Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 12 July – Saint Leo of Cava (c990-1079) Abbot

Saint of the Day – 12 July – Saint Leo of Cava (c990-1079) The second Abbot of the Abbey of La Trinità della Cava, Apostle of the poor and needy. Born in c990 in Lucca, Tuscany, Italy and died in 1079 at the Monastery of the Holy Trinity in La Cava de Tirreni at Salerno, Italy of natural causes.

The Roman Martyrology reads today: “In the Monastery of La Trinità della Cava in Campania, Saint Leo I, Abbot, who provided for the poor with the work of his own hands and defended them from the powerful.

The apparition of the Virgin to St Leo

Leo. a native of Lucca, became one of the first disciples of St Alferius, the noble hermit from Salerno, while he was still living in his Arsicia cave, at the foot of Monte Finestra, today in the Municipality of Cava de ‘Tirreni.

The goodness, humility and piety which distinguished Leo, meant that the old hermit Alferius, wante him as his successor at the helm of the nascent Abbey of the Trinità di Cava, which he founded.

Leo governed the Monastery for almost thirty years, from 1050 to 1079, personally leading a very simple life’ The beginnings of his government as Abbot was troubled by the arrogance of a local Lord whose name is unknown, who even attacked the Monastery by taking the Abbot prisoner for a short time!

But Leo managed to gain the favour of the neighbouring Barons, who bestowed many donations on the Abbey of the Trinity. It is said of Leo that he often went to collect wood in the woods and then sold it in Salerno and, with the proceeds, he sought out the poor and the needy in the surrounding regions.

When he too became old, he entrusted the office of Abbot to St Peter of Pappacarbone but Leo had to resume governance of the Monastery to soften the Cluniac rigour established by Peter of Pappacarbone, which had aroused discontent among the Monks.

During his government, Pope Gregory VII solemnly confirmed the Ordo Cavensis.

He died on 12 July 1079 and was buried in the ‘Arsicia’ cave which is now incorporated into the Chapel of the Sainted Fathers, where the Relics of St Alferius and other Saints and blessed Abbots of the famous Abbey are enshrined.

In 1641, a new Altar and Mausoleum was erected in this Chapel. On 21 December 1893, the Church, through Pope Leo XIII, confirmed the cult of the first four Abbots: Saints Alferius, Leo, Peter I, Constabilis.

St Alferius here:


Notre-Dame -de- lure / Our Lady of Lure, Avignon, France (1110), St John Gualbert, St Nabor and St Felix of Milan and many more Saints – 12 July

Notre-Dame -de- lure / Our Lady of Lure, Avignon, France (1110) – 12 July:

St John Gualbert (c985-1073) Abbot, Founder of the Vallumbrosan Order and many Monasteries. “The Merciful Knight.”

St Nabor of Milan and St Felix of Milan (Died c 304) Martyrs, Roman Soldiers. lLymen Soldiers Martyred during the Persecution under the Roman Emperor Maximian.
Their Lives and Deaths:

St Veronica – The woman who who wiped the Face of Jesus on the way to His Crucifixion. The cloth is believed to exist today in the Vatican and is considered one of the most treasured relics of the Church.
St Veronica:

St Agnes De
St Andreas the Soldier
St Ansbald of Prum
St Balay
St Clement Ignatius Delgado Cebrian

St Colmán of Cloyne (c522-600) Irish Priest, (possibly Bishop), Monk, Founder, Poet, known as the Royal Poet of Munster.

Bl Conrad of Maleville
Bl David Gonson
St Epiphana
St Faustus the Soldier
St Felix of Milan * Commemorated with St Nabor
St Fortunatus of Aquileia (1st Century – Died c66) Deacon
St Hermagorus of Aquileia (1st Century – Died c 66) Bishop, Disciple of St Mark the Evangelist
Bl Guy Vignotelli
St Hilarion of Ancyra
St Jason of Tarsus
Bl Jeanne-Marie de Romillon

St John Jones OFM (c1574 – 1598) Priest and Martyr, Franciscan Friar, Missionary.
His Life and Death:

St John the Georgian
Bl Lambert of Cîteaux
St Leo of Cava (Died 1079) The second Abbot of the Abbey of La Trinità della Cava
Bl Madeleine-Thérèse Talieu
Bl Marguerite-Eléonore de Justamond
Bl Marie Cluse
St Menas the Soldier
St Menulphus of Quimper
St Nabor of Milan * Commemorated with St Felix
St Paternian of Bologna
St Paulinus of Antioch
St Phêrô Khan
St Proclus of Ancyra
St Proculus of Bologna
St Uguzo of Carvagna
St Ultán

St Viventiolus of Lyons

Three Holy Exiles: Three Christian men who became Benedictine Monks at the Saint James Abbey in Regensburg, Germany, then Hermits at Griestatten and whose lives and piety are celebrated together. – Marinus, Vimius and Zimius.

Martyrs of Rome – Four members of the Imperial Roman nobility. They were all soldiers, one or more may have been officers, and all were Martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian – Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius.
Died in c 304 outside Rome, Italy and were buried there along the Aurelian Way.

Martyrs of Nagasaki – 8 Beati: Additional Memorial – 10 September as one of the 205 Martyrs of Japan
Eight lay people, many them related to each other, who were martyred together:
Catharina Tanaka
Ioannes Onizuka Naizen
Ioannes Tanaka
Ludovicus Onizuka
Matthias Araki Hyozaemon
Monica Onizuka
Petrus Araki Chobyoe
Susanna Chobyoe
12 July 1626 in Nagasaki, Japan
Beatified on 7 May 1867 by Pope Blessed Pius IX.