The Circumcision of the Lord (Holy Day), The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord, Mary, Mother of God, the Divine Motherhood and Memorials of the Saints – 1 January

All God’s richest blessings for 2024!🙏💖

The Circumcision of the Lord (Holy Day):
At that time, after eight days were accomplished that the Child should be circumcised; His Name was called Jesus, which was called by the Angel, before He was conceived in the womb.” – Luke 2:21
Excerpt from the Catechism of the Council of Trent,
(Part IV – “Hallowed be Thy Name“”)

The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord

Titular Feast of the Society of Jesus –
But now celebrated on the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus,
which is tomorrow 2 January

Bl Adalbero of Liege
St Baglan of Wales
St Basil of Aix
Bl Bonannus of Roio
St Brogan
St Buonfiglio Monaldi
Bl Catherine de Solaguti
St Clarus of Vallis Regia
St Clarus of Vienne
St Colman mac Rónán
St Colman Muillin of Derrykeighan
St Concordius of Arles
St Connat
St Cuan
St Demet of Plozévet
St Elvan
St Eugendus of Condat
St Euphrosyne of Alexandria
St Fanchea of Rossory
St Felix of Bourges
St Frodobert of Troyes

St Gisela of Rosstreppe
St Gregory Nazianzen the Elder
Bl Hugolinus of Gualdo Cattaneo
Bl Jean-Baptiste Lego
Bl Jean of Saint-Just-en-Chaussée
St Justin of Chieti (Died c540) Bishop
St Maelrhys
St Magnus the Martyr
St Mydwyn

St Odilo of Stavelot
St Peter of Atroa (773–837) Abbpt
St Peter of Temissis
St Sciath of Ardskeagh
St Severino Gallo
St Telemachus
St Thaumastus of Mainz
St Theodotus
St Tyfrydog
Bl Valentin Paquay
St William of Dijon
St Zedislava Berka OP (c 1220-1252) Married Laywoman and Mother, Tertiary of the Order of Preachers. Canonised by St Pius X on 28 August 1907.


The Circumcision of the Lord, The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord and Memorials of the Saints – 1 January

All God’s richest blessings for 2023!🙏💖

The Circumcision of the Lord (Holy Day)

The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord

Mary, Mother of God, the Divine Motherhood:

Titular Feast of the Society of Jesus –
But now celebrated on the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

Bl Adalbero of Liege
St Baglan of Wales
St Basil of Aix
Bl Bonannus of Roio
St Brogan
St Buonfiglio Monaldi
Bl Catherine de Solaguti
St Clarus of Vallis Regia
St Clarus of Vienne
St Colman mac Rónán
St Colman Muillin of Derrykeighan
St Concordius of Arles
St Connat
St Cuan
St Demet of Plozévet
St Elvan
St Eugendus of Condat
St Euphrosyne of Alexandria
St Fanchea of Rossory
St Felix of Bourges
St Frodobert of Troyes

St Fulgentius of Ruspe (c 462 – 533) “The Pocket Augustine,” Abbot, Bishop of the City of Ruspe, North Africa in modern day Tniisia, Theologian, Writer.
About St Fulgentius!

St Gisela of Rosstreppe
St Gregory Nazianzen the Elder
Bl Hugolinus of Gualdo Cattaneo
Bl Jean-Baptiste Lego
Bl Jean of Saint-Just-en-Chaussée
St Justin of Chieti
St Maelrhys
St Magnus the Martyr
St Mydwyn

St Odilo of Cluny OSB (962-1049) “Archangel of the Monks,” Priest, Monk, 5th Abbot of Clun, Reformer, Apostle of the poor and needy, Marian devotee and promoter of prayer for the Souls in Purgatory. He established All Souls’ Day (on 2 November) in Cluny and its Monasteries as the annual commemoration to pray for all the faithful departed. The practice was soon adopted throughout the whole Church.
St Odilo’s Life:

St Odilo of Stavelot
St Peter of Atroa (773–837) Abbpt
St Peter of Temissis
St Sciath of Ardskeagh
St Severino Gallo
St Telemachus
St Thaumastus of Mainz
St Theodotus
St Tyfrydog
Bl Valentin Paquay
St William of Dijon
St Zedislava Berka OP (c 1220-1252) Married Laywoman and Mother, Tertiary of the Order of Preachers. Canonised by St Pius X on 28 August 1907.

Breton Missionaries to Britain:
Martyred Soldiers of Rome: Thirty soldiers martyred in Rome as a group during the persecutions of Diocletian. We do not even known their names. They were Martyred c 304 at Rome, Italy.

Martyrs of Africa – 8 Saints: Eight Christians Martyred together in Africa, date unknown. The only details we have are four of their names – Argyrus, Felix, Narcissus and Victor.


The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord, The Circumcision of the Lord, Mary, Mother of God and Memorials of the Saints – 1 January

The Circumcision of the Lord (Feast) (Holy Day)

The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord

Mary, Mother of God, the Divine Motherhood:

The Feast was celebrated in the East before it was in the West but by the 5th Century it was celebrated in France and Spain on the Sunday before Christmas. In Rome, even before the 7th Century, 1 January was used as a celebration of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the 13th and 14th Centuries, the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ had come to replace the Marian Feast on 1 January. The celebration of the Feast of the Circumcision on 1 January was expanded to the entire Catholic Church in 1570 when Pope Pius V promulgated the Missal.
In 1914, the Feast of the “Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary” was established in Portugal, occurring on 11 October. In 1931, this Feast was extended to the entire Catholic Church by Pope Pius XI and maintained on 11 October. Following the Second Vatican Council in 1974, Pope Paul VI removed the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ from the Liturgical Calendar and replaced it with the Feast of the “Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.” In the Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, Catholics continue to celebrate this Feast day with the old name “The Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary” on 11 October, and 1 January is the Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord and the Feast of the Circumcision.
The feast is a celebration of Mary’s motherhood of Jesus. The title “Mother of God” is a western derivation from the Greek: Theotokos, the God-bearer. The term was adopted at the First Council of Ephesus as a way to assert the Divinity of Christ, from which it follows, that what is predicated of Christ is predicated of God. So, if Mary is the Mother of Jesus, she is the Mother of God. Therefore, the title “Mother of God” which celebrates her under this title, are at once both Mariological and Christological.

Titular Feast of the Society of Jesus – But now celebrated on 3 January, the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

Bl Adalbero of Liege
St Baglan of Wales
St Basil of Aix
Bl Bonannus of Roio
St Brogan
St Buonfiglio Monaldi
Bl Catherine de Solaguti
St Clarus of Vallis Regia
St Clarus of Vienne
St Colman mac Rónán
St Colman Muillin of Derrykeighan
St Concordius of Arles
St Connat
St Cuan
St Demet of Plozévet
St Elvan
St Eugendus of Condat
St Euphrosyne of Alexandria
St Fanchea of Rossory
St Felix of Bourges
St Frodobert of Troyes

St Fulgentius of Ruspe (c 462 – 533) “The Pocket Augustine,” Abbot, Bishop of the City of Ruspe, North Africa in modern day Tniisia, Theologian, Writer.
About St Fulgentius!

St Gisela of Rosstreppe
St Gregory Nazianzen the Elder
Bl Hugolinus of Gualdo Cattaneo
Bl Jean-Baptiste Lego
Bl Jean of Saint-Just-en-Chaussée
St Joseph Mary Tomasi CR (1649-1713) Cardinal, of the Order of Clerics Regular Theatine
St Justin of Chieti
Bl Lojze Grozde
St Maelrhys
St Magnus the Martyr
Bl Marian Konopinski
St Mydwyn

St Odilo of Cluny OSB (962-1049) “Archangel of the Monks,” Priest, Monk, 5th Abbot of Clun, Reformer, Apostle of the poor and needy, Marian devotee and promoter of prayer for the Souls in Purgatory. He established All Souls’ Day (on 2 November) in Cluny and its Monasteries as the annual commemoration to pray for all the faithful departed. The practice was soon adopted throughout the whole Church.
St Odilo’s Life:

St Odilo of Stavelot
St Peter of Atroa
St Peter of Temissis
Bl René Lego
St Sciath of Ardskeagh
St Severino Gallo
St Telemachus
St Thaumastus of Mainz
St Theodotus
St Tyfrydog
Bl Valentin Paquay
St Vincent Strambi
St William of Dijon
St Zedislava Berka
St Zygmunt Gorazdowski

Breton Missionaries to Britain
Martyred Soldiers of Rome: Thirty soldiers martyred in Rome as a group during the persecutions of Diocletian. We don’t even known their names. They were martyred c 304 at Rome, Italy.

Martyrs of Africa – 8 saints: Eight Christians martyred together in Africa, date unknown. The only details we have are four of their names – Argyrus, Felix, Narcissus and Victor.

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War:
• Blessed Andrés Gómez Sáez


One Minute Reflection – 5 April – Easter Monday – ‘Life is restored to humankind.’

One Minute Reflection – 5 April – Easter Monday, Readings: Acts 2:14, 22-33, Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-11, Matthew 28:8-15

Then Jesus said to them: “Fear not. Go, tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, there they shall see me.” – Matthew 28:10

REFLECTION – “The Gospel pictures the disciples’ joyful race: “They both ran but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and arrived at the tomb first” (Jn 20:4). Which of us would not likewise want to look for Christ, sitting at the right hand of the Father? And which of us, when they joyfully call to mind those Apostles’ eager race, would not try to run in spirit so as to find Him at the end of their search? To encourage us in this desire, we should all eagerly repeat this verse of the Song of Songs: “Draw me after you; we will run in the fragrance of your perfume” (3:4 LXX). To run in the fragrance of perfume, means, to keep going without stopping towards our Creator, using the footsteps of our spirit and strengthened by the holy fragrance of the virtues.

This was exactly what the praiseworthy race of those holy women was like, who, according to the gospels, had followed the Lord from Galilee and stayed faithful to Him at the time of His Passion, whereas the disciples had run away (Mt 27:55). They had run in the fragrance of perfume in their spirit – and even according to the letter – since they had bought spices with which to anoint the Lord’s body, as Mark testifies (16:1).

Brethren, following the example given by the hasty attentions of the disciples – both men and women – beside their Master’s tomb … let us proclaim, after our own fashion, the joys of the Lord’s Resurrection. It would be really sad if our tongues of flesh were to stifle the praises due to our Creator on this day, when His flesh was raised. This wonderful Resurrection prompts us to proclaim the greatness of so great a joy’s Author and, to make known abroad, the victory carried against our ancient enemy … Death is evicted today together with death’s maker; today, through Christ, life is restored to humankind. Today are broken the devil’s chains – on this day, the freedom of the Lord is granted to Christians. St Odilo of Cluny (961-1048) Monk – 2nd Sermon for the Resurrection of the Lord; PL 142, 1005

PRAYER – Lord God, You bring us joy through the Easter mysteries. Continue to be bountiful to Your people, lead us from darkness to the perfect freedom, by which the joy that gladdens our way on earth, will be fulfilled in heaven. May the prayer of your angels and saints, with Mary the Mother of our Saviour and our Mother, grant us peace and strength. We make our prayer through our Lord, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, God forever amen.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 1 January – Saint Odilo of Cluny OSB (962-1049) the “Archangel of the Monks”

Saint of the Day – 1 January – Saint Odilo of Cluny OSB (962-1049) Priest, Monk, 5th Abbot of Cluny, Reformer, known as the “Archangel of the Monks,” Apostle of the poor and needy, Marian devotee and promoter of prayer for the Souls in Purgatory. St Odilo was the fifth Benedictine Abbot of Cluny, holding the post for around 54 years. During his tenure Cluny became the most important Monastery in western Europe. Odilo actively worked to reform the monastic practices not only at Cluny but at other Benedictine houses. He also promoted the Truce of God whereby military hostilities were temporarily suspended at certain times for ostensibly religious reasons. Odilo encouraged the formal practice of personal Consecration to Mary. He established All Souls’ Day (on 2 November) in Cluny and its Monasteries as the annual commemoration to pray for all the faithful departed. The practice was soon adopted throughout the whole Western Church. He was born in 962 at Auvergne, France and died on 1 January 1049 at Souvigny, France of natural causes. Additional memorials – 29 April as one of the Seven Abbots of Cluny, 19 January in Cluny (formerly 2 January), 6 February in Switzerland. Patronages – against jaundice, the souls in Purgatory.

Odilo was descended from the nobility of Auvergne. He early became a cleric in the seminary of St Julien in Brioude. In 991 he entered Cluny and before the end of his year of probation was made coadjutor to Abbot Mayeul and shortly before the latter’s death (994) was made Abbot and received Holy orders.

The rapid development of the Monastery under him was due chiefly to his gentleness and charity, his activity and talent for organising. He was a man of prayer and penance, zealous for the observance of the Divine Office and the monastic spirit. He encouraged learning in his monasteries and had the monk, Radolphus Glaber, write a history of the time. He erected a magnificent Monastery building and furthered the reform of the Benedictine Monasteries. Under Alphonse VI it spread into Spain. The rule of St Benedict was substituted in Cluny for the domestic rule of Isidore. By bringing the reformed or newly founded Monasteries of Spain into permanent dependence on the mother-house, Odilo prepared the way for the union of Monasteries, which Hugo established for maintaining order and discipline. The number of Monasteries increased from thirty-seven to sixty-five, of which five were newly established and twenty-three had followed the reform movement.

On account of his services in the reform, Odilo was called by the Blessed Bishop Fulbert of Chartres, the “Archangel of the Monks” and through his relations with the Popes, rulers, and prominent Bishops of the time, Cluny monasticism was promoted. He journeyed nine times to Italy and took part in several synods there. Popes John XIX and Benedict IX both offered him the Archbishopric of Lyons but he declined.

From 998 he gained influence with the Emperor Otto III. He was on terms of intimacy with Henry II when the latter, on political grounds, sought to impair the spiritual independence of the German Monasteries. For Germany the Cluny policy had no permanent success, as the Monks there were more inclined to individualism. Between 1027 and 1046 the relations between the Cluniac Monks and the Rmperor remained unchanged. In 1046 Odilo was present at the coronation of Henry III in Rome. Robert II of France allied himself with the Reform party.

The conclusion of the Peace of God (Treuga Dei), for which Odilo had worked from 1041, was of great economic importance. During the great famines of that time (particularly 1028-33), he also exercised his active charity and saved thousands from death.

He established All Souls Day (2 November) in Cluny and its Monasteries, probably not in 998 but after 1030 and it was soon adopted in the whole Church. Of his writings we have but a few short and unimportant ones – a life of the holy Empress St Adelaide, to whom he was closely related; a short biography of his predecessor Mayeul; sermons on feasts of the ecclesiastical year; some hymns and prayers and a few letters from his extensive correspondence.

Odilo and his confreres interested themselves in the Church reform which began about that time. They followed no definite ecclesiastico-political programm, but directed their attacks principally against individual offences such as simony, marriage of the clergy and the uncanonical marriage of the laity. The Holy See could depend, above all, on the religious of Cluny, when it sought to raise itself from its humiliating position and undertook the reform of the Church.

He died while on a visitation to the Monastery of Souvigny where he was buried and soon venerated as a saint.

St Odilo’s Funeral Procession

In 1063 St Peter Damien undertook the process of his Canonisation, and wrote a short life, with the assistance of an abstract from the work of Jotsald, one of Odilo’s monks who accompanied him on his travels. In 1793 the relics were burned by the revolutionaries “on the altar of the fatherland.”


The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and the Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord and Memorials of the Saints – 1 January

1 January – The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and the Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord
Mary, Mother of God and the Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord (Solemnity)
1 January 2018:
1 January 2019:

Titular Feast of the Society of Jesus – But now celebrated on 3 January, the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

Bl Adalbero of Liege
St Baglan of Wales
St Basil of Aix
Bl Bonannus of Roio
St Brogan
St Buonfiglio Monaldi
Bl Catherine de Solaguti
St Clarus of Vallis Regia
St Clarus of Vienne
St Colman mac Rónán
St Colman Muillin of Derrykeighan
St Concordius of Arles
St Connat
St Cuan
St Demet of Plozévet
St Elvan
St Eugendus of Condat
St Euphrosyne of Alexandria
St Fanchea of Rossory
St Felix of Bourges
St Frodobert of Troyes
St Fulgentius of Ruspe (c 462 – 533)
About St Fulgentius!
St Gisela of Rosstreppe
St Gregory Nazianzen the Elder
Bl Hugolinus of Gualdo Cattaneo
Bl Jean-Baptiste Lego
Bl Jean of Saint-Just-en-Chaussée
St Joseph Mary Tomasi
St Justin of Chieti
Bl Lojze Grozde
St Maelrhys
St Magnus the Martyr
Bl Marian Konopinski
St Mydwyn
St Odilo of Cluny OSB (962-1049) Priest, Monk, 5th Abbot of Cluny
St Odilo of Stavelot
St Peter of Atroa
St Peter of Temissis
Bl René Lego
St Sciath of Ardskeagh
St Severino Gallo
St Telemachus
St Thaumastus of Mainz
St Theodotus
St Tyfrydog
Bl Valentin Paquay
St Vincent Strambi
St William of Dijon
St Zedislava Berka
St Zygmunt Gorazdowski

Breton Missionaries to Britain
Martyred Soldiers of Rome: Thirty soldiers martyred in Rome as a group during the persecutions of Diocletian. We don’t even known their names. They were martyred c 304 at Rome, Italy.

Martyrs of Africa – 8 saints: Eight Christians martyred together in Africa, date unknown. The only details we have are four of their names – Argyrus, Felix, Narcissus and Victor.

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War:
• Blessed Andrés Gómez Sáez