The Circumcision of the Lord (Holy Day), The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord, Mary, Mother of God, the Divine Motherhood and Memorials of the Saints – 1 January

All God’s richest blessings for 2024!🙏💖

The Circumcision of the Lord (Holy Day):
At that time, after eight days were accomplished that the Child should be circumcised; His Name was called Jesus, which was called by the Angel, before He was conceived in the womb.” – Luke 2:21
Excerpt from the Catechism of the Council of Trent,
(Part IV – “Hallowed be Thy Name“”)

The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord

Titular Feast of the Society of Jesus –
But now celebrated on the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus,
which is tomorrow 2 January

Bl Adalbero of Liege
St Baglan of Wales
St Basil of Aix
Bl Bonannus of Roio
St Brogan
St Buonfiglio Monaldi
Bl Catherine de Solaguti
St Clarus of Vallis Regia
St Clarus of Vienne
St Colman mac Rónán
St Colman Muillin of Derrykeighan
St Concordius of Arles
St Connat
St Cuan
St Demet of Plozévet
St Elvan
St Eugendus of Condat
St Euphrosyne of Alexandria
St Fanchea of Rossory
St Felix of Bourges
St Frodobert of Troyes

St Gisela of Rosstreppe
St Gregory Nazianzen the Elder
Bl Hugolinus of Gualdo Cattaneo
Bl Jean-Baptiste Lego
Bl Jean of Saint-Just-en-Chaussée
St Justin of Chieti (Died c540) Bishop
St Maelrhys
St Magnus the Martyr
St Mydwyn

St Odilo of Stavelot
St Peter of Atroa (773–837) Abbpt
St Peter of Temissis
St Sciath of Ardskeagh
St Severino Gallo
St Telemachus
St Thaumastus of Mainz
St Theodotus
St Tyfrydog
Bl Valentin Paquay
St William of Dijon
St Zedislava Berka OP (c 1220-1252) Married Laywoman and Mother, Tertiary of the Order of Preachers. Canonised by St Pius X on 28 August 1907.


1 January – Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord

Saint of the Day – 1 January – Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord

At that time, after eight days were accomplished that the Child should be circumcised; His Name was called Jesus, which was called by the Angel, before He was conceived in the womb.” – Luke 2:21

Excerpt from the Catechism of the Council of Trent,
(Part IV – “Hallowed be Thy Name“”)

In the Old Law (Gen. 17:12), it was required that every male child should, on the eighth day after his birth, be circumcised and thus admitted among God’s chosen people. The rite of circumcision in the Old Law corresponded to the Sacrament of Baptism in the New Law and was the means of remitting original sin. Our Lord, although free from every sin, submitted to this rite, in order to show that He was a true Son of Abraham, to manifest respect and obedience to the established law and, to prove that He had a real human body. At the time of circumcision, a name was given to the child. Our Lord was called Jesus, which signified His office as Saviour. On this Feast of the Circumcision, therefore, it is most appropriate that we should meditate on the first petition of the Lord’s prayer, “hallowed be thy name.”

I. The first petition of the Lord’s Prayer. In the opening words of the Lord’s Prayer we ask that God’s Name may be honoured, which shows that God’s glory should be our chief desire. This petition does not mean that God’s essential glory or perfection should be increased, nor that the honour given Him on earth, should be equal to that shown Him in Heaven.

II. The objects of this petition. We ask: That we may praise God with our hearts and lips; That those in error may be brought to recognise and revere His Church; That sinners may be converted to His service; That men may learn to refer all blessings to Him as to their Author and source.

CONCLUSION. Our conduct should be in conformity with this petition. Catholics must not cause the Name of God or of His Church, to be profaned by their own evil words and actions. On the contrary, by clean speech and good example, Catholics ought to excite others to exalt the Name of God, to respect the Faith of Christ, and to honour His Church. Good resolutions for the New Year!


The Circumcision of the Lord, The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord and Memorials of the Saints – 1 January

All God’s richest blessings for 2023!🙏💖

The Circumcision of the Lord (Holy Day)

The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord

Mary, Mother of God, the Divine Motherhood:

Titular Feast of the Society of Jesus –
But now celebrated on the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

Bl Adalbero of Liege
St Baglan of Wales
St Basil of Aix
Bl Bonannus of Roio
St Brogan
St Buonfiglio Monaldi
Bl Catherine de Solaguti
St Clarus of Vallis Regia
St Clarus of Vienne
St Colman mac Rónán
St Colman Muillin of Derrykeighan
St Concordius of Arles
St Connat
St Cuan
St Demet of Plozévet
St Elvan
St Eugendus of Condat
St Euphrosyne of Alexandria
St Fanchea of Rossory
St Felix of Bourges
St Frodobert of Troyes

St Fulgentius of Ruspe (c 462 – 533) “The Pocket Augustine,” Abbot, Bishop of the City of Ruspe, North Africa in modern day Tniisia, Theologian, Writer.
About St Fulgentius!

St Gisela of Rosstreppe
St Gregory Nazianzen the Elder
Bl Hugolinus of Gualdo Cattaneo
Bl Jean-Baptiste Lego
Bl Jean of Saint-Just-en-Chaussée
St Justin of Chieti
St Maelrhys
St Magnus the Martyr
St Mydwyn

St Odilo of Cluny OSB (962-1049) “Archangel of the Monks,” Priest, Monk, 5th Abbot of Clun, Reformer, Apostle of the poor and needy, Marian devotee and promoter of prayer for the Souls in Purgatory. He established All Souls’ Day (on 2 November) in Cluny and its Monasteries as the annual commemoration to pray for all the faithful departed. The practice was soon adopted throughout the whole Church.
St Odilo’s Life:

St Odilo of Stavelot
St Peter of Atroa (773–837) Abbpt
St Peter of Temissis
St Sciath of Ardskeagh
St Severino Gallo
St Telemachus
St Thaumastus of Mainz
St Theodotus
St Tyfrydog
Bl Valentin Paquay
St William of Dijon
St Zedislava Berka OP (c 1220-1252) Married Laywoman and Mother, Tertiary of the Order of Preachers. Canonised by St Pius X on 28 August 1907.

Breton Missionaries to Britain:
Martyred Soldiers of Rome: Thirty soldiers martyred in Rome as a group during the persecutions of Diocletian. We do not even known their names. They were Martyred c 304 at Rome, Italy.

Martyrs of Africa – 8 Saints: Eight Christians Martyred together in Africa, date unknown. The only details we have are four of their names – Argyrus, Felix, Narcissus and Victor.