Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary – Day Five – 2 October

Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary

By Father Joseph Cacella, 1947


Reparation for the
Salvation of Souls

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Virgin most powerful,
we know that the vision
of the terrible fires of hell
which thou showed
to the three little shepherd children at Fatima,
was really meant for us.
We beseech thee, Oh Mother Mary,
to spare us the fate of a judgement
which ordains such a punishment!
Grant unto us, a faith so strong
that we may ever realise
that the evil of sin will be justly repaid
with eternal punishment.
I believe in the Infinite Justice
of the One True God
and the Infinite Love
of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
We pray and beseech thee
that through thy intercession,
we may be given the grace
to live so worthy a life on earth,
as to enjoy the reward of eternal happiness
in the Kingdom of thy Divine Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Lady of Fatima, Virgin most powerful,
inflame our hearts with the love
of Reparation for the Salvation of Souls.


Thought for the Day – 2 October – Our Guardian Angels

Thought for the Day – 2 October – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

Our Guardian Angels

“The realisation that our Guardian Angel is always close at hand, should be a warning to us.
It should prevent us from doing anything displeasing to God.
Would we venture to do anything unbecoming in the presence of our Father or Mother, or of anyone for whom we have any regard?
Definitely not and still less, should we dare to perform an evil action in the presence of our Angel, to whom we owe such gratitude and in the presence of God, our Creator, Lord and Redeemer, Who could, at any moment, snap the thread which binds us to life and plunge us into eternity.

Furthermore, when pride convinces us that we are of some importance, let us turn to our Angel and pray for the virtue of humility.
When we begin to seethe with anger and long to utter words which are harsh and injurious, let us ask our Angel to pray on our behalf, for the gift of Christian gentleness.
When the devil fills our minds with impure images and thoughts, let us ask our Angel to beseech God to give us the Christian fortitude to resist temptation and to imitate his angelic purity.

Finally, when tepidity is sapping the vigour of our interior life, let us pray to our Guardian Angel in the hope of obtaining a share in his intimate union with God.

Let us pray the Guardian Angel prayer or at least say:
My Guardian Angel enlighten me.
My Guardian Angel help me.
My Guardian Angel, protect me

Antonio Cardinal Bacci


Posted in "Follow Me", ArchAngels and Angels, CHRIST, the WAY,TRUTH,LIFE, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, GOD ALONE!, JESUIT SJ, QUOTES on FEAR

Quote/s of the Day – 2 October – Guardian Dear …

Quote/s of the Day – 2 October – “The Month of the Most Holy Rosary and of the Angels” and the Feast of the Guardian Angels

“. . . You should know
that there is present with you,
the Angel whom God has appointed for each man. . .
This Angel, who is sleepless and cannot be deceived,
is always present with you;
he sees all things and is not hindered by darkness.
You should know, too, that with him, is God!

St Anthony Abbot (251-356)

Nevertheless, small though we be
and long and dangerous though the road
may be which remains for us to travel,
what do we have to fear under so good a guardian?…
The Angels are faithful, wise and powerful –
what have we to fear?
Let us only follow them and hold fast to them
and we shall abide under the protection
of the God of Heaven!

St Bernard (1090-1153)
Father and Doctor of Light

“Recommend yourself to your Angel Guardian
three times a day –
in the morning. by the prayer “Angele Dei”
in the evening, by the same prayer
and during the day,
when you visit the Altars in Churches.
Remember that you are to be guided
by your Angel, like a blind man
who cannot see the dangers of the streets
and trusts entirely.
to the person who leads him.

St Aloysius de Gonzaga (SJ 1568-1591)


Posted in "Follow Me", ArchAngels and Angels, CHRIST, the WAY,TRUTH,LIFE, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, GOD ALONE!, ONE Minute REFLECTION, QUOTES on FEAR, QUOTES on GRATITUDE, QUOTES on THANKSGIVING

One Minute Reflection – 2 October – See, I am sending My Angel before you, to guard you on the way and bring you to the place I have prepared. – Exodus 23:20

One Minute Reflection – 2 October – “The Month of the Most Holy Rosary and of the Angels” – Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels – Exodus 23:20-23; Matthew 18:1-10 – Scripture search here:

See, I am sending My Angel before you, to guard you on the way and bring you, to the place I have prepared.” – Exodus 23:20

REFLECTION –To His Angels He has given command about you that they guard you in all your ways” (Ps 90:11). What respect these words should arouse in you, to what fervour they should give birth, what trust they should inspire! Respect on account of their presence, fervour on account of their watchfulness, trust on account of their vigilance… They are there at your side, then, not just with you but for you. They stand beside you to protect and help you. What return will you make to the Lord for all the good He has done for you? (Ps 115:31). It is to Him, alone, we should give thanks and honour for their aid; it is He, Who has commanded them. “Every perfect gift,” (Jas 1:17) comes from Him alone. But we are, on no account, to fail in thanksgiving regarding the Angels, in view of the great charity, with which they obey Him and the great need we have of their assistance!

So let us be full of respect and thanksgiving for such vigilance on their part; let us love them in return and honour them as best we are able, as much as we ought… In God, let us love the Angels, knowing that one day we shall be sharers in the inheritance and that between then and now, the Father allows and arranges that they may be our guides and instructors. For “we are God’s children now” even though it has not yet been clearly revealed, (1 Jn 3:2) since we are still children subject to stewards and tutors and, for the present, we seem no different from servants.

Nevertheless, small though we be and long and dangerous though the road may be which remains for us to travel, what do we have to fear under so good a guardian?… The Angels are faithful, wise and powerful – what have we to fear? Let us only follow them and hold fast to them and we shall abide under the protection of the God of Heaven!” – St Bernard (1090-1153) Cistercian Abbot, called the Last Father and the Doctor of Light of the Church (12th sermon on Psalm 90).

PRAYER – O God, Who in Thy wondrous providence graciously send Thy Angels to watch over us, grant that we, who pray to Thee maybe ever under their protection and may rejoice in their unending companionship. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).


Our Morning Offering – 2 October – Praise We the Guardian Angels of Men

Our Morning Offering – 2 October – “The Month of the Most Holy Rosary and of the Angels”

Custodes Hominum Psallimus Angelos
Praise We the Guardian Angels of Men
By St Robert Bellarmine SJ (1542-1621)

Archbishop of Capua, Theologian
Doctor of the Church

Angel-guardians of men,
spirits and powers we sing,
Whom our Father hath sent,
aids to our weakly frame,
Heavenly friends and guides,
help from on high to bring,
Lest we fail through the foeman’s wile.

He, the spoiler of souls,
Angel-traitor of old,
Cast in merited wrath
out of his honoured place,
Burns with envy and hate,
seeking their souls to gain
Whom God’s mercy invites to Heaven.

Therefore, come to our help,
watchful ward of our lives:
Turn aside from the land,
God to thy care confides
Sickness and woe of soul,
yea and what else of ill
Peace of heart to its folk denies.

Now to the Holy Three
praise evermore resound:
Under Whose Hand Divine
resteth the triple world
Governed in wondrous wise,
glory be Theirs and Might
While the ages unending run.

This Hymn by St Robert Bellarmine,was added to the Roman Breviary in 1608, by command of Pope Paul V. It is for Vespers in the Office for “the Holy Guardian Angels. Double of the second class, 2 October.”

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 2 October – Saint Ursicinus II (Died 760) Bishop

Saint of the Day – 2 October – Saint Ursicinus II (Died 760) Bishop of Chur in Switzerland, Monk, Abbot, Hermit, Restorer of the Monastery of Disentis and Architect and builder of 3 Churches in the Diocese. Unknown date and place of birth but died on 2 October in 769 in Disentis, Switzerland of natural causes. Also known as – Ursicinus di Coira, Ursicinus of Chur, Ursicino… Additional Memorial – 3 October in the Diocese of Chur together with the Blessed Bishop Algarotto II. The Image of the Statue of a Bishop is NOT our Saint but an unknown Bishop.

The Roman Martyrology states: “In the territory of today’s Switzerland, Saint Ursicinus, Bishop of Chur and first Abbot of the Monastery of Disentis which he founded.

Unknown Bishop

We do not know when and where he was born, although his name has Latin/Italian roots and means “bear” but there is little certain data about him.

We do know that Ursicinus was educated in the Monastery of Saint Lucius of Chur, in Switzerland and, after that period, in 721 he entered the Benedictines of the Monastery of Disentis, whose first monastic nucleus was, according to tradition, erected around the year 700, by St Sigisbert.

The Disentis Monastery

Ursicinus was elected Abbot of the Abbey of Disentis in 730. Nine years later, around 739, thanks to the help of the Bishops, Victor II and Vigilius, he managed to rebuild the Monastery and became the Architect and builder of the erection of the Churches of St Maria, St Martin and St Peter.

In 754, against his will, Ursicinus was elected Bishop of Chur which he ruled for only four years. He does not appear in the chrontaxes of the Bishops of the Diocese, whose list in that period, shows many gaps

The Cathedral of Chur

In 758, Ursicinus, now elderly, renounced his role and retired as a simple Monk to the Monastery of Disentis, where. according to some, he died on 2 October 760.

Furthermore, we do not know if and in what period he became a Monk of the important Abbey of Reichenau on Lake Constance, given that his name appears in their “Liber confraternitatum” at the head of all the Monks with the words “Ursicinus Episcopus.”

Reichenau Abbey on Lake Constance

Throughout the region, Ursicinus II enjoyed a great reputation for sanctity.
In the Diocese of Chur, he is remembered by being celebrated together with Blessed Adalgotto II on 3 October. Saint Ursicino II Bishop, is remembered and celebrated in the Reichenau Obituary, in the Disentis Proper of 1690 and, in the Roman Martyrology on 2 October.

Posted in ArchAngels and Angels, FEASTS and SOLEMNITIES, MARIAN TITLES, MARTYRS, SAINT of the DAY

The Holy Guardian Angels, Matka Boża Różańcowa / Our Lady of the Rosary, Krakow, Poland (1600s) and the Saints for 2 October

The Holy Guardian Angels
Blessed Angels here:
AND St Bernard on the Guardian Angels:

St Alfonso del Rio
St Andrea Ximenez
St Beregisius
St Eleutherius of Nicomedia
St Gerinus

St Leudomer
St Modesto of Sardinia
St Saturius of Soria
St Theophilus of Bulgaria

St Ursicinus II (Died 760) Bishop