Thought for the Day – 9 June – The Attainment of Humility

Thought for the Day – 9 June – Meditations with Fr Richard Frederick Clarke SJ (1839-1900)

Meditations for a Month

The Attainment of Humility

Humility does not spring up in our souls of its own accord. On the contrary, every child of Adam has a deep root of pride within his soul.
It is only by a long and painful process that the generality of mankind can attain humility. We cannot expect to become humble unless we fulfill the necessary conditions.

We must make many acts of humility before we can attain any proficiency in the virtue. Our acts of humility must consist, not merely in protesting to Almighty God that we are vile and worthless ,in His sight and in humbling ourselves before Him by reason of our many sins. Our acts of humility must be practiced towards others by being very gentle towards those who provoke us, by bearing contradictions with patience, by accepting disappointments with patience and rebuffs without complaint. All this is a gradual process and we must not expect proficiency in humility until we have long practiced these means to attain it.

We must pray for humility.
No gift of God can be won without prayer and humility least of all
because it is so opposed to the natural bent of our nature and, can never be had without a special grace from God. Prayer, moreover, is an acknowledgement of our dependence upon God,and humility consists in nothing else, than a recognition of this dependence and an acquiescence in it.
Pray, then, for humility! It is not much use praying for humility unless we also pray for the means that are to implant it in our souls. We must ask God, from our hearts, not to spare us if He sees that we shall not become humble without suffering. We must leave ourselves in His Hands, saying only, “O my God, make me humble at any cost! Amen.


Quote/s of the Day – 9 June – The Popes on the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Quote/s of the Day – 9 June – “The Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus” and within the Octave of the Sacred Heart – Pentecost III

Learn of the Heart of God
in the Words of God,
so that you may ardently long
for eternal things.

St Pope Gregory the Great (540-604)
Great Father and Doctor of the Church

In the Sacred Heart,
there is the Symbol
and the express Image
of the Infinite Love of Jesus Christ
which moves us to love in return.

And since, there is in the Sacred Heart,
a symbol and a sensible image
of the Infinite Love of Jesus Christ
which moves us to love one another,
therefore, is it fit and proper
that we should consecrate ourselves
to His most Sacred Heart – an act
which is nothing else than an offering
and a binding of oneself to Jesus Christ,
seeing that whatever honour, veneration and love
is given to this Divine Heart,
is really and truly given to Christ Himself.

Encyclical Annum Sacrum (1899)

This Devotion, [to the Sacred Heart] which we recommend to all,
will be profitable to all!

Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903)

Devotion to the Most Sacred Heart
is the extraordinary remedy
for the extraordinary needs of our time.

Pope Pius XI (1857-1939)


It is altogether impossible to enumerate
the heavenly gifts which Devotion
to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has poured out
upon the souls of the faithful,
purifying them, offering them heavenly strength,
rousing them to the attainment of all virtues.


His Heart is the natural Sign and Symbol
of His boundless love for the human race.

Pope Pius XII (1876-1958)


One Minute Reflection – 9 June – “ Rejoice with Me because I have found My sheep which was lost.” – Luke 15:6

One Minute Reflection – 9 June – “The Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus” and within the Octave of the Sacred Heart – Saints Primus and Felicianus (Died c304) Confessors, Brother Lay Martyrs – 1 Peter 5:6-11; Luke 15:1-10 – Scripture search here:

Rejoice with Me because I have found My sheep which was lost.” – Luke 15:6

REFLECTION – “When the time of mercy had come (Ps 101:14) the Good Shepherd came down from His Father’s side… as had been promised from all eternity. He came in search of the one sheep which had been lost. Promised to her from all eternity, He was sent to her in time; for her sake He was born and handed over, eternally predestined for her. She is unique, drawn from both Jews and Gentiles. .., present among all peoples; she is one in her mystery, many in persons, many through the flesh according to nature, one through the Spirit according to grace – in short, one single sheep, yet a crowd without number! …

As for those whom this Shepherd acknowledges as His Own: “No-one can snatch them out of His Hands” (Jn 10:28). For true Strength cannot be forced, Wisdom cannot be deceived, Charity cannot be destroyed, That is why He speaks with assurance, saying…: “I have lost none, Father, of all those Thou hast given me” (Jn 18:9)…

He was sent as Truth for the misled, Way for the straying, Life for the dead, Wisdom for the foolish, Medicine for the sick, Ransom for captives and Food for the starving. For all those, we might say, He was sent to “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Mt 15:24) that they might be lost no more. He was sent like the spirit into a rigid body, so that, at His coming, its members might become warm again and quicken with a new, supernatural and divine life – this is the first resurrection (Apoc 20:5). Thus, He Himself can say: “The hour is coming and is now here, when the dead will hear the Voice of the Son of God and those who hear It will live” (Jn 5:25). And so He can say of His sheep: “They will hear My Voice and follow Me” (Jn 10:4-5).” Blessed Isaac of Stella O.Cist. (c1100 – c1170) Cistercian Abbot, Theologian, Philosopher (Sermon 35; Second Sunday of Lent).

PRAYER – Grant O Lord, we pray, that we may ever honour the festival of thy holy Martyrs, Primus and Felicianus and Thy truth of the Church of Saints. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).

Sweet Heart of my JESUS, Make me love Thee ever more and more! – 300 Days Indulgence Once a day, Plenary Once a month – Blessed Pope Pius IX – 26 November 1876


Our Morning Offering – 9 June – Prayer in Adoration of the Sacred Heart

Our Morning Offering – 9 June – “The Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus” – Sunday Within the Octave of the Sacred Heart – Pentecost III

Prayer in Adoration of the Sacred Heart
By St Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690)
Visionary and Apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God,
Whom I believe to be really present
in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar,
receive this most profound Act of Adoration
to supply for the desire I have,
to adore Thee unceasingly
and in thanksgiving,
for the sentiments of love
which Thy Sacred Heart
has for me in this Sacrament.
I cannot better acknowledge them,
than by offering Thee,
all the Acts of Adoration,
resignation, patience and love
which this same Heart has made
during its mortal life
and which it makes still
and which it shall make eternally in Heaven,
in order that through it,
I may love Thee, praise Thee
and adore Thee worthily,
as much as it is possible for me.
I unite myself to this Divine Offering
which Thou dost make to Thy Divine Father
and I consecrate to Thee,
my whole being,
praying Thee, to destroy in me,
all sin and not to permit
that I should be separated from Thee,
in time and eternally.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 9 June – Saint Maximian of Syracuse (Died 594) Bishop

Saint of the Day – 9 June – Saint Maximian of Syracuse (Died 594) Bishop, Monk at St Gregory the Great’s Monastery in Rome and a close friend and collaborator with St Gregory in many instances and on many projects. Born in Sicily and died in 594 of natural causes at Syracuse, Sicily. Also known as – Massimiano.

The Roman Martyrology states: “In Syracuse, Saint Maximian, Bishop, of whom Saint Pope Gregory the Great often makes mention.

Master of Portillo The Mass of Saint Gregory the Great (possibly the Bishop is our St Maximian)

Originally from Sicily (John the Deacon calls him Siculus), he became a Monk in Rome and after the death of Valenzione he was the second Abbot of the Monastery of St Andrew, Coelian Hill,, built before 583, by the noble Gregory (I believe it was built from St Gregory’s own ancestral home).

When St Gregory was sent by Pope Pelagius II as Papal Delegate to Constantinople to the Emperor Tiberius, Maximian joined him with some of his Monks. St Maximian seems to have prolonged St Gregory’s stay so much that the Pontiff wrote to Gregory to urge his return to Rome, as he was necessary to his Monastery and to the Apostolic See for an important matter. Upon returning, the following year, 585, after eight days of adventurous navigation in the Adriatic, the ship was shipwrecked in Crotone and Maximian, who had shown trust in God, was saved with all his companions.

When Gregory ascended to the Pontificate on 3 September 590, he chose some of his Monks, among them Maximian, to lead a monastic life in his palace which, according to John the Deacon, became “an ascetery of perfect virtue, a school of Ecclesiastical discipline, a Council of very wise government, so venerated in Rome and throughout the Church that anyone who did not have their papers in order, did not even dare appear, deeming it more appropriate to remain absent.”

In December 591, Maximian was already the Bishop of Syracuse. The Pope granted him the use of the Pallium and renewed the privileges of the ancient Bishopric; he also entrusted his representation over the entire Sicilian Church.

Vicar of the Pope and responding to his hopes, Maximian exercised a general supervision over Ecclesiastical discipline and affairs; he resolved the causes of lesser importance, referring the most difficult ones or those which he did not believe he could judge for himself, to the Pope.

Saint Gregory who, in entrusting him with these very broad powers, had minutely established the directives of Ecclesiastical politics in Sicily, addressed several letters to him and, in the end, showed himself pleased with what Maximian had done in just under three years in the vast territory of the Sicilian Island.

Even if the titles of “venerable, bishop of venerable memory” and “most holy” which often occur in the Epistolary of Saint Gregory, can obviously only be attributed a meaning of honour and respect, nevertheless the esteem which the Pope had for Maximian is evident from the expressions written in November 594 upon his death.

To the Deacon Cyprian, his rector in Sicily, the Pontiff wrote, expressing his great sorrow:
“It is not Maximian who must mourn, having already flown to that eternal prize he so desired but these unhappy people of Syracuse ”.
He let the Syracusans know that they
“should keep in mind that another Maximian was not easy to find.”

An interesting aspect of Maximian’s activity was his collaboration with the St Gregory on the Memoirs relating to the Saints of Italy. Saint Gregory mentions it repeatedly; indeed, in 594, he would have liked to see him again, to know more distinctly, some edifying facts learned from St Maximian in the past, in order to insert them into the Dialogues. Our Saint Maximian, who was no longer able to travel to Rome, briefly and in writing, reported to Saint Gregory what he knew about Saint Nonnosus (c500-560) and some other Saints. Sadly for St Gregory, St Maximian was about to leave this earth and travel home.

Syracuse Cathedral

Within the Octave of the Sacred Heart, Pentecost III, Madonna, Madre delle Grazie / Our Lady, Mother of Grace (1610), Madonna della Fontenuova / Our Lady of the Plain , (1573), St Felicianus and St Primus Brother Martyrs and the Saints for 9 June

Within the Octave of the Sacred Heart

Pentecost III

St Alexander of Prusa
St Arnulf of Velseca

St Comus of Scotland
St Cumian of Bobbio
St Cyrus
Bl Diana d’Andalo OP
St Diomedes of Tarsus
St Julian of Mesopotamia
St Luciano Verdejo Acuña
St Maximian of Syracuse (Died 594) Bishop
St Pelagia of Antioch
St Primus *
St Richard of Andria
Bl Robert Salt
Bl Sylvester Ventura
St Valerius of Milan
St Vincent of Agen