod in the teaching of the Gospel and armoured so that when we begin to trample on the serpent and crush it, it will not be able to bite us or trip us up.

Let us with fortitude bear the shield of faith to protect us by extinguishing all the burning arrows that the enemy may launch against us.

Let us wear on our head the helmet of the Spirit, to defend our ears against the proclamations of death, to defend our eyes against the sight of accursed idols, to defend our foreheads so that God’s sign may be kept intact and to defend our mouths, so that our tongues may proclaim victoriously the name of Christ their Lord.

Let us arm our right hand with the sword of the Spirit so that it may courageously refuse the daily sacrifices and let the hand—mindful of the Eucharist—that took hold of the body of the Lord, embrace the Lord Himself and so gain from the Lord the future prize of a heavenly crown.

Dear brethren, have all this firmly fixed in your hearts.   If the day of persecution finds us thinking on these things and meditating upon them, the soldier of Christ, trained by Christ’s commands and instructions, will not tremble at the thought of battle but will be ready to receive the crown of victory.   Amen!

St Francois Laval, who have received the Crown, please pray for us!st francois laval pray for us no 2  6 may 2019.jpg


Lenten Reflection – 24 March – “…A full and perfect patience”

Lenten Reflection – 24 March – The Third Sunday of Lent, Year C

Exodus 3:1-8a, 13-15; Psalms 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-11; 1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12; Luke 13:1-9 (Different Readings apply for the Scrutinies Mass)

Daily Meditation:
Form a new heart within.

“And he answered him, ‘Let it alone, sir, this year also, till I dig about it and put on manure, And if it bears fruit next year, well and good and if not, you can cut it down.”...Luke 13:8-9The third sunday - year C 24 march 2019.jpg

St Cyprian of Carthage – (c 200- c 258) Bishop and Martyr, Father of the Church

The good of patience, 6, 7-8

“This, beloved brethren, Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God, did not teach by words only but he also fulfilled by His deeds… In the very hour of His passion and cross… what violent abuses He listened to with patience and what shameful insults He endured!   He was even covered with the spittle of His revilers when but a short time before, He had cured the eyes of the blind man with His own spittle(Jn 9:6)… He who now crowns the martyrs with eternal garlands was Himself crowned with thorns, He who now gives true palms to the victors was beaten in the face with hostile palms; he who clothes all others with the garment of immortality was stripped of His earthly garments, He who has given us the food of heaven was fed with gall, He who has offered us the cup of salvation was given vinegar to drink.   He the innocent, the just man, nay rather, Innocence itself and Justice itself, is counted among criminals and Truth is concealed by false testimonies.  He who is to judge is judged and the Word of God, silent, is led to the cross.   And although the stars are confounded at the crucifixion of the Lord, the elements are disturbed and the earth trembles… yet He does not speak, nor is He moved, nor does He proclaim His majesty, even during the suffering itself.   He endures all things even to the end with constant perseverance so that in Christ, a full and perfect patience may find its realisation.

And even after such sufferings He still receives His murderers if they are converted and come to Him and, with a patience instrumental in saving man, this kind Master closes His Church to no-one.   He not only receives and pardons those adversaries, those blasphemers, those persistent enemies of His name, provided they do penance for their offence and acknowledge the crime committed but He admits them to the reward of the kingdom of heaven.   What can be called more patient, what more kind? Even he who shed the blood of Christ is given life by the blood of Christ.   Such is the wonderful patience of Christ.   And unless it were so wonderful, the Church would not have had Paul, the great Apostle.”

he not only receives and pardons - st cyprian - 24 march 2019 3rdsunlentyearc.jpg

This Sunday brings us closer to the font of renewing our baptismal commitment.
It is also the first of three Scrutinies for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

We are deeply aware that there is a struggle going on in us.
We turn to God, that we might not become discouraged.
We rely on God’s compassion and love for us.
We acknowledge who we are
– sinners who experience the consequences of our selfishness –
but we know we are loved and we desire to be filled with hope.

We go into this week renewed in our desire to continue our
prayer, fasting and generosity toward others.

Bless the Lord, O my soul
and all that is within me, bless his holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul
and forget not all his benefits,
who forgives all your iniquity,
who heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the Pit,
who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy…
Psalm 103:1-4

Closing Prayer:
Loving Father,
So many times I turn away from You
and always You welcome me back.
Your mercy and love gives me confidence
Thank You for the invitation to share, fast and pray
so that You can form a new heart within me.
Your powerful compassion for my weaknesses
leads me to ask for mercy
and await with great hope the Easter joy You share with us.

May the Lord bless us,
protect us from all evil
and bring us to everlasting life.


Lenten Thoughts – 12 March – “On the Lord’s Prayer” – St Cyprian

Lenten Thoughts – 12 March – Tuesday of the First Week of Lent

Saint Cyprian of Carthage
Bishop, Father of the Church and Martyr

An excerpt from his “On the Lord’s Prayer”

Dear brothers, the commands of the Gospel are nothing else than God’s lessons, the foundations on which to build up hope, the supports for strengthening faith, the food that nourishes the heart.   They are the rudder for keeping us on the right course, the protection that keeps our salvation secure.   As they instruct the receptive minds of believers on earth, they lead safely to the kingdom of heaven.

God willed that many things should be said by the prophets, His servants and listened to by His people.   How much greater are the things spoken by the Son.   These are now witnessed to by the very word of God who spoke through the prophets.   The Word of God does not now command us to prepare the way for His coming – He comes in person and opens up the way for us and directs us toward it.   Before, we wandered in the darkness of death, aimlessly and blindly.   Now we are enlightened by the light of grace and are to keep to the highway of life, with the Lord to precede and direct us.

The Lord has given us many counsels and commandments to help us toward salvation. He has even given us a pattern of prayer, instructing us on how we are to pray.   He has given us life and with His accustomed generosity, He has also taught us how to pray.   He has made it easy for us to be heard as we pray to the Father in the words taught us by the Son.

He has already foretold that the hour was coming when true worshippers would worship the Father in spirit and in truth.   He fulfilled what He had promised before, so that we who have received the spirit and the truth through the holiness He has given us, may worship in truth and in the spirit through the prayer He has taught.

What prayer could be more a prayer in the spirit than the one given us by Christ, by whom the Holy Spirit was sent upon us?   What prayer could be more a prayer in the truth than the one spoken by the lips of the Son, who is Truth Himself?   It follows that to pray in any other way than the Son has taught us is not only the result of ignorance but of sin.   He himself has commanded it and has said – You reject the command of God, to set up your own tradition.

So, my brothers, let us pray as God our master has taught us.   To ask the Father in words His Son has given us, to let Him hear the prayer of Christ ringing in His ears, is to make our prayer one of friendship, a family prayer.   Let the Father recognise the words of His Son.   Let the Son who lives in our hearts, be also on our lips.   We have Him as an Advocate for sinners, before the Father, when we ask for forgiveness for ours sins, let us use the words given by our Advocate.   He tells us – Whatever you ask the Father in my name, He will give you.   What more effective prayer could we then make, in the name of Christ, than in the words of His own prayer?let us pray as god our master has taught us - st cyprian 12 march 2019 lenten thoughts no 2

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on PRAYER, SAINT of the DAY, SPEAKING of .....

Quote/s of the Day – 12 March – “Speaking of Prayer”

Quote/s of the Day – 12 March – Tuesday of the First Week of Lent, C – Gospel Matthew 6:7–15 and the Memorial of St Luigi Orione FDP (1872-1940)

“Speaking of Prayer”

“Without Prayer nothing good is done.
God’s works are done with our hands joined
and on our knees.
Even when we run,
we must remain spiritually
kneeling before Him.”

Saint Luigi Orione (1872-1940)without-prayer-bl-luigi-orione-12 march 2019.jpg

“But if He who was without sin prayed,
how much more ought sinners to pray
and if He prayed continually,
watching through the whole night with uninterrupted petitions,
how much more ought we
to lie awake at night in continuing prayer!”

St Cyprian of Carthage (c 200- c 258)

Father of the Church

(The Lord’s Prayer #29)luke 5 16 but he withdrew to the wilderness - but if he who was without sin - st cyprian 11 jan 2019.jpg

“Your prayer is a conversation with God.
When you read, it is God who is speaking,
when you pray, it is with God that you are speaking.”

St Augustine (354-430) Father & Doctor of the Churchyour-prayer-is-a-conversation-st-augustine-19-sept-2018.jpg

“All that one says to the Saviour is prayer
and when the mind cannot apply itself,
to the effort of true prayer,
a few simple words to Him become one.
It is needful always to think of Him,
even if it is only by the thought
that one is thinking less of Him –
one must be always thinking of Him
and then bit by bit,
He draws one back entirely to Him,
He is so good!”

Eugene de Ferronays (1827 – 1894)all-that-one-says-to-the-saviour-is-prayer-eugene-de-ferronays-9-jan-2019.jpg

“When we pray,
let it be our whole being
that turns towards God –
our thoughts,
our heart…
The Lord will be moved
to incline towards us
and come to our help…”

St Pio of Pietralcina “Padre Pio” (1887-1968)when-we-pray-st-padre-pio-12-feb-2019.jpg

“Prayer is necessary to receive the help of God,
as grain is needed to harvest … a humble and trustful prayer,
for what is necessary for salvation,
is never lost.
It is heard at least by the fact,
that it begs for the grace,
to abide in prayer.”

Blessed Michal Sopoćko (1888-1975)prayer-is-necessary-bl-michal-sopocka-15-feb-2019.jpg


One Minute Reflection – 8 February – “I want you to give me the head of John the Baptist.”

One Minute Reflection – 8 February – Friday of the Fourth week in Ordinary Time, Year C, Gospel: Mark 6:14–29 and the Memorial of St Jerome Emiliani (1486–1537)

“I want you to give me at once the head of John the Baptist on a platter.”…Mark 6:25

REFLECTION – “If it is glorious for the soldiers of this world to return to their fatherland triumphant, after vanquishing the enemy, how much better and greater is the glory for one who, after overcoming the devil, returns triumphant to heaven and after laying him low who had formerly deceived us, brings back the trophies of victory there, whence Adam, the sinner, had been ejected?   To offer the Lord the most acceptable gift of an uncorrupted faith, an unshaken virtue of the mind, an illustrious praise of devotion?… To become co-heir of Christ, to be made equal to the angels, to rejoice with the patriarchs, with the apostles, with the prophets in the possession of the heavenly kingdom?   What persecution can conquer these thoughts, what torments can overcome them?…

The lands are shut off in persecutions, heaven is open… How great a dignity and, how great a security it is to go forth hence happy, to go forth glorious in the midst of difficulties and affliction!   For a moment to shut the eyes with which men and the world are seen, to open them immediately that God and Christ may be seen!… If persecution should come upon such a soldier of God, virtue made ready for battle will not be able to be overcome him.   Or if the summons should come beforehand, the faith which was prepared for martyr­dom will not be without its reward…  In persecution, God crowns loyal military service, in peace, purity of conscience is crowned.”…St Cyprian (c.200-258) Bishop and Martyr, Father of the Churchmark 6 25 I want you to give me at once the head of john - to become co-heirs with christ - st cyprian 8 feb 2019.jpg

PRAYER– Father of mercy, You chose St Jerome Emiliani to be a father to orphans in their need.   Grant that through his prayer, we may keep faithfully the spirit of sonship, by which we are not only called but really are Your children.   Help us to imitate his love and faith, manifesting by our commitment to Your commandments, our true faith.   May we be filled with strength and grace as we face persecution and animosity in Your service.   We make our prayer through Jesus, our Lord in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever, amenst-jerome-emiliani-pay-for-us-8-feb-2018.jpg


Sunday Reflection – 3 February – “May we be Worthy” – St Cyprian of Carthage

Sunday Reflection – 3 February – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

“May we be Worthy”

“He [Paul] threatens, moreover, the stubborn and forward and denounces them, saying, ‘Whosoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily, is guilty of the body and blood of the Lord’ [1 Cor. 11:27].

All these warnings being scorned and contemned—[lapsed Christians will often take Communion] before their sin is expiated, before confession has been made of their crime, before their conscience has been purged by sacrifice and by the hand of the priest, before the offence of an angry and threatening Lord has been appeased, [and so] violence is done to His body and blood and they sin now, against their Lord, more with their hand and mouth than when they denied their Lord”

St Cyprian of Carthage (c 200- c 258) Bishop and Martyr, Father of the Church
(The Lapsed 15–16 [written in 251])lapsed christians - st cyprian of carthage - 3 feb 2019 sun reflec.jpg

Posted in FATHERS of the Church, ON the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Thought for the Day – 20 January – The Memorial of St Pope Fabian (c 200 – c 250) Martyr

Thought for the Day – 20 January – The Memorial of St Pope Fabian (c 200 – c 250) Martyr

St Cyprian of Carthage (c 200- c 258) Bishop and Martyr, Father of the Church, here writes of the martyrdom of St Fabian who had been elected bishop of the Church of Rome in 236.   In 250, at the beginning of the persecution of the Emperor Decius, Pope Fabian was captured, martyred and buried in the catacombs, in cemetery of Saint Callistus.   St Cyprian himself was arrested in Carthage a few years later and also won the crown of martyrdom.

When St Cyprian had learnt of Pope Fabian’s death, he sent this letter to the presbyters and deacons of Rome:

“When the report of the departure of the excellent man, my colleague, was still uncertain among us, my beloved brethren and I was wavering doubtfully in my opinion on the matter, I received a letter sent to me from you by Crementius the sub-deacon, in which I was fully informed of his glorious end and I rejoiced greatly, that the integrity of his administration had been matched, by the nobility of his end.

I greatly congratulate you that you honour his memory with so public and illustrious a testimony, through which you have made known to me not only the memory of your bishop, which confers glory upon you but also an example of faith and strength, that I should follow.

For just as the fall of a bishop tends to bring about the ruinous fall of his followers, so it is a useful and helpful thing when, by the firmness of his faith, a bishop becomes manifest to his brethren as an object of imitation.”

Before receiving the above letter, the Church of Rome wrote to Cyprian, bearing witness to its steadfastness in persecution:

“The church stands in faith, even though some have been driven to fall by sheer terror, whether because they were people of some eminence or that, when they were seized, they were overwhelmed by the fear of man.   We did not abandon these people, although they were separated from us but exhort them and exhort them still, to repent, so that they may somehow receive pardon from Him, who is able to pardon them and so that they should not, by being deserted by us, become worse.

So you see, brethren, that you ought to do the same, so that even those who have fallen may be brought to their senses by your exhortation and confess, if they are seized once more and so make amends for their former sin.   You have other duties too, which we have added here.   For example, if anyone who has fallen into this temptation begins to be taken with sickness and repents of what he has done and desires communion, it must be granted to them in any case.

And if you have widows or bedridden people who cannot maintain themselves, or people who are in prison or otherwise excluded from their own dwellings, they must always have someone to minister to them.   Moreover, catechumens who are taken ill should not be disappointed in their hopes but should also be given help.

The brethren who are in chains greet you, as do the elders and the whole Church, which also, with the deepest anxiety, keeps watch over all who call on the Lord.   And we too ask that you in your turn should remember us.”

The above is an excerpt from a letter from Saint Cyprian to the Roman Church (Ep. 9, 1 et 8, 2-3: CSEL 3, 488-489, 487-488) on the occasion of the martyrdom of Pope Fabian. It is used in the Roman Office of Readings for the memorial of Sts Fabian on January 20, the same day on which St Sebastian is honoured.

St Pope Fabian, Pray for Us!st pope fabian pray for us 20 jan 2019
St Sebastian, Pray for Us!st-sebastian-pray-for-us-no-2-20-jan-2018.jpg

Posted in FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on PRAYER, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 11 January – 5th day after Epiphany – Today’s Gospel: Luke 5:12–16

One Minute Reflection – 11 January – 5th day after Epiphany – Today’s Gospel: Luke 5:12–16

But he withdrew to the wilderness and prayed…Luke 5:16

REFLECTION – “Not by words alone but also by deeds, has God taught us to pray.   He Himself prayed frequently and demonstrated what we ought to do, by the testimony of His own example.   As it is written:  “But he himself was in retirement in the desert and in prayer,” and again, “He went out into the mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God.”   But if He who was without sin prayed, how much more ought sinners to pray and if He prayed continually, watching through the whole night with uninterrupted petitions, how much more ought we to lie awake at night in continuing prayer!”…St Cyprian of Carthage (c 200- c 258) Bishop and Martyr, Father of the Church (The Lord’s Prayer #29)luke 5 16 but he withdrew to the wilderness - but if he who was without sin - st cyprian 11 jan 2019.jpg

PRAYER – Almighty God and Father, by the guidance of a star, You revealed the birth of the Saviour of the world and by His teachings, the way of our path to You is shown to us. Open our minds and our hearts to these revelations and let them bear fruit in our lives. Listen we pray, to the prayers of St Tommaso da Cori on our behalf, who so diligently followed Your revelationS.   Through Jesus, our Lord and Christ, with the Holy Spirit, God forever, tommaso of cori pray for us 11 jan 2019.jpg


Quote/s of the Day – 16 September – The Memorial of Sts Cornelius and Cyprian Martyrs

Quote/s of the Day – 16 September – The Memorial of Sts Cornelius and Cyprian Martyrs

“We must carry out the will of God
rather than our own.
This is what we pledge to do in the “Our Father”,
which we recite every day.
What a travesty it would be if,
after praying that God’s will be done,
we should carry out that will halfheartedly
and only because we are obliged to do so!we-must-carry-out-the-will-of-god-rather-than-our-own-st-cyprian-of-carthage-190-258

“We have solemnly renounced the world
and therefore, whilst we continue in it,
we should behave like strangers and pilgrims.”we have solemnly renounced the world - st cyprian - 16 sept 2018

“You cannot have God for your Father
if you do not have the Church for your mother….
God is one and Christ is one and His Church is one;
one is the faith and one is the people cemented together
by harmony into the strong unity of a body….
If we are the heirs of Christ, let us abide in the peace of Christ;
if we are the sons of God, let us be lovers of peace.”you-cannot-have-god-for-your-father-st-cyprian-of-carthage-16 sept 2017

“You who are envious, let me tell you
that however often you may seek
for the opportunity of injuring him whom you hate,
you will never be able to do him so much harm,
as you do harm to yourselves.
He whom you would punish through the malice of your envy,
may probably escape but you will never
be able to fly from yourselves.” (St Cyprian from The Unity of the Catholic Church)you-who-are-envious- st cyprian - 16 sept 2017

“Let us remember one another in concord and unanimity.
Let us on both sides of death always pray for one another.
Let us relieve burdens and afflictions by mutual love,
that if one of us, by the swiftness of divine condescension,
shall go hence the first, our love may continue in the presence
of the Lord and our prayers for our brethren and sisters
not cease in the presence of the Father’s mercy.”
St Cyprian from letters (to St Pope Cornelius no 253)

St Cyprian of Carthage (190-258)let-us-remember-one-another-st-cyprian-of-carthage-190-258-16 sept 2017


Quote/s of the Day – 17 July – Speaking of: Seeking Repentance with the Fathers

Quote/s of the Day – 17 July – Tuesday of the Fifteenth week in Ordinary Time, B – Today’s Gospel: Matthew 11:20-24

Speaking of:  Seeking Repentance with the Fathers

“When once you have departed this life,
there is no longer any place for repentance,
no way of making satisfaction.
Here, life is either lost or kept.
Here, by the worship of God and by the fruit of faith,
provision is made for eternal salvation.
Let no one be kept back either by his sins
or by his years from coming to obtain salvation.
To him who still remains in this world,
there is no repentance that is too late.”

St Cyprian of Carthage (c 200- c 258)

Father of the Churchwhen once you have departed - st cyprian - speaking of seeking repentance - 17 july 2018

“Do you fast?
Then feed the hungry,
give drink to the thirsty,
visit the sick, do not forget the imprisoned,
have pity on the tortured,
comfort those who grieve and who weep,
be merciful, humble, kind, calm, patient, sympathetic,
forgiving, reverent, truthful and pious,
so that God might accept your fasting
and might plentifully grant you the fruits of repentance.”

“Since it is likely that, being men, they would sin every day,
St Paul consoles his hearers by saying ‘renew yourselves’
from day to day.
This is what we do with houses:
we keep constantly repairing them as they wear old.
You should do the same thing to yourself.
Have you sinned today?
Have you made your soul old?
Do not despair, do not despond
but renew your soul by repentance and tears and Confession
and by doing good things.
And never cease doing this.”do-you-fast-st-john-chrysostom-17 july-2018

“If repentance is neglected for an instant,
one can lose the power of the Resurrection
as he lives with the weakness of tepidity
and the potential of his fall.”

St John Chrysostom (347-407)

Father and Doctor of the Churchif repentance is neglected - st john chrysostom - 17 july 2018 - speaking of seeking repentance

“Reform yourself and so be always ready.
Be not afraid of the last day, as a thief,
who will break up your house as you sleep
but awake and reform yourself today.”reform-yourself-st-augustine-29-jan-2018

“In failing to confess, Lord,
I would only hide You from myself,
not myself from You.”

St Augustine (354-430) Father and Doctor of the Churchin-failing-to-confess-lord-st-augustine-13-march-2018

“To do penance
is to bewail the evil we have done
and to do no evil
to bewail.”

St Pope Gregory the Great (540-604)

Father & Doctor of the Churchto-do-penance-st-pope-gregory-the-great-29-jan-2018

“Repentance raises the fallen,
mourning knocks at the gate of Heaven
and holy humility opens it.”repentance raises the fallen - st john climacus - 17 july 2018 - speaking of repentance

“Repentance is the renewal of baptism. 
Repentance is a contract with God for a second life. 
A penitent is a buyer of humility. 
Repentance is constant distrust of bodily comfort. 
Repentance is self-condemning reflection of carefree self-care. 
Repentance is the daughter of hope and the renunciation of despair. 
A penitent is an undisgraced convict. 
Repentance is reconciliation with the Lord 
by the practice of good deeds contrary to the sins. 
Repentance is purification of conscience. 
Repentance is the voluntary endurance of all afflictions. 
A penitent is the inflicter of his own punishments. 
Repentance is a mighty persecution of the stomach
and a striking of the soul into vigorous awareness.”repentance is the renewal of baptism - st john climacus - 29 jan 2019

“Confession is like a bridle that keeps the soul
which reflects on it from committing sin
but anything left unconfessed
we continue to do without fear as if in the dark.”

St John Climacus (579-649) Father of the Churchconfession-is-like-a-bridle-st-john-climacus-13-march-2018

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, FEASTS and SOLEMNITIES, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on the CHURCH, SAINT of the DAY

Quote/s of the Day – 22 February – The Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter

Quote/s of the Day – 22 February – The Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter

“The universal Church, that is,
the faithful everywhere, must be
in agreement with this Church
because of her outstanding superiority.”

St Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons (130-202) Father of the Churchthe universal church - st irenaeus - 22 feb 2018

“He who deserts the
Chair of Peter, upon whom
the Church was founded,
does he trust himself
to be IN the Church?”

(De Catholicae Ecclesiae Unitate, 251)

St Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage and Martyr (200-258) Father of the Churchhe who deserts the chair of peter - st cyprian - 22 feb 2018




Ash Wednesday – 14 February 2018

Ash Wednesday – 14 February 2018

Joel 2:12-18, 2 Corinthians 5:20 — 6:2, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

At the beginning of Lent, on Ash Wednesday, ashes are blessed during Mass, after the homily.   The blessed ashes are then “imposed” on the faithful as a sign of conversion, penance, fasting and human mortality.   The ashes are blessed at least during the first Mass of the day but they may also be imposed during all the Masses of the day, after the homily and even outside the time of Mass to meet the needs of the faithful.   Priests or deacons normally impart this sacramental but instituted acolytes, other extraordinary ministers or designated lay people may be delegated to impart ashes, if the bishop judges that this is necessary.   The ashes are made from the palms used at the previous Passion Sunday ceremonies. …— Ceremonies of the Liturgical Year, Msgr. Peter J Elliott

The act of putting on ashes symbolises fragility and mortality and the need to be redeemed by the mercy of God.   Far from being a merely external act, the Church has retained the use of ashes to symbolise that attitude of internal penance to which all the baptised are called during Lent. — Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy

From the very early times the commemoration of the approach of Christ’s passion and death was observed by a period of self-denial.   St Athanasius in the year 339 enjoined upon the people of Alexandria the 40 days’ fast he saw practised in Rome and elsewhere, “to the end that while all the world is fasting, we who are in Egypt should not become a laughing stock as the only people who do not fast but take our pleasure in those days.” On Ash Wednesday in the early days, the Pope went barefoot to St Sabina’s in Rome “to begin with holy fasts the exercises of Christian warfare, that as we do battle with the spirits of evil, we may be protected by the help of self-denial.

“In the course of this trial of forty days, which our weakness only finds long, we shall not be deprived of our Saviour’s presence.   He has preceded and outpaced us on the royal road.   He has tried it and accomplished its course before us, in order to answer, by His example, the excuses and arguments our self-indulgence or pride may urge.   Let us accept the lesson fully and so arrive at an understanding of the law of expiation.   “Do penance, for the kingdom of heaven is drawing near.”   Let us open our heart to this appeal, that the Saviour may not be compelled to awake us from our lethargy by the terrible threat He employed on another occasion:  “If you do not repent you shall all perish.”...Abbot Dom Prosper Gueranger

“The enormity of the fact that Christ has, on our behalf, already taken the most extreme punishment upon Himself, should move us, not to leave Him isolated.   It should also inspire us to rejoice that another has taken our place in representing sin before God – for not to rejoice at that, would be a further enormity.   Instead of leaving Him alone, we should be moved to enter into His suffering for us, doing together with Him, what little we can do, to atone for the world’s sin!”…Hans Urs von Balthasar “Light of the World”instead of leaving him alone - hans urs - 14 feb 2018 ash wed


Forgive my sins, O my God, forgive my sins:
the sins of youth,
the sins of age;
the sins of my soul
and the sins of my body;
the sins which, through frailty, I have committed;
my deliberate and grievous sins,
the sins I know and the sins I do not know,
the sins I have laboured so long to hide from others,
that now they are hidden from my own memory;
let me be absolved from all these iniquities
and delivered from the bond of all these evils,
by the Life, Passion, and Death
of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Amenact of contrition - ash wed - 14 feb 2018


Quote/s of the Day – 14 January -Speaking of the Holy Eucharist from the Fathers of the Church

Quote/s of the Day – 14 January -Speaking of the Holy Eucharist from the Fathers of the Church

“Calling her children about her, she [the Church]
nourishes them with holy milk, that is, with the Infant Word…
The Word is everything to a child –
both Father and Mother, both Instructor and Nurse.
The Lord supplies us with these intimate nutriments.
He delivers over His Flesh and pours out His Blood
and nothing is lacking for the growth of His children.
O incredible mystery!”
(Instructor of Children 1:6:42,1,3)

St Clement of Alexandria (c 150-216) Church Father

“The flesh feeds on THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST,
so that the SOUL TOO may fatten on God.”
(Resurrection of the Dead 8:3)

“The Sacrament of the Eucharist,
which the Lord commanded to be taken
at meal times and by all, we take even before
daybreak in congregations…
… We take anxious care lest something
of our Cup or Bread should fall upon the ground…”
(The Crown 3:3-4)

Tertullian (c 155-250) Church Father

“You see how the ALTARS are no longer sprinkled
with the blood of oxen but consecrated
(Homilies on Joshua 2:1)

“You are accustomed to take part in the divine mysteries,
so you know how, when you have received
you reverently exercise every care lest a particle of it fall
and lest anything of the consecrated gift perish….
how is it that you think neglecting the word of God
a lesser crime than neglecting HIS BODY?”
(Homilies on Exodus 13:3)

Origen (c 185-254) Church Fatherthe holy eucharist-holy mass - church fathers - 14 jan 2018

“If Christ Jesus, our Lord and God,
is Himself the High Priest of God the Father;
and if He offered HIMSELF as a SACRIFICE
to the Father
and if He commanded that this be done in
commemoration of Himself –
then certainly the priest,
who imitates that which Christ did,
(Letters 63:14)

St Cyprian of Carthage (c 200-258) Church Fatherif christ jesus - st cyprian - 14 jan 2018

Posted in MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 16 September – The Memorial of Sts Cornelius and Cyprian

One Minute Reflection – 16 September – The Memorial of Sts Cornelius and Cyprian

Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven…Matthew 6:10

REFLECTION – “We must carry out the will of God rather than our own.   This is what we pledge to do in the “Our Father”, which we recite every day.
What a travesty it would be if, after praying that God’s will be done, we should carry out that will halfheartedly and only because we are obliged to do so!…St Cyprian of Carthagewe must carry out the will of god rather than our own - st cyprian of carthage 190-258

PRAYER – Lord God, heavenly Father, You gave Sts Cornelius and Cyprian to Your Church as faithful shepherds and steadfast martyrs.   Strengthen our faith and our courage by their prayers, so that we may strive with all our power, to do Your will at all times, wholeheartedly! Amensts cornelius and cyprian - pray for us

Posted in Against Unexplained FEVER or HIGH Temperatures, DOMESTIC ANIMALS, EARACHE, EAR disorders, EPILEPSY, Of ANIMALS / ANIMAL WELFARE, SAINT of the DAY

Saints of the Day – 16 September – St Pope Cornelius and St Cyprian of Carthage – Martyrs

Saints of the Day – 16 September – St Pope Cornelius and St Cyprian of Carthage – Martyrs.  St Pope Cornelius – Papal Ascension:  251.  He was Martyred in 253 and his remains were buried at the Cemetery of Saint Callistus Rome.   “Cornelius” means ‘battle horn.‘   Patronages – • against earache; earache sufferers• epileptics; against epilepsy• against fever• against myoclonus• cattle• domestic animals• Kornelimünster, Germany. St Cornelius was a Bishop becoming ar reluctant 21st Pope, elected after a 1 1/2 year period, during which the persecutions were so severe that Papal ascension was an immediate death sentence.   He worked to maintain unity in a time of schism and apostasy and fought Novatianism. He also called a Synod of Bishops to confirm him as rightful Pontiff, as opposed to the anti-pope Novatian.  He had the support of Saint Cyprian of Carthage and Saint Dionysius.   He welcomed back those who had apostacised during the persecutions of Decius –  the documents which settled this matter prove the final authority of the Pope. Exiled to Centumcellae in 252 by Roman authorities to punish Christians in general, who were said to have provoked the gods to send plague against Rome. Martyr.   A document from Cornelius shows the size of the Roman Clergy during his Papacy – 46 Priests, 7 Deacons, 7 Sub-deacons, approximately 50,000 Christians.   His name is in the Communicantes in the Canon of the Mass.

St Cyprian of Carthage – (Died in 190 in Carthage, North Africa – Bishop and Martyr, learned Rhetorician, Teacher, Writer, Theologian – beheaded 14 September 258 in Carthage, North Africa).   Patronages – • Algeria (proclaimed on 6 July 1914 by Pope Pius X)• North Africa (proclaimed on 6 July 1914 by Pope Pius X, on 10 January 1958 by Pope Pius XII and on 27 July 1962 by Pope John XXIII  NOTE – no, I don’t know why it was done so many times).  

St Cyprian was born to wealthy pagan parents.   He taught rhetoric and literature.    He was adult convert in 246, taught the faith by Saint Caecilius of Carthage. He was ordained in 247 and became the Bishop of Carthage in 249.   During the persecution of Decius, beginning in 250, Cyprian lived in hiding, covertly ministering to his flock;  his enemies condemned him for being a coward and not standing up for his faith.   As a writer he was second only in importance to Tertullian as a Latin Father of the Church.   Friend of Saint Pontius.   St Cyprian was involved in the great argument over whether apostates should be readmitted to the Church;  Cyprian believed they should but under stringent conditions.   He was supported St Pope Cornelius against the anti-pope Novatian.   During the persecutions of Valerian he was exiled to Curubis in 257, brought back Carthage and then martyred in 258.   His name is in the Communicantes in the Canon of the Mass.CORNELIUS POPESts. Cornelius and Cyprian


An excerpt written to Cornelius, Bishop of Rome condemned to martyrdom for his faith, from his brother Bishop Cyprian of Carthage, himself to give his witness as a Martyr a few years later.  Read on the feasts of Sts Cornelius and Cyprian, Martyrs, on 16 September.

Cyprian to his brother Cornelius.

My very dear brother, we have heard of the glorious witness given by your courageous faith.   On learning of the honour you had won by your witness, we were filled with such joy that we felt ourselves sharers and companions in your praiseworthy achievements. After all, we have the same Church, the same mind, the same unbroken harmony.   Why then should a priest not take pride in the praise given to a fellow priest as though it were given to him?   What brotherhood fails to rejoice in the happiness of its brothers wherever they are?

Words cannot express how great was the exultation and delight here when we heard of your good fortune and brave deeds:   how you stood out as leader of your brothers in their declaration of faith, while the leader’s confession was enhanced as they declared their faith.  You led the way to glory, but you gained many companions in that glory; being foremost in your readiness to bear witness on behalf of all, you prevailed on your people to become a single witness.

We cannot decide which we ought to praise, your own ready and unshaken faith or the love of your brothers who would not leave you.   While the courage of the bishop who thus led the way has been demonstrated, at the same time the unity of the brotherhood who followed has been manifested.   Since you have one heart and one voice, it is the Roman Church as a whole that has thus born witness.

Dearest brother bright and shining is the faith which the blessed Apostle praised in your community.   He foresaw in the spirit the praise your courage deserves and the strength that could not be broken;  he was heralding the future when he testified to your achievements; his praise of the fathers was a challenge to the sons.   Your unity, your strength have become shining examples of these virtues to the rest of the brethren.

Divine providence has now prepared us.  God’s merciful design has warned us that the day of our own struggle, our own contest, is at hand.   By that shared love which binds us close together, we are doing all we can to exhort our congregation, to give ourselves unceasingly to fastings, vigils and prayers in common.   These are the heavenly weapons which give us the strength to stand firm and endure;  they are the spiritual defenses, the God-given armaments that protect us.

Let us then remember one another, united in mind and heart.   Let us pray without ceasing, you for us, we for you;  by the love we share we shall thus relieve the strain of these great trials.

Posted in MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS

Quote of the Day – 31 August

Quote of the Day – 31 August

“Let us remember one another in concord and unanimity.   Let us on both sides of death always pray for one another.   Let us relieve burdens and afflictions by mutual love, that if one of us, by the swiftness of divine condescension, shall go hence the first, our love may continue in the presence of the Lord and our prayers for our brethren and sisters not cease in the presence of the Father’s mercy.”

St Cyprian of Carthage (c 190 – 258) from Letters, 253let us remember one another - st cyprian