Our Lady of Genazzano (1467) / Our Lady of Good Counsel, Saints Cletus and Marcellinus, Popes and Martyrs, Remembering Bishop Daniel Dolan (1951-2022) and the Saints for 26 April

Our Lady of Genazzano (1467) / Our Lady of Good Counsel – 26 April:

Bl Alda of Siena
St Antoninus of Rome
St Basileus of Amasea (Died c319) Martyr Bishop
St Clarence of Venice (12th Century) Bishop and Confessor
St Claudius of Rome
St Cyrinus of Rome
St Exuerantia of Troyes
Bl Gregory of Besians
St Lucidius of Verona Bishop

St Pelligrino of Foggia

St Primitive of Gabi

St Trudpert of Munstertal
St William of Foggia Hermit


Nuestra Señora del Fresno / Our Lady of Fresno, Grado, Asturias, Spain (9th Century) and Memorials of the Saints – 28 September

Nuestra Señora del Fresno / Our Lady of Fresno, Grado, Asturias, Spain (9th Century) – 8 and 28 September:

St Wenceslaus (907-935) King of Bohemia, Martyr
About St Wenceslaus here:

Bl Aaron of Auxerre
St Alodius of Auxerre
St Annemond of Lyons
St Bardomianus

Blessed Bernardine of Feltre OFM (1439-1494) Franciscan Priest and Friar, Missionary Preacher, Poet, peace-maker, Civil protestor against the practice of usury, defender of the poor. He was a true ‘child prodigy’ – by the time he was 12 he was fluent in Latin and at the age of 15 he composed a poem and read it in the Town Square to celebrate a local peace treaty. He is remembered most especially, in connection with the “Monti di Pietà” “Mount of Piety” of which he was the reorganiser and, in a certain sense, the Founder, together with the Blessed Michele Carcano. On 13 April 1654, Pope Innocent X confirmed the cultus of Blessed Bernardine and he was formally Beatified in 1728 by Pope Benedict XIII.

St Chariton of Palestine
Bl Christian Franco
St Conval of Strathclyde
St Eucarpus
St Eustochium
St Exuperius of Toulouse (Died 411) Bishop
St Faustus of Riez

Blessed Francesco Piani of Caldarola OFM (1424-1507) Francisan Friar, renowned Preacher and Peacemaker, a collaborator in the fight against usury by the institution of the “Mount of Piety,” (a type of pawn shop), social activist and protector of the struggling rural communities. He was Beatified by Pope Urban VII in 1634 – his cult was reaffirmed on 1 September 1843 by Pope Gregory XVI.
His Amazing Life:

St John of Dukla
St Laurence of North Africa
St Lioba of Bischofsheim
St Machan
St Martial of North Africa
St Martin of Moyenmoutier
St Paternus of Auch
St Privatus of Rome
St Salonius of Geneva
St Silvinus of Brescia

St Simón de Rojas O.SS. (1552-1624) , “Father Ave Maria”/ “Apostle of the Ave Maria,” Religious Priest of the Trinitarian Order, Founder of the Lay Apostolate of the Congregation of the Slaves of the Sweet Name of Mary, Marian Devotee, Theologian, Philosopher, Spiritual Writer, Apostle of Charity, Apostolic Visitor. He was Cultus confirmed on 19 March 1766 by Pope Clement XIII
About St Simon:

St Solomon of Genoa
St Stacteus
St Tetta of Wimborne
Bl Thiemo
St Willigod of Moyenmoutier
St Zama of Bologna

Augustinian Martyrs of Japan: The first Augustinian Missionaries arrived in Japan in 1602 and met with immediate success; many were brought to the faith; many of them became Augustinians and many of them were Martyred in the periodic persecutions of Christians.
This memorial commemorates all of them, whether they have a sanctioned Cause for Canonisation or not. They include:

• Blessed Bartolomé Gutiérrez Rodríguez
• Blessed Ferdinand Ayala
• Blessed Francisco Terrero de Ortega Pérez
• Blessed Ioannes Mukuno Chozaburo
• Blessed Laurentius Kaida Hachizo
• Blessed Mancius Yukimoto Ichizaemon
• Blessed Martín Lumbreras Peralta
• Blessed Melchor Sánchez Pérez
• Blessed Michaël Ichinose Sukezaemon
• Blessed Pedro de Zúñiga
• Blessed Petrus Sawaguchi Kuhyoe
• Blessed Thomas Jihyoe of Saint Augustine
• Blessed Thomas Terai Kahyoe
• Blessed Vicente Simões de Carvalho
• Saint Magdalena of Nagasaki

Martyrs of Antioch – 37 Saints: A group of 30 soldiers and 7 civilians who were murdered together for their faith. The names that have come down to us are – Alexander, Alphinus, Heliodorus, Mark, Neon, Nicon and Zosumus. c 303 at Antioch, Pisidia (in modern Turkey).

Posted in MARTYRS, SAINT of the DAY

Feast of St Mary of Magdala and Memorials of the Saints – 22 July

The only Marian Feast I can find for today seems to be unverified, in other words, I can find absolutely no references online relating to this invisible Shrine. There is also a Marian Title relating to the Orthodox Church which is not recognised by the Catholic Church.

St Mary of Magdala “The Apostle of the Apostles” (St Thomas Aquinas), Penitent. During the Middle Ages, Mary Magdalene was regarded in Western Christianity as a repentant prostitute or promiscuous woman, claims not found in any of the four Canonical Gospels.
About St Mary:

St Anastasius of Schemarius
St Andrea of Antioch

Blessed Augustine Fangi O.P. (1430-1493) Dominican Priest and Friar, Confessor, Mystic, known as “The Miracle Worker.”

St Baudry of Montfaucon
St Claudius Marius Victorinus of Saussaye
St Cyril of Antioch
St Dabius
St John Lloyd
St Joseph of Palestine (Died c 356) Layman, Convert from Judaism
St Lewine
St Maria Wang Lishi
St Meneleus of Ménat
St Movean of Inis-Coosery
St Pancharius of Besancon
Bl Paolo de Lara

St Philip Evans SJ (1645-1679) Confessor, Priest Martyr, Missionary of the Society of Jesus.
His Life and Death:

St Plato of Ancyra
St Syntyche of Philippi
St Theophilus of Cyprus

St Wandrille of Fontenelle (c 605–668) Priest, Monk, Abbot. Married out of obedience to his parents, Wandrille agreed with his wife to keep their virginity and both retired to a Monastery.
About St Wandrille:

Martyrs of Marula/Massylis: – 3 Saints: Three Christians Martyred together. We know nothing else about them but the names – Ajabosus, Andrew and Elian. They were martyred in Massylis (Marula), Numidia (in modern Algeria).

Martyrs of Massilitani: A group of Christians Martyred together in northern Africa. Saint Augustine of Hippo wrote about them.

Posted in NOTES to Followers

Dear Benefactors and Friends

Dear Benefactors and Friends

I do not cease to give thanks for you!
Ephesians 1:16

My sincerest and humble gratitude to all who have regularly assisted this Site to keep afloat.
I extend my thanks today, to Doreena, Hugh and Melanie, who have all generously kept in their budgets.
Most especial gratitude to our Resident Bishop Daniel Dolan, who very kindly celebrated Holy Mass for all the Benefactors of this Site on the Feast of St Wenceslaus – 28 September.
The experiences of the past +-6 months have compromised all of us in unbelievable ways, no matter where we live. Because of this, I know that times are tough but I beg you all, if you too find inspiration and spiritual assistance here, not to forget entirely. It is a battle to keep it going from a financial point of view.

To make a Donation please go to:

I thank and pray for you all.

“So now, our God, we give thanks to you
and praise your majestic name…”

1 Chronicles 29:13