Maundy Thursday, The Office of Tenebrae, Nuestra Senora de Castelbruedo / Our Lady of Castelbruedo, Spain and the Memorials of the Saints – 28 March

St Alkelda of Middleham

St Castor of Tarsus

St Cyril the Deacon
St Dorotheus of Tarsus
St Gundelindis of Niedermünster

St Hesychius of Jerusalem (Died c450) Priest, Exegete. He is not to be confused with Bishop St Hesychius of Jerusalem, a contemporary of St Gregory the Great.

St Hilarion of Pelecete

St Proterius of Alexandria
St Rogatus the Martyr
St Successus the Martyr
St Tutilo of Saint-Gall


Tuesday in Passion Week, Nuestra Senora de Castelbruedo / Our Lady of Castelbruedo, Spain and Memorials of the Saints – 28 March

Tuesday in Passion Week – FAST

Nuestra Senora de Castelbruedo / Our Lady of Castelbruedo, Catalonia, Spain – 28 March:

St John of Capistrano OFM (1386-1456) Priest and Friar of the Friars Minor, Confessor and Preacher. Famous as a Preacher, Theologian and Inquisitor, trained Lawyer, he earned himself the nickname ‘the Soldier Saint’ when in 1456 at age 70 he led a Crusade against the invading Ottoman Empire at the Siege of Belgrade. He was Beatified on 19 December 1650 by Pope Innocent X and Canonised on 16 October 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII.
Feast Day moved from 28 March in 1969.

St Alkelda of Middleham

Blessed Antonio Patrizi OSA (c 1280-1311) Priest, Friar of the Order of St Augustine, Prior, Hermit. He was Beatified in 1804 by Pope Pius VII (cultus confirmation).
His Life:

St Castor of Tarsus

Blessed Conon of Naso (1139-1236) Monk, Hermit and Abbot of the order of St Basil of Caesarea, Miracle-worker.
His Life:

St Cyril the Deacon
St Dorotheus of Tarsus
St Gundelindis of Niedermünster

St Guntramnus (c 532-592) King of the Kingdom of Orléans and Burgundy from 561 until his death in 592, Confessor, Apostle of the needs of the Church and of the poor and sick, Penitent.
The Roman Martyrology reads: “At Chalons in France, the demise of St Gontran King, who devoted himself to exercises of piety, renounced the pomps of the world and bestowed his trasures on the Church and the poor,

St Hesychius of Jerusalem
St Hilarion of Pelecete
Blessed Jeanne Marie de Maille (1331-1414) Widow, Recluse
St Proterius of Alexandria
St Rogatus the Martyr
St Successus the Martyr
St Tutilo of Saint-Gall

Blessed Venturino of Bergamo OP (1304-1346) Priest, Friar of the Order of Preachers of St Dominic, Preacher, Missionary Preacher of the Crusades, Writer.


Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent, Nuestra Senora de Castelbruedo / Our Lady of Castelbruedo, Catalonia, Spain and Memoials of the Saints – 28 March

Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent +2022

Nuestra Senora de Castelbruedo / Our Lady of Castelbruedo, Catalonia, Spain – 28 March:

St John of Capistrano OFM (1386-1456) Friar of the Friars Minor, Priest, Confessor and Preacher. Famous as a preacher, theologian and inquisitor, trained lawyer, he earned himself the nickname ‘the Soldier Saint’ when in 1456 at age 70 he led a crusade against the invading Ottoman Empire at the siege of Belgrade.
Feast Day moved from 28 March in 1969.

St Alkelda of Middleham

Blessed Antonio Patrizi OSA (c 1280-1311) Priest, Friar of the Order of St Augustine, Prior, Hermit.
His Life:

St Castor of Tarsus
Bl Christopher Wharton

Blessed Conon of Naso (1139-1236) Monk, Hermit and Abbot of the order of St Basil of Caesarea, Miracle-worker.
His Life:

St Cyril the Deacon
Bl Dedë Maçaj
St Donal O’NeylaC
St Dorotheus of Tarsus
St Gundelindis of Niedermünster
St Guntramnus (c 532-592) King, Confessor
St Hesychius of Jerusalem
St Hilarion of Pelecete
Bl Jean-Baptiste Malo
Bl Jeanne Marie de Maille
St Proterius of Alexandria
Bl Renée-Marie Feillatreau épouse Dumont
St Rogatus the Martyr
St Successus the Martyr
St Tutilo of Saint-Gall

Blessed Venturino of Bergamo OP (1304-1346) Priest, Friar of the Order of Preachers of St Dominic, Preacher, Missionary Preacher of the Crusades, Writer.


Palm Sunday +2021, Our Lady of Castelbruedo, Catalonia, Spain and Memorials of the Saints – 28 March

Palm Sunday +2021

Palm or Passion Sunday – 25 March 2018

Nuestra Senora de Castelbruedo / Our Lady of Castelbruedo, Catalonia, Spain – 28 March:

The Abbot Orsini wrote of this feast day: “It is related, that every year, on the day of the Annunciation, three lights were seen of a blue colour, which shone through the glass windows of this Church at Olion in Catalonia, lighted the lamps and wax candles and immediately disappeared.”

There is a legend that at Olion, in Catalonia, Spain, Our Lady was once venerated under the title of Our Lady of Castelbruedo, or Nuestra Senora de Castelbruedo. The lamps and the wax candles of the Church were likewise lit by invisible hands on the Solemniy of the Annunciation and all disappeared three days after the feast, on the twenty-eighth of March. Despite all subsequent investigations, the lights and their extinguishing, could not be accounted for but it was universally believed, that all this was all to honour Our Lady and the great feast of the announcement of Our Lord’s incarnation.
The Church at Olion referred to by the good Abbot, must be one that was once located in Oliana, Spain and not Olion, as it appears. For there is no longer any such City in Spain. Oliana is in Catalonia and is a very small municipality of a few hundred inhabitants in the Sergre valley just below the Oliana reservoir. There is no Catholic Church there any longer, however and the only Church anywhere nearby, is the Church of St Clement near Coll de Nargo, which appears to be about 6 miles away. It dates from the 11th century but looks as if it is little more than an abandoned structure in our day. The region is popular now with those involved in rock-climbing.
I can find no further information about this site. If anyone has any information on this Marian title, please forward it to me for inclusion on this website and for the edification of all Catholics.
St Alkelda of Middleham
Blessed Antonio Patrizi OSA (c 1280-1311) Priest
St Castor of Tarsus
Bl Christopher Wharton
Blessed Conon of Naso (1139-1236)
His Life:
St Cyril the Deacon
Bl Dedë Maçaj
St Donal O’NeylaC
St Dorotheus of Tarsus
St Gundelindis of Niedermünster
St Guntramnus
St Hesychius of Jerusalem
St Hilarion of Pelecete
Bl Jean-Baptiste Malo
Bl Jeanne Marie de Maille
St Proterius of Alexandria
Bl Renée-Marie Feillatreau épouse Dumont
St Rogatus the Martyr
St Successus the Martyr
St Tutilo of Saint-Gall
Blessed Venturino of Bergamo OP (1304-1346)

Posted in DOMINICAN OP, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 28 March – Blessed Venturino of Bergamo OP (1304-1346)

Saint of the Day – 28 March – Blessed Venturino of Bergamo OP (1304-1346) – Priest, Friar of the Order of Preachers of St Dominic, Preacher, Missionary Preacher of the Crusades, Writer. Born on 9 April 1304 in Bergamo, Italy as Lorenzo de Apibus and died on 28 March 1346 at Smyrna, Asia Minor (in modern Turkey) of natural causes. Also known as – Venturinus, Lorenzo de Apibus.dominican saints.jpg

He was born at Bergamo and received the habit of the Order of Friars Preachers at the convent of St Stephen, Bergamo, on 22 January 1319.

His rich spiritual life, given expression in his treatise De profectu spirituali, suggests the mystical idea of penance propagated by Saint Vincent Ferrer OP.   He founded the Convent of nuns, St Mary’s in Bergamo.   From 1328 to 1335 he soon distinguished himself as a brilliant preacher, attracting huge crowds throughout northern Italy.


In February 1335, he planned to make a penitential pilgrimage to Rome with about thirty thousand of his converts.   His purpose was misunderstood and Pope Benedict XII, then residing at Avignon, thought that Venturino wished to make himself pope  . He wrote letters to Giovanni Pagnotti, Bishop of Anagni, his spiritual vicar, to the Canons of St Peter’s and St John Lateran’s and to the Roman senators empowering them to stop the pilgrimage.

This complaint to the Dominican Master General resulted in an ordinance of the Chapter of London (1335) condemning such pilgrimages.   The pope’s letters and commands, however, did not reach Venturino and he arrived in Rome on 21 March 1335.   He was well received and preached in various churches.   Twelve days later he left Rome, as the news of the Ordinance of the Dominican Master General and the Pope had reached him and the pilgrimage ended.

St Dominic (1170-1221)

In June, he requested an audience with Benedict XII at Avignon, in order to explain the intentions of the pilgrimage but he was seized and cast into prison (1335–43), where he was kept for eight years!   He was restored to favour by Pope Clement VI, who appointed him to preach a crusade against the Turks on 4 January 1344.    His success was remarkable.   He urged the pope to appoint Humbert II of Dauphiné, whose friend and spiritual adviser he had been, leader of the crusade, but Humbert proved incapable and the crusade came to nothing.

Venturino’s writings consist of sermons (now lost) and letters.   He died at Smyrna and although called “Blessed” he was never formally Beatified.

P.S.  The only image available is NOT Blessed Venturino but is, in fact, St Raymond of Pennafort.

Dominican Crest