Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Within the Octave of the Assumption, St John Eudes (1601-1680) Confessor and many more glorious Saintscelebrated on 19 August

Within the Octave of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven

St Andrew the Tribune
St Badulf of Ainay
St Bertulf of Luxeuil
St Calminius
St Credan of Evesham
St Donatus of Mount Jura
St Elaphius of Châlons
St Guenninus
Bl Guerricus
Blessed Hugh Green (c1584-1642) Priest Martyr

St Magnus of Anagni
St Magnus of Avignon
St Magnus of Cuneo
St Marianus of Entreaigues
St Marinus of Besalu
St Magino of Tarragona
St Mochta
St Namadia of Marsat
St Rufinus of Mantua
St Sarah the Matriarch
St Sebaldus
St Thecla of Caesarea
St Timothy of Gaza

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 19 August

Within the Octave of the Assumption

St John Eudes (1601-1680) Confessor, Priest, Missionary, Founder, Preacher, Writer, Mystic, he founded the Congregation of Jesus (The Eudists) and Mary and the Order of Our Lady of Charity and was the Author of the propers for the Mass and Divine Office of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Known as “The Apostle of Two Hearts.” Beatified on 25 April 1909 by Pope Pius X and Canonised on 31 May 1925 by Pope Pius XI. 
Biography here:

St Andrew the Tribune
St Badulf of Ainay
St Bertulf of Luxeuil
St Calminius
St Credan of Evesham
St Donatus of Mount Jura
St Elaphius of Châlons
St Guenninus
Bl Guerricus
Bl Hugh Green

Blessed Jordan of Pisa OP (c 1255–1311) Dominican Friar, Theologian, Professor, renowned Preacher, Founder of the Confraternity of the Holy Redeemer at Pisa, Visionary, Marian devotee, promoter and daring innovator of the vernacular Italian language as a ‘church’ language and a tool for evangelisation. On 23 August 1833, Blessed Jordan’s cultus was confirmed by Pope Gregory XVI and in 1838 he was Beatified by Pope Gregory XVI.
His Life:
St Julius of Rome

St Louis of Toulouse OFM (1274-1297) Prince and Bishop, Neapolitan Prince of the Capetian House of Anjou, Franciscan Friar and Priest, Apostle of Prayer, of Penance and of the poor and the sick. He had received the last sacraments on the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady and on the 19th of August, 1297, while pronouncing the holy name of Mary, he yielded his soul to God. Because of the many miracles that were wrought at his tomb, he was Canonised as early as 1317, during the lifetime of his mother.
Lovely St Louis:

St Magnus of Anagni
St Magnus of Avignon
St Magnus of Cuneo
St Marianus of Entreaigues
St Marinus of Besalu
St Magino of Tarragona
St Mochta
St Namadia of Marsat
St Rufinus of Mantua
St Sarah the Matriarch
St Sebaldus
St Thecla of Caesarea
St Timothy of Gaza

Martyrs of Nagasaki – 15 Beati: A group of missionaries and their laymen supporters who were executed for spreading Christianity in Japan.
• Antonius Yamada
• Bartholomaeus Mohyoe
• Iacobus Matsuo Denji
• Ioachim Díaz Hirayama
• Ioannes Miyazaki Soemon
• Ioannes Nagata Matashichi
• Ioannes Yago
• Laurentius Ikegami Rokusuke
• Leo Sukeemon
• Ludovic Frarijn
• Marcus Takenoshita Shin’emon
• Michaël Díaz Hori
• Paulus Sankichi
• Pedro de Zúñiga
• Thomas Koyanagi
They were beheaded on 19 August 1622 at Nagasaki, Japan and Beatified on 7 May 1867 by Pope Pius IX.

Posted in DIVINE Mercy, Goodness, Patience, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, ONE Minute REFLECTION, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on DIVINE PROVIDENCE, QUOTES on GRACE, QUOTES on GREED, WEALTH, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD, Uncategorized

One Minute Reflection -19 August – ‘… Let none murmur against the Master of the House…’

One Minute Reflection -19 August – Wednesday of the Twentieth week in Ordinary Time, Readings: Ezekiel 34: 1-11Psalms 23:1-3a3b-456Matthew 20:1-16 and The Memorial of St John Eudes Orat. (1601-1680) “Apostle of Two Hearts” and St Louis of Toulouse OFM (1274-1297)

“Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me?
Or do you begrudge my generosity?’
So the last will be first and the first last.”
… Matthew 20:15-16

REFLECTION – “One of the robbers crucified with Jesus cried out: “Lord, remember me; it is to you I now turn (…). Remember not my works, for of these I am afraid. Every man has a feeling for his fellow-traveller; I am travelling with you towards death; remember me, your fellow-wayfarer. I do not say, Remember me now, but, “when you come in your kingdom” (Lk 23:42).

What power, O robber, led you to the Light? Who taught you to worship that despised Man, your companion on the cross? O Light Eternal, which gives light to them that are in darkness! (Lk 1:79) “Take courage! Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise” because “today you have heard my voice, and have not hardened your heart” (Ps 95[94]:8). Very speedily I passed sentence upon Adam (…) but you, who today have obeyed the faith, today is your salvation. By the tree Adam fell away; by the tree you are brought into paradise (…)

O mighty and ineffable grace! The faithful Abraham had not yet entered but the robber enters! Paul also wondered at this before you, saying, “Where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more” (Rom 5:20). They who had borne the heat of the day had not yet entered and he of the eleventh hour entered. Let none murmur against the Master of the House, for He says, “My friend, I am not cheating you. Am I not free to do as I wish with what is my own?” The robber has a will to work righteousness … I accept his faith … I, the Shepherd, have “found the sheep that was lost”; I lay it on my shoulders (Lk 15:5); since he himself has said, “I have gone astray like a lost sheep; Lord, remember me when You come in Your kingdom.” … St Cyril of Jerusalem (315-387) Bishop of Jerusalem, Father, Doctor of the Church

PRAYER – Father of mercies and God of all consolation, You gave us the loving Heart of Your own beloved Son, because of the boundless love by which You have loved us, which no tongue can describe. May we render You a love that is perfect with hearts made one with His. Grant, we pray, that our hearts may be brought to perfect unity, each heart with the other and all hearts with the Heart of Jesus….and may the rightful yearnings of our hearts find fulfilment through Him, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. – Collect from Saint John Eudes’ Mass, Gaudeamus, 1668 St John Eudes and St Louis of Toulouse, Pray for us! amen.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 19 August – Saint Louis of Toulouse OFM (1274-1297) Prince and Bishop

Saint of the Day – 19 August – Saint Louis of Toulouse OFM (1274-1297) Prince and Bishop, Neapolitan prince of the Capetian House of Anjou, Franciscan Friar and Priest, Apostle of prayer, of penance and of the poor and the sick – born in February 1274 at Nocera, Italy and died on 19 August 1297 at Brignolles, Italy of natural causes, aged just 23. Also known as Louis of Anjou. Patronages – Valencia (Spain), Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, Baler (Philippines).

Louis was the son of Charles II of Naples and Sicily and was born in 1274 and named after his uncle, the holy St Louis IX (1214-1270), King of France. (His life here It was the great concern of his mother, the niece of St Elizabeth, to rear her many children as true servants of the King of Kings.

The devout queen observed in her son, Louis, particularly blessed results of her maternal solicitude. He loved prayer, was reserved and gentle and his whole conduct radiated angelic purity. Even as a child he practised mortification. On a certain occasion, after he had retired, his mother found him sleeping on a rug on the floor of his room instead of in his comfortable bed.

Sweets and delicious foods he carried to the poor and sick with his mother’s permission. It is related that once he was leaving the dining room with a roasted pullet under his mantle and so met his father. The King wished to see what he was carrying. Timidly the boy laid back his mantle and lo, it was a beautiful bouquet of flowers!

When he was 14, Louis was taken to Barcelona with two of his brothers, as a hostage for the release of his father, who had been taken a prisoner of war. Gladly did Louis accept this misfortune to obtain his father’s freedom but, at the same time, the disposition with which he accepted it was astonishing in a boy of his age.

“Misfortune,” he said, “is more useful to the friends of God than good fortune, for on such occasions they can prove their loyalty to their Lord.”

Under the guidance of several excellent Franciscan friars who were appointed teachers to the young princes, Louis made remarkable progress in virtue as well as in secular knowledge. In public debates he manifested his mastery of the various branches of knowledge, both sacred and secular. Theology was his favourite subject. So devoid was he of ambition, that he planned to renounce his claims to the throne in order to devote himself entirely to the service of God.

About this time he became seriously ill. He made a vow that if he recovered, he would join the Order of Friars Minor. The sickness immediately took a turn for the better but the Superiors of the Order hesitated to receive the young prince without the consent of the king, his father. Louis was thus obliged to defer his pious design.

At the end of six years his captivity ended. On returning home, after much pleading, he finally obtained the permission of his father to settle his claims on his brother Robert and to become a Priest.

Saint Louis of Toulouse Crowning His Brother Robert of Anjou is a painting by Simone Martini, commissioned from him by Robert of Anjou during the artist's stay in Naples around 1317. It shows Robert being crowned by his elder brother Louis of Toulouse, who was made a saint in 1317. It is now in the National Museum of Capodimonte in Naples.

Not very long after his Ordination and although he was only 21 years old, he was selected by Pope Boniface VIII for the Bishopric of Toulouse.

“Whatever is lacking to the young Priest in age and experience,” said the Pope, “his extraordinary knowledge, his maturity of mind and his holiness of life will amply supply.”

Saint Louis had to yield to the Pope’s wishes but he requested that he might first be admitted into the Order of Friars Minor. That request was granted. The royal Prince was overjoyed to be permitted, for a time at least, to perform the humblest exercises in the garb of a son of St Francis; in Rome he went from door to door gathering alms.

The Pope himself, officiated at the ceremony of Episcopal Consecration and shortly afterward, Saint Louis left to assume the government of his Diocese His noble birth and above all the fame of his sanctity, caused him to be received at Toulouse like a messenger from heaven. The entire city went out to meet him and everybody was enchanted with his modesty, sweetness and angelic virtue which radiated from his face and bearing.

A sinner who for many years had lived a wicked life, cried out at the sight of him: “Truly, this man is a saint!” and then turned away from his sinful habits and led a better life.

A woman who doubted the sanctity of the young man went to church one morning to attend the Mass which the Bishop was celebrating. Then she, too, cried out: “Ah, yes, our Bishop is a saint!”

St Louis' Vision of Mary and Jesus

Bishop Louis led the poor and rigorous life of a Friar Minor and devoted himself with all solicitude to the welfare of his Diocese. The poor were his best friend, and he fed 25 of them daily at his own table. His ministry, however, was destined to be short-lived.

Saint Louis died in the 24th year of his life, having been Bishop no longer than a year and a half.

St Louis in glory

He had received the last sacraments on the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady and on the 19th of August, 1297, while pronouncing the holy name of Mary, he yielded his soul to God. Because of the many miracles that were wrought at his tomb, he was Canonised as early as 1317, during the lifetime of his mother.

Reliquary of St Louis
Reliquary of St Louis
Posted in SAINT of the DAY, Uncategorized

Memorials of the Saints – 19 August

St John Eudes (Optional Memorial)
Biography here:

St Andrew the Tribune
St Badulf of Ainay
St Bertulf of Luxeuil
St Calminius
St Credan of Evesham
St Donatus of Mount Jura
St Elaphius of Châlons
St Ezekiel Moreno Y Diaz
St Guenninus
Bl Guerricus
Bl Hugh Green
Blessed Jordan of Pisa OP (c 1255–1311)
His Life:
St Julius of Rome
St Louis of Toulouse OFM (1274-1297) Prince and Bishop

St Magnus of Anagni
St Magnus of Avignon
St Magnus of Cuneo
St Marianus of Entreaigues
St Marinus of Besalu
St Magino of Tarragona
St Mochta
St Namadia of Marsat
St Rufinus of Mantua
St Sarah the Matriarch
St Sebaldus
St Thecla of Caesarea
St Timothy of Gaza

Martyrs of Nagasaki – 15 beati: A group of missionaries and their laymen supporters who were executed for spreading Christianity in Japan.
• Antonius Yamada
• Bartholomaeus Mohyoe
• Iacobus Matsuo Denji
• Ioachim Díaz Hirayama
• Ioannes Miyazaki Soemon
• Ioannes Nagata Matashichi
• Ioannes Yago
• Laurentius Ikegami Rokusuke
• Leo Sukeemon
• Ludovic Frarijn
• Marcus Takenoshita Shin’emon
• Michaël Díaz Hori
• Paulus Sankichi
• Pedro de Zúñiga
• Thomas Koyanagi
They were beheaded on 19 August 1622 at Nagasaki, Japan and Beatified on 7 May 1867 by Pope Pius IX.

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War
Martyred Carmelite Sisters of Charity – 9 beati
Martyred Salesians of Ciudad Real – 8 beati
Martyred Subiaco Benedictines of Barcelona – 7 beati
• Blessed Agueda Hernández Amorós
• Blessed Agustí Busquets Creixell
• Blessed Andrés Pradas Lahoz
• Blessed Antolín Martínez y Martínez
• Blessed Antoni Pedró Minguella
• Blessed Càndid Feliu Soler
• Blessed Cipriano González Millán
• Blessed Damián Gómez Jiménez
• Blessed Elvira Torrentallé Paraire
• Blessed Félix González Bustos
• Blessed Francisca de Amézua Ibaibarriaga
• Blessed Francisco de Paula Ibáñez y Ibáñez
• Blessed Ignasi Guilà Ximenes
• Blessed Isidro Muñoz Antolín
• Blessed Joan Roca Bosch