Posted in EYES - Diseases, of the BLIND, SAINT of the DAY, SKIN DISEASES, RASHES

Saint of the Day – 16 July – St Helier of Jersey (Died c555) Martyr, Missionary, Hermit

Saint of the Day – 16 July – St Helier of Jersey (Died c555) Martyr, Missionary from Belgium, Hermit, Ascetic, Miracle-worker. Born at Tongres, Belgium and died at Jersey in the Channel Islands. PATRONAGES – St Helier is the Patron Saint of Jersey and in particular of the Diocese and Capital City of Jersey, named for him – Saint Helier, he is invoked against and for the cure of EYE diseases and skin disorders, Also known as – Elerio, Elie, Helerous, Hielier, Helerius, Hélyi.

Helier was born to pagan parents in Tongeren (now in Belgium). His father was Sigebert, a nobleman from Tongres and his mother was Lusigard. Having had difficulties conceiving a child, they turned to a Christian teacher named St Cunibert, who advised them to pray to God and that when they had a child they must hand him over to God and that he, Cunibert, would bring him up in the Christian faith.

Their prayers having been answered, Helier was born but Helier’s father, the Frankish Governor of that place, eventually grew angry at the influence Cunibert exerted over his precocious son, who was already causing consternation with his youthful miracles. Helier’s father had Cunibert killed, whereupon Helier fled.

Helier’s wanderings led him to the coast of France where he sought retreat from the distractions of the world in the monastic community of Saint Marculf at Nantus (now St.-Marcouf-de-l’Isle in Manche).

Helier, however, found the monastic community did not provide the quiet he required to devote himself fully to a life of contemplation. St Marculf had received pleas from the few inhabitants of the island called Gersut, or Agna, now called Jersey, which was all but depopulated due to repeated attacks by Vikings. The inhabitants requested someone to help them and bring the Gospel to them as they had no shepherd to guide and care for their spiritual needs.

A medieval Chapel was constructed over ‘St Helier’s Bed’ the hollow in the rock whre Helier sheltered. The Hermitage rock is the focus of the annual pilgrimage

Marculf sent Helier and a companion, Saint Romard, to Jersey where he found a small community of fishermen on the sand dunes where the modern City of St Helier was to develop. Helier settled on a tidal islet, nowadays known as the Hermitage Rock, next to L’Islet,[ another tidal island now occupied by the 16th Century Elizabeth Castle. The Romard would travel back and forth between the hermitage on this rock and the fishing village.

The Elizabeth Castle

From the vantage point on his rock, Helier could see the sails of approaching attackers and would signal to the shore, whereupon the inhabitants would scatter into the surrounding marshes, thereby frustrating the attackers’ bloodlust. Small dark clouds on the horizon are still known in Jersey as the sails of St Helier.

Helier remained at his hermitage in fasting and prayer for about fifteen years. The belief is that around 555 he was Martyred by marauding pirates who beheaded him with an axe – hence the crossed axes on the parish crest.

Once while Marculf was visiting, a band of raiders arrived. The Holy men, Marculf, Helier and Romard, prayed atogether nd made the Sign of the Cross resulting in a great storm awhich suddenly arose and destroyed the raiders ships.

Although Helier’s fasting ensured that his body was of a very lean and weak statue, legend holds that he had the strength, when he was beheaded by attackers, to pick up his head and walk to shore. According to the hagiography, Romard discovered Helier’s body on the beach still clutching his head in his hands. He placed it in a boat and set off for the mainland. The boat, guided by the hand of God, arrived at Bréville-sur-Mer, where a miraculous Spring arose on the spot where Helier’s body had rested overnight. A Church was founded next to the Spring, which is now topped by a statue and still attracts those seeking a cure.

Marculf founded an Abbey on L’Islet not far from Helier’s Hermitage and named it for his pupil. It was later visited by St Samson of Dol.

Churches dedicated to Helier can be found in Rennes, St Helier, Beuzeville, Amécourt, Barentin (Seine-Maritime), Monhoudou (Sarthe). Evidence of veneration of the saint can be found in La Hague in the Cotentin at Querqueville and also at Omonville-la-Rogue where a 13th-Century mural in the Church of St John the Baptist links Helier with Thomas Becket.

St Helier’s Feast day, marked in Jersey by an annual municipal and Ecumenical Pilgrimage to the Hermitage on 16 July. The Hermitage is depicted on the Jersey 2 pence coin and on the 2010 issue of the Jersey £10 note.

In 2005, the tides necessitated an early morning start to the Pilgrimage.

Pentecost VII, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Nuestra Señora del Carmen / Our Lady of Carmen, Spain, (17th Century) and Memorials of the Saints – 16 July

The 7th Sunday After Pentecost

Our Lady of Mount Carmel – When Mary gave the Scapular to an early Carmelite named Saint Simon Stock. (Optional Memorial)

The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel:

Nuestra Señora del Carmen / Our Lady of Carmen (Rute, Córdoba, Andalucía, Spain) (17th Century)– 16 July, 13 February – Patron of Rute:

St Andrew the Hermit
St Antiochus of Sebaste
Bl Arnold of Clairvaux
Bl Arnold of Hildesheim
St Athenogenes of Sebaste

St Bartholomew of Braga OP – ArchBishop of Braga also known as Bl Bartholomew of the Martyrs (Bartolomeu Fernandez dei Martiri Fernandes) (1514-1590) Portuguese Dominican Friar and Priest, Writer, Theologian, Advisor, Teacher and Catechetical writer, Apostle of Charity founding a series of hospitals and hospices in Braga and surrounds.
St Bartholomew:

St Benedict the Hermit

Blessed Ceslaus Odrowaz OP (c 1184– 1242) (Brother of St Hyacinth) Priest and Friar of the Order of Preachers, Confessor, Spiritual Advisor, miracle-worker. He was raised to the Altars by Pope Clement XI in 1713
About Blessed Ceslaus:

St Domnin
St Domnio of Bergamo
Bl Dorothée-Madeleine-Julie de Justamond
St Elvira of Ohren
St Eugenius of Noli
St Faustus
St Faustus of Rome and Milan

St Fulrad of Saint Denis (c 710-784) Abbot of Saint Denis Monastery, Chaplin and Counsellor of both King Pippin the Younger and King and Emperor Charlemagne, Founder of numerous Monasteries, Writer/Historian,, he oversaw the construction of a Basilica at St Denis.
About St Fulrad:

St Generosus of Poitou
St Gobbán Beg
St Gondulf of Tongeren-Maastricht
St Gondolf of Saintes
St Grimoald of Saintes
St Helier of Jersey (Died c555) Martyr, Hermit
Bl Irmengard
St Landericus of Séez
Bl Madeleine-Françoise de Justamond
Bl Marguerite-Rose de Gordon
Bl Marguerite-Thérèse Charensol
Bl Marie-Anne Béguin-Royal
Bl Marie-Anne Doux

St Marie-Madeline Postel (1756-1846) Religious Sister and Founder of the Sisters of Christian Schools of which she is the Patron, Teacher, Franciscan tertiary. Pope Pius X later signified on 22 January 1908 his approval to two investigated miracles attributed to her intercession and so Beatified her on 17 May 1908. Pope Pius XI confirmed two additional miracles and Canonised Blessed Marie-Madeline on 24 May 1925.
Her Life:

Bl Marie-Rose Laye
Bl Milon of Thérouanne
St Monulphus of Tongeren-Maastricht
Bl Ornandus of Vicogne

St Reinildis of Saintes ( c 630 – c 700) Virgin, Laywoman, Martyr, Pilgrim. Patronage – against eye diseases, the Town of Saintes.
Her Life and Death:

Bl Simão da Costa
St Sisenando of Cordoba
St Tenenan of Léon
St Valentine of Trier

St Vitalian of Capua (Died 699) Bishop of Capua, Hermit, Miracle-worker.
St Vitalian’s Life:

St Vitaliano of Osimo

Martyrs of Antioch – 5 Saints: Five Christians who were Martyred together. No details about them have survived by the names – Dionysius, Eustasius, Maximus, Theodosius and Theodulus. They were Martyred in Antioch, Syria, date unknown.