Posted in MARTYRS, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 27 June – St Crescens of Galatia (Died c100) Bishop Martyr, Apostle of St Paul

Saint of the Day – 27 June – St Crescens of Galatia (Died c100) Bishop Martyr, Apostle of St Paul. Crescens is traditionally considered one of the 72 disciples sent out by Jesus in Luke 10. He was a missionary in Galatia and became a companion to and a disciple of St Paul. The name ‘Crescens’ means ‘increasing.’ Additional Memorial – 29 December (translation of Relics).

The Roman Martyrology reads today: “In Galatia, St Crescens, disciple of the blessed Apostle St Paul. In passing through Gaul, he converted many to the Faith by his preaching. Returning to the people for whom especially, he had been Consecrated Bishop, he maintained, to the end of his life, the Galatians in the service of the Lord and finally, consumated his Martyrdom under Trajan.

Icon of the St Crescens (centre), with Saints Silvanus and Silas traditionally of the Seventy two.

Crescens, a companion of Paul during his second Roman captivity, appears once in the New Testament, where he is mentioned as having left the Apostle to go into Galatia:
Make haste to come to me,” Paul writes to Timothy, “for Demas hath left me, loving this world and is gone to Thessalonica, Crescens into Galatia, Titus into Dalmatia” (2 Timothy 4:8–10).

All commentators agree in ranking Crescens with Titus rather than with Demas and in seeing here, therefore, a reference to a missionary journey into Galatia. This term, in New Testament times, might mean either Gaul or the Roman Province of Galatia in Asia Minor, where Paul had laboured so much and its use here, has been interpreted in both senses. In the other passages where it occurs in the New Testament, however, it denotes Galatiain Asia Minor and most probably it would be so understood here by Timothy, especially, as the other regions mentioned are likewise to the east of Rome. Moreover, Paul might easily have a reason for sending a disciple to visit his old Churches in Galatia, while Fenlon notes that there is no proof that he had an active interest in Gaul.

Later traditions, on the other hand, locate him as Bishop of Vienne in Gaul, also at Mainz on the Rhine. But the earliest known traditions of Gaul itself, record nothing of this disciple of the Apostle, as a Founder of their Church and the belief is thought to have arisen later, from the desire of an Apostolic origin.

The claims of Vienne have been most strongly urged but they are based upon the mistaken identification of its first Bishop, Crescens, who lived in the Third Century.

As little can be said for Mainz. The reading of certain manuscripts which have ‘Gallia’ instead of ‘Galatia’ has also been advanced in favour of Gaul but the traditional reading is supported, by the great mass of manuscript evidence.

Crescens is mentioned as one of the seventy two disciples of Christ by Pseudo-Dorotheus. His Martyrdom in Galatia, under Trajan, is commemorated on 27 June.

Posted in MARTYRS, SAINT of the DAY

Within the Octave of St John the Baptist, Madre del Perpetuo Soccorso / Mother of Perpetual Succour (Help), Matka Boża / Mother of God of Gietrzwald, Poland (1877)

Within the Octave of St John the Baptist

Madre del Perpetuo Soccorso / Mother of Perpetual Succour (Help) – Feast 27 June:
Patronage: Porto Cesareo, Italy, Haiti, Labrador City, Labrador, Yorkton, Saskatchewan, 8 Diocese.

Matka Boża / Mother of God of Gietrzwald, Gietrzwałd, Olsztyński, Warmia, Poland (1877) – 27 June, 8 September:

St Adeodato of Naples
St Aedh McLugack
St Anectus of Caesarea
St Arialdus of Milan
St Arianell of Wales

Blessed Benvenutus of Gubbio OFM ) (Died 1232) Lay brother of the Order of the Friars Minor of St Francis, ex-Soldier, Apostle of the sick and of lepers. Benvenutus was graced with an ardent and mystical devotion to the Blessed Eucharist and to the Mother of God. So ardent was his faith and contemplation that he was seen to hold the Divine Infant in his arms.

St Brogan
St Crescens of Galatia (Died c100) Bishop Martyr, Apostle of St Paul
St Crescentius of Mainz
Bl Daniel of Schönau
Bl Davanzato of Poggibonsi
St Desideratus of Gourdon
St Dimman
St Felix of Rome
St Ferdinand of Aragon
St Gudene of Carthage
Bl Hemma of Gurk
St Joanna the Myrrhbearer
St John of Chinon

St Ladislaus I – (c 1040-1095) King of Hungary, Confessor, Apostle of Charity, Defender of the Faith.
His Life:

Blessed Maria Pia Mastena
St Sampson of Constantinople
St Spinella of Rome
St Tôma Toán
St Zoilus of Cordoba