Wishing alll Fathers a Most Blessed Day!, The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Beata Vergine Addolorata / The Blessed Virgin of Sorrows, Campocavallo, Italy (1892), St John Francis Regis and the Saints for 16 June

Father’s Day + 2024
Wishing all Dads a Blessed and Happy Father’s Day!

A Parent’s Prayer to St Joseph

O holy Joseph,
thou faithful Spouse
of the Blessed Mother,
thou who didst protect her
and her Divine Child with such care
and didst devote thy whole life to them;
I beseech thee to be also my
and my children’s protector
and advocate, with Jesus,
thy adopted Son.
Obtain for me the grace
to fulfil my duties to my children,
as thou and Mary have done to Jesus.

St Joseph Pray for all our Fathers
and for our spiritual Fathers
of Holy Mother Church

The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

St Actinea of Volterra
St Aitheachan of Colpe
St Amandus of Beaumont
Bl Antoine Auriel
St Aurelian of Arles (c523-c551) Bishop
St Aureus of Mainz

St Berthaldus
St Ceccardus of Luni
St Cettin of Oran
St Colman McRhoi
St Crescentius of Antioch
St Cunigunde of Rapperswil
St Curig of Wales
St Cyriacus of Iconium (c 301-c 304) Child Martyr

St Elidan
St Felix of San Felice
St Ferreolus of Besançon
St Ferrutio of Besançon
Bl Gaspare Burgherre
St Graecina of Volterra
St Ismael of Wales
St Julitta of Iconium
St Justina of Mainz

St Maurus of San Felice
St Palerio of Telese
St Similian of Nantes Bishop and Confessor
Bl Thomas Redyng
St Tycho of Amathus


Corpus Christi, Beata Vergine Addolorata / The Blessed Virgin of Sorrows, Campocavallo, Osimo, Ancona, Marche, Italy (1892) and Memorials of the Saints – 16 June

Corpus Christi +2022

Beata Vergine Addolorata / The Blessed Virgin of Sorrows, Campocavallo, Osimo, Ancona, Marche, Italy (1892) – 16 June, The first Sunday of August, 15 September (Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows), The last Sunday of September AND special Devotions throughout May: 16 June

St Actinea of Volterra
St Aitheachan of Colpe
St Amandus of Beaumont
Bl Antoine Auriel
St Aurelian of Arles
St Aureus of Mainz

St Benno of Meissen (1010-1106) Bishop of Meissen, Germany, Confessor. Canonised by Pope Adrian VI in 1523.

St Berthaldus
St Ceccardus of Luni
St Cettin of Oran
St Colman McRhoi
St Crescentius of Antioch
St Cunigunde of Rapperswil
St Curig of Wales
St Cyriacus of Iconium (c 301-c 304) Child Martyr

Blessed Donizetti Tavares de Lima (1882-1961) Priest, Apostle of the poor, the elderly and the sick, miracle-worker, known to bilocate.
A prophecy related to Vatican II:
“No, no, Archbishop! We won’t see this disgrace (prophesying that they both would die soon) but it will come! This was not just a dream, nor a nightmare! The darkness will fall over this world! I beg you: don’t let them destroy the Altars!”
An amazing life:

St Elidan
St Felix of San Felice
St Ferreolus of Besançon
St Ferrutio of Besançon
Bl Gaspare Burgherre
St Graecina of Volterra
St Ismael of Wales

St John Francis Régis SJ (1597-1640) Priest of the Society of Jesus, Confessor, renowned Preacher, Missionary., Miracle-worker
John Francis Régis was Beatified om 18 May 1716 by Pope Clement XI and Canonised on 5 April 1737 by Pope Clement XII.
His Zealous Life:

St Julitta of Iconium
St Justina of Mainz

St Lutgarde of Aywières (1182-1246) The first known woman stigmatic of the Church and one of the first promoters of devotion to the Sacred Heart
Her Life:

St Maurus of San Felice
St Palerio of Telese
St Similian of Nantes
Bl Thomas Redyng
St Tycho of Amathus

Martyrs of Africa: A group of five Christians Martyred together. We know nothing else but the names – Cyriacus, Diogenes, Marcia, Mica, Valeria. They were martyred in an unknown location in Africa, date unknown.


Beata Vergine Addolorata / The Blessed Virgin of Sorrows, Campocavallo, Osimo, Italy and Memorials of the Saints – 16 June

Beata Vergine Addolorata / The Blessed Virgin of Sorrows, Campocavallo, Osimo, Ancona, Marche, Italy (1892) 16 June, The first Sunday of August., 15 September (Feast o Our Lady of Sorrows), The last Sunday of September AND special Devotions thrughout May: 16 June

In the 1870s, a small country Chapel was built three miles from Osimo, a Town just inland from the Adriatic near the world-famous Shrine of Loreto. Don Giovanni Sorbellini, appointed in 1883 to say holy day Masses at the Campocavallo Chapel, hung in it an oleograph of the Pietà he had bought from a travelling salesman.

The Miraculous image is an oleograph, a particular type of print that imitates oil painting, measures 38cm x 52cm and portrays the Virgin holding the lifeless body of Jesus in her arms, just taken down from the Cross.
On the ground some instruments of the passion are depicted and in the background the City of Jerusalem. Our Lady has her gaze turned to heaven in action, not of resigned pain, but of complete uniformity of her will to that of God.

On 16 June 1892, a few families who stayed to pray after Mass saw the eyes of the Sorrowful Virgin move and blink and tears dropped onto her cheeks. Everyone then shouted: “Our Lady is crying!” . News of theMiracle travelled rapidly and widely.

On 7 July a blind woman regained her sight whilst at prayer before the image. The same year, Don Sorbellini began building the present magnificent Sanctuary, consecrated in 1905.  For at least 10 years, in truth, there are many miracles and testimonies of those who saw the movement and tears and even today!

It’s the focus of the Festa del Covo, a Nativity-themed harvest festival the first Sunday of August, and the Festa dell’Addolorata the third Sunday of September, the date of the Consecration of the Church and Crowning of Mary. The Feast of the first Miracle is celebrated today, 16 June and of course, the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows is celebrated o 15 September.

St Actinea of Volterra
St Aitheachan of Colpe
St Amandus of Beaumont
Bl Antoine Auriel
St Aurelian of Arles
St Aureus of Mainz

St Benno of Meissen (1010-1106) Bishop of Meissen, Germany, Confessor

St Berthaldus
St Ceccardus of Luni
St Cettin of Oran
St Colman McRhoi
St Crescentius of Antioch
St Cunigunde of Rapperswil
St Curig of Wales
St Cyriacus of Iconium

Blessed Donizetti Tavares de Lima (1882-1961) Priest, Apostle of the poor, the elderly and the sick, miracle-worker, known to bilocate.
A prophecy related to Vatican II:
“No, no, Archbishop! We won’t see this disgrace (prophesying that they both would die soon) but it will come! This was not just a dream, nor a nightmare! The darkness will fall over this world! I beg you: don’t let them destroy the Altars!”
An amazing life:

St Elidan
St Felix of San Felice
St Ferreolus of Besançon
St Ferrutio of Besançon
Bl Gaspare Burgherre
St Graecina of Volterra
St Ismael of Wales
St John Francis Régis SJ (1597-1640) Priest, Confessor

St Julitta of Iconium
St Justina of Mainz

St Lutgarde of Aywières (1182-1246) The first known woman stigmatic of the Church and one of the first promoters of devotion to the Sacred Heart
Her Life:

St Maurus of San Felice
St Palerio of Telese
St Similian of Nantes
Bl Thomas Redyng
St Tycho of Amathus

Martyrs of Africa: A group of five Christians martyred together. We know nothing else but the names – Cyriacus, Diogenes, Marcia, Mica, Valeria. They were martyred in an unknown location in Africa, date unknown.

Martyrs of Làng Cóc: A group of five Christian laymen, four farmers and a doctor, from the same village in the apostolic vicariate of Central Tonkin (in modern Vietnam). During the persecutions of emperor Tu Duc, they were each ordered to stomp on a cross to show their contempt for Christianity; they each refused. Imprisoned, tortured and martyred.
• Anrê Tuong
• Ðaminh Nguyen
• Ðaminh Nguyen Ðuc Mao
• Ðaminh Nhi
• Vinh Son Tuong
The were beheaded on 16 June 1862 in Làng Cóc, Nam Ðinh, Vietnam and canonised on 19 June 1988 by St Pope John Paul II.


Quote of the Day – 16 June – Month of the Sacred Heart and the Memorial of St Lutgarde of Aywières (1182-1246)

Quote of the Day – 16 June – Month of the Sacred Heart and the Memorial of St Lutgarde of Aywières (1182-1246) Mystic – The first known female Stigmatist and one of the first Devotees of the Sacred Heart (St Lutgarde here:

“So be it, Lord, so long as Your Heart’s love
is mingled with mine
I have and hold my heart in You.
For with You as my shield,
my heart is secure for all time.”

St Lutgarde of Aywières (1182-1246)so be it lord - st lutgarde - 16 june 2018

Posted in CATHOLIC DEVOTIONS of the Month, QUOTES of the SAINTS, SACRED and IMMACULATE HEARTS, SAINT of the DAY, Uncategorized

Saint of the Day – 16 June – St Lutgarde of Aywières (1182-1246 –The first known woman stigmatic of the Church and one of the first promoters of devotion to the Sacred Heart

Saint of the Day – 16 June – St Lutgarde of Aywières (1182-1246 –The first known female stigmatic of the Church and one of the first promoters of devotion to the Sacred Heart – Religious, Mystric, Miracle-Worker, Stimatist, Visionary (1182 at Tongres, Limburg, Belgium – 16 June 1246 at Aywieres (modern Awirs), Belgium of natural causes, just as night office began on the Saturday night following Feast of the Holy Trinity)   Her relics were transferred to Ittre, Belgium on 4 December 1796 to avoid destruction in the French Revolution.   Patronages – birth, childbirth, blind people, againts blindness, disabled, handicapped of physically challenged people, Belgium, Flanders, Belgium.   Attributes – • woman with Christ showing her His wounded side, blind Cistercian abbess, Cistercian nun being blinded by the Heart of Jesus, Cistercian to whom Christ extends his hand from the cross, woman in attendance when Christ shows his Heart to the Father

St Lutgarde 5

When Lutgarde was twelve, her parents placed her in the care of the Benedictine sisters at St. Catherine’s monastery near Liège, Belgium.   The convent allowed visitors and young men came to court the beautiful young woman.   Once when an ardent fellow and Lutgarde were talking, Christ appeared to her.   Opening His garment, Christ showed Lutgarde the wound in His side bleeding as if recently opened and He said to her, “Do not seek any longer the caresses of unseemly love. Contemplate here what you should love and why you should love it. Here, I pledge to you are the delights of total purity, which will follow it.”   When the confused young man tried to resume their conversation, Lutgarde chased him off. “Get away from me, you fodder of death,” she said, “for I have been overtaken by another lover.”

St. Lutgarde made unusually rapid progress in the spiritual life.   She opened herself fully to Christ in prayer and He favoured her with an intimate experience of His presence.   He gave her gifts of healing and of understanding the convent’s Latin prayers.   But she asked him to take them back because both kept her from focusing on loving Him.   Then the Lord said to her, “What do You want?” “I want Your heart,” she said.   “No, rather it is Your heart that I want,” replied the Lord. “So be it, Lord,” said Lutgarde, “so long as Your heart’s love is mingled with mine and I have and hold my heart in You.   For with You as my shield, my heart is secure for all time.”

SANTA LUTGARD - Santa_Lutgarda-Goya

St Lutgarde spent nine years in St. Catherine’s convent and she was elected to be Superioress of the community there.   The year was 1205, when the saint was twenty-three years old.  Far from being flattered or pleased by her elevation to this dignity, Lutgarde regarded it as a disaster.   Indeed, it seems to have moved her to look elsewhere and to seek some other Order.   She thought St. Catherine’s could provide her with sufficient opportunities for living as a contemplative as long as she was an obscure member of the community but not when she took her place at its head.  While taking up her role as Superior, it was natural that her thoughts should turn to the austere Cistercian nuns, commonly known as Trappists, who had by this time, many flourishing convents in the Low Countries.

She asked the advice of a learned preacher of Liege, Jean de Lierre, who urged her to give up her post as prioress and leave the Benedictine Order for the Cistercian convent of Aywieres, (Awirs) which had recently been founded near Liege but had been transferred to a site in Brabant, near the village of Lillois.   She was very reluctant to accept this particular choice because French was spoken in Brabant and she felt it would be unwise to enter a convent where she would not understand the language of her superiors or spiritual directors.   Meanwhile, Christ Himself intervened and spoke the following words to her:  “It is My will that you go to Aywieres, and if you do not go, I will have nothing more to do with you.”
As if this were not enough, Lutgarde was also admonished by a saintly friend, who has since been venerated as St. Christine “the Admirable” who told her to go to Aywieres and so with no further possibility of doubt as to the convent of the Cistercian Order to which she was called, Lutgarde left St. Catherine’s without consulting her community and went to Aywieres.

When the nuns of St. Catherine’s discovered their loss, they were inconsolable, but it was too late to do anything about it. Lutgarde, in her turn, prayed earnestly for the peace of the community she had left and was assured by the Blessed Virgin that her prayers would be answered.   Indeed, Thomas of Cantimpre ends the first book of his life of St. Lutgarde with the comment:  “The indubitable effect of these prayers is to be seen even today [some fifty years later] in the community of St. Catherine’s. For this particular convent continues to grow in fervour more than ever, and to increase, at the same time, in temporal prosperity.”

Three times she fasted for periods of seven years, subsisting only on bread and liquids. The saint dedicated each fast for the Lord’s purposes:  once for Lutgarde of Aywières the conversion of heretics, a second time for the salvation of sinners and a final time for Emperor Frederick II, who was threatening the church.   Before her death she prophesied the latter’s demise, which occurred in 1250.

St Lutgardis is considered one of the leading mystics of the 13th century.[   A life of Lutgardis, Vita Lutgardis, was composed less than two years after her death by Thomas of Cantimpre, a Dominican friar and a theologian of some ability.  Lutgardis was venerated at Aywières for centuries and her relics were exhumed in the 16th century.   Works of art depicting the saint include a baroque statue of Lutgardis on the Charles Bridge by Matthias Braun in Prague and a painting by Goya.

Thomas Merton, in his biography of the Saint, reports that she had a particular devotion to St. Agnes, the Roman virgin martyr.   She was one day praying to St. Agnes when “suddenly a vein near her heart burst, and through a wide open wound in her side, blood began to pour forth, soaking her robe and cowl.”    She then sank to the floor and “lost her senses.”   She was never known to have been wounded in this way again but it is known that she kept the scar until the end of her life.   This took place when she was twenty-nine years old.   Witnesses to this event were two nuns, one named Margaret, the other Lutgarde of Limmos, who washed the Saint’s clothes.

Thomas Merton also tells that on many occasions, this saintly Cistercian, in meditating on Christ’s Passion, would fall into ecstasy and sweat blood.   A priest who had heard of this sweat of blood watched for an opportunity to witness it himself.   One day he found her in ecstasy, leaning against a wall, her face and hands dripping with blood.   Finding a pair of scissors, he managed to snip off a lock of the Saint’s hair which was wet with blood (he did so thinking to have proof of the event and also to have the lock of hair as a relic)   As he stood marveling at the blood on the lock of hair, the Saint suddenly came to herself.  Instantly the blood vanished; not only from her face and hands but also from the lock in his hands and also the blood that was on his hands!   Thomas Merton writes “At this, the priest was so taken aback that he nearly collapsed from astonishment.”

St. Lutgarde spent four decades at Aywières entirely devoted to the heart of Christ.   Five years before her death, that is, in 1241, St. Lutgarde received the revelation that she would enter heaven on the third Sunday after Pentecost, when the Gospel of the Great Marriage Feast would be sung.   She died in 1246.

St Lutgarde 8
St Lutgarde chair

Read further about St Lutgarde here :