Our Morning Offering – 15 June – Memorare to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Our Morning Offering – 15 June – “The Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus” – Our Lady’s Saturday

Memorare to Our Lady
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

By the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC)
Patronag: Of Difficult and Impossible Causes.

Remember, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
what ineffable power thy Divine Son
hath given thee over His own adorable Heart.
Full of trust in thy merits,
we come before thee and beg thy protection.
O heavenly Treasurer of the Heart of Jesus
that Heart which is the inexhaustible source of all graces
which thou mayest open to us at thy good pleasure,
in order that, from it may flow forth upon mankind
the riches of love and mercy, light and salvation
which are contained therein;
grant unto us, we beseech thee, the favours which we seek.
We can never, never be refused by thee
and since thou art our Mother,
O our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
graciously hear our prayers and grant our request.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart is a title which originated with the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, founded by Fr J Chevalier (1824-1907) at Issoudun/France.
This religious Congregation was founded to revive and regenerate the Christian faith, thanks to a special devotion to the Sacred Heart and to Our Lady.
Their spirituality is based on a strong faith in the love of God the Father which revealed itself in the Heart of Jesus.
This Christocentric orientation is linked with a lively devotion to Mary under the title of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
It is said in the Rule of Life of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, “Since Mary was so intimately related to the Mystery of her Son’s Heart, we pray to her as did Fr Chevalier and we invoke her under the title of Our Lady of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
She knew of the inexhaustible riches of Christ; she was totally filled with His Love. She leads us to Him and directs us to His Heart which is the Source of Love …” ( #18)


Passionate Catholic. Being a Catholic is a way of life - a love affair "Religion must be like the air we breathe..."- St John Bosco Prayer is what the world needs combined with the example of our lives which testify to the Light of Christ. This site, which is now using the Traditional Calendar, will mainly concentrate on Daily Prayers, Novenas and the Memorials and Feast Days of our friends in Heaven, the Saints who went before us and the great blessings the Church provides in our Catholic Monthly Devotions. This Site is placed under the Patronage of my many favourite Saints and especially, St Paul. "For the Saints are sent to us by God as so many sermons. We do not use them, it is they who move us and lead us, to where we had not expected to go.” Charles Cardinal Journet (1891-1975) This site adheres to the Catholic Church and all her teachings. PLEASE ADVISE ME OF ANY GLARING TYPOS etc - In June 2021 I lost 95% sight in my left eye and sometimes miss errors. Thank you and I pray all those who visit here will be abundantly blessed. Pax et bonum! 🙏

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