Posted in FATHERS of the Church, ONE Minute REFLECTION, QUOTES on the CHURCH, St JOSEPH, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 20 April – ‘ … This Son, however, adopted (fore)fathers whom He chose for Himself. …’

One Minute Reflection – 20 April – Within the Octave of the Solemnity of the Patronage of St Joseph – Genesis 49:22-26; Luke 3:21-23 – Scripture search here:

And Jesus, Himself, was beginning about the age of thirty years, being – (as it was supposed) – the son of Joseph … ” – Luke 3:23

REFLECTION – “This is the miracle – He Who adopted and begot fathers, was born from their sons! They were made His fathers whose Son He was not! He did them a favour by being their Son. They, however, offered Him nothing by being His forefathers. Among men, fathers adopt whomever they wish to be their sons. This Son, however, adopted fathers whom He chose for Himself. Among men, sons receive the honour of birth from their fathers. But in Christ’s case, the fathers received honour from the Son!

The text reads, “Although His Mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they married, she was found to be with child by the Holy Ghost.” Subsequently, all Saints would be born from the virgin Church which is betrothed to Christ. … Sons often imitate the example of their father. Note that Mary was betrothed to a carpenter. Christ, betrothed to the Church, was about to fashion for humanity, salvation in its entirety and his entire Work from the Wood of the Cross!” – ACW (Ancient Christian Writer) (Extract from Incomplete Work on Matthew, Homily 1).

PRAYER – God, Who in thine unspeakable foreknowledge didst choose Thy blessed servant Joseph, to be the husband of Thine Own most holy Mother; mercifully grant that now that he is in Heaven with Thee, we who on earth do reverence him for our Defender, may worthily be helped by the succour of his prayers to Thee on our behalf. Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).