Quote/s of the Day – 26 June – “And all that were sick He healed” – Matthew 8:15

Quote/s of the Day – 26 June – “Month of the Sacred Heart”- Readings: Genesis 18: 1-15, Luke 1: 46-47, 48-49, 50 and 53, 54-55, Matthew 8: 5-17

“And all that were sick He healed”

Matthew 8:15

“ Think of the many cures
of which the evangelists do not speak.
They do not tell us about all of them, one by one –
rather, in a single sentence,
they let us see an infinite ocean of miracles.
… The gospel brings the testimony of the prophet,
which is as extraordinary and as surprising
as the deeds themselves:
“ … thereby fulfilling what had been said
through Isaiah the prophet:
‘It was our infirmities he bore, our sufferings he endured.’”
(Lk 8:17; Isa 53:4)
It does not say “he destroyed” but “he bore”
and “he endured”
thus showing, in my opinion,
that the prophet was speaking more of sin
than of bodily illnesses.
And that is in conformity with John’s words:
“There is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (Jn 1:29)

St John Chrysostom (345-407)
Father and Doctor

Commentary on St Matthew’s Gospel, 27

“Christ is the artist,
tenderly wiping away
all the grime of sin
that disfigures the human face
and restoring God’s image
to its full beauty.”

St Gregory of Nyssa (c 335–C 395)
Father of the Church

“Dust, so to speak,
had forcibly entered humanity’s eye;
earth had entered it,
had injured the eye
and it could not see the light.
… That physician made a salve for you.
And because He came, in such a way,
that by His flesh,
He might extinguish the faults of the flesh
and by His death, He might kill death … ”

St Augustine (354-430)
Father and Doctor of the Church

“Love Him, then, keep Him as a friend.
He will not leave you as others do,
or let you suffer lasting death.
Sometime, whether you will or not,
you will have to part with everything.
Cling, therefore, to Jesus in life and death,
trust yourself to the glory of Him,
Who alone can help you
when all others fail.“

Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)
(Book 2 Ch 7)

“What does Jesus Christ do in the Eucharist?

It is God, who, as our Saviour, offers Himself each day for us to His Father’s justice.

If you are in difficulties and sorrows, He will comfort and relieve you.
If you are sick, He will either cure you or give you strength to suffer, so as to merit Heaven.
If the devil, the world and the flesh are making war upon you, He will give you the weapons with which to fight, to resist and to win the victory.
If you are poor, he will enrich you with all sorts of riches for time and for eternity.
Let us open the door of His Sacred and Adorable Heart and be wrapped about for an instant, by the flames of His love and we shall see, what a God who loves us, can do.
O my God, who shall be able to comprehend?”

St Jean Marie Baptiste Vianney (1786-1859)


One Minute Reflection – 22 June – “Cast out first, the beam in thy own eye” – Matthew 7:5

One Minute Reflection – 22 June – “Month of the Sacred Heart” , Readings: Genesis 12: 1-9, Psalms 33: 12-13, 18-19, 20 and 22, Matthew 7:1-5 .

“Thou hypocrite, cast out first, the beam in thy own eye and then shalt thou see, to cast the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” – Matthew 7:5

REFLECTION – “You are very good at excusing and whitewashing your own behaviour but you will not allow your neighbour’s excuses.
You might more fairly accuse yourself and excuse your brother.
If you wish to be borne with, then bear.
Look how far you are, even now, from a true and lowly love which knows no anger nor indignation except against itself.
It is no great thing to live with the good and docile; everyone naturally likes to do so – just as we are all delighted to live in peace with friends who share our views.
But if you can live at peace with harsh, wayward, unbridled and disputatious folk; this is a great grace and a virile achievement worthy of all praise …
The greater the skill in suffering, the greater the peace. In this is self-mastery, lordship over the world, friendship with Christ, the inheritance of Heaven.” – Thomas à Kempis CRSA (1380-1471)The Imitation of Christ – Book II, Ch 3

PRAYER – As we pray before You Lord, we ask You, in Your loving kindness, for the grace always to ponder in our hearts what we proclaim with our lips. Keep us in Your commandments and strengthen us by the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mother, that we may live by a holy conscience and never flinch from the protection of truth. Grant this we pray through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, in the love and unity of the Holy Spirit, God for always and forever, amen.
SACRED Heart of JESUS, Thy Kingdom come!
Indulgence 300 Days. Everytime Raccolta 178 St Pius X, 4 May 1906.


Quote/s of the day – 20 June – “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” – Mark 4:39-40

Quote/s of the day – 20 June – “Month of the Sacred Heart” – Job 38: 1, 8-11, Psalms 107: 23-24, 25-26, 28-29, 30-31 (1b), Second Corinthians 5: 14-17, Fospel: Mark 4: 35-41

“And the wind ceased
and there was a great calm.
He said to them,
“Why are you so afraid?
Have you still no faith?”

Mark 4:39-40

“Let not your hearts be troubled,
neither let them be afraid.”

John 14:27

“Can any of you by worrying
add a moment to your life-span?”

Luke 12:25

“Place all your trust in God,
let Him be your fear and your love.
He will answer for you,
He will do what is best for you.
You have here no lasting home.
You are a stranger and a pilgrim
wherever you may be
and you shall have no rest,
until you are wholly united with Christ.
Why do you look about here
when this is not the place of your repose?”

Thomas à Kempis CRSA (1380-1471)

“Let nothing perturb you,
nothing frighten you.
All things pass.
God does not change.
Patience achieves everything.”

St Teresa of Jesus of Avila (1515-1582)
Doctor of Prayer

“ … Let the fine point of your spirit
always turn towards God, its north.
Your are about to take to the high seas
of the world, do not, on this account,
alter dial or mast, sail or anchor or wind.
Keep Jesus Christ
as your dial, at all times,
His Cross for mast,
on which to hoist
your resolutions, as a sail.
Let your anchor be,
profound trust in Him
and set out early!”

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
Doctor of the Church

“Throw yourself
into God’s arms.
He will carry you
when the road is rough.”

St John Baptiste de La Salle (1651-1719)


Quote/s of the Day – 18 June – Where is our treasure?

Quote/s of the Day – 18 June – “Month of the Sacred Heart”- Readings: Second Corinthians 11: 18, 21-30, Psalms 34: 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, Gospel: Matthew 6: 19-23

For where thy treasure is,
there is thy heart also.”

Matthew 6:21

“You have made us for Yourself
and our hearts are restless
until they rest in You.”

St Augustine (354-430)
Father and Doctor of the Church

“ He who finds Jesus, finds a rare treasure,
indeed, a good above every good,
whereas he who loses Him,
loses more than the whole world.
The man who lives without Jesus,
is the poorest of the poor,
whereas no-one is so rich,
as the man who lives in His grace.
… Let all things be loved, for the sake of Jesus
but Jesus, for His own sake.”

Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

“By giving yourself to God,
you not only receive Himself in exchange
but, eternal life as well!”

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
Doctor Caritatis

“Where is the heart that loves?
On the thing it loves.
Therefore, where our love is,
there our heart is held captive.
It cannot leave it;
it cannot be lifted higher,
it cannot go either to the right or the left;
see, it is fixed.
Where the miser’s treasure is,
there is his heart
and where our heart is,
there is our treasure.”

St Vincent de Paul (1581-1660)

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, QUOTES for CHRIST, QUOTES on LOVE of GOD, The HEART, The WORD, thomas a kempis

Quote/s of the Day – 20 May – ‘You in me and I in you’

Quote/s of the Day – 20 May – “Mary’s Month” – Thursday of the Seventh Week of Easter, Readings: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11, Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-11, John 17:20-26

I am in my Father and you in me and I in you.

John 14:20

“Your Beloved is such,
that He will not accept
what belongs to another —
He wants your heart for Himself alone,
to be enthroned therein,
as King in His own right.”

Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

“By giving yourself to God,
you not only receive Himself in exchange
but, eternal life as well!”

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
Doctor Caritatis

God, my God,
May I Always Abide in You
By St John Damascene (675-749)

God, my God,
unextinguishable and invisible fire,
You make Your angels flaming fire.
Out of Your inexpressible love,
You have given me Your divine Flesh as food
and through this communion
of Your immaculate Body and precious Blood,
You receive me as a partaker of Your divinity.
Permeate all my body and soul,
all my bones and sinews.
Consume my sins in fire.
Enlighten my soul and illumine my mind.
Sanctify my body and make Your abode in me
together with Your blessed Father and all-holy Spirit,
that I may always abide in You,
through the intercession
of Your immaculate Mother
and all Your saints.

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, LOVE of NEIGHBOUR, QUOTES on CHARITY, QUOTES on LOVE, QUOTES on LOVE of GOD, QUOTES on MERCY, The WORD, thomas a kempis

Quote/s of the Day – 7 May – “Love one another as I have loved you” – John 15:12

Quote/s of the Day – 7 May – “Mary’s Month” – Friday of the Fifth Week of Easter, Readings: Acts 15:22-31, Psalm 57:8-12, John 15:12-17

“Love one another as I have loved you”

John 15:12

“Someone who shows no clemency,
who is not clothed with the bowels of mercy and tears,
no matter what sort of student he is in spirituality,
such a one, does not fulfil the law of Christ.”

St Jerome (343-420)
Father and Doctor of the Church

“My brothers, Christ made love the stairway
that would enable all Christians
to climb to heaven.
Hold fast to it, therefore, in all sincerity,
give one another practical proof of it
and by your progress in it,
make your ascent together.”

St Fulgentius of Ruspe (460-533) Bishop

“Love is watchful.
Sleeping, it does not slumber.
Wearied, it is not tired.
Pressed, it is not straitened.
Alarmed, it is not confused
but like a living flame,
a burning torch,
it forces its way upward
and passes unharmed
through every obstacle.”

“Nothing is sweeter than love,
nothing stronger or higher or wider;
nothing is more pleasant, nothing fuller
and nothing better in heaven or on earth,
for love is born of God
and cannot rest except in God,
Who is above all created things.”

Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)


Quote/s of the Day – 6 May – “You shall love the Lord your God with ALL your heart”

Quote/s of the Day – 6 May – “Mary’s Month” – Thursday of the Fifth Week of Easter. Readings: First: Acts 15: 7-21; Psalm: Psalms 96: 1-2a, 2b-3, 10; Gospel: John 15: 9-1

“As the Father hath loved me,
I also have loved you.
Abide in my love.”

John 15:9

“You shall love the Lord your God
with ALL your heart”

Mark 12:30

“Remember God
more often
than you breathe!”

St Gregory of Nazianzen (330-390)
Father and Doctor of the Church

“Choose the opposition of the whole world,
rather than offend Jesus.
Of all those who are dear to you,
let Him be your special love.
Let all things be loved,
for the sake of Jesus
but Jesus, for His own sake.”

Thomas à Kempis CRSA (1380-1471)

(Book 2 Ch 8)

“My dear souls, let us recognise, I pray you,
Christ’s infinite charity towards us
in the institution of this Sacrament of the Eucharist.
In order that our love be a spiritual love,
He wills a new heart, a new love, a new spirit for us.
It is not with a carnal heart but with a spiritual one,
that Christ has loved us with a gratuitous love,
a supreme and most ardent love,
by way of pure grace and charity.
Ah! One needs to love Him back
with one’s whole, whole, whole,
living, living, living and true, true, true heart!!”

St Lawrence of Brindisi(1559-1619)
Apostolic Doctor of the Church

“By giving yourself to God,
you not only receive Himself in exchange
but, eternal life as well!”

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
Doctor Caritatis

If a man wants to know if
he is living a good Christian life,
therefore, all he has to do
is ask himself if he loves God
above everything
and his neighbour as himself.
… Love gives wings to his feet
and pours enthusiasm
and fervour into his heart.”

Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971

Posted in "Follow Me", CHRIST, the WAY,TRUTH,LIFE, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, GOD ALONE!, ON the SAINTS, QUOTES on CONVERSION, QUOTES on REPENTANCE, QUOTES on SIN, The WILL of GOD, The WORD, thomas a kempis

Quote/s of the Day – 5 May – Conversion

Quote/s of the Day – 5 May – Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Easter, Readings: First: Acts 15: 1-6; Psalm: Psalms 122: 1-2, 3-4ab, 4cd-5; Gospel: John 15: 1-8 and the Memorial of the Conversdion of St Augustine

“Without Me you can do nothing”

John 15:5

“You do not know
when your last day may come.
You are an ingrate!
Why not use the day, today,
that God has given you
to repent?”

“What do you possess
if you possess not God?”

St Augustine (354-430)
Father & Doctor of Grace

“A saint is not someone, who never sins,
but one who sins less and less frequently
and gets up more and more quickly.”

St Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)
Mellifluous Doctor

“Each day then, we ought to renew our resolutions
and arouse ourselves to fervour,
as though it were the first day
of our turning back to God.
We ought to say: “Help me, O Lord God,
in my good resolution
and in Your holy service.
Grant me now, this very day,
to begin perfectly,
for thus far I have done nothing.”
… Just men depend on the grace of God
rather than on their own wisdom
in keeping their resolutions.
In Him they confide every undertaking …”

Thomas à Kempis CRSA (1380-1471)

“A soul makes room for God
by wiping away all the smudges and smears of creatures,
by uniting its will perfectly to God’s,
for to love is to labour,
to divest and deprive oneself for God, of all that is not God .
When this is done,
the soul will be illumined by and transformed in God.”

St John of the Cross (1542-1591)
Mystical Doctor of the Church

Posted in "Follow Me", DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, QUOTES on GRACE, QUOTES on LOVE, QUOTES on LOVE of GOD, QUOTES on OBEDIENCE, The GOOD SHEPHERD, The WORD, thomas a kempis

Quote/s of the Day – 27 April – ‘This is the glory of man … ‘

Quote/s of the Day – 27 April – Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Easter, Readings: Acts 11:19-26, Psalm 87:1-7, John 10:22-30

“My sheep hear my voice
and I know them and they follow me.”

John 10:27

“If anyone serves me,
he must follow me
and where I am,
there will my servant be also.
If anyone serves me,
the Father will honour him.”

John 12:26

“Whatever you do, do from the heart,
as for the Lord and not for others,
knowing that you will receive
from the Lord
the due payment of the inheritance;
be slaves of the Lord Christ.”

Colossians 3:23-24

“This is the glory of man –
to persevere and remain
in the service of God.
For this reason,
the Lord told His disciples:
‘You did not choose Me but I chose you.’
He meant that His disciples
did not glorify Him by following Him
but, in following the Son of God,
they were glorified by Him.
As He said:
‘I wish that where I am
they also may be,
that they may see My glory.’”

St Irenaeus (130-202)
Father of the Church and Martyr

“My sheep follow me,” says Christ.
By a certain God-given grace,
believers follow in the footsteps of Christ.
No longer subject to the shadows of the Law ,
they obey the commands of Christ,
and guided by His words,
rise through grace,
to His own dignity,
for they are called children of God.
When Christ ascends into heaven,
they also follow Him.”

St Cyril of Alexandria (380-444)
Father & Doctor of the Church

I Will Love and Follow You
By Thomas à Kempis CRSA (1380-1471)

Oh my Lord,
Let my heart expand in Your love.
Let me learn to know
how sweet it is, to serve You,
how joyful it is, to praise You
and to be absorbed in Your love.
Oh, I am possessed by love
and rise above myself
because of the great fervour I feel,
through Your infinite goodness.
I will sing the canticle of love to You
and I will follow You, my Beloved,
wherever You go
and may my soul never weary of praising you,
rejoicing in Your love.
I will love You more than myself
and myself, only for Your sake.
I will love all others in You
and for you,
as Your law of love commands.

(Book 3 Ch 5:6)


Quote/s of the Day – 26 April – ‘Now is the time for us to choose! …’

Quote/s of the Day – 26 April – Monday of the Fourth Week of Easter, Readings: First: Acts 11: 1-18, Psalm: Psalms 42: 2-3; 43: 3-4, Gospel: John 10: 1-10 and the Memorial of St Raphael Arnaiz Baron (1911-1938)

“I am the door.
Whoever enters through me
will be saved…. “

John 10:9

“In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light“

Psalm 35(36)

“Now is the time for us to choose! …
Listen to me, you holy seed,
for I have no doubt, that it is here, in abundance…
Listen to me or, rather, listen to Him, in me,
Who was first called a good seed.
Do not love your life in this world!
If you truly love yourselves,
do not thus love your life
and then, you will save your life!”…

St Augustine (354-430)
Father and Doctor of Grace

“He is the origin of all wisdom.
The Word of God in the heights,
is the source of wisdom.
Christ is the source of all true knowledge,
for He is “the way, the truth and the life.” (Jn 14:6). …
As way, Christ is the teacher
and origin of knowledge …
Without this Light,
which is Christ,
no-one can penetrate
the secrets of faith.”

St Bonaventure (1221-1274)
Seraphic Doctor

“Love Him, then, keep Him as a friend.
He will not leave you as others do,
or let you suffer lasting death.
Sometime, whether you will or not,
you will have to part with everything.
Cling, therefore, to Jesus in life and death,
trust yourself to the glory of Him,
Who alone can help you
when all others fail.“

Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)
(Book 2 Ch 7)

“Where, then, is true freedom?
It is in the heart of one who loves
nothing more than God.
It is in the heart of one who is attached
neither to spirit nor to matter
but only to God.
It is in that soul which is not subject
to the “I” of egoism,
which soars above its own thoughts,
feelings, suffering and enjoyment.
Freedom resides in the soul
whose one reason for existence is God,
whose life is God
and nothing else but God.”

St Raphael Arnaiz Baron (1911-1938)
Spanish Trappist Monk

Posted in ONE Minute REFLECTION, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD, thomas a kempis

One Minute Reflection – 17 April – “It is I, be not afraid.”…John 6:20

One Minute Reflection – 17 April – “Saturday of the Second Week of Easter, Readings: First: Acts 6: 1-7, Psalm: Psalms 33: 1-2, 4-5, 18-19, Gospel: John 6: 16-21 and the meorial of St Pope Anicetus I (Died 168)

“It is I, be not afraid.”…John 6:20

REFLECTION – “Enlighten me, good Jesus, with the brightness of internal light and take away all darkness from the habitation of my heart. Restrain my wandering thoughts and suppress the temptations which attack me so violently. Fight strongly for me, and vanquish these evil beasts — the alluring desires of the flesh — so that peace may come through Your power and the fullness of Your praise resound in the holy courts, which is a pure conscience. Command the winds and the tempests, say to the sea: “Be still” and to the north wind, “Do not blow” and there will be a great calm.

Send forth Your light and Your truth to shine on the earth, for I am as earth, empty and formless until You illumine me. Pour out Your grace from above. Shower my heart with heavenly dew. Open the springs of devotion to water the earth, that it may produce the best of good fruits. Lift up my heart pressed down by the weight of sins and direct all my desires to heavenly things, that having tasted the sweetness of supernal happiness, I may find no pleasure in thinking of earthly things.

Snatch me up and deliver me from all the passing comfort of creatures, for no created thing can fully quiet and satisfy my desires. Join me to Yourself in an inseparable bond of love because You alone can satisfy him who loves You and without You, all things are worthless.” – Thomas à Kempis CRSA (1380-1471)The Imitation of Christ – Book 3 Ch 23

PRAYER – Let us praise You Lord, with voice and mind and deed and since life itself is Your gift, may all we have and are, be Yours! May our Mother be with us and pray for us and listen, we pray, to the prayers of St Pope Anicetus as we ask his intercession. Through Christ our Lord, with the Holy Spirit, in union with You, one God for all eternity, amen.

Acts 6: 1-7
1 And in those days, the number of the disciples increasing, there arose a murmuring of the Greeks against the Hebrews, for that their widows were neglected in the daily ministration.
2 Then the twelve calling together the multitude of the disciples, said: It is not reason that we should leave the word of God and serve tables.
3 Wherefore, brethren, look out among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.
4 But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.
5 And the saying was liked by all the multitude. And they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost and Philip and Prochorus and Nicanor and Timon, and Parmenas and Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch.
6 These they set before the apostles; and they praying, imposed hands upon them.
7 And the word of the Lord increased; and the number of the disciples was multiplied in Jerusalem exceedingly, a great multitude also of the priests obeyed the faith.

Gospel: John 6: 16-21
16 And when evening was come, his disciples went down to the sea.
17 And when they had gone up into a ship, they went over the sea to Capharnaum; and it was now dark and Jesus was not come unto them.
18 And the sea arose, by reason of a great wind that blew.
19 When they had rowed, therefore ,about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they saw Jesus, walking upon the sea and drawing nigh to the ship and they were afraid.
20 But he saith to them: It is I; be not afraid.
21 They were willing, therefore, to take him into the ship and presently the ship was at the land to which they were going.

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, I BELIEVE!, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on FAITH, QUOTES on TRUST and complete CONFIDENCE in GOD, The FAITHFUL on PILGRIMAGE, The WORD, thomas a kempis

Quote/s of the Day – 11 April – Faith , Hope and Trust

Quote/s of the Day – 11 April – The Octave Day of Easter, Readings; First: Acts 4: 32-35,salm: Psalms 118: 2-4, 13-15, 22-24,Second: First John 5: 1-6, Gospel: John 20: 19-31

“According to your faith,
be it done to you.”

Matthew 9:30

“He [Christ], protects their faith
and gives strength to believers,
in proportion to the TRUST,
that each man,
who receives that strength,
is willing to place in Him.”

St Cyprian of Carthage (c 200- c 258)
Bishop and Martyr, Father of the Church

“Place all your trust in God,
let Him be your fear and your love.
He will answer for you,
He will do what is best for you.
You have here no lasting home.
You are a stranger and a pilgrim
wherever you may be
and you shall have no rest,
until you are wholly united with Christ.
Why do you look about here
when this is not the place of your repose?”

Thomas à Kempis CRSA (1380-1471)

“He who trusts in God
can do all things.”

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
Doctor of Charity


Quote/s of the Day – 5 April – Easter Monday

Quote/s of the Day – 5 April – Easter Monday -the Second day of the Octave

“For the one whom God sent
speaks the words of God.
He does not ration his gift of the Spirit…
he who does not obey the Son,
shall not see life.”

John 3:34,36

“The Lord has turned all our sunsets into sunrises.”

St Clement of Alexandria (150-215)
Father of the Church

“He will be with you also,
all the way, that faithful God.
Every morning when you awaken
to the old and tolerable pain,
at every mile of the hot uphill dusty road of tiring duty,
on, to the judgement seat,
the same Christ there as ever,
still loving you,
still sufficient for you, even then.
And then, on through all eternity.”

Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)


Lenten Journey Day Forty – 30 March – I confess that I am deserving of all scorn and contempt.

Lenten Journey Day Forty – 30 March – Tuesday of Holy Week, Readings: First: Isaiah 49: 1-6, Psalm: Psalms 71: 1-2, 3-4a, 5ab-6ab, 15 and 17, Gospel: John 13: 21-33, 36-38

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light

Psalm 35(36)

“The cock will not crow before you deny me three times.” – John 13:38

Truly, my sins have deserved nothing but hell and everlasting damnation.
I confess that I am deserving of all scorn and contempt.

Neither is it fitting that I should be remembered among Your devoted servants. And although it is hard for me to hear this, yet for truth’s sake I will accuse my sins against myself, so that I may more easily deserve to beg Your mercy.
What shall I say, guilty as I am and full of all confusion?
My tongue can say nothing but this alone: “I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned; have mercy on me and pardon me. Suffer me a little that I may pour out my grief, before I go to that dark land that is covered with the shadow of death.” (Job 10:20-21)

What do you especially demand of a guilty and wretched sinner, except that he be contrite and humble himself for his sins?
In true sorrow and humility of heart, hope of forgiveness is born, the troubled conscience is reconciled, grace is found, man is preserved from the wrath to come and God and the penitent meet with a holy kiss.

To You, O Lord, humble sorrow for sins is an acceptable sacrifice, a sacrifice far sweeter than the perfume of incense. This is also the pleasing ointment which You would have poured upon Your sacred feet, for a contrite and humble heart You will not spurn (Ps 51:19). There is the place of refuge from the wrath of the enemy, there, watever has been defiled, is washed away.
(Book 3 Ch 52:2b-4)

Posted in "Follow Me", CHRIST, the WAY,TRUTH,LIFE, GOD ALONE!, LENT 2021, LENTEN THOUGHTS, QUOTES for CHRIST, The WORD, thomas a kempis

Lenten Journey Day Thirty nine – 29 March – ‘Cling, therefore, to Jesus in life and death …’

Lenten Journey Day Thirty nine – 29 March – Monday of Holy Week, Readings: First: Isaiah 42: 1-7, Psalm: Psalms 27: 1, 2, 3, 13-14, Gospel: John 12: 1-11

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light

Psalm 35(36)

“The house was filled with the odour of the ointment.” – John 12:3

BLESSED is he who appreciates what it is to love Jesus and who despises himself for the sake of Jesus. Give up all other love for His, since He wishes to be loved alone above all things.

Affection for creatures is deceitful and inconstant but the love of Jesus, is true and enduring. He who clings to a creature will fall with its frailty but he who gives himself to Jesus, will ever be strengthened.

Love Him, then, keep Him as a friend. He will not leave you as others do, or let you suffer lasting death. Sometime, whether you will or not, you will have to part with everything. Cling, therefore, to Jesus in life and death, trust yourself to the glory of Him who alone can help you when all others fail.

Your Beloved is such that He will not accept what belongs to another- He wants your heart for Himself alone, to be enthroned therein, as King in His own right. If you but knew how to free yourself entirely from all creatures, Jesus would gladly dwell within you.

You will find, apart from Him, that nearly all the trust you place in men is a total loss. Therefore, neither confide in, nor depend upon, a wind-shaken reed, for “all flesh is grass”(Is 40:6) and all its glory, like the flower of grass, will fade away.

You will quickly be deceived if you look only to the outward appearance of men and you will often be disappointed, if you seek comfort and gain in them. If, however, you seek Jesus in all things, you will surely find Him. Likewise, if you seek yourself, you will find yourself – to your own ruin. For the man who does not seek Jesus does himself much greater harm, than the whole world and all his enemies, could ever do.
(Book 2 Ch 7)

Posted in HOLY WEEK, LENT 2021, LENTEN THOUGHTS, The WORD, thomas a kempis

Lenten Journey Day Thirty-eight – You are my Lord and my God and my King

Lenten Journey Day Thirty-eight – Palm Sunday

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light

Psalm 35(36)

“See, your King shall come to you” – Zechariah 0:9

NOW again I will speak, Lord and will not be silent. I will speak to the hearing of my God, my Lord and my King, Who is in heaven.
How great, O Lord, is the multitude of Your mercies which You have stored up for those who love You.
But what are You to those who love You? What are You to those who serve You, with their whole heart?

Truly beyond the power of words is the sweetness of contemplation. You give to those who love You.
To me You have shown the sweetness of Your charity, especially in having made me, when I did not exist, in having brought me back to serve You, when I had gone far astray from You, in having commanded me to love You.

O Fountain of unceasing love, what shall I say of You?
How can I forget You, Who have been pleased to remember me, even after I had wasted away and perished?
You have shown mercy to Your servant beyond all hope and have exhibited grace and friendship, beyond his deserving!
… You are my Lord and my God and my King and I am Your poorest servant, bound to serve You with al my strength and never to grow weary of praising You.
This is my desire, this I implore You – that I may always praise You and that You will supply whatever is wanting in me.

(Book 3 Ch 10:1-2,4b)


Lenten Journey Day Thirty Seven – 27 March – The Royal Road of the Cross

Lenten Journey Day Thirty Seven – 27 March – Saturday of Passion Week or the Fifth Week of Lent, Readings: Ezekiel 37: 21-28, Jeremiah 31: 10, 11-12abcd, 13, Ezekiel 18: 31, John 11: 45-56

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light
Psalm 35(36)

” From that day therefore they devised to put him to death.” – John 11:53

In the Cross is salvation, in the Cross is life, in the Cross is protection from enemies, in the Cross is infusion of heavenly sweetness, in the Cross is strength of mind, in the Cross is joy of spirit, in the Cross is highest virtue, in the Cross is perfect holiness.
There is no salvation of soul, nor hope of everlasting life but in the Cross.

Take up your cross, therefore, and follow Jesus and you shall enter eternal life. He Himself, opened the way before you in carrying His Cross and upon it, He died for you, that you, too, might take up your cross and long to die upon it.
If you die with Him, you shall also live with Him and if you share His suffering, you shall also share His glory.

Behold, in the Cross is everything and upon your dying on the cross everything depends. There is no other way to life and to true inward peace, than the way of the Holy Cross and daily mortification.
Go where you will, seek what you will, you will not find a higher way, nor a less exalted but safer way, than the way of the Holy Cross.
Arrange and order everything to suit your will and judgement and still you will find, that some suffering must always be borne, willingly or unwillingly and thus, you will always find the cross.

… For He wishes you to learn to bear trial without consolation, to submit yourself wholly to Him that you may become more humble through suffering.
No-one understands the passion of Christ so thoroughly, or heartily, as the man whose lot it is, to suffer the like, himself.

The cross, therefore, is always ready; it awaits you everywhere.
No matter where you may go, you cannot escape it, for wherever you go, you take yourself with you and shall always find yourself.
Turn where you will — above, below, without, or within — you will find a cross in everything and everywhere you must have patience, if you would have peace within and merit an eternal crown. Amen
(Book 2 Ch 12:2-6)

Posted in "Follow Me", CHRIST the LIGHT, CHRIST, the WAY,TRUTH,LIFE, GOD ALONE!, LENT 2021, LENTEN THOUGHTS, QUOTES for CHRIST, The WORD, thomas a kempis

Lenten Journey Day Thirty Six – 26 March – . ‘Give up all other love for His’

Lenten Journey Day Thirty Six – 26 March – Friday of Passion Week or the Fifth Week of Lent, Readings: Jeremiah 20:10-13, Psalms 18:2-3,3-4, 5-6, 7, John 10:31-42

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light

Psalm 35(36)

“Everything that John said about this man, was true. And many believed in Him.” – John 10:41

BLESSED is he who appreciates what it is to love Jesus and who despises himself for the sake of Jesus. Give up all other love for His, since He wishes to be loved alone above all things.

Affection for creatures is deceitful and inconstant but the love of Jesus, is true and enduring. He who clings to a creature, will fall with its frailty but he who gives himself to Jesus, will ever be strengthened.

Love Him, then, keep Him as a friend.
He will not leave you as others do, or let you suffer lasting death.
Sometime, whether you will or not, you will have to part with everything.
Cling, therefore, to Jesus in life and death, trust yourself to the glory of Him, Who alone can help you when all others fail.

Your Beloved is such, that He will not accept what belongs to another — He wants your heart for Himself alone, to be enthroned therein, as King in His own right. If you but knew how to free yourself entirely from all creatures, Jesus would gladly dwell within you.

You will find, apart from Him, that nearly all the trust you place in men is a total loss. Therefore, neither confide in nor depend upon a wind-shaken reed, for “all flesh is grass”(Is 40:6) and all its glory, like the flower of grass, will fade away.

You will quickly be deceived if you look only to the outward appearance of men and you will often be disappointed, if you seek comfort and gain in them.
If, however, you seek Jesus in all things, you will surely find Him.
Likewise, if you seek yourself, you will find yourself – to your own ruin.
For the man who does not seek Jesus does himself much greater harm than the whole world and all his enemies could ever do.
(Book 2 Ch 7)


Lenten Journey Day thirty five – 25 March – “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High” – Luke 1:27

Lenten Journey Day thirty five – 25 March – The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, Readings: Isaiah 7:10-14; 8: 10, Psalms 40:7-8,8-9, 10, 11, Hebrews 10:4-10, Luke 1:26-38

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light

Psalm 35(36)

“He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High” – Luke 1:27

ABOVE all things and in all things, O my soul, rest always in the Lord my God, for He is the everlasting rest and joy of the angels and the saints.

O Jesus, Splendour of eternal glory, Consolation of the pilgrim soul, who labour in this sinful world, with You my lips utter no sound and to You my silence speaks. How long will my Lord delay His coming? Let Him come to His poor servant and make him happy. Let Him put forth His hand and take this miserable creature from his anguish.
Come, O come, for without You there will be no happy day or hour because You are my happiness and without You my table is empty.
I am wretched, as it were imprisoned and weighted down with fetters, until You fill me with the light of Your presence, restore me to liberty and show me a friendly countenance.
Let others seek, instead of You, whatever they will but nothing pleases me, or will please me but You, my God, my Hope, my everlasting Salvation. I will not be silent, I will not cease praying, until Your grace returns to me and You speak inwardly to me, saying:
“Behold, I am here. Lo, I have come to you because you have called Me.
Your tears and the desire of your soul, your humility and contrition of heart, have inclined Me and brought Me to you.”

Lord, I have called You and have desired You and have been ready to spurn all things for Your sake.
For You first spurred me on, to seek You.
May You be blessed, therefore, O Lord, for having shown this goodness to Your servant according to the multitude of Your mercies.

What more is there for Your servant to say to You unless, with his iniquity and vileness always in mind, he humbles himself before You?
Nothing among all the wonders of heaven and earth, is like unto You.
Your works are exceedingly good, Your judgements true and Your providence rules the whole universe.
May You be praised and glorified, therefore, O Wisdom of the Father.
Let my lips and my soul and all created things, unite to praise and bless You.

(Book 3 Ch 21:1,4-6)


Day Thirty four of our Lenten Journey – 24 March – Renouncing self

Day Thirty four of our Lenten Journey – 24 March – Wednesday of Passion or the Fifth Week of Lent, Readings: Daniel 3:14-20, 91-92, 95, Daniel 3:52, 53, 54,55, 56, John 8:3

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light

Psalm 35(36)

“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples
and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
– John 8:31-32

CHRIST: MY CHILD, you can never be perfectly free unless you completely renounce self, for all who seek their own interest and who love themselves, are bound in fetters. They are unsettled by covetousness and curiosity, always searching for ease and not for the things of Christ, often desiring and pursuing, that which will not last, for anything that is not of God, will fail completely.

Hold to this short and perfect advice, therefore, give up your desires and you will find rest.
Think upon it in your heart and when you have put it into practice, you will understand all things.

DISCIPLE: But this, Lord, is not the work of one day, nor is it mere child’s play, indeed, in this brief sentence is included all the perfection of holy persons.

CHRIST: My child, you should not turn away or be downcast when you hear the way of the perfect. Rather you ought to be spurred on the more, toward their sublime heights, or at least, be moved to seek perfection.

I would this were the case with you — that you had progressed to the point where you no longer loved self but simply awaited My bidding … Then you would please Me very much and your whole life would pass in peace and joy.
But you have yet many things which you must relinquish and, unless you resign them entirely to Me, you will not obtain that which you ask.

“I counsel thee to buy of me gold, fire-tried, that thou mayest be made rich” (Apoc 3:18)– rich in heavenly wisdom, which treads underfoot, all that is low.
Cast aside earthly wisdom, which seeks to please the world, others and self.

I have said: exchange what is precious and valued among men, for that which is considered contemptible.
For true heavenly wisdom — not to think highly of self and not to seek glory on earth — does indeed seem mean and small and is well-nigh forgotten, as many men praise it with their mouths but shy far away from it, in their lives.
Yet this heavenly wisdom is a pearl of great price, which is hidden from many.
(Book 3 Ch 32)


Day Thirty four of our Lenten Journey – 23 March – ‘Without labour there is no rest and without fighting, no victory.’

Day Thirty four of our Lenten Journey – 23 March – Tuesday of Passion Week or the Fifth Week of Lent, Readings: Numbers 21:4-9, Psalms 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-21, John 8:21-30

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light

Psalm 35(36)

“When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will realise that I AM” – John 8:28

CHRIST: WHAT are you saying, My child? Think of My suffering and that of the saints and cease complaining. You have not yet resisted to the shedding of blood. What you suffer is very little compared with the great things they suffered who were so strongly tempted, so severely troubled, so tried and tormented in many ways. Well may you remember, therefore, the very painful woes of others, that you may bear your own little ones the more easily. And if they do not seem so small to you, examine if perhaps your impatience is not the cause of their apparent greatness; and whether they are great or small, try to bear them all patiently. The better you dispose yourself to suffer, the more wisely you act and the greater is the reward promised you. Thus you will suffer more easily if your mind and habits are diligently trained to it.
Do not say: “I cannot bear this from such a man, nor should I suffer things of this kind, for he has done me a great wrong. He has accused me of many things of which I never thought. However, from someone else I will gladly suffer as much as I think I should.”
Such a thought is foolish, for it does not consider the virtue of patience or the One Who will reward it, but rather weighs the person and the offense committed. The man who will suffer only as much as seems good to him, who will accept suffering only from those from whom he is pleased to accept it, is not truly patient. For the truly patient man does not consider from whom the suffering comes, whether from a superior, an equal, or an inferior, whether from a good and holy person or from a perverse and unworthy one; but no matter how great an adversity befalls him, no matter how often it comes or from whom it comes, he accepts it gratefully from the hand of God and counts it a great gain. For with God nothing that is suffered for His sake, no matter how small, can pass without reward. Be prepared for the fight, then, if you wish to gain the victory.
Without struggle you cannot obtain the crown of patience and if you refuse to suffer, you are refusing the crown. But if you desire to be crowned, fight bravely and bear up patiently. Without labour there is no rest and without fighting, no victory.

DISCIPLE: O Lord, let that which seems naturally impossible to me become possible through Your grace. You know that I can suffer very little and that I am quickly discouraged when any small adversity arises. Let the torment of tribulation suffered for Your name be pleasant and desirable to me, since to suffer and be troubled for Your sake, is very beneficial for my soul.
(Book 3 Ch 19)

Posted in "Follow Me", DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on HUMILITY, QUOTES on SUFFERING, QUOTES on the CROSS of CHRIST, The HOLY CROSS, The PASSION, The WORD, thomas a kempis

Quote/s of the Day – 23 March – The Word of the Cross

Quote/s of the Day – 23 March – Tuesday of Passion Week or the Fifth Week of Lent, Readings: Numbers 21:4-9, Psalms 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-21, John 8:21-30

“Are you able to drink the cup
that I am to drink?”

Matthew 20:22

“…And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.”

John 3:14-15

“The servant is not greater than his Master”

John 13:16

“He conquered death,
broke the gates of hell,
won for Himself a people
to be His co-heirs,
lifted flesh from corruption
up to the glory of eternity.”

“The Son of God is nailed to the Cross
but on the Cross,
God conquers human death.
Christ, the Son of God, dies
but all flesh is made alive in Christ.
The Son of God is in hell
but man is carried back to heaven.”

St Hilary of Poitiers (315-368)
Father & Doctor of the Church

The Word of the Cross
by Saint Paulinus of Nola (c 354-431)

Look on thy God, Christ hidden in our flesh.
A bitter word, the cross and bitter sight:
Hard rind without, to hold the heart of heaven.
Yet sweet it is, for God upon that tree
Did offer up His life upon that rood
My Life hung, that my life might stand in God.
Christ, what am I to give Thee for my life?
Unless take from Thy hands the cup they hold,
To cleanse me with the precious draught of death.
What shall I do? My body to be burned?
Make myself vile? The debt’s not paid out yet.
Whate’er I do, it is but I and Thou,
And still do I come short, still must Thou pay
My debts, O Christ, for debts Thyself hadst none.
What love may balance Thine? My Lord was found
In fashion like a slave, that so His slave
Might find himself in fashion like his Lord.
Think you the bargain’s hard, to have exchanged
The transient for the eternal, to have sold
Earth to buy Heaven? More dearly God bought me.

“How can you become a sharer,
in His glory (1 Pt 5:1)
if you will not consent,
to become a sharer,
in His humiliating death?”

St Simeon the New Theologian (949-1022)

“Let us then learn from the Cross of Jesus our proper way of living.
Should I say ‘living’ or, instead, ‘dying’?
Rather, both living and dying.
Dying to the world, living for God.
Dying to vices and living by the virtues.
Dying to the flesh, but liv­ing in the spirit.
Thus in the Cross of Christ, there is death
and in the Cross of Christ there is life.
The death of death is there and the life of life.
The death of sins is there and the life of the virtues.
The death of the flesh is there and the life of the spirit.”

St Aelred of Rievaulx (1110-1167)

“ … If you die with Him,
you shall also likewise
live with Him.
If you are His companion in punishment,
so shall you be in glory.”

Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

(Book II, Ch 12)


Our Morning Offering – 23 March – I Will Love and Follow You

Our Morning Offering – 23 March – Tuesday of Passion Week or the Fifth Week of Lent

I Will Love and Follow You
By Thomas à Kempis CRSA (1380-1471)

Oh my Lord,
Let my heart expand in Your love.
Let me learn to know
how sweet it is, to serve You,
how joyful it is, to praise You
and to be absorbed in Your love.
Oh, I am possessed by love
and rise above myself
because of the great fervour I feel,
through Your infinite goodness.
I will sing the canticle of love to You
and I will follow You, my Beloved,
wherever You go
and may my soul never weary of praising you,
rejoicing in Your love.
I will love You more than myself
and myself, only for Your sake.
I will love all others in You
and for you,
as Your law of love commands.

(Book 3 Ch 5:6)

Posted in LENT 2021, LENTEN THOUGHTS, QUOTES on REPENTANCE, QUOTES on SIN, The HEART, The WORD, thomas a kempis

Day Thirty four of our Lenten Journey – 22 March – Sorrow of Heart

Day Thirty four of our Lenten Journey – 22 March – Monday of Passion Week or the Fifth Week of Lent, Readings: Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41-62, Psalms 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6, John 8:1-11

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light

Psalm 35(36)

“Go and from now on, sin no more” – John 8:11

IF YOU wish to make progress in virtue, live in the fear of the Lord, do not look for too much freedom, discipline your senses and shun inane silliness. Sorrow opens the door to many a blessing which dissoluteness usually destroys.

It is a wonder that any man who considers and meditates on his exiled state and the many dangers to his soul, can ever be perfectly happy in this life.
Lighthearted and heedless of our defects, we do not feel the real sorrows of our souls but often indulge in empty laughter, when we have good reason to weep.
No liberty is true and no joy is genuine, unless it is founded in the fear of the Lord and a good conscience.

Happy is the man who can throw off the weight of every care and recollect himself, in holy contrition.
Happy is the man who casts from himself, all that can stain or burden his conscience.

Fight like a man.
Habit is overcome by habit.
If you leave men alone, they will leave you alone to do what you have to do.
Do not busy yourself about the affairs of others …
Keep an eye primarily on yourself and admonish yourself, instead of your friends.

If you do not enjoy the favour of men, do not let it sadden you but consider it a serious matter, if you do not conduct yourself as well, or as carefully, as is becoming for a servant of God …

It is often better and safer for us to have few consolations in this life, especially comforts of the body.
Yet, if we do not have divine consolation or experience it rarely, it is our own fault because we seek no sorrow of heart and do not forsake vain outward satisfaction.

Consider yourself unworthy of divine solace and deserving rather of much tribulation.
When a man is perfectly contrite, the whole world is bitter and wearisome to him.

A good man always finds enough over which to mourn and weep, whether he thinks of himself, or of his neighbour, he knows that no-one lives here, without suffering and the closer he examines himsel, the more he grieves.

The sins and vices in which we are so entangled, that we can rarely apply ourselves to the contemplation of heaven, are matters for just sorrow and inner remorse.

I do not doubt that you would correct yourself more earnestl,y if you would think more of an early death than of a long life.
And if you pondered in your heart the future pains of hell or of purgatory, I believe. you would willingly endure labour and trouble and would fear no hardship.
But since these thoughts never pierce the heart and, since we are enamoured of flattering pleasure, we remain very cold and indifferent.
Our wretched body complains so easily because, our soul is altogether lifeless.

Pray humbly to the Lord, therefore, that He may give you the spirit of contrition and say with the Prophet: “Feed me, Lord, with the bread of mourning and give me to drink of tears, in full measure.”
(Book 1 Ch 24)


Day Thirty three of our Lenten Journey – 21 March – Your life is our way

Day Thirty three of our Lenten Journey – 21 March – Passion Sunday, Readings: Jeremiah 31:31-34, Psalms 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15, Hebrews 5:7-9, John 12:20-33

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light

Psalm 35(36)

“If anyone serves me, he must follow me and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honour him.” – John 12:26

CHRIST: MY CHILD, I came down from heaven for your salvation and took upon Myself your miseries, not out of necessity but out of love, that you might learn to be patient and bear the sufferings of this life ,without complaint.
From the moment of My birth to My death on the Cross, suffering did not leave Me.
I suffered great want of temporal goods.
Often I heard many complaints against Me.
Disgrace and reviling I bore with patience.
For My blessings, I received ingratitude, for My miracles, blasphemies and for My teaching, scorn.

DISCIPLE: O Lord because You were patient in life, especially in fulfilling the design of the Father, it is fitting that I, a most miserable sinner, should live patiently according to Your will and, as long as You shall wish, bear the burden of this corruptible body, for the welfare of my soul.
For though this present life seems burdensome, yet by Your grace, it becomes meritorious and it is made brighter and more endurable, for the weak, by Your example and the pathways of the saints.
But it has also more consolation. than formerly. under the old law. when the gates of heaven were closed, when the way thereto. seemed darker than now and when. so few cared to seek the eternal kingdom.
The just, the elect, could not enter heaven before Your sufferings and sacred death had paid the debt.

Oh, what great thanks I owe You, Who have shown me and all the faithful. the good and right way to Your everlasting kingdom!
Your life is our way and in Your holy patience, we come nearer to You, Who are our crown.
Had You not gone before and taught us, who would have cared to follow?
Alas, how many would have remained far behind, had they not before their eyes, Your holy example!
Behold, even we who have heard of Your many miracles and teachings, are still lukewarm; what would happen if we did not have such light, by which to follow You?

(Book 3 Ch 18)

Posted in "Follow Me", CHRIST, the WAY,TRUTH,LIFE, LENT 2021, LENTEN THOUGHTS, The WORD, thomas a kempis

Day Thirty-two of our Lenten Journey – 20 March – ‘I know what is best for you.’

Day Thirty-two of our Lenten Journey – 20 March – Saturday of the Fourth week of Lent, Readings: Jeremiah 11:18-20, Psalm 7:2-3, 9-12, John 7:40-53

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light

Psalm 35(36)

“Never before has anyone spoken like this one” – John 7:46

CHRIST: MY CHILD, allow me to do what I will with you.
I know what is best for you.
You think as a man, you feel in many things as human affection persuades.

DISCIPLE: Lord, what You say is true. Your care for me is greater than all the care I can take of myself.
For he who does not cast all his care upon You, stands very unsafely.
If only my will remain right and firm toward You, Lord, do with me, whatever pleases You.
For whatever You shall do with me can only be good.
If You wish me to be in darkness, I shall bless You.
And if You wish me to be in light, again I shall bless You.
If You stoop down to comfort me, I shall bless You and if You wish me to be afflicted, I shall bless You forever.

CHRIST: My child, this is the disposition which you should have, if you wish to walk with Me.
You should be as ready to suffer as to enjoy.
You should as willingly be destitute and poor, as rich and satisfied.

DISCIPLE: O Lord, I shall suffer willingly for Your sake whatever You wish to send me.
I am ready to accept from Your Hand, both good and evil alike, the sweet and the bitter together, sorrow with joy and, for all that happens to me, I am grateful. Keep me from all sin and I will fear neither death nor hell.
Do not cast me out forever, nor blot me out of the Book of Life and whatever tribulation befalls me, will not harm me.
(Book 3 Ch 17)


Day Twenty nine of our Lenten Journey – 17 March – Ought not all trials be borne for the sake of everlasting life? In truth, the loss or gain of God’s kingdom, is up to you

Day Twenty nine of our Lenten Journey 17 March – Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent, Readings: Isaiah 49:8-15, Psalms 145:8-9,13-14, 17-18, John 5:17-30

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light

Psalm 35(36)

“ An hour is coming when all who are in the tombs, will hear his voice and come out, those who have done good, to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgement.” – John 5:28-29

CHRIST: MY CHILD, do not let the labours, which you have taken up, for My sake, break you and do not let troubles, from whatever source, cast you down but in everything, let My promise strengthen and console you. I am able to reward you beyond all means and measure.

You will not labour here long, nor will you always be oppressed by sorrows. Wait a little while and you will see a speedy end of evils. The hour will come when all labour and trouble shall be no more.
All that passes away with time is trivial.

What you do, do well. Work faithfully in My vineyard.
I will be your reward.
Write, read, sing, mourn, keep silence, pray and bear hardships like a man. Eternal life is worth all these and greater battles.
Peace will come on a day which is known to the Lord and then there shall be no day or night, as at present but perpetual light, infinite brightness, lasting peace and safe repose.
Then you will not say: “Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” nor will you cry: “Woe is me because my sojourn is prolonged.” For then death will be banished and there will be health unfailing.
There will be no anxiety then, but blessed joy and sweet noble companionship.

If you could see the everlasting crowns of the saints in heaven and the great glory wherein they now rejoice – they who were once considered contemptible in this world and, as it were, unworthy of life itself – you would certainly humble yourself at once, to the very earth and seek to be subject to all, rather than to command even one.
Nor would you desire the pleasant days of this life but rather, be glad to suffer for God, considering it your greatest gain, to be counted as nothing among men.

Oh, if these things appealed to you and penetrated deeply into your heart, how could you dare to complain even once?
Ought not all trials be borne for the sake of everlasting life?
In truth, the loss or gain of God’s kingdom, is up to you.

Lift up your countenance to heaven, then.
Behold Me, and with Me all My saints.
They had great trials in this life but now they rejoice.
They are consoled. Now they are safe and at rest. And they shall abide with Me for all eternity in the kingdom of My Father.
(Book 3 Ch 47)


Day Twenty-eighth of our Lenten Journey – ‘… Despise the world and seek to live for God… ‘

Day Twenty-eighth of our Lenten Journey – Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent, Readings: Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12, Psalms 46:2-3, 5-6,8-9, John 5:1-16

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see ligh
Psalm 35(36)

“Do you wish to be healed?” – John 5:6

I WILL bring witness against myself to my injustice and to You, O Lord, I will confess my weakness.

Often it is a small thing that makes me downcast and sad. I propose to act bravely but when even a small temptation comes, I find myself in great straits. Sometimes, it is the merest trifle which gives rise to grievous temptations. When I think myself somewhat safe and when I am not expecting it, I frequently find myself almost overcome by a slight wind. Look, therefore, Lord, at my lowliness and frailty, which You know so well. Have mercy on me and snatch me out of the mire, that I may not be caught in it and may not remain forever utterly despondent.

That I am so prone to fall and so weak in resisting my passions, oppresses me frequently and confounds me, in Your sight. While I do not fully consent to them, still their assault is very troublesome and grievous to me and it wearies me exceedingly, thus to live in daily strife. Yet from the fact that abominable fancies rush in upon me, much more easily than they leave, my weakness becomes clear to me.

Oh that You, most mighty God of Israel, zealous Lover of faithful souls, would consider the labour and sorrow of Your servant and assist him in all his undertakings! Strengthen me with heavenly courage, lest the outer man, the miserable flesh, against which I shall be obliged to fight, so long as I draw a breathw, in this wretched life and which is not yet subjected to the spirit, prevail and dominate me.

Alas! What sort of life is this, from which troubles and miseries are never absent, where all things are full of snares and enemies? For when one trouble or temptation leaves, another comes. Indeed, even while the first conflict is still raging, many others begin unexpectedly. How is it possible to love a life that has such great bitterness, that is subject to so many calamities and miseries? Indeed, how can it even be called life, when it begets so many deaths and plagues? And yet, it is loved and many seek their delight in it.

Many persons often blame the world for being false and vain, yet do not readily give it up because the desires of the flesh have such great power. Some things draw them to love the world, others make them despise it. The lust of the flesh, the desire of the eyes and the pride of life lead to love, while the pains and miseries, which are the just consequences of those things, beget hatred and weariness of the world.

Vicious pleasure overcomes the soul that is given to the world. She thinks that there are delights beneath these thorns because she has never seen or tasted the sweetness of God or the internal delight of virtue. They, on the other hand, who entirely despise the world and seek to live for God, under the rule of holy discipline, are not ignorant of the divine sweetness, promised to those who truly renounce the world. They see clearly how gravely the world errs and in how many ways it deceives.
(Book 3 Ch 20)


Day Twenty Seven of our Lenten Journey – 15 March – ‘God does not deceive you …’

Day Twenty Seven of our Lenten Journey – 15 March – Monday of the Fourth week of Lent, Readings: Isaiah 65:17-21, Psalms 30:2 and 4, 5-6, 11-12 and 13, John 4:43-54

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light

Psalm 35(36)

“Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” … John 4:48

“Whoever examines the majesty of God will be crushed by His glory” (Prv 25:27 Vg).
God can do works that pass man’s understanding. …
Faith is required of you and sincerity of life, not high intelligence, nor penetrating knowledge of the mysteries of God.
If you do not understand nor grasp what is below you, how will you comprehend what is above you?
Be subject to God, submit your feeling to the faith and the light of knowledge will be given to you, as much as you need and can use.

Some have grave temptations concerning faith in the Blessed Sacrament, which are not to be imputed to them but rather, to the enemy.
Take no notice, do not argue with your thoughts, nor answer the doubts with which the devil attacks you, believe God’s word, believe His saints and prophets and the wicked enemy will be routed.
It is often most profitable to God’s servant to endure such things.
For the devil does not tempt the infidel or sinner, of whom he has already secure possession but, he uses various means to tempt and harass the devout faithful.

Go on then, with simple unquestioning faith and approach the Sacrament with reverent beseeching.
Anything you cannot understand, commit it surely to God who is omnipotent.
God does not deceive you, the over-confident person deceives himself.
God walks in step with the simple ones, He shows Himself to the humble ones, He grants understanding to the little ones, “He reveals hidden meanings to little ones” and hides away His grace from the inquisitive and the proud.
Human reason is feeble and fallible but true faith cannot be deceived.
All use of reason, all human inquiry should walk in the footsteps of faith, it should not go on, in front of it, nor call it in question.
(Book4 Ch 18)

Posted in DIVINE Mercy, Goodness, Patience, LENT 2021, LENTEN THOUGHTS, QUOTES on HUMILITY, QUOTES on Lukewarmness, QUOTES on PRIDE, The WORD, thomas a kempis

Day Twenty Five of our Lenten Journey – 13 March – ‘How very little should I esteem anything that seems good in me!’

Day Twenty Five of our Lenten Journey – 13 March – Saturday of the Third Week of Lent, Readings: Hosea 6: 1-6, Psalms 51:3-4, 18-19, 20-21, Luke 18: 9-14

Imitating Christ with Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

In You is the source of life
and in Your Light Lord, we see light

Psalm 35(36)

‘O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.’ – Luke 18:13

YOU thunder forth Your judgements over me, Lord.
You shake all my bones with fear and trembling and my soul is very much afraid.
I stand in awe as I consider that the heavens are not pure in Your sight.
If You found wickedness in the angels and did not spare them, what will become of me? Stars have fallen from heaven, and I — I who am but dust — how can I be presumptuous? They whose deeds seemed worthy of praise have fallen into the depths and I have seen those who ate the bread of angels delighting themselves with the husks of swine.

There is no holiness, then, if You withdraw Your hand, Lord.
There is no wisdom if You cease to guide, no courage if You cease to defend.
No chastity is secure if You do not guard it.
Our vigilance avails nothing if Your holy watchfulness does not protect us.
Left to ourselves, we sink and perish but visited by You, we are lifted up and live.
We are truly unstable but You make us strong.
We grow lukewarm but You inflame us.
Oh, how humbly and lowly should I consider myself!
How very little should I esteem anything, that seems good in me!
How profoundly should I submit to Your unfathomable judgments, Lord, where I find myself to be but nothing!

O immeasurable weight!
O impassable sea, where I find myself to be nothing but bare nothingness!
Where, then, is glory’s hiding place?
Where can there be any trust in my own virtue?
All vainglory is swallowed up in the depths of Your judgments upon me.

What is all flesh in Your sight?
Shall the clay glory against Him that formed it?
How can he, whose heart is truly subject to God, be lifted up by vainglory?
The whole world will not make him proud, whom Truth has subjected to itself.
Nor shall he who has placed all his hope in God, be moved by the tongues of flatterers. For behold, even they who speak are nothing, they will pass away with the sound of their words but the truth of the Lord, remains forever.
(Book 3 Ch 12)