Friday in Passion Week, THE FEAST DAY OF THE SEVEN DOLORS , Notre-Dame-de-Citeaux / Our Lady of Citeaux, built by St Robert (1098), Nostra Signora dei Sette Veli / Our Lady of the Seven Veils, Italy (11th Century) and the Saints for 22 March

St Avitus of Périgord
St Basil of Ancyra
St Basilissa of Galatia

St Callinica of Galatia
St Catherine of Sweden
St Darerca of Ireland
St Deghitche

St Failbhe of Iona
St Harlindis of Arland

St Lea of Rome
Blessed Lukarda of Oberweimar O.Cist (c1275-1309) Virgin, German Cistercian Nun, Mystic and Stigmatist

St Octavian of Carthage
St Paul of Narbonne
St Saturninus the Martyr


Wednesday of the Fourth Week in Lent, Our Lady of Citeaux, Our Lady of the Seven Veils, St Isidore the Farmer and Memorials of the Saints – 22 March

Wednesday of the Fourth Week in Lent – FAST

Notre-Dame-de-Citeaux / Our Lady of Citeaux, France built by St Robert (1098) – 22 March:

Nostra Signora dei Sette Veli / Our Lady of the Seven Veils, Foggia, Italy (11th Century) – 22 March:

St Isidore the Farmer (c1070 -1130) – Layman, Confessor, Farm Worker and Apostle of Charity.
Additional Memorials, 15 May, 25 October. – these occur in local calendars.
About St Isidore:

St Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510) Married laywoman, Widow, Mystic, Apostle of the sick, the poor and the needy, Writer.
Her Feast Day was moved after Vatican II to 15 September but today is the date of her death.
Her Life:
St Avitus of Périgord
St Basil of Ancyra
St Basilissa of Galatia

St Benevenuto Scotivoli of Osimo (c 1188-1282) Bishop, Reformer. He was Canonised in 1284 by Pope Martin IV.

St Callinica of Galatia
St Darerca of Ireland
St Deghitche

St Epaphroditus of Terracina (1st Century) First Bishop of Terracina, Italy, Missionary, Evangelist, Disciple of the Apostles, Friend and Envoy of St Paul Apostle. St Hippolytus’ list of the Seventy Disciples includes “Epaphroditus, Bishop of Andriace.”
The Roman Martyrology reads: “At Terracina, St Epaphroditus, a disciple of the Apostles, who was Consecrated Bishop of that City by the blessed Apostle Peter.

St Failbhe of Iona
St Harlindis of Arland
Blessed Hugolinus Zefferini OSA (c1320-1367) Priest, Hermit
St Lea of Rome

St Nicholas Owen SJ (1562-1606) – The Priest-Hole Builder, Martyr, Lay Brother of the Society of Jesus
Dear St Nicholas Owen:

St Octavian of Carthage
St Paul of Narbonne
St Saturninus the Martyr
St Trien of Killelga


Tuesday of the Third Week of Lent, Notre-Dame-de-Citeaux / Our Lady of Citeaux, France built by St Robert (1098), Nostra Signora dei Sette Veli / Our Lady of the Seven Veils, Foggia, Italy (11th Century) and Memorials of the Saints – 22 March

Tuesday of the Third Week of Lent +2022

Notre-Dame-de-Citeaux / Our Lady of Citeaux, France built by St Robert (1098) – 22 March:

Nostra Signora dei Sette Veli / Our Lady of the Seven Veils, Foggia, Italy (11th Century) – 22 March:

St Isidore the Farmer (c 1070 -1130) – Layman, Confessor, Farm Worker and Apostle of Charity.
Additional Memorials, 15 May, 25 October. – these occur in local calendars.
About St Isidore:

St Avitus of Périgord
St Basil of Ancyra
St Basilissa of Galatia

St Benevenuto Scotivoli of Osimo (c 1188-1282) Bishop, Reformer.

Blessed Bronislaw Komorowski (1889-1940) Priest and Martyr of the Nazi occupation of Poland.
His Life and Death:

St Callinica of Galatia

Blessed Clemens August von Galen (1878-1946) Martyr Boshop, known as “The Lion of Munster,” “The Bishop Who Roared Against The Nazis,” “The Bishop Who Took On the Führer.” Blessed Clemens had a great love for the Blessed Virgin, often leading pilgrimages, or going on his own, to Marian Shrines.   He was too, a great lover of the Holy Eucharist and a fervent apostle of charity.   Patronage – Munster.
The Lion of Munster!

St Darerca of Ireland
St Deghitche
St Epaphroditus of Terracina (1st Century) Bishop
St Failbhe of Iona
Bl François-Louis Chartier
St Harlindis of Arland
Bl Hugolinus Zefferini
St Lea of Rome
Bl Marian Górecki

St Nicholas Owen SJ (1562-1606) – The Priest-Hole Builder, Martyr, Lay Brother of the Society of Jesus
Dear St Nicholas Owen:

St Octavian of Carthage
St Paul of Narbonne
St Saturninus the Martyr
St Trien of Killelga


Notre-Dame-de-Citeaux / Our Lady of Citeaux, France built by St Robert (1098), Our Lady of the Seven Veils (11th Century and Memorials of the Saints – 22 March

Notre-Dame-de-Citeaux / Our Lady of Citeaux, France built by St Robert (1098) – 22 March:

The Abbot Orsini wrote: “On Palm Sunday, in the year 1098, Saint Robert, Abbot of Moleme, retired with twenty-one of his Monks to the Diocese of Chalops-sur-Saone, where he built, in honour of Our Lady, the celebrated Monastery of Citeaux, the head house of the order.”

The Notre-Dame de Citeaux Abbey is the first Abbey of the Order of Citeaux, or the Cistercian Order. The original Abbey dates back to 1098, where in the Duchy of Burgundy, Robert of Molesme, Abbot of the Abbey of Our Lady of Molesme, founded the Church. Constructed in the Gothic style, which was current in the 11th century, it was dedicated to Mary, Mother of God and placed under the protection of the Dukes of Burgundy.
Having left the Abbey of Our Lady of Molesme, a small group of twenty-one Monks, led by Robert of Molesme, went to Citeaux to apply the Gregorian reform and live in the spirit of prayer and poverty of the rule of St. Benedict. The low country was a land sparsely populated, well forested but also an unwelcoming and hostile place. The beginning was very difficult, for what was required to develop the land was beyond what they possessed. The disciples of Robert suffered from extreme poverty but Pope Pascal II, in the year 1100, gave his protection to the new Monastery and the Duke of Burgundy provided the Monks with what they needed for construction and supplied funding for food and the overall maintenance of the religious.

Our Lady and St Robert

Difficulties with the water supply at the original site required Aubry, successor of Robert after 1099, to settle the new community two kilometers further south. New buildings were constructed, including a Chapel, which was built of stone and dedicated to Our Lady.
After the death of Abbot Aubry in 1109, Stephen was elected as the third Abbot. He faced great problems, for their voluntary poverty appeared so strict, that they had a reputation for too much austerity and there were few vocations. The community was shrinking and some appeared at the gates of despair because they feared to have no successors.
Depending directly on the Papal States by pontifical right, the Cistercian Order was officially approved in 1119 by Pope Calixte II, with the purpose that it spread and enforce the Gregorian reform throughout the Christian West. The Abbey of Citeaux, thus became the founding mother of more than two thousand Monasteries from the Kingdom of France and throughout the Christian West to Transylvania in the East, during the 12th century.
The Abbey of Citeaux, whose founding was so difficult, became a major spiritual center which profoundly influenced the spiritual, economic and social life of men in the Middle Ages. It was from this place, that new Cistercian Abbeys sprung up all over Europe for the benefit of all mankind. The Christian West returned to a more rigorous respect for the rule of St Benedict and none of this, is to even begin to mention, the influence of the great Saint and Monk, Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153). The famous Saint Bernard actually left Citeaux to found his Monastery at Clairvaux in the year 1115.
The Monastery at Citeaux suffered pillaging several times throughout the Hundred Year’s War and the Monks were often forced to take refuge elsewhere during those perilous times. It was not until the 16th century, that the community once again numbered over 200 Monks but then, with the Wars of Religion, the number of Monks began to decrease again. Finally, in 1791, the Abbey was struck by the French Revolution. The property was illegally seized and sold as national property by the government.
In 1898, twenty Cistercians returned to occupy the Abbey, although the Church had been completely destroyed. Still, it is one of the few sites that has regained at least something of its spiritual tradition. The Church has been rebuilt and there are currently about 30 brothers living there.
The Abbey of Citeaux was classified as an historical monument in 1978.

Nostra Signora dei Sette Veli / Our Lady of the Seven Veils, Foggia, Italy (11th Century) – 22 March:

St Avitus of Périgord
St Basil of Ancyra
St Basilissa of Galatia
St Benevenuto Scotivoli of Osimo (c 1188-1282) Bishop

Blessed Bronislaw Komorowski (1889-1940) Priest and Martyr of the Nazi occupation of Poland.
His Life and Death:

Blessed Clemens August von Galen (1878-1946)
The Lion of Munster!

St Darerca of Ireland
St Deghitche
St Epaphroditus of Terracina
St Failbhe of Iona
Bl François-Louis Chartier
St Harlindis of Arland
Bl Hugolinus Zefferini
St Lea of Rome
Bl Marian Górecki
St Nicholas Owen SJ (1562-1606)
Dear St Nicholas Owen – The Priest-Hole Builder:

St Octavian of Carthage
St Paul of Narbonne
St Saturninus the Martyr
St Trien of Killelga