Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 5 June – St Genesius (Died 725) “the Holy Count.”

Saint of the Day – 5 June – St Genesius (Died 725) Layman, Count of Clermont and Count of Auvergne, renowned as a Miracle-worker, benefactor of the Church. Known as “the Holy Count.”

Clermont Cathedral

According to the lessons of the Breviary of the Chapter of Camaleria (Acta Sanctorum June, I, 497), he was of noble birth, His father’s name is given as Audastrius and his mother’s as Tranquilla. He was probably a relative of Bishop Genesius (of Clermont).

Even in his youth he is said to have wrought miracles—to have given sight to the blind and cured the lame. He built and richly endowed several Churches and religious houses.

The “Martyrdom of Bishop Praefectus (625–676)” says that when the Bishopric of Clermont became vacant, King Childeric had sent edicts to elect Count Genesius but he turned down the See. Saint Prix then becamethe Bishop.

Partly by his own ample patrimony and partly by the great generosity of Genesius, the holy Count of Auvergne, Bishop Prix was able to found several Monasteries, Churches and hospitals.

Genesius was a friend of St Bonitus, Bishop of Clermont and of St Meneleus, Abbot of Menat. He was buried at Combronde in Auvergne by St Savinian, successor of Meneleus.


Beata Vergine dell’Aiuto, / Our Lady of Help, Bobbio, Italy 15th Century, St Boniface and Companions, Martyrs and Memorials of the Saints – 5 June

Beata Vergine dell’Aiuto, / Our Lady of Help, Bobbio, Piacenza, Emilia Romagna, Italy 15th Century – 5 June :

Our Lady of Help outside the Church in Bobbio

St Boniface (672-754) Martyr and his Martyred Companions “The Apostle of Germany,” Bishop, Missionary and Evangelist, Teacher, Writer, Preacher, Theologian, Founder of Schools, Convents, Monasteries and Churches.
The Life of St Boniface:

St Adalar of Erfurt
Bl Adalbert Radiouski
Bl Adam Arakawa
St Austrebertus of Vienne
St Claudius of Egypt and Companions
St Ðaminh Huyen
St Ðaminh Toai
St Dorotheus of Tyre
St Elleher
St Eoban of Utrecht
St Eutichius of Como
St Evasius of Africa
St Felix of Fritzlar

Blessed Ferdinand of Portugal (1402-1443) “The Holy Prince.” Blessed Ferdinand spent as much time as he could in adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament especially during the Easter Triduum when his habit was to be constantly in adoration, from Holy Thursday to Easter. He was the youngest of the “Illustrious Generation” of 15th-century Portuguese Princes of the House of Aviz and lay Master of the Knightly Order of Aviz. About Blessed Ferdinand:

St Franco of Assergi
St Genesius (Died 725) Layman, Count of Clermont
St Gregory of Lilybaeum
St Gundekar
St Hadulph
St Luke Loan
Bl Meinwerk of Paderborn
St Privatus of Africa
St Sanctius of Córdoba
St Tudno of Caernarvon
St Waccar

Martyrs of Caesarea: A group of Christians who converted together, were imprisoned together, tortured together, and Martyred together. We know nothing more about them but their names – Cyria, Marcia, Valeria and Zenaides. Died Caesarea, Palestine, date unknown.

Martyrs of Egypt: A group of Christians Martyred together in the persecutions of Galerius Maximian. The only other information was have is three of their names – Apollonius, Marcian and Nicanor.
Died in Egypt, date unknown.

Martyrs of Perugia: A group of Christians Martyred together in the persecutions of Decius. We know little more than their names – Cyriacus, Faustinus, Florentius, Julian and Marcellinus.
Died beheaded in 250 in Perugia, Italy

Martyrs of Rome: 26 Christians Martyred together. We have no details about them but their names – Candida, Castula, Fappa, Felician, Felicitas (2 of), Felicula, Fortunatus, Gagus, Gregor, Hilarius, Ingenuus, Juliana, Martialis, Maurus, Mustilus, Nicander, Prima, Rogata, Rutianus, Sacrinus, Saturnin, Secundian, Secundus, Urbicus, Victurus.
Died • Rome, Italy, date unknown. Relics transferred to Antwerp, Belgium, date unknown.