Santa Maria della Querce / Our Lady of the Oak, Italy (1417), St Joseph of Cupertino and more Saints for 18 September

St Ariadne
St Eumenius Thaumaturgus

St Ferreolus the Tribune
St Ferreolus of Limoges
St Hygbald
St Irene of Egypt

St Lambertus of Freising (c895-957) Bishop

St Methodius of Olympus (Died c311) Confessor, Bishop, Martyr

St Oceano of Nicomedia

St Sophia of Egypt


Santa Maria della Querce / Our Lady of the Oak, Lucignano, Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy (1417) and Memorials of the Saints – 18 September

Santa Maria della Querce / Our Lady of the Oak, Lucignano, Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy (1417) – Third Sunday of September, 8 August :

The Story:

Blessed Ambrosio María de Torrent (Salvador Chuliá Ferrandis) TC (1866-1936) Priest and Martyr, Friar and Priest of The Amigonian Friars. He was a man of deep piety, a devotee of the Eucharist, a great apostle of the confessional and a competent director of souls.
His Life and Death:

St Ariadne
St Eumenius Thaumaturgus
St Eustorgius of Milan (Died c 349) Bishop
St Ferreolus the Tribune
St Ferreolus of Limoges
St Hygbald
St Irene of Egypt

St Joseph of Cupertino OFM Conv. (1603-1663) Religious Priest of the First Order of St Francis and Friar, Mystic, Confessor, Miracle-worker.
If ever a tiny child began life with nothing in his favour it was Joseph of Cupertino; he had only one hopeful and saving quality—that he knew it. … – Read on and be ashamed, for this is a Saint before the Throne of God!
All about the this holy Flying Saint here:

St Józef Kut

St Juan Macias OP (1585-1645) Dominican Lay Friar, Mystic, Apostle of Charity and Prayer, MiracleWorker.
About St Juan:

St Oceano of Nicomedia

St Richardis (839-c 895) Holy Roman Empress, Benedictine Abbess.

St Sophia of Egypt

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War:
• Blessed Ambrosio María de Torrent (Salvador Chuliá Ferrandis)
• Blessed Carlos Eraña Guruceta
• Blessed Fernando García Sendra
• Blessed Jacinto Hoyuelos Gonzalo
• Blessed Jesus Hita Miranda
• Blessed José García Mas
• Blessed José María Llópez Mora
• Blessed Justo Lerma Martínez
• Blessed Salvador Fernández Pérez
• Blessed Vicente Gay Zarzo
• Blessed Vicente Jaunzarás Gómez


Quote/s of the Day – 18 September – St Joseph of Cupertino and Free Will – “Our Unique Possession”

Quote/s of the Day – 18 September – The Memorial of St Joseph of Cupertino OFM Conv. (1603-1663)

Free Will – “Our Unique Possession”

“Clearly, what God wants, above all,
is our will,
which we received as a free gift from God in creation
and possess as though our own.
When a man trains himself to acts of virtue,
it is with the help of grace from God,
from whom all good things come …
The will is what man has,
as his unique possession.”

St Joseph of Cupertino (1603-1663)

“A man may lose the good things
of this life against his will
but, if he loses the eternal blessings,
he does so with his own consent.”

St Augustine (354-430)
Father and Doctor of Grace

“God desires, not death but faith.
God thirsts, not for blood but for self-surrender.
God is appeased, not by slaughter
but by the offering of your free will.”

St Peter Chrysologus (c 400-450)
Bishop, Father & Doctor of Homilies

“Remove grace
and you have nothing,
whereby to be saved.
Remove free will
and you have nothing,
that could be saved.”

St Anselm (1033-1109)
Doctor of the Church

“Lord what will Thou have me do?
Behold the true sign of a totally perfect soul –
when one has reached the point
of giving up his will so completely
that he no longer seeks,
expects or desires
to do ought
but that which God wills.”

St Bernard (1090-1153)
Mellifluous Doctor

“Happiness is secured through virtue,
it is a good attained by man’s own will.”

St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Angelic Doctor

“But do not forget,
that all the saints cannot endear you to Christ
as much as you can yourself.
It is entirely up to you!”

St Cajetan (1480-1547)

“More determination is required
to subdue the interior man
than to mortify the body
and to break one’s will,
than to break one’s bones.”

St Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556)

“A man makes the most progress
and merits the most grace,
precisely in those matters,
wherein he gains
the greatest victories over self
and most mortifies his will.”

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
Doctor of Charity

“I will attempt, day-by-day,
to break my will into pieces.
I want to do God’s Holy Will,
not my own!”

By St Gabriel Francis Possenti
of Our Lady of Sorrows (1838-1862)

Posted in ONE Minute REFLECTION, QUOTES - J R R Tolkien and MORE, QUOTES on WOMEN, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 18 September – And the twelve were with him and also some women … Luke 8:1-2

One Minute Reflection – 18 September – Friday of the Twenty Fourth week in Ordinary Time, Readings: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20Psalms 17:16-78 and 15Luke 8:1-3 and the Memorial of St Joseph of Cupertino OFM Conv. (1603-1663)

And the twelve were with him and also some women … Luke 8:1-2

REFLECTION – “Also with Jesus are some women… these women from Galilee will follow Jesus, even to His death and buriel (Lk 23:49,55-56) and will be the ones who discover the empty tomb, hear the announcement of the resurrection and report it to the apostles (Lk 24:1-11). Three are named here, though there are many others. Most familiar is Mary, called Magdalene, who is mentioned again in Luke’s resurrection narrative (24:10) and frequently in the other Gospels. She is from Magdala, a fishing town on the western shore of the lake. Jesus had freed her from a severe case of possession by seven demons (11:26).

The other named women are Joanna and Susanna. Joanna is also mentioned in Luke’s resurrection narrative (24:10). Since she and Mary Magdalene thus accompany Jesus for a good portion of His public ministry, they may well be among Luke’s “eyewitnesses” (1:2) on whose testimony his Gospel is based, especially Joanna, who is mentioned only by Luke. In particular, since she is wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, she may be – like Manaen, “A close friend of Herod the tetrach” (Acts 13:1) – a source of Luke’s special passages about Herod (Luke 13:31-33; 23:6-15). Her association with Herod’s household also indicates that Jesus’ followers included people of high social and economic standing. Hence, with their resources, (8:3), she and the other women provided for them. What is emphasised here, is their financial support.

Luke’s complementary depiction of men and women, include, even the itinerant groups of disciples that accompany Him. As Paul says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female – for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:28). By reaching out to Gentiles, the poor and to women, Jesus challenged and turned on it’s head, the social conventions of His time and even in ours.” … Father Pablo T Gadenz – The Gospel of Luke

PRAYER – Heavenly Father, help me to be holy in the way that You have laid out for me. Let me carry out my duties of my state of life to the full and grant me the grace to carry my crosses in honour of You. Only in You may I attain holiness, learning to give myself, my will, my heart and my soul only to You. St Joseph of Cupertino, you who were so disadvantaged, achieved by the grace of God, sanctity in this life and now behold His Face through all eternity. We ask for your intercession, amen.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 18 September

Blessed Ambrosio María de Torrent (Salvador Chuliá Ferrandis) TC (1866-1936) Priest and Martyr
St Ariadne
St Dominic Trach Doai
St Eumenius Thaumaturgus
St Eustorgius of Milan
St Ferreolus the Tribune
St Ferreolus of Limoges
St Hygbald
St Irene of Egypt
St Joseph of Cupertino OFM Conv. (1603-1663)
All about the this holy Flying Saint here:

St Józef Kut
St Juan Macias OP (1585-1645)
About St Juan:

St Oceano of Nicomedia
Saint Richardis (839-c 895)
St Sophia of Egypt

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War:
• Blessed Ambrosio María de Torrent (Salvador Chuliá Ferrandis)
• Blessed Carlos Eraña Guruceta
• Blessed Fernando García Sendra
• Blessed Jacinto Hoyuelos Gonzalo
• Blessed Jesus Hita Miranda
• Blessed José García Mas
• Blessed José María Llópez Mora
• Blessed Justo Lerma Martínez
• Blessed Salvador Fernández Pérez
• Blessed Vicente Gay Zarzo
• Blessed Vicente Jaunzarás Gómez


Quote/s of the Day – 14 November – ‘There is One very near you …’

Quote/s of the Day – 14 November – Thursday of the Thirty Second week in Ordinary Time, Year C, Gospel: Luke 17:20–25

” … For behold,
the kingdom of God,
is in the midst of you.”

Luke 17:21luke 17 21 for behold the kingdom of god is in the midst of you 14 nov 2019

” …[The Kingdom of God] … is within you.
That is, it depends on your own wills
and is in your own power,
whether or not you receive it.
Everyone, that has attained
to justification, by means of faith in Christ
and decorated by every virtue,
is counted worthy,
of the kingdom of heaven.”

St Cyril of Alexandria (376-444)

(Commentary on Luke, 117)
Known as “The Pillar of Faith”
Archbishop of Alexandria, Father & Doctor of the Churchthe kingdom of god is within you - st cyril of alex 14 nov 2019.jpg

“Pray to God:

‘You are the Spirit
and I am only the trumpet
and without Your breath
I can give no sound.’”

St Joseph of Cupurtino (1603-1663)pray to god - you are the spirit - st joseph of cupertino 14 nov 2019

“There is One very near you
Who knocks at your door every hour of the day,
Who begs you to listen to Him
and to keep silence in order to hear Him.”

St Simon-Marie-Just Ranfer de Bretenières (1838-1866) Martyrthere is one very near you - st simon ranfer de bretenieres 14 nov 2019

Posted in FRANCISCAN OFM, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on GRACE, QUOTES on WILL (Reasonable or Superior), SAINT of the DAY

Thought for the Day – 18 September – Our “unique possession”

Thought for the Day – 18 September – The Memorial of St Joseph of Cupertino (1603-1663)

Joseph of Cupertino is most famous for levitating at prayer. Already as a child, Joseph showed a fondness for prayer. After a short career with the Capuchins, he joined the Conventual Franciscans. Following a brief assignment caring for the friary mule, Joseph began his studies for the priesthood. Though studies were very difficult for him, Joseph gained a great deal of knowledge from prayer. He was ordained in 1628.

Joseph’s tendency to levitate during prayer was sometimes a cross, some people came to see this much as they might have gone to a circus sideshow. Joseph’s gift led him to be humble, patient and obedient, even though at times he was greatly tempted and felt forsaken by God. He fasted and wore iron chains for much of his life.

The friars transferred Joseph several times for his own good and for the good of the rest of the community. He was reported to and investigated by, the Inquisition; the examiners exonerated him.

Joseph was Canonszed in 1767. In the investigation preceding the Canonisation, 70 incidents of levitation are recorded.

While levitation is an extraordinary sign of holiness, Joseph is also remembered for the ordinary signs he showed.   He prayed even in times of inner darkness and he lived out the Sermon on the Mount.   He used his “unique possession”–his free will–to praise God and to serve God’s creation. He said:

“Clearly, what God wants above all, is our will,which we received as a free gift from God, in creation and possess, as though our own.   When a man trains himself to acts of virtue, it is with the help of grace from God, from whom all good things come, that he does this.   The will is what man has as his unique possession.”

St Joseph of Cupertino, pray for us!st joseph of cupertino pray for us 18 sept 2019.jpg


One Minute Reflection – 18 September – “How long are we going to put off obeying Christ..?” St Basil the Great

One Minute Reflection – 18 September – Wednesday of the Twenty Fourth week in Ordinary Tim, Year C, Gospel: Luke 7:31–35 and the Memorial of St Joseph of Cupertino (1603-1663)

“To what then shall I compare the men of this generation and what are they like? “…Luke 7:31

REFLECTION – “How long are we going to put off obeying Christ, who calls us into His heavenly Kingdom?   Aren’t we going to purify ourselves?   Won’t we resolve to forsake our customary way of life to follow the Gospel radically?…   We claim to want the Kingdom of God yet without bothering to concern ourselves with the means of obtaining it.

What is more, in the conceitedness of our souls, without taking the least trouble to obey the Lord’s commandments, we think ourselves worthy to receive the same reward as those who have resisted sin to the death!   But how could anyone sit and sleep at home during the time of sowing and then gather sheaves by the armful at harvest?   Who has ever brought in the grapes without having planted and tended the vine?   Fruit is for those who have toil, rewards and crowns for those who have conquered.   Has anyone ever crowned an athlete who did not even strip to fight his opponent?   And yet, not only must we win but we must also “fight according to the rules”, as the apostle Paul says, that is to say according to the commandments we have been given…

God is good but He is also just… “The Lord loves justice and right” (Ps 32:5), that is why, “of kindness and judgement I will sing” (Ps 100:1)…   See how wisely the Lord exercises kindness.   He is not gracious without consideration, nor does He judge without mercy for, “gracious is the Lord and just” (Ps 115:5).   So don’t underestimate God – His love for men should not become a pretext for negligence on our part.” … St Basil the Great (329-379) Father & Doctor of the Church – Longer monastic Rules, prologueluke 7 31 to what then shall i compare the men - how long are we going to put off obeying christ - 18 sept 2019.jpg

PRAYER – Heavenly Father, help me to be holy in the way that You have laid out for me. Let me carry out my duties of my state of life to the full and grant me the grace to carry my crosses in honour of You.   Only in You may I attain holiness, learning to give myself, my will, my heart and my soul only to You.   St Joseph of Cupertino, you who were so disadvantaged, achieved by the grace of God, sanctity in this life and now behold His Face through all eternity. We ask for your intercession, through our Lord Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, one God forever, sept 2017.jpg


Memorials of the Saints – 18 September

St Ariadne
St Dominic Trach Doai
St Eumenius Thaumaturgus
St Eustorgius of Milan
St Ferreolus the Tribune
St Ferreolus of Limoges
St Hygbald
St Irene of Egypt
St Joseph of Cupertino OFM Conv. (1603-1663)

All about the this holy Flying Saint here:

St Józef Kut
St Juan Macias OP (1585-1645)
About St Juan:

St Oceano of Nicomedia
Saint Richardis (839-c 895)
St Sophia of Egypt

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War:
• Blessed Carlos Eraña Guruceta
• Blessed Fernando García Sendra
• Blessed Jacinto Hoyuelos Gonzalo
• Blessed Jesus Hita Miranda
• Blessed José García Mas
• Blessed José María Llópez Mora
• Blessed Justo Lerma Martínez
• Blessed Salvador Chuliá Ferrandis
• Blessed Salvador Fernández Pérez
• Blessed Vicente Gay Zarzo
• Blessed Vicente Jaunzarás Gómez


One Minute Reflection – 18 September – Today’s Gospel: Luke 7:11–17

One Minute Reflection – 18 September – Today’s Gospel: Luke 7:11–17, Tuesday of the Twenty-fourth week in Ordinary Time and the Memorial of St Juan Macias O.P. (1585-1645) and St Joseph of Cupertino O.F.M. Conv. (1603-1663)

And he said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.”...Luke 7:14byoung man i say to arise - luke 7 14b - 18 sept 2018

REFLECTION – “Even if the signs of death have removed all hope of life, even if the bodies of the dead lie beside the tomb, yet, at the voice of God, the corpses of those ready to decompose will rise and recover speech.   The son is restored to his mother, he is called back from the tomb, snatched out of it.   And what is this tomb?   Your own.   Your bad habits, your lack of faith.  This is the tomb from which Christ delivers you, this is the tomb from which you will return to life if you listen to the Word of God.  Even if your sin is so grave that you are unable to wash it clean for yourself with your tears of repentance, the Church, your mother, she who intercedes for each one of her children like a widowed mother for her only son, will weep for you.   For she feels for it with a kind of spiritual suffering natural to her when she sees her offspring dragged down to death by lamentable vices…
Let her weep, then, this pious mother; let the crowd accompany her – and not just a crowd but a large crowd – and may it show compassion towards this tender mother. Then you will come to life again in your tomb and will be delivered, the bearers will stop and you will start to speak the words of the living; everyone will be astonished.   The example of one will correct the many and they will praise God for having granted such remedies to us for escaping death.”…St Ambrose (c 340-397) Father & Doctor (A treatise on the Gospel of Saint Luke)young man i say to you arise luke 7 14b - the son is restored to his mother - st ambrose 18 sept 2018

God wants us to stand upright.   He created us to be on our fee,: for this reason, Jesus’ compassion leads to that gesture of healing, to heal us, of which the key phrase is:  “Arise! Stand up, as God created you!”.   Standing up.   “But Father, we fall so often” — “Onward, arise!”.   This is Jesus’ word, always.   His word revives us, gives us hope, refreshes weary hearts, opens us to a vision of the world and of life which transcends suffering and death…Pope Francis – General audience, 10 August 2016young man i say to arise - luke 7 14b - pope francis - god wants us to stand upright - 18 sept 2018

PRAYER – Heavenly Father, help me to be holy in the way that You have laid out for me. Let me stand upright and carry out my duties of my state of life to the full.   Only in You may I attain holiness, learning to give myself, my will, my heart and my to You.   St Joseph of Cupertino, you who were so disadvantaged, achieved by the grace of God, sanctity in this life and now behold His Face through all eternity.   St Juan, in your lowly work, you stood in the Light of Christ, allowing the lowly and rich, to see Him who saved us.   We ask You Holy Father, that You grant, by the intercession pf St Joseph and Juan, that we may reach our heavenly home.   We make our prayer through Christ our Lord, with the Holy Spirit, one God forever, sept 2017

st juan macias pray for us 18 sept 2018

Posted in CATHOLIC Quotes, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS

Quote/s of the Day – 14 November

Quote/s of the Day – 14 November

“What is faith but a carriage to heaven?”

St Aelred of Rievaulx (1110-1167)what is faith but a carriage to heaven - st aelred of rievaulx - 14 nov 2017

“Pray to God,
‘You are the Spirit
and I am only the trumpet
and without Your breath
I can give no sound.'”

St Joseph of Copurtino (1603-1663)pray to god - st joseph of cupertino - 14 nov 2017

“Can you expect to go to Heaven for nothing?
Did not our dear Saviour track the whole way to it
with His Blood and tears?”

St Elizabeth Ann Seaton (1774-1821)can you expect - st elizabeth ann seton - 14 nov 2017

“I tremble to think,
that I have to give,
an account of my tongue. …
Sometimes we kill with the tongue:
we commit real murders.”

St Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938)i tremble to think - st faustina - 14 nov 2017

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 18 September – St Joseph of Cupertino O.F.M. Conv. (1603-1663)

Saint of the Day – 18 September – St Joseph of Cupertino OFM Conv. (1603-1663) – Religious Priest and Friar of the First Order of St Francis Mystic, Confessor, Miracle Worker (born Giuseppe Maria Desa on 17 June 1603 at Cupertino, Diocese of Nardo, near Brindisi in the Kingdom of Naples, Italy as Joseph Desa – 18 September 1663 at Ossimo, Italy of a rapidly developed but severe fever).   He is buried in the Chapel of the Conception, Ossimo.   St Joseph was Beatified on 24 February 1753 by Pope Benedict XIV and Canonised on 16 July 1767 by Pope Clement XIII.   Patronages – Cities of Osimo and Cupertino, Italy, aviation, astronauts, mental handicaps, examinations, students, air crews, Air Forces, air travellers, aircraft pilots, paratroopers.


If ever a tiny child began life with nothing in his favour it was Joseph of Cupertino;  he had only one hopeful and saving quality—that he knew it.   Other boys of his own age were clever, he was easily the dullest of them all.   Others were winning and attractive, nobody ever wanted him.   While they had pleasant things said and given to them, Joseph always regarded himself down an ass and never looked for any special treatment.   He went to school with the rest of the children in the village but he did not succeed in anything.   He was absent-minded, he was awkward, he was nervous; a sudden noise, such as the ringing of a church-bell, would make him drop his schoolbooks on the floor.   He would sit with his companions after school hours and try to talk like them but every time his conversation would break down;  he could not tell a story to the end, no matter how he tried.   His very sentences would stop in the middle because he could not find the right words.   Altogether, even for those who pitied him, and wished to be kind to him, Joseph was something of a trial.

BUT he expressed an early interest in religious devotion, first setting up an altar in his family’s home where he prayed constantly.   In school, he got the nickname “Open Mouth” (Gaper) due to his jaw always hanging open in class while his eyes looked to the heavens.   At a young age, he began wearing a rough hair-shirt and fasting.   The few things he consumed he covered with a bitter powder to make them unpalatable.

At 17, he tried to join the Friars Minor of the Conventuals but his two Uncles who were members rejected him due to his ignorance and lack of an education.   Joseph tried again with the Capuchin Order and was admitted in 1620 but his frequent ecstatic states and absentmindedness made it impossible for him to perform even the simplest odd jobs and he was dismissed after eight months.   He then joined the Order of Conventuals at Grottella, where he was given the task of caring for a mule.   His virtues were such that he became a cleric at 22, a Priest at 25 in 1628.   Joseph still had little education, could barely read or write but received such a gift of spiritual knowledge and discernment that he could solve intricate questions.

Soon after he was sent to another monastery, he is said to have performed his first remarkable act.   While praying in the Church, he suddenly levitated into the centre of the Altar among the candles and flowers.   He levitated again in Rome in the presence of Pope Urban VIII.  From there, his feats grew more numerous and impressive – he rose 14 metres in the air at a Basilica in Rome and made many more dramatic flights onto candlelit Altars.  A few times, it’s said, he took others with him, including a Priest whom he grasped by the hand at a festival, whirling around in a dance until they were both borne aloft. Another time he cured a nobleman of lunacy by transporting him into the air for 15 minutes.   Once, he even threw a lamb into the sky and then flew after it, spending two hours talking to the animal in the air.   His life became a series of visions and ecstasies, which could be triggered any time or place by the sound of a Church bell, Church music, the mention of the name of God or of the Blessed Virgin or of a Saint, any event in the life of Christ, the Sacred Passion, a holy picture, the thought of the glory in heaven, etc.   Yelling, beating, pinching, burning, piercing with needles – none of this would bring him from his trances but he would return to the world on hearing the voice of his superior in the order.   When levitating and floating (which led to his patronage of people involved in air travel) he could hear heavenly music.

In addition to his levitations, which even in the 17th century, there was interest in the unusual, and Joseph’s ecstasies in public caused both admiration and disturbance in the community.   For 35 years he was not allowed to attend choir, go to the common refectory, walk in procession, or say Mass in church.   To prevent making a spectacle, he was ordered to remain in his room with a private Chapel.   He was brought before the Inquisition, and sent from one Capuchin or Franciscan house to another. But Joseph retained his joyous spirit, submitting to Divine Providence, keeping seven Lents of 40 days each year, never letting his faith be shaken.   Many other miracles are attributed to Joseph, including reading minds, prophecy, curing the sick, multiplying food, finding lost possessions and bilocation (being in two places at once).   He had many intense battles with the devil, who appeared sporting two-foot-long horns.   Joseph was once found apparently dead on the floor of his dormitory, flies covering his eyes and mouth. but he awoke and was absolutely fine.  When he arrived in Osimo, where he would spend the last years of his life, he is said to have seen angels and flown 23 metres into the air.

Joseph died in 1663 after an illness and was Canonised in 1767.   The Church of San Francesco in Osimo was renamed the Basilica of St Joseph of Cupertino (Basilica di San Giuseppe da Copertino) in his honour.   The Basilica has a painting of Joseph levitating above the Altar and in the crypt his preserved body is encased in a glass coffin, which is levitating now thanks to the help of two Angel statues.   On 18 September of each year, his coffin is carried in a procession around Osimo.

When, in 1657, Joseph had been taken to his last place of confinement, he had said he would never leave it.   He added one thing more for a sign.   He told his companions that the first day on which he failed to receive communion would be the day on which he would die.   And so it came about.   On August 10, 1663, he was seized with an intermittent fever.   So long as it was only intermittent he continued to rise every morning to say mass.   The last day was the feast of the Assumption;  on that day, says the Act of his canonisation, he had ecstasies and experiences surpassing anything he had ever had before.   Then he was compelled to take to his bed; but still he persisted in hearing mass when he could and never missed communion.   He became worse, and extreme unction was administered.   When he had received it, he had one request to make, it was that his body should be buried in some out-of-the-way corner and that it should be forgotten where it was laid.   He fell into his agony.   There came constantly to his lips the words of St Paul: “Cupio dissolvi et esse cum Christo.” (I desire to depart and be with Christ).   Someone at the bedside spoke to him of the love of God;  he cried out: “Say that again, say that again!”   He pronounced the Holy Name of Jesus.   He added: “Praised be God! Blessed be God! May the holy will of God be done!” The old laughter seemed to come back to his face;  those around could scarcely resist the contagion.   And so he died.   It was 18 September 1663.   He was just sixty years of age.

Posted in MORNING Prayers, SAINT of the DAY

Thought for the Day – 18 September – The Memorial of St Joseph of Cupertino

Thought for the Day – 18 September – The Memorial of St Joseph of Cupertino

St Joseph of Cupertino (1603-1668) was an Italian mystic whose life is a wonderful combination of a complete lack of natural capacity and an extraordinary supernatural efficiency.
He lacked every natural gift.
He was incapable of passing a test, maintaining a conversation, taking care of a house, or even touching a dish without breaking it.
He was called Brother Ass by his companions in the monastery.
Joseph could not comment on any passage of Scriptures except one: “Beatus venter qui Te portavit” [Blessed be the womb that bore Thee].
When the time came for his examination for the diaconate, the Bishop opened the Gospels at random and his eyes fell on that one text Joseph knew well. Joseph was able to expound on it with success.    A year later came the tests for the priesthood.   All the postulants except Joseph were very well prepared.   The Bishop called on a number of the candidates, who responded superbly.   Supposing that all were at the same intellectual level, the Bishop approved all of them without questioning the rest. Joseph was among the candidates who were asked nothing.   Therefore, on March 4, 1628, Joseph became a priest at 25 years of age despite his limitations and the opinion of men.

There is a misconception about efficiency that defines it purely in terms of production. This is wrong because to do something is not an end in itself.   What explains the action is the end one has in mind.

The right notion of efficiency is to do what one is supposed to do according to his vocation.   Therefore, in order to be efficient, each one should ask if he is accomplishing the plans of God for him.   If he works in collaboration with the plans of God, the grace will multiply his efforts and he will do much more than he is capable of otherwise.   This rule, which applies to St Joseph of Cupertino, also applies to St.Thomas Aquinas, who is situated at the other pole of human capacity.

Even though he was poorly gifted humanly speaking, St Joseph of Cupertino did the will of God, sanctified his soul and allowed God to shine through his incapacity in a way that attracted the admiration of multitudes.   Even today, when one of us hears about his extreme incapacity and the marvelous things God did through him, we do not forget his name.   It is the application of that passage of the Magnificat:  “For He has found humility in His handmaid, and all generations shall call me blessed.”   Once we hear about the incapacity of St.Joseph of Cupertino and his humility in accepting the will of God, his name remains in our memories forever.

St Joseph of Cupertino represents one side of the scale that gives a perfect equilibrium to the Catholic Church.   Both he and St Thomas Aquinas are necessary for that perfect balance.   I think that in Heaven the two could be closely joined glorifying Our Lady and Our Lord.

What is the application for us?   If we received gifts from nature or from God, let us admire St Joseph of Cupertino in order to be detached from them and use them well.   If we lack qualities or have to endure sufferings, let us admire him and follow his example of confidence in order to accomplish what God has planned for us.

St Joseph of Cupertino, pray for us!st joseph of cupertino pray for us 2 - 18 sept 2017


One Minute Reflection – 18 September – The Memorial of St Joseph of Cuperti

One Minute Reflection – 18 September – The Memorial of St Joseph of Cupertino

Each one has his own gift from God…..1 Corinthians 7:7

REFLECTION – “Clearly, what God wants above all, is our will,which we received as a free gift from God in creation and possess as though our own.   When a man trains himself to acts of virtue, it is with the help of grace from God, from whom all good things come that he does this.   The will is what man has as his unique possession.” – Saint Joseph of Cupertino, from the reading for his feast in the Franciscan breviary

clearly what god wants above all - st joseph of cupertino 18 sept 2017

PRAYER – Heavenly Father, help me to be holy in the way that You have laid out for me. Let me carry out my duties of my state of life to the full and grant me the grace to carry my crosses in honour of You.   Only in You may I attain holiness, learning to give myself, my will, my heart and my soul only to You.   St Joseph of Cupertino, you who were so disadvantaged, achieved by the grace of God, sanctity in this life and now behold His Face through all eternity. We ask for your intercession, joseph of cupertino pray for us