Posted in CHRIST the WORD and WISDOM, CHRIST, the WAY,TRUTH,LIFE, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, GOD the FATHER, QUOTES on the CHURCH, St JOSEPH, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 1 May – “Is not this the carpenter’s son? ”– Matthew 13:55

One Minute Reflection – 1 May – The Second Sunday after Easter – St Joseph the Worker, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Colossians 3:14-15, 17, 23-24, Matthew 13:54-58

“Is not this the carpenter’s son? ” – Matthew 13:55

REFLECTION – “For if I do not understand the nature placed at my service, I discern Your goodness from the mere fact that it is there to serve me. I perceive that I do not even understand myself but I wonder at You all the more… You have given me intellect, life and human feeling, the source of so many joys, yet I do not begin to understand how I began to be…
So it is through failing to understand what surrounds me, that I grasp what You are and, it is through perceiving what You are, that I come to adore You. That is why, in what concerns Your mysteries, my incomprehension lessens not a bit my faith in Your omnipotence… Your eternal Son’s birth exceeds even the idea of eternity – it is prior to the times everlasting. Before any other thing that exists, He was Son proceeding from You, O God and Father. He is true God… You have never existed without Him… Before ever time was, You are the eternal Father of Your Sole Begotten One.”… St Hilary (315-368) Bishop of Poitiers, Father and Doctor of the Divinity of Christ of the Church

PRAYER – O God, Creator of all things, Who dost impose on man the law of work, grant in Thy goodness, that, by the example and patronage of blessed Joseph, we may both accomplish the work Thou dost command and attain the reward Thou hast promised. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).


St Philip the Apostle, St James the Lesser Apostle, St Joseph the Worker, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Maria Santissima di Giubino, Siciliy / Madonna of Giubino, Sicily (1655) and Memorials of the Saints – 1 May

St James the Lesser Apostle (Feast)
St Philip the Apostle (Feast)
Sts James and Philip:

St Joseph the Worker, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
About this Memorial, which was established by Pope Pius XII in 1955:
AND here:

Maria Santissima di Giubino, Siciliy / Madonna of Giubino, Sicily (1655) – 1 May:

St Aceolus of Amiens
St Acius of Amiens
St Aldebrandus of Fossombrone
St Amator of Auxerre
St Ambrose of Ferentino
St Andeolus of Smyrna
Bl Arigius of Gap
St Arnold of Hiltensweiler
St Asaph of Llanelwy
St Augustine Schöffler

St Benedict of Szkalka OSB (Died 1012) Monk and Hermit

St Bertha of Avenay
St Bertha of Kent
St Brieuc of Brittany (c 420-c 510)Welsh Bishop Monk and Missionary to Brittany.
St Ceallach of Killala
St Cominus of Catania
Evermarus of Rousson
Bl Felim O’Hara
St Grata of Bergamo
St Isidora of Egypt
St Jeremiah the Prophet
St John-Louis Bonnard
Bl Klymentii Sheptytskyi
St Marculf
St Orentius of Auch
St Orentius of Loret
St Patientia of Loret

St Peregrine Laziosi OSM (1260-1345) The “Angel of Good Counsel,” Priest of the Servite Order (The Order of Servants of Mary), Apostle of the poor and the sick, Miracle-worker, Spiritual Advisor.  Patronages – against cancer, against breast cancer, against open sores, against skin diseases, AIDS patients, sick people, Diocese of Forli-Bertinoro, Italy, City of Forli, Italy.   St Peregrine’s body is Incorrupt.
Beautiful St Peregrine:

Bl Petronilla of Moncel

St Richard Pampuri OH (1897-1930) aged 33 – Italian Religious of the Hospitallers of St John of God, Medical Doctor, Founder of the Band of Pius X (a Youth movement) which he dedicated to the medical care of poor people, Third Order Franciscan. He was an outstanding lover of the Holy Eucharist in Adoration and an avid Marian devotee, as well as living out his short but faith-filled life in total charity to all the needy and poor.

St Romanus of Baghdad

St Sigismund of Burgundy (Died 524) King of the Burgundians and Martyr, Reforemer, Penitent, Apostle of the needy and the poor.
His Life and Death:

St Theodard of Narbonne
St Thorette
St Torquatus of Guadix
Blessed Vivald of Gimignano

Martyrs of Amiens:

Martyrs of Loret:

Martyrs of Vietnam:
Augustine Schöffler
John-Louis Bonnard


Feast of Madonna of Giubino and Memorials of the Saints – 1 May

St Joseph the Worker (Optional Memorial)
About this Memorial:

AND here:

Madonna of Giubino:
Read about this Marian Feast here:


St Aceolus of Amiens
St Acius of Amiens
St Aldebrandus of Fossombrone
St Amator of Auxerre
St Ambrose of Ferentino
St Andeolus of Smyrna
Bl Arigius of Gap
St Arnold of Hiltensweiler
St Asaph of Llanelwy
St Augustine Schöffler
St Benedict of Szkalka
St Bertha of Avenay
St Bertha of Kent
St Brieuc of Brittany
St Ceallach of Killala
St Cominus of Catania
Evermarus of Rousson
Bl Felim O’Hara
St Grata of Bergamo
St Isidora of Egypt
St Jeremiah the Prophet
St John-Louis Bonnard
Bl Klymentii Sheptytskyi
St Marculf
St Orentius of Auch
St Orentius of Loret
St Patientia of Loret
St Peregrine Laziosi OSM (1260-1345)
Bl Petronilla of Moncel
St Richard Pampuri OH (1897-1930) aged 33

St Romanus of Baghdad
St Sigismund of Burgundy
St Theodard of Narbonne
St Thorette
St Torquatus of Guadix
Bl Vivald of Gimignano

Martyrs of Amiens:

Martyrs of Loret:

Martyrs of Vietnam:
Augustine Schöffler
John-Louis Bonnard


Quote/s of the Day – 1 May – Sanctification through work

Quote/s of the Day – 1 May – Wednesday of the Second week of Easter, the first day of Mary’s Month and the Memorial of St Joseph the Worker, Gospel: John 3:16–21

“Sanctity, for the vast majority of people,
implies sanctifying their work,
sanctifying themselves in it
and sanctifying others through it.”sanctity for the vast majority - st joseph worker - st josemaria escriva 1 may 2019.jpg

“It is no good offering to God,
something that is less perfect
than our poor human limitations permit.
The work that we offer, must be without blemish
and it must be done as carefully as possible,
even in its smallest details,
for God will not accept shoddy workmanship.
‘Thou shalt not offer anything that is faulty,’
Holy Scripture warns us,
‘because it would not be worthy of him.’
For that reason, the work of each one of us,
the activities that take up our time and energy,
must be an offering worthy of our Creator.
It must be operatio Dei, a work of God,
that is done for God –
in short, a task that is complete and faultless.”

St Josemaria Escrivá (1902-1975)it is no good offering to god - on work - st josemaria escriva 1 may 2019.jpg

“A spirituality must be lived that will help believers
to sanctify themselves through their work,
imitating St Joseph, who everyday,
had to provide for the needs of the Holy Family
with his hands and who because of this,
the Church indicates as patron of workers.”

Pope Benedict XVIa spirituality must be lived - pope benedict 1 may 2019.jpg

“Work done grudgingly, is servitude.

Work done willingly, is service.

Work done lovingly, is a Sacrament!”



One Minute Reflection – 1 May – “The light that never dims”

One Minute Reflection – 1 May – Wednesday of the Second week of Easter, the first day of Mary’s Month and the Memorial of St Joseph the Worker, Gospel: John 3:16–21

“But he who does what is true comes to the light, that it may be clearly seen that his deeds have been wrought in God.”…John 3:21

REFLECTION – “In the evening, when the Bishop is present, the deacon carries in the lamp.   And standing in the midst of all the faithful who are there, he will offer thanksgiving.   First of all he says the greeting:  “The Lord be with you,” and the people respond:  “And with your spirit.” – Then he says: “Let us give thanks to the Lord” and they reply: “It is right and just.   To Him be the greatness and supremacy together with the glory”… Then he will pray thus, saying:
“We give you thanks, Lord, through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom you enlighten us by revealing the light that never dims.   Since day is spent and we have now reached evening, filled with the light of the day you created for our joy and since, through your grace, we do not now lack the light of evening, we praise and glorify you through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom to you be glory and power and honour, with the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and through all ages. Amen.”   And everyone will say: “Amen.”
In this way, after the meal, all will stand in prayer.   The children say psalms as also the virgins.”…St Hippolytus of Rome (c 170– c 235) Priest and Martyr – Apostolic Tradition, 25john 3 21 but he who does what is true - we give you thanks Lord - st hippolytus 1 may 2019.jpg

PRAYER – Shed your clear light on our hearts, Lord, so that walking continually in the way of Your commandments, we may never be deceived or misled.   Your ways are not our ways, teach us to willingly agree to them, for You know which way we should go. Help us to say “yes” always to Your plan and to render ourselves as a sacrament of Your divine love to all we meet.   Fill us with the grace to be your tools to bring glory to Your kingdom.   St Joseph, silent and loving husband and father, as you worked for and protected your family on earth, protect us all now in the Church of Your adopted son. Through Him, our Our Lord Jesus Christ with You, in the union of the Holy Spirit, one God forever, joseph the worker pray for us 1 may 2019.jpg



Our Morning Offering – 1 May – Transforming our daily work into something beautiful for God

Our Morning Offering – 1 May – Wednesday of the Second week of Easter, the first day of Mary’s Month and the Memorial of St Joseph the Worker

Transforming our daily work into something beautiful for God.

On 1 May 1955, Venerable Servant of God Pope Pius XII (1876-1958) established a new Memorial in the Church’s calendar, dedicating 1 May to “St Joseph the Worker.”   He sought to affirm the rights of workers and to put forth St Joseph as the supreme model.

“As the Vicar of Christ, we wish to reaffirm highly, on this day of 1 May… the dignity of work and [to] inspire social life and laws, based on a fair share of rights and duties … We have determined to establish the liturgical feast of St Joseph the Worker, assigning it precisely on the 1st of May … because the humble craftsman of Nazareth not only embodies the dignity of the arm of the worker … he is also always the guardian of you and your families.”

St Pope Pius X (1835-1914) had similar desires when he composed a prayer to “St Joseph the Worker.”   It is a prayer that recognises the great dignity of work and how it can be offered to God as a sacrifice, pleasing in His sight.   St Joseph has always been the supreme example of this type of holy work, teaching his son, Jesus, how to work with great care and precision, giving to God His best work possible.

O Glorious St Joseph,
model of all those who are devoted to labour,
obtain for me the grace to work conscientiously,
putting the call of duty above my natural inclinations,
to work with gratitude and joy,
in a spirit of penance for the remission of my sins,
considering it an honour to employ
and develop by means of labour,
the gifts received from God,
to work with order, peace, moderation and patience,
without ever shrinking from weariness
and difficulties, to work above all,
with purity of intention
and detachment from self,
having always death before my eyes
and the account that I must render of time lost,
of talents wasted, of good omitted,
of vain complacency in success,
so fatal to the work of God.
All for Jesus,
all through Mary,
all after thine example,
O Patriarch, St Joseph.
Such shall be my motto in life and in death.


St Joseph the Worker, Madonna of Giubino and Memorials of the Saints – 1 May

St Joseph the Worker (Optional Memorial)
About this Memorial:

Madonna of Giubino:
Read about this Marian Feast here:

St Aceolus of Amiens
St Acius of Amiens
St Aldebrandus of Fossombrone
St Amator of Auxerre
St Ambrose of Ferentino
St Andeolus of Smyrna
Bl Arigius of Gap
St Arnold of Hiltensweiler
St Asaph of Llanelwy
St Augustine Schöffler
St Benedict of Szkalka
St Bertha of Avenay
St Bertha of Kent
St Brieuc of Brittany
St Ceallach of Killala
St Cominus of Catania
Evermarus of Rousson
Bl Felim O’Hara
St Grata of Bergamo
St Isidora of Egypt
St Jeremiah the Prophet
St John-Louis Bonnard
Bl Klymentii Sheptytskyi
St Marculf
St Orentius of Auch
St Orentius of Loret
St Patientia of Loret
St Peregrine Laziosi (1260-1345) Incorrupt
Bl Petronilla of Moncel
St Richard Pampuri OH (1897-1930) aged 33
St Romanus of Baghdad
St Sigismund of Burgundy
St Theodard of Narbonne
St Thorette
St Torquatus of Guadix
Bl Vivald of Gimignano

Posted in MORNING Prayers, QUOTES - J R R Tolkien and MORE, QUOTES on WORK/LABOUR, SAINT of the DAY, St JOSEPH

Quote of the Day – 1 May – Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of St Joseph the Worker

Quote of the Day – 1 May – Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Eastertide and the Memorial of St Joseph the Worker

“Work done grudgingly, is servitude.

Work done willingly, is service.

Work done lovingly, is a Sacrament!”

Unknownwork done grudgingly - 1 may 2018 - st joseph the worker - unknown author


Memorial of St Joseph the Worker – 1 May

Memorial of St Joseph the Worker – 1 May

“May Day” has long been dedicated as a special day for labour and working people.  The feast of St. Joseph the Worker was established by Pope Pius XII in 1955 to Christianise labour and give all workers a model and a protector.

By the daily labour in his shop, St. Joseph provided for the necessities of his holy spouse and of the Incarnate Son of God and thus became a role model for labourers.   The liturgy for this feast celebrates the right to work and this is a message that needs to be heard and heeded in our modern society.   How did this connection with St Joseph the Worker, which is nearly as old as Christianity, get made?San_Giuseppe_G

In an effort to keep Jesus from being removed from ordinary life, the Church has from the beginning proudly emphasised that Jesus was a carpenter, obviously trained by Joseph in the satisfaction and the drudgery of that vocation.

Humanity is like God, not only in thinking and loving but also in creating.   Whether we make a table or a cathedral, we are called to bear fruit with our hands and mind, ultimately for the building up of the Body of Christ.   In addition to this, there is a special dignity and value to the work of caring for the family.

An excerpt from the Vatican II document on the modern world said, “Where men and women, in the course of gaining a livelihood for themselves and their families, offer appropriate service to society, they can be confident that their personal efforts promote the work of the Creator, confer benefits on their fellowmen, and help to realise God’s plan in history.”

St Pope Pius X (1835-1914) composed this prayer to St Joseph, patron of working people, that expresses concisely the Christian attitude toward labour.   It summarises also for us the lessons of the Holy Family’s work at Nazareth.

Let us Pray:

Glorious St Joseph,
model of all who devote their lives to labour,
obtain for me the grace to work,
in the spirit of penance, in order thereby,
to atone for my many sins;
to work conscientiously,
setting devotion to duty in preference to my own whims;
to work with thankfulness and joy,
deeming it an honour to employ
and to develop, by my labour,
the gifts I have received from God;
to work with order, peace, moderation and patience,
without ever shrinking from weariness and difficulties;
to work above all with a pure intention
and with detachment from self,
having always before my eyes,
the hour of death and the accounting
which I must then render of time ill spent,
of talents wasted, of good omitted
and of vain complacency in success,
which is so fatal to the work of God.

All for Jesus, all through Mary,
all in imitation of you, O Patriarch Joseph!
This shall be my motto in life and in death,

More info on Patronages etc here :


Posted in MORNING Prayers, PRAYERS of the CHURCH, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, QUOTES of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

1 May – The Memorial of St Joseph the Worker

1 May – The Memorial of St Joseph the Worker

Let us Pray:

Prayer to St Joseph the Worker
By St Pope John XXIII

Saint Joseph, guardian of Jesus and chaste husband of Mary,
you passed your life in loving fulfillment of duty.
You supported the holy family of Nazareth with the work of your hands.
Kindly protect those who trustingly come to you.
You know their aspirations, their hardships, their hopes.
They look to you because they know you will understand and protect them.
You too knew trial, labour and weariness.
But amid the worries of material life,
your soul was full of deep peace and sang out in true joy
through intimacy with God’s Son entrusted to you and with Mary,
His tender Mother.
Assure those you protect that they do not labour alone.
Teach them to find Jesus near them
and to watch over Him faithfully as you have done. Amen




Thought for the Day – 1 May

Thought for the Day – 1 May

The Foreshadowing of Saint Joseph

As the Church of Christ is prefigured in the rites and ceremonies of the Old Law, so the chief personages who centre round Our Lord in the redemption of the world are foreshadowed in the Old Testament.    We trace the outlines of Our Lady’s graces in Esther, Jahel, Bethsabee, Judith.    So, too, Saint Joseph’s place in the new dispensation is anticipated in the place of the patriarch Joseph at the court of Pharao.    Thus it is that God in His love for His chosen ones paves the way for them centuries before.    From the beginning He has prepared their work, and the throne they are to earn in heaven by their labors and sufferings for Him.

In the life of the patriarch Joseph there was throughout a correspondence to the life of the foster-father of Jesus Christ.    The troubles and persecutions of his early life; his long time of servitude and obscurity; his wondrous purity, his time of patient expectation; his glorious exaltation; his omnipotence with the king; his power to save all who came to him – all these were repeated, or rather were fulfilled, in Saint Joseph.    Reflect on each of these, and consider how Saint Joseph is a model to us.

We read of the patriarch, Joseph, that the king of Egypt made him lord of his house.    So God made Saint Joseph lord of that earthly tabernacle of flesh in which He dwelt on earth.    Joseph ruled Our Lord in His sacred humanity.    He made him lord, too, of another house in which He sojourned, of the sacred house that Wisdom built for Himself in the form of His holy Mother.    If Saint Joseph was thus lord of Jesus and Mary, what may we not expect from Him?   In our lives on the ‘narrow road’, on our way home, in our difficulties, in our labour and our toil!?

To capture the devotion to Saint Joseph within the Catholic liturgy, in 1870, Pope Pius IX declared Saint Joseph the patron of the universal Church. In 1955, Pope Pius XII added the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker.    This silent saint, who was given the noble task of caring and watching over the Virgin Mary and Jesus, now cares for and watches over the Church and models for all the dignity of human work.

“What emanates from the figure of Saint Joseph is faith.    Joseph of Nazareth is a “just man” because he totally “lives by faith.”     He is holy because his faith is truly heroic. Sacred Scripture says little of him.    It does not record even one word spoken by Joseph, the carpenter of Nazareth.    And yet, even without words, he shows the depth of his faith, his greatness.    Saint Joseph is a man of great spirit.    He is great in faith, not because he speaks his own words but above all because he listens to the words of the Living God.    He listens in silence.    And his heart ceaselessly perseveres in the readiness to accept the Truth contained in the word of the Living God.    We see how the word of the Living God penetrates deeply into the soul of that man, that just man.    And we, do we know how to listen to the word of God?    Do we know how to absorb it into the depths of our human personalities? Do we open our conscience in the presence of this word?”

– Pope John Paul II from Daily Meditations

St Joseph the Worker, Pray for us!ST JOSEPHTHEWORKER - PRAY FOR US

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 1 May – St Joseph the Worker

Saint of the Day – 1 May – St Joseph the Worker


Additional Memorials

• 19 March
• 1 May (Joseph the Worker)
• 3rd Wednesday after Easter (patronage of Saint Joseph of the Universal Church)
• 3 January on some local calendars
• 29 October (Armenian)
• 20 July (Coptic)

Patronages –  against doubt, against hesitation, accountants, attornies, barristers, bursars, cabinetmakers, carpenters, cemetery workers, children, civil engineers, confectioners, craftsmen, dying people, educators, emigrants, exiles, expectant mothers, families, fathers, furniture makers, grave diggers, happy death, holy death, house hunters, immigrants, interior souls, joiners, laborers, lawyers, married people, orphans, people in doubt, people who fight Communism, pioneers, pregnant women, social justice, solicitors, teachers, travellers, unborn children, wheelwrights, workers, working people, Catholic Church, Oblates of Saint Joseph, for protection of the Church, Universal Church, Vatican II, Americas, Austria, Belgium, Bohemia, Canada, China, Croatian people, Korea, Mexico, New France, New World, Peru, Philippines, Vatican City, Viet Nam, Canadian Armed Forces, Papal States, 46 dioceses, 26 cities, states and regions.

St. Joseph has two feast days on the liturgical calendar.    The first is March 19—Joseph, the Husband of Mary. The second is May 1—Joseph, the Worker.

“Saint Joseph is a man of great spirit. He is great in faith, not because he speaks his own words but above all because he listens to the words of the Living God.   He listens in silence.  And his heart ceaselessly perseveres in the readiness to accept the Truth contained in the word of the Living God,”   Pope John Paul II had once said.

There is very little about the life of Joseph in Scripture but still, we know that he was the chaste husband of Mary, the foster father of Jesus, a carpenter and  a man who was not wealthy.    We also know that he came from the royal lineage of King David.

We can see from his actions in scripture that Joseph was a compassionate man and obedient to the will of God.    He also loved Mary and Jesus and wanted to protect and provide for them.

Since Joseph does not appear in Jesus’ public life, at his death, or resurrection, many historians believe Joseph had probably died before Jesus entered public ministry.

Joseph is the patron of many things, including the universal Church, fathers, the dying and social justice.

Posted in MORNING Prayers, NOVENAS

Novena to St Joseph the Worker – Day Four – 25 April

Novena to St Joseph the Worker – 25 April

“We are often called upon to do ‘mindless’ work.   But our spiritual task is to transform it.   Emptying the trash can be considered mindless but if I see it as a contribution to the well-being of my family, it can be immensely significant to me.”

Msgr Lorenzo Albacete

Let us Pray:



Glorious St Joseph,
in your diligent daily labour,
you provided for the household
of the Holy Family.
Patron of all workers,
you model how work is a
participation in God’s own activity.
Silent and glorious carpenter of Nazareth,
model of workers, by the work of your
hands you gave your contribution to the work of the Creator,
you earned your living, and
you provided for the needs of the Holy Family.
Intercede for all workers, in the difficulties
of their daily lives especially for the unemployed,
in their anxieties for tomorrow,
so that through the guidance of God,
the great Architect and Builder, they all
may use their strength and talents
to make visible God’s new creation,
to offer a concrete service to society
and to earn wages worthy of their efforts.
With confidence and trust
we make our intention
(make your intention)
I pray to you, dear St Joseph, through our Lord,
Jesus Christ, your dearly beloved foster Son,
in union with the Father and the Holy ,
one God for ever and ever.