Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 30 January – Saint Adelelmus (Died c 1100) Abbot

Saint of the Day – 30 January – Saint Adelelmus (Died c 1100) Abbot, Soldier, Miracle-worker. Born in the 11th Century at Laudun, Poitou, France and died in c 1100 at Burgos, Castilla la Vieja, Spain of natural causes. Patronages – Burgos, Spain, butlers, domestic servant, housemaids, manservants, servants. Also known as – Adelunie, Aleaume, Alleaume, Elesmes, Lesmes.

Adelelmus joined the military at a young age. During a pilgrimage to Rome he met St Robert de Turlande (c 1000-1067), Founder of the Abbey of La Chaise-Dieu – “Home of God” and left the military life to become a Monk in the Benedictine Order, under the spiritual direction of Saint Robert.

Soon, Adelelmus was known for miles around because of his miracles. Queen Constance of Burgundy of Castile was so impressed with the reports of Adelelmus’ holiness, she invited him to live in Burgos, Spain. She and King Alfonso VI founded a Monastery in the City in 1079, on the condition that he would be its first Abbot . He added a hospital and a Church to the building soon after. He later used his military training to help King Alfonso against the Moors.

One night, while out on some holy business, Abbot Adelelmus and his aide were caught in a storm. Adelelmus ordered his servany to light a candle in order to complete their journey in the darkness. Not only was he able to light the exposed candle in the rain and wind but it stayed alight throughout their whole wet, windy, stormy travels.

After death, Adelelmus became the Patron Saint of the City of Burgos in Spain. His remains lie in the Iglesia de San Lesmes Abad, dedicated to him.

Adelelmus’ life was written soon after his death by a French Monk named Rodulph, who travelled to Burgos with the sole purpose of writing the Saint Vita. This volume gives a detailed account of the life and miracles of Saint Adelelmus and includes all the liturgical chants for the Mass which celebrate this Saint. As an attestation of the centuries-long veneration of the Patron Saint of Burgos, the Vita Adelelmi represents a unique and indescribably valuable artifact.

Adelelmus’ Feast day is kept on 30 January and celebrated honourably in Burgos but it is no longer observed in the General Roman Calendar.

The Vita of St Adelelmus

Nostra Signora della Rosa / Our Lady of the Rose (Lucca, Italy), St Martha, Virgin Martyr and Memorials of the Saints – 30 January

Nostra Signora della Rosa / Our Lady of the Rose (Lucca, Italy) – 30 January:

St Martha (1st Century) Virgin Martyr – Sister of Saint Lazarus and Saint Mary of Bethany. Friend of Jesus and hostess to Him in her house. May have been part of an early mission to France. (Feast day moved after Vatican II).
St Martha:
More on St Martha here:

St Adelelmus (Died c 1100) Abbot
St Aldegundis
St Alexander of Edessa
St Amnichad of Fulda
St Armentarius of Antibes
St Armentarius of Pavia
St Barsen
St Barsimaeus of Edessa

St Bathilde (c 626–680) Queen, Religious, Widow, Mother, Social Reformer, pioneer in the abolition of Slavery, founder of Monasteries. St Bathilde was Canonised by by Pope Nicholas I.
Her Life:

St Felix IV, Pope
Bl Haberilla

Saint Hyacintha of Mariscotti TOR (1585-1646) Virgin, Sister of the Tertiary or Third Order Regular of St Francis (also TOSF). Penitent, Apostle of the poor, the sick, the elderly. She established apostolates to aid the latter as well as another devoted to the Adoration of the Holy Eucharist.
About St Hyacintha:

St Hippolytus of Antioch
Bl Margaret Ball

St Martina of Rome

St Matthias of Jerusalem
St Philippian of Africa
St Savina of Milan

Blessed Sebastian Valfrè CO (1629-1710) known as the “Apostle of Turin” and “St Philip of Turin,” Oratorian Priest, Apostle of the poor, the ill, widows and orphans, prisoners, Confessor with deep insight, Writer. Beatified on 31 August 1834 by Pope Gregory XVI.
His Life:

St Theophilus the Younger
St Tudclyd