Madonna del Giorno di Montalto / Our Lady of Montalto, Italy (1294), St Juan de Sahagun and Memorials of the Saints – 12 June

St Juan de Sahagun OESA (1419-1479) Priest and Friar of the Order of the Augustinians, Confessor, Preacher, Social Reformer, Defender of workers.

Madonna del Giorno di Montalto / Our Lady of Montalto, Messina, Italy (1294) – 12 June:

St Amphion of Nicomedia
Bl Antonio de Pietra
St Arsenius of Konev
St Christian O’Morgair of Clogher
St Chrodobald of Marchiennes
St Cominus
Bl Conrad of Maleville
St Cunera
St Cuniald
St Cyrinus of Antwerp
St Eskil
St Galen of Armenia
St Gerebald of Châlons-sur-Seine
St Geslar

Blessed Guy Vignotelli of Cortona OFM (c1185-1250) Priest of the Friars Minor, Miracle-worker.

St Pope Leo III (c 750-816) Bishop of Rome and Ruler of the Papal States from 26 December 795 to his death. Defender of the City ad peoples of Rome and of the Church. Peacemaker and restorer of Churches and Monasteries, Patron of the Arts and Apostle of the poor. Know as “Charlemagne’s Pope”
His Life:

St Odulf of Utrecht
St Olympius of AEnos
St Onuphrius of Egypt
Bl Pelagia Leonti of Milazzo
St Peter of Mount Athos
St Placid of Val d’Ocre
St Ternan of Culross
St Valerius of Armenia

Martyrs of Bologna: Three Christians who were martyred at different times and places, but whose relics have been collected and enshrined together – Celsus, Dionysius, and Marcellinus. Their relics were enshrined in churches in Bologna and Rome in Italy.

St Basilides and Companions / cMartyrs of Rome: Four members of the Imperial Roman nobility. They were all soldiers, one or more may have been officers, and all were Martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian – Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius.
They were martyred in 304 outside Rome, Italy and buried along the Aurelian Way.

Three Holy Exiles: Three Christian men who became Benedictine Monks at the Saint James Abbey in Regensburg, Germany, then Hermits at Griestatten and whose lives and piety are celebrated together. – Marinus, Vimius and Zimius.


Trinity Sunday, Madonna del Giorno di Montalto / Our Lady of Montalto, Messina, Italy (1294) and Memorials of the Saints – 12 June

Trinity Sunday +2022

St Juan de Sahagun OESA (1419-1479) Priest and Friar of the Order of the Augustinians, Confessor, Preacher, Social Reformer, Defender of workers.

Madonna del Giorno di Montalto / Our Lady of Montalto, Messina, Italy (1294) – 12 June:

St Amphion of Nicomedia
Bl Antonio de Pietra
St Arsenius of Konev
St Christian O’Morgair of Clogher
St Chrodobald of Marchiennes
St Cominus
Bl Conrad of Maleville
St Cunera
St Cuniald
St Cyrinus of Antwerp
St Eskil
St Galen of Armenia
St Gerebald of Châlons-sur-Seine
St Geslar
Blessed Guy Vignotelli of Cortona OFM (c 1185-1245) Priest of the Friars Minor, Hermit, Miracle-worker.

St Pope Leo III (c 750-816) Bishop of Rome and Ruler of the Papal States from 26 December 795 to his death. Defender of the City ad peoples of Rome and of the Church. Peacemaker and restorer of Churches and Monasteries, Patron of the Arts and Apostle of the poor. Know as “Charlemagne’s Pope”
His Life:

Bl Mercedes Maria of Jesus
St Odulf of Utrecht
St Olympius of AEnos
St Onuphrius of Egypt
Bl Pelagia Leonti of Milazzo
St Peter of Mount Athos
St Placid of Val d’Ocre
Bl Stanislaw Kubista
Bl Stefan Grelewski
Bl Stefan Kielman
St Ternan of Culross
St Valerius of Armenia

Martyrs of Bologna: Three Christians who were martyred at different times and places, but whose relics have been collected and enshrined together – Celsus, Dionysius, and Marcellinus. Their relics were enshrined in churches in Bologna and Rome in Italy.

Martyrs of Rome: Four members of the Imperial Roman nobility. They were all soldiers, one or more may have been officers, and all were Martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian – Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius.
They were martyred in 304 outside Rome, Italy and buried along the Aurelian Way.

Three Holy Exiles: Three Christian men who became Benedictine Monks at the Saint James Abbey in Regensburg, Germany, then Hermits at Griestatten and whose lives and piety are celebrated together. – Marinus, Vimius and Zimius.


Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Madonna del Giorno di Montalto / Our Lady of Montalto,Messina, Italy, 1294 and Memorials of the Saints – 12 June

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary – Celebrated on the Saturday following the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus:

Madonna del Giorno di Montalto / Our Lady of Montalto, Messina, Italy, 1294 – 12 June:

One night a humble Friar named Nicholas dreamt of the Virgin Mary who told him to go the next day, by the Senate of Messina and inform them, that Our Lady wanted a temple on that hill, dedicated as the Lady of the High Mountain.
In the morning, the Friar thought it was all his imagination and not believing that the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ would go to a poor Friar and thought no more of it.
The next night, the Virgin appeared again in a dream to Nicholas, scolding him for disobedience. The monk then asked him how he could get himself heard by the Senate. Our Lady told him not to despair and the next day, at noon, a white dove on the hill site was outlined at the area where the Church was to be built.
So it was, 12 June 1294, the hill was full of people and notables of Messina and a white dove appeared and marked out the spot for the Church (this miracle is represented by Statues in motion in the bell tower of the Cathedral).
Fra Nicholas then went to the nearby Matagrifone castle to find the Queen Constance. He explained the facts, in the presence of a Court handmaiden who advised the Queen to drive the Monk away. The evil courtesan was suddenly seized with paralysis of her arm and excruciating pain throughout her body. The Monk advised her to apologise to the Madonna, she did so, and the pain was relieved.
Queen Constance, remained shaken from the occurrence and she promised her help, indeed it was she who laid the first stone. By 1295 the Church was already built.

The Santuario della Madonna di Montalto was severely damaged during the 1908 earthquake and rebuilt in 1930.
This view of the bell tower gives you a hint of the beauty of this Gothic and Romanesque structure.

St Amphion of Nicomedia
Bl Antonia Maria Verna
Bl Antonio de Pietra
St Arsenius of Konev
St Christian O’Morgair of Clogher
St Chrodobald of Marchiennes
St Cominus
Bl Conrad of Maleville
St Cunera
St Cuniald
St Cyrinus of Antwerp
St Eskil
St Galen of Armenia

St Gaspar Bertoni CSS (1777-1853) – Priest and Founder of the Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata of Our Lord Jesus Christ C.S.S., commonly known as the Stigmatines, Teacher, Apostolic Missionary, Spiritual advisor.

St Gerebald of Châlons-sur-Seine
St Geslar
Bl Guy Vignotelli of Cortona

St Juan de Sahagun OESA (1419-1479) Priest and Friar of the Order of the Augustinians, Preacher, Social Reformer, Defender of workers.

St Pope Leo III (c 750-816) Bishop of Rome and Ruler of the Papal States from 26 December 795 to his death. Know as “Charlemagne’s Pope”
St Lochinia of Ireland

Blessed Lorenzo Maria of Saint Francis Xavier Salvi CP Priest of the Passionist Congregation
His Life:

Bl Mercedes Maria of Jesus
St Odulf of Utrecht
St Olympius of AEnos
St Onuphrius of Egypt
Bl Pelagia Leonti of Milazzo
St Peter of Mount Athos
St Placid of Val d’Ocre
Bl Stanislaw Kubista
Bl Stefan Grelewski
Bl Stefan Kielman
St Ternan of Culross
St Valerius of Armenia

Martyrs of Bologna: Three Christians who were martyred at different times and places, but whose relics have been collected and enshrined together – Celsus, Dionysius, and Marcellinus. Their relics were enshrined in churches in Bologna and Rome in Italy.

Martyrs of Rome: Four members of the Imperial Roman nobility. They were all soldiers, one or more may have been officers, and all were martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian – Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius.
They were martyred in 304 outside Rome, Italy and buried along the Aurelian Way.

Three Holy Exiles: Three Christian men who became Benedictine monks at the Saint James Abbey in Regensburg, Germany, then hermits at Griestatten and whose lives and piety are celebrated together. – Marinus, Vimius and Zimius.