Thought for the Day – 9 July – Vanity

Thought for the Day – 9 July – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)


What hast thou,” asks St Paul, “which thou hast not received? And if thou hast received it, why dost thou boast as if thou hadst not received it?” (1 Cor 4:7).
Whenever we are tempted to be proud or boastful, let us reflect on these words of the Apostle of the Gentiles.
In spite of the miracles which he had worked and the sacrifices which he had endured for the love of Jesus, he said: “I am nothing” (2 Cor 12:11).

If we model our lives on this outstanding example, we shall have peace on earth and an everlasting reward in Heaven.

Antonio Cardinal Bacci



Quote/s of the Day – 9 July – St John Fisher and St Thomas More

Quote/s of the Day – 9 July – St John Fisher (1469-1535) Martyr, Bishop and St Thomas More (1478-1535) Martyr, Confessor

I reckon in this realm,
no one man,
in wisdom, learning
and long approved virtue together,
meet to be matched
and compared with him.”

St Thomas More speaking of St John Fisher

Penance is a needful thing to the sinner,
who desires to recover health of his soul.
And, in doing penance, there be three things
to be considered:
serious compunction of heart,
confession of mouth
and satisfaction by deed.

“Beware of those prophets who speak unto you
and deceive you!
They prophecy nothing
but the imaginations and forgings
of their own minds
and not the truth of Holy Scripture!”

St John Fisher (1469-1535)

Give Me Thy Grace, Good Lord!
A Prayer of Hope
By St Thomas More (1478-1535)

Give me Thy grace, good Lord.
To set the world at naught.
To set the mind firmly on Thee
and not to hang upon the words of men’s mouths.
To be content to be solitary.
Not to long for worldly pleasures.
Little by little, utterly to cast off the world
and rid my mind of all its business.
Not to long to hear of earthly things
but that the hearing of worldly fancies,
may be displeasing to me.
Gladly to be thinking of God,
piteously to call for His help.
To lean into the comfort of God.
Busily to labour to love Him.
To know mine own vileness and wretchedness.
To humble myself under the mighty Hand of God.
To bewail my sins past,
for the purging of them,
patiently to suffer adversity.
Gladly to bear my purgatory here.
To be joyful in tribulations.
To walk the narrow way that leads to life.
To bear the Cross with Christ.
To have the last thing in remembrance.
To have ever before mine eyes,
my death that is ever at hand.
To make death no stranger to me.
To foresee and consider,
the everlasting fire of Hell.
To pray for pardon before the Judge come.
To have continually in mind,
the Passion that Christ suffered for me.
For His benefits, unceasingly to give Him thanks.
To buy the time again, that I before have lost.
To abstain from vain conversations.
To shun foolish mirth and gladness.
To cut off unnecessary recreations.
Of worldly substance,
friends, liberty, life and all,
to set the loss at naught,
for the winning of Christ.
To think my worst enemies, my best friends,
for the brethren of Joseph
could never have done him
so much good with their love and favour,
as they did him, with their malice and hatred.
These minds are more to be desired of every man,
than all the treasures of all the princes and kings,
Christian and heathen,
were it gathered and laid together,
all in one heap.

Posted in CHRIST the WORD and WISDOM, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, ONE Minute REFLECTION, QUOTES on GRACE, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 9 July – I have compassion on the multitude … Mark 8:2

One Minute Reflection – 9 July – “The Month of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus” – Pentecost VI – Romans 6:3-11, Mark 8:1-9 – Scripture search here:

I have compassion on the multitude, for behold they have now been with Me three days and have nothing to eat.” – Mark 8:2

REFLECTION – “ In this account of the miracle we must consider, in one and the same Redeemer, the separate operation of His Divinity and of His Humanity. And the error of Eutyches, who dared to teach that in Christ there is but one operation, must be wholly driven out from Christian lands. Who cannot see that the Lord, in having compassion on the multitude, lest they faint from want of food or from the weariness of the long journey home, was moved by the compassion of human pity but that, feeding four thousand people from seven loaves and a few fish, is a work of Divine Power?

And they collected seven baskets full of fragments.” That multitude who had just eaten and been fille, did not carry away with them the remains of the loaves but left them to be gathered into baskets by the disciples, as before. And taken literally, this event teaches us to be content with what is necessary and never to look for anything more than that. Then the Evangelist makes known to us the number of those who were satisfied – “Now those who ate were about four thousand and He dismissed them” Here, let us consider that our Lord Jesus Christ does not wish to send anyone away hungry, since to the contrary, He wants to give to everyone the nourishment of His grace.

In a figurative sense, there is this difference between this second miracle and the first multiplication of the five loaves and two fish – the first prefigures the letter of the Old Testament, which was as though full of the spiritual grace of the New, whereas the second, represents the truth and grace of the New Testament fully communicated to the faithful. The multitude who, according to Saint Matthew’s testimony, wait three days for the healing of their sick (Mt 15), represent the elect in the faith of the Holy Trinity, who beg for the forgiveness of their sins, with persevering prayer, or those who are converted to the Lord, through their thoughts, words and deeds.” – St Bede the Venerable (673-735) Monk, Father and Doctor of the Church (Homilies on Mark, Book II, ch8 cf PL 92 – quoted by Saint Thomas Aquinas in the Catena Aurea Vol 4)

PRAYER – O God of the heavenly powers, creator of all good things, implant in our hearts the love of Thy Name and bestow upon us, an increase of godliness, fostering what is good and, by Thy loving care, guarding what Thou hast fostered. Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, HYMNS, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS

Our Morning Offering – 9 July – Deus, Creator Omnium, O God, Creator of Us All

Our Morning Offering – 9 July – Pentecost VI

Deus, Creator Omnium
O God, Creator of Us All
St Ambrose (340-397)
Father and Doctor

O God, Creator of us all,
From Whom we come, to Whom we go,
You look with pity on our hearts,
The weakness of our wills You know.

Forgive us all the wrong we do
And purify each sinful soul.
What we have darkened, heal with light
And what we have destroyed, make whole.

The fast by law and prophets taught,
By You, O Christ, was sanctified.
Bless all our penance, give us strength,
To share the Cross on which You died.

O God of mercy, hear our prayer,
With Christ Your Son and Spirit blest,
Transcendent Trinity in Whom,
Created thing

This Hymn was used as the Hymn for Vespers I of Sunday (Saturday Evening) in the Sarum Breviary during the weeks following Epiphany. It is used in the Ambrosian Breviary for Vespers on Sundays and Weekdays in the weeks after Epiphany and Pentecost. This version translated by Stanbrook Abbey.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saints of the Day – 9 July – The 19 Martyrs of Gorkum, Netherlands.

Saints of the Day – 9 July – The 19 Martyrs of Gorkum, Netherlands.

The Roman Martyrology notes today as the Feast of a group of Saints known as the Martyrs of Gorkum. Their Feast has never been on the general calendar but is celebrated in many places and by the various Religious Orders to which they belonged – the Franciscans, who were the majority of the group, the Dominicans, Premonstratensians and Augustinian Canons.
They were solemnly Canonised in 1867 by Pope Pius IX, as part of a year-long series of celebrations to commemorate the 18th Centenary of the Martyrdom of Sts Peter and Paul, then generally held to have taken place in 67.

The year 1572, Luther and Calvin had already wrested from the Church a great part of Europe. The iconoclastic storm had swept through the Netherlands and was followed by a struggle between Lutheranism and Calvinism in which the latter was victorious.

In 1571 the Calvinists held their first synod, at Embden. On 1 April of the next year, the Dutch Watergeuzen (Sea-beggars, a Calvinist organisation) conquered Briel and later Vlissingen and other Cities and regions. In June, Dortrecht and Gorkum fell into their hands and at Gorkum they captured nine Franciscans. These were: Nicholas Pieck, Guardian of Gorkum, Hieronymns of Weert, Vicar, Theodorus van der Eem, of Amersfoort, Nicasius Janssen, of Heeze, Willehad of Denmark, Godefried of Mervel, Antonius of Weert, Antonius of Hoornaer, and Franciseus de Roye, of Brussels. To these were added two Lay Brothers from the same Monastery, Petrus of Assche and Cornelius of Wyk near Duurstede.

Almost at the same time, the Calvinists laid their hands on the learned Parish Priest of Gorkum, Leonardus Vechel of Bois-le-Duc, who had made distinguished studies in Louvain and also his assistant. Nicolaas Janssen, surnamed Poppel, of Welde in Belgium. With the above, were also imprisoned Godefried van Duynsen, of Gorkum who was active as a Priest in his native City and Joannes Lenartz of Oisterwljk, an Augustinian and director of the Convent of Augustinian Nuns in Gorkum.

By Cesare Fracassini (1838-1868),
Vatican Museum

To these fifteen, who from the very first underwent all the sufferings and torments of the persecution, were later added four more companions – Joannes van Hoornaer, (known as St John of Cologne) a Dominican of the Cologne province and Parish Priest not far from Gorkum, who, when apprised of the incarceration of the clergy of Gorkum, hastened to the City in order to administer the Sacraments to them and was seized and imprisoned with the rest. Also Jacobus Lacops of Oudenaar, a Norbertine, who after leading a frivolous life, being disobedient to his Order and neglectful of his religious duties, reformed, became a curate in Monster, Holland and was imprisoned in 1572. Adrianus Janssen of Hilvarenbeek, at one time a Premonstratensian and Parish Priest in Monster, who was sent to Brielle with Jacobus Lacops and lastly, Andreas Wouters of Heynoord, whose conduct was not edifying up to the time of his arrest but,, who made ample amends by his Martyrdom.

After enduring much suffering and abuse in the prison at Gorkum (26 June-6 July) the first fifteen Martyrs were transferred to Brielle. On their way to Dortrecht, they were exhibited for money to the curious and arrived at Brielle on 8 July. On the following day, Lumey, the Commander of the Watergeuzen, caused the Martyrs to be interrogated and ordered a sort of disputation.

In the meantime, the four other Martyrs also arrived. It was exacted of each that he abandon his belief in the Blessed Sacrament and in Papal Supremacy. All remained firm in their faith. Meanwhile, a letter arrived from William of Orange, an important secular leader, which enjoined all those in authority to leave Priests and Religious unmolested. Nevertheless, Lumey caused the Martyrs to be hanged in the night of 9 July, in a turf-shed amid cruel mutilations.

The reliquary of the Martyrs of Gorkum at the Franciscan church of St Nicholas in Brussels.

Their Beatification took place on 14 November 1675 by Pope Clement X and they were Canonised on 29 June 1867 by Pope Pius IX. Ever since this evil day, the place of their Martyrdom in Brielle has been the scene of numerous pilgrimages and processions.

The Apotheosis of the Martyrs of Gorkum 1572, print made by Jean-Baptiste Nolin after a painting by Johan Zierneels, 1675

Pentecost VI, The Solemnity of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Lady, Queen of Peace / Notre Dame de Paix (1500s), Our Lady of Itati (17th Century), Our Lady of the Rosary, Colombia, (1586), St John Fisher, St Thomas More, St Maria Goretti and Memorials of the Saints – 9 July

The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

The Solemnity of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ:

Our Lady, Queen of Peace / Notre Dame de Paix (1500s) – 9 July:

Virgen de Itatí / Our Lady of Itati (17th Century) – 9 July:

Virgen del Rosario / Our Lady of the Rosary (Chiquinquirá, Boyacá, Colombia) (1586) – 9 July, 26 December:

St John Fisher (1469-1535) Bishop, Martyr, Cardinal, Theologian, Academic, Writer.
Feast moved in 1969 to 22 June.

St Thomas More (1478-1535) Martyr, Confessor an English Lawyer, Social Philosopher, Author, Statesman.
Feast moved in 1969 to 22 June.

St Maria Goretti (1890-1902) Virgin and Martyr, known as “Saint Agnes of the 20th Century.” She was Canonised on 24 June 1950 by Pope Pius XII The ceremony was attended by 250,000 including her mother, the only time a parent has witnessed her child’s Canonisation.
Her Life and Death:

St Veronica/Ursula Giuliani OSC Cap. (1660-1727) Italian Capuchin Poor Clares nun, Abbotess, Mystic, Stigmatist.

Blessed Adrian Fortescue TOSD (1476-1539) Martyr,. A husband and father, a Justice of the Peace, a Knight of the Realm, a Knight of Malta and a Dominican Tertiary (Lay Dominican), he was at once a loyal servant of the Crown so far as he could be but still more, he was a man of unshakeable faith and love of the One True Faith. He was Beatified on 13 May 1895 by Pope Leo XIII.
About Blessed Adrian:

St Agrippinus of Autun
St Alexander of Egypt
St Audax of Thora
St Brictius of Martola
St Copra of Egypt
St Cyril of Gortyna
Bl Dionysius the Rhetorician
St Everild of Everingham
St Faustina of Rome
St Felician of Sicily

Blessed Giovanna Scopelli O.Carm (1428 – 1491) Virgin, Mystic, Italian Religious of the Carmelites and established her own Convent as its first Prioress. She was known, during her lifetime as a Miracle-worker with many coming to her to ask for her assistance and prayers. Her body is incorrupt.
About Blessed Giovanna:

St Floriana of Rome
St Hérombert of Minden
Bl Joachim Ho
St John of Cologne OP (Died 1572) Priest Martyr and the MARTYRS of GORKUM
Bl Luigi Caburlotto
Bl Marguerite-Marie-Anne de Rocher
Bl Marie-Anne-Madeleine de Guilhermier
St Patermutius of Egypt
St Paulina do Coração Agonizante de Jesus

Four Holy Polish Brothers – 4 Saints: Four brothers who became hermits, Benedictine Monks and Saints – Andrew, Barnabas, Benedict and Justus. They were born in Poland and died in 1008 of natural causes.

Martyrs of Gorkum – 19 Saints: Nineteen Martyrs killed by Calvinists for loyalty to the Pope and for their belief in the Real Presence in the Eucharist. They are –
Adrianus van Hilvarenbeek • Andreas Wouters • Antonius van Hoornaar • Antonius van Weert • Cornelius van Wijk • Francisus de Roye • Godfried van Duynen • Godfried van Melveren • Hieronymus van Weert • Jacobus Lacops • Joannes Lenaerts • John of Cologne • Leonardus van Veghel • Nicasius Janssen van Heeze • Nicolaas Pieck • Nicolaas Poppel • Petrus van Assche • Theodorus van der Eem • Willehad van Deem •
They werehanged on 9 July 1572 in Brielle, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.
Beatified on 24 November 1675 by Pope Clement X and Canonised on 29 June 1867 by Pope Pius IX.

Martyrs of Orange – 32 Beati: 32 Nuns from several Orders who spent up to 18 months in prison and were finally executed for refusing to renounce Christianity during the persecutions of the French Revolution.
Anne Cartier • Anne-Andrée Minutte • Dorothée-Madeleine-Julie de Justamond • élisabeth Verchière • élisabeth-Thérèse de Consolin • Jeanne-Marie de Romillon • Madeleine-Françoise de Justamond • Madeleine-Thérèse Talieu • Marguerite-Eléonore de Justamond • Marguerite-Marie-Anne de Rocher • Marguerite-Rose de Gordon • Marguerite-Thérèse Charensol • Marie Cluse • Marie-Anastasie de Roquard • Marie-Anne Béguin-Royal • Marie-Anne Depeyre • Marie-Anne Doux • Marie-Anne Lambert • Marie-Anne-Madeleine de Guilhermier • Marie-Claire du Bac • Marie-Clotilde Blanc • Marie-Elisabeth Pélissier • Marie-Gabrielle-Françoise-Suzanne de Gaillard de Lavaldène • Marie-Gertrude de Ripert d’Alauzier • Marie-Marguerite Bonnet • Marie-Marguerite de Barbégie d’Albrède • Marie-Rose Laye • Rosalie-Clotilde Bes • Suzanne-Agathe Deloye • Sylvie-Agnès de Romillon • Thérèse-Henriette Faurie
They were guillotined between 6 July and 26 July 1794 at Orange, Vaucluse, France.
Beatified on 10 May 1925 by Pope Pius XI.

Martyrs of the Baths – 10,204 Saints: A group of Christians enslaved by Diocletian to build the gigantic baths in imperial Rome, Italy. The end of their labours coincided with the beginning of the great persecutions of Diocletian and they were all executed. Ancient records indicated there were 10,204 of them; Zeno of Rome is the only one whose name has come down to us and we know nothing else about any of their individual lives.