Matka Boża Tęskniąca / Longing Mother of God, Warsaw, Poland, Sts John and Paul Sibling Martyrs and the Saints for 26 June

St Acteie of Rome
St Albinus of Rome

St Babolenus of Stavelot-Malmédy
St Barbolenus of Fossés
Bl Bartholomew of Vir
St Corbican
St David of Thessalonica
St Deodatus of Nola
St Dionysius of Bulgaria
St Edburga of Gloucester
St Hermogius of Tuy
St John of the Goths
St Maxentius of Poitou (c448-c515) Abbot
St Medico of Otricoli
St Pelagius of Oviedo
St Perseveranda of Poitiers
Bl Raymond Petiniaud de Jourgnac
St Salvius
Bl Sebastian de Burgherre
St Soadbair
St Superius
St Terence of Rome
St Vigilius of Trent

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Saint of the Day – 26 June – St Maxentius of Poitou (c448-c515) Abbot

Saint of the Day – 26 June – St Maxentius of Poitou (c448-c515) Abbot, Miracle-worker. Born in c448 in Agde, France and died in c515 at of natural causes. Also known as – Masenzio, Massenzio, Maixent.

The Roman Martyrology records: “In the territory of Poitiers in Aquitaine, in today’s France, Saint Maxentius, Abbot, famous for his virtues.

Maxentius was born at Agde,and Baptised with the name of Adjutor. He was placed, from his infancy, by his pious parents in the Monastery of St Severus and formed to piety by that holy Abbot, who never lost sight of him and continually taught him that everything in the world, is full of snares and temptations and unless we live in watchfulness and circumspection, the devil besieges us so close that it is impossible for us not to be surprised by him.

The youth, by walking always in holy fear, was happy to preserve his soul free from whatever could defile it. He fled with great dread the applause of men, as the bane of virtue. To avoid this danger, he stole away into a distant country but after two years was found and brought back by his parents and friends. The fear of the esteem of men again forced him abroad,and going into Poitou, he changed his name into that of Maxentius and put himself under the direction of a virtuous Abbot named Agapetus.

The brethren were struck with admiration to see one so perfectly disengaged from the world, so humble, so mortified, so full of charity and so enlightened in the paths of salvation and they unanimously chose him their superior. In his devotions he seemed animated with the spirit of David when he composed his psalms and in his instructions with the zeal and charity of John the Baptist. Austere towards himself, he showed in all his actions that he sought only that food which never perishes. Following the example of Agapetus, he laid down his office as soon as it was possible and shut himself up in a remote cell but the Monks obliged him still to continue to direct them by his counsels.

St Maxentius turns back the plundering army

Clovis, the King of the French, was then at war with Alaric, King of the Visigoths, who reigned in Spain, Languedoc and Aquitaine. A barbarous army was stopped by the Saint’s presence from plundering the Monastery and a soldier who attempted to strike him was seized with a numbness which continued until he was cured by the Saint. Nature on many occasions obeyed his voice, as St Gregory of Tours relates.

St Maxentius died about the year 515 and is named in the Roman Martyrology.

The Crypt at St Maxentius Abbey