EMBER SATURDAY – FAST and ABSTINENCE, St Matthias the Apostle, Plague in Rome ends after Saint Pope Gregory the Great leads a procession with a painting of Our Lady by Saint Luke (591) and the Saints for 24 February


St Adela of Blois (c1067-1137) Widow
Bl Antonio Taglia
Bl Arnold of Carcassonne
St Betto of Auxerre
Bl Berta of Busano

St Cummian Albus of Iona

St Evetius of Nicomedia
Bl Ida of Hohenfels
St Liudhard
Bl Lotario Arnari

St Modestus of Trier
St Peter the Librarian
St Praetextatus of Rouen
St Primitiva
St Sergius of Caesarea
Bl Simon of Saint Bertin


Friday after Ash Wednesday – A Day of Fasting and Abstinence, Feast of St Matthias, Madonna of the Plague in Rome (591) and Memorials of the Saints – 24 February

Friday after Ash Wednesday – A Day of Fasting and Abstinence

St Matthias the Apostle, Martyr. After Christ’s Ascension, Matthias was chosen Apostle in place of the traitor Judas, as is detailed in the Epistle of this day and, after the descent of the Holy Ghost, announced the Gospel, first to his own people, the Jews and then, in Cappadocia and the neighbourhood of the Caspian Sea.
St Matthias!

This Feast was moved to 1969 to 14 May.

Plague in Rome ends after Saint Pope Gregory the Great leads a procession with a painting of Our Lady by Saint Luke (591): – 24 February

St Adela of Blois
Bl Antonio Taglia
Bl Arnold of Carcassonne
St Betto of Auxerre
Bl Berta of Busano

Blessed Constantius of Fabriano OP (1401-1481) Priest and Friar of the Order of Preachers, Prior, Reformer, Preacher of renown, Writer, known as a Miracle-Worker and had the gift of prophecy, peacemaker. He was Beatified in 1821 by Pope Pius VII (cultus confirmed).

St Cummian Albus of Iona

St Ethelbert of Kent (552-616) King and Confessor.
About St Ethelbert:

St Evetius of Nicomedia
Bl Ida of Hohenfels
St Liudhard
Bl Lotario Arnari
Blessed Marco De’ Marconi OSH (1480-1510) Monk of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Jerome (The Hieronymites).
St Modestus of Trier
St Peter the Librarian
St Praetextatus of Rouen
St Primitiva
St Sergius of Caesarea
Bl Simon of Saint Bertin


Feast of St Matthias, Madonna of the Plague in Rome (591) and Memorials of the Saints – 24 February

St Matthias the Apostle, Martyr (Feast)
St Matthias!
This Feast was moved to 1969 to 14 May.

Plague in Rome ends after Saint Pope Gregory the Great leads a procession with a painting of Our Lady by Saint Luke (591): – 24 February

St Adela of Blois
Bl Antonio Taglia
Bl Arnold of Carcassonne
St Betto of Auxerre
Bl Berta of Busano

Blessed Constantius of Fabriano OP (1401-1481) Priest and Friar of the Order of Preachers, Prior, Reformer, Preacher of renown, Writer, known as a Miracle-Worker and had the gift of prophecy, peacemaker

St Cummian Albus of Iona

St Ethelbert of Kent (552-616) King and Confessor.
About St Ethelbert:

Evetius of Nicomedia

Blessed Ascensión of the Heart of Jesus/Florentina Nicol y Goñi OP (1868-1940) a Spanish Religious sister of the Order of Preachers of St Dominic, Teacher, Missionary.
Her Story:

Bl Ida of Hohenfels
Bl Josefa Naval Girbes
St Liudhard
Bl Lotario Arnari
Bl Marco De’ Marconi
St Modestus of Trier
St Peter the Librarian
St Praetextatus of Rouen
St Primitiva
St Sergius of Caesarea
Bl Simon of Saint Bertin

Blessed Tommaso Maria Fusco (1831-1891) Priest, Founder, Apostle of Charity, Apostolic Missionary, Spiritual Director, Confessor, Preacher, Writer.
Blessed Tommaso’s Life


Plague in Rome ends after Saint Pope Gregory the Great leads a procession with a painting of Our Lady by Saint Luke (591) and Memorials of the Saints – 24 February

Plague in Rome ends after Saint Pope Gregory the Great leads a procession with a painting of Our Lady by Saint Luke (591): – 24 February

The Abbot Orsini wrote: “On this day, in the year 591, St Gregory the Great, having had the picture of Our Lady, which was painted by St Luke, carried in procession, the plague ceased at Rome.”

The miseries that afflicted Rome in the year 591 were substantial. The Gothic War between the Byzantine Empire and the Goths had substantially depopulated Italy, so much so that a Germanic tribe of Lombards had entered the peninsula and established their own kingdom. They were pagans and Arians who did not respect Catholics, burning the famous Benedictine Monastery of Monte Cassino and pillaging the land at will.
The instability and warfare caused famine in large regions, though Rome was still able to obtain grain by sea. Then came earthquakes and flooding to further the suffering, and from this plague Rome was not immune. The banks of the Tiber overflowed and when the waters did not recede, all of the low-lying lands became swamps that brought death and the plague. The disease struck with such rapidity that the victim would often die shortly after realising he had contracted the disease, although there were some who sickened but recovered. Our custom of saying, “God Bless you,” to someone who sneezes came about at this time, for sneezing was one of the signs that someone had contracted the disease.
Even the Roman Pontiff died of the plague on 7 February 590. His successor, was Pope Saint Gregory the Great, who was both a humble and pious man. It would be an understatement to say he did not want the honour of being the next Pope but once in that position, he did everything in his power to try to save his people. He understood that the plague was a chastisement from God and encouraged the faithful to repent of their sins and pray for deliverance while he and the religious cared for the people of Rome.
Finally, Saint Gregory called for a procession to take place at dawn on 24 April. On that day, the faithful first assembled in their groups throughout Rome and then walked through the streets of the City praying and singing as they approached the Church of Saint Mary Major. The plague was so potent at that time, that eighty people collapsed and died as they walked toward the meeting place.
Pope Saint Gregory met them upon their arrival, joining them in prayer as he took his place with them holding aloft the miraculous image of Our Lady painted by Saint Luke the Evangelist. This image is the very famous, Salus Populi Romani (the health or salvation, of the Roman People) As the procession neared the Vatican the participants all saw Saint Michael the archangel standing upon the cupola of Hadrian’s mausoleum as he sheathed his flaming sword. It was a sign that the chastisement had come to an end and, at once, the heaviness in the air abated and the air itself seemed to freshen and clear. Indeed, at that moment the plague ended, as the faithful rejoiced and lifted up their voices to thank the Mother of God.

Regina Coeli laetare, Alleluia! (Queen of heaven, rejoice, Alleluia!)

Quia quem meruisti portare, Alleluia! (Son whom you merited to bear, Alleluia!)

Resurrexit sicut dixit, Alleluia! (He has risen as He said, Alleluia!)

St Adela of Blois
Bl Antonio Taglia
Bl Arnold of Carcassonne
St Betto of Auxerre
Bl Berta of Busano
Bl Constantius of Fabriano OP (1401-1481)
St Cummian Albus of Iona
St Ethelbert of Kent (552-616) King and Confessor
Evetius of Nicomedia
Blessed Ascensión of the Heart of Jesus/Florentina Nicol y Goñi OP (1868-1940)
Her Story:
Bl Ida of Hohenfels
Bl Josefa Naval Girbes
St Liudhard
Bl Lotario Arnari
Bl Marco De’ Marconi
St Modestus of Trier
St Peter the Librarian
St Praetextatus of Rouen
St Primitiva
St Sergius of Caesarea
Bl Simon of Saint Bertin
Blessed Tommaso Maria Fusco (1831-1891)
Blessed Tommaso;s life:

Posted in DOMINICAN OP, SAINT of the DAY, Uncategorized

Memorials of the Saints – 24 February

St Adela of Blois
Bl Antonio Taglia
Bl Arnold of Carcassonne
St Betto of Auxerre
Bl Berta of Busano
Bl Constantius of Fabriano OP (1401-1481)
St Cummian Albus of Iona
St Ethelbert of Kent
Evetius of Nicomedia
Blessed Ascensión of the Heart of Jesus/Florentina Nicol y Goñi OP (1868-1940)
Bl Ida of Hohenfels
Bl Josefa Naval Girbes
St Liudhard
Bl Lotario Arnari
Bl Marco De’ Marconi
St Modestus of Trier
St Peter the Librarian
St Praetextatus of Rouen
St Primitiva
St Sergius of Caesarea
Bl Simon of Saint Bertin
Blessed Tommaso Maria Fusco (1831-1891)

Blessed Tommaso;s life:

Posted in DOMINICAN OP, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 24 February – Blessed Constantius of Fabriano OP (1401-1481)

Saint of the Day – 24 February – Blessed Constantius of Fabriano OP (1401-1481) Dominican Priest, Prior, Reformer, Preacher of renown, Writer, known as a Miracle-Worker and had the gift of prophecy, peacemaker – born Constantius Bernocchi in 1401 at Fabriano, Marches of Ancona, Italy and died in 1481 at Ascoli Piceno, Italy of natural causes.

Constantius had an remarkable childhood, not only for the usual signs of precocious piety but also for a miracle that he worked when he was a little boy. Constantius had a sister who had been bedridden most of her nine years of life.   One day, the little boy brought his parents in to her bedside and made them pray with him.   The little girl rose up, cured and she remained well for a long and happy life.   Naturally, the parents were amazed and they were quite sure it had not been their prayers that effected the cure but those of their little son.Beato_Costanzo_Servoli_da_Fabriano

Constantius entered the Dominicans at age 15 and had as his masters Blessed Conradin and Saint Antoninus.   He did well in his studies and wrote a commentary on Aristotle. His special forte was Scripture and he studied it avidly.   After his ordination, he was sent to teach in various schools in Italy, arriving eventually at the convent of San Marco in Florence, which had been erected as a house of strict observance.   Constantius was eventually appointed prior of this friary that was a leading light in the reform movement.   This was a work dear to his heart and he himself became closely identified with the movement.

Several miracles and prophecies are related about Constantius during his stay in Florence.  He one day told a student not to go swimming, because he would surely drown if he did.   The student, of course, dismissed the warning and drowned.   One day, Constantius came upon a man lying in the middle of the road.   The man had been thrown by his horse and was badly injured, he had a broken leg and a broken arm.   All he asked was to be taken to some place where care could be given him but Constantius did better than that–he cured the man and left him, healed and astonished.

Constantius was made prior of Perugia, where he lived a strictly penitential life.  Perhaps the things that he saw in visions were responsible for his perpetual sadness, for he foresaw many of the terrible things that would befall Italy in the next few years.   He predicted the sack of Fabriano, which occurred in 1517.   At the death of Saint Antoninus, he saw the saint going up to heaven, a vision which was recounted in the canonisation constanzo snip

He was also credited with the power of working miracles and besides the care of his office, he acted as peacemaker outside the convent and quelled popular tumults.

Blessed Constantius is said to have recited the Office of the Dead every day, and often the whole 150 Psalms, which he knew by heart and used for examples on every occasion.  He also said that he had never been refused any favour for which he had recited the whole psalter.   He wrote a number of books, these, for the most part, were sermon material and some were the lives of the blesseds of the order.

He was esteemed so holy that it was reckoned a great favour to speak to him or even to touch his habit.

On the day of Constantius’s death, little children of the town ran through the streets crying out, “The holy prior is dead!   The holy prior is dead!”   Upon the news of his death, the senate and council assembled, “considering his death a public calamity” and resolved to defray the cost of a public funeral.   The cultus of Blessed Constantius was confirmed in 1821 by Pope Pius VII.

The relics of Blessed Constantius have suffered from war and invasion.   After the Dominicans were driven from the convent where he was buried, his tomb was all but forgotten for a long time.   Then one of the fathers put the relics in the keeping of Camaldolese monks in a nearby monastery, where they still remain.

bl constanzo right - virgin and child with saints.jpg
Virgin & Child with Dominican Saints, Bl Constantius on the right

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

7th Sun in Ord Time, Year C & Memorials of the Saints 24 February

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C (2019)

St Adela of Blois
Bl Antonio Taglia
Bl Arnold of Carcassonne
St Betto of Auxerre
Bl Berta of Busano
Bl Constantius of Fabriano OP (1401-1481)
St Cummian Albus of Iona
St Ethelbert of Kent
Evetius of Nicomedia
Bl Florentina Nicol Goni
Bl Ida of Hohenfels
Bl Josefa Naval Girbes
St Liudhard
Bl Lotario Arnari
Bl Marco De’ Marconi
St Modestus of Trier
St Peter the Librarian
St Praetextatus of Rouen
St Primitiva
St Sergius of Caesarea
Bl Simon of Saint Bertin
Blessed Tommaso Maria Fusco (1831-1891)

Blessed Tommaso;s life: