Notre-Dame de Piedmont / Our Lady of Pignerol, Savoy, France (1098) and Memorials of the Saints – 15 November

Notre-Dame de Piedmont / Our Lady of Pignerol, Savoy, France (1098) – 15 November:

St Albertus Magnus OP (1200-1280) Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church – Doctor Universalis (Universal Doctor) – Priest and Friar of the Order of Preachers, Theologian, Scientist, Philospher, Teacher, Writer. St Albert was Beatified in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV and Canonised and created a Doctor of the Church in 1931 by Pope Pius XI.   St Albert was known during his lifetime as Doctor universalis and Doctor expertus and, late in his life, the sobriquet Magnus was appended to his name.
St Albert!

St Anianus of Wilparting
St Arnulf of Toul
Bl Caius of Korea
St Desiderius of Cahors
St Eugene of Toledo
St Felix of Nola
St Findan
St Fintan the Missionary
St Gurias of Edessa
Bl Hugh Faringdon
Bl John Eynon
Bl John Rugg
Bl John Thorne

St Leopold III/Leopold the Good ( 1073 – 1136) “Leopold the Good,” Margrave of Austria. He was Canonised on 6 January 1485 by Pope Innocent VIII.

Blessed Lucia (Lucy) of Narni OP (1476-1544) Virgin, Tertiary of the Order of Preachers, Mystic, Stigmatist, Her body is incorrupt. So many miracles occurred at her Shrine that Lucia was finally Beatified on 1 March 1710 by Pope Clement XI.
It is thought that Lucia was the inspiration for th little girl Lucy, who could see many things that no-one else could, in C S Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia.
Her Life:

St Luperius of Verona
St Machudd of Llanfechell
St Malo of Aleth
St Marinus of Wilparting

St Paduinus of Le Mans
Bl Richard Whiting
Bl Roger James
St Shamuna of Edessa
St Sidonius of Saint-Saens

Martyrs of Hippo – 20 Saints: 20 Christians Martyred together and celebrated by Saint Augustine. The only details about them to survive are three of the names – Fidenziano, Valerian and Victoria. Hippo, Numidia (in north Africa).

Martyrs of North Africa – 3 Saints: A group of Christians murdered for their faith in imperial Roman north Africa. The only details that have survived are the names of three of them – Fidentian, Secundus and Varicus.

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 15 November

St Albertus Magnus OP (1200-1280) (Optional Memorial)
St Albert!

St Anianus of Wilparting
St Arnulf of Toul
Bl Caius of Korea
St Desiderius of Cahors
St Eugene of Toledo
St Felix of Nola
St Findan
St Fintan the Missionary
St Gurias of Edessa
Bl Hugh Faringdon
Bl John Eynon
Bl John Rugg
Bl John Thorne
St Joseph Mukasa
St Joseph Pignatelli
St Leopold III/Leopold the Good ( 1073 – 1136)
St Luperius of Verona
St Machudd of Llanfechell
St Malo of Aleth
St Marinus of Wilparting
Bl Mary of the Passion FMM (1839-1904)
Bl Miguel Díaz Sánchez
St Paduinus of Le Mans
Bl Richard Whiting
Bl Roger James
St Shamuna of Edessa
St Sidonius of Saint-Saens

Martyrs of Hippo – 20 saints: 20 Christians martyred together and celebrated by Saint Augustine. The only details about them to survive are three of the names – Fidenziano, Valerian and Victoria. Hippo, Numidia (in north Africa).

Martyrs of North Africa – 3 saints: A group of Christians murdered for their faith in imperial Roman north Africa. The only details that have survived are the names of three of them – Fidentian, Secundus and Varicus.

Posted in FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on SANCTITY, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 15 November – Today’s Gospel: Luke 17:20–25

One Minute Reflection – 15 November – Today’s Gospel: Luke 17:20–25 – Thursday of the Thirty Second week in Ordinary Time, Year B and the Memorial of St Albert the Great (1200-1280) and St Leopold the Good (1073-1136)

“…For behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.”...Luke 17:21for behold, the kingdom of god is in the midst of you - luke 17 21 - 15 nov 2018

REFLECTION – “The kingdom of God according to our Lord and Saviour’s word “does not come with signs to be observed, nor will they say, ‘Lo, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ but the kingdom of God is within us”.   For the Word “is very near, in our mouth and in our heart” (cf. Dt 30:14; Rm 10:8).  So it is clear, that the one who prays that the kingdom of God may come, prays that the kingdom of God may spring up in him, bear fruit and be rightly perfected.   This is because every saint is ruled by God, obeys the spiritual laws of God and dwells in himself as in a well-ordered city.   The Father is present with him and Christ rules with the Father, in his perfected soul, in accord with the verse we called to mind a little earlier, “We will come to him and make our home with him” (Jn 14:23).
As we make continual progress, the highest point of the kingdom of God will be established for us when the apostle Paul’s word is fulfilled, when Christ with all His enemies made subject to Him will deliver “the kingdom to God the Father … that God may be all in all” (1 Cor 15:24, 28).
Therefore, let us pray constantly (cf. Thess 5:17) with a character being divinised by the Word and let us say to our Father in heaven, “hallowed be your name, your kingdom come” (Mt 6:9).”…Origen (c 185-253) Father of the Church

luke 17 21 - for behold the kingdom of god- so it is clear that the one who prays - origen 15 november 2018

PRAYER – Our Father, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done! Grant us Lord, a true knowledge of our salvation, so that freed from fear and from the power of our foes, we may serve You faithfully, all the days of our lives and thus attain eternal joy with You.   May the prayers of St Albert and St Leopold on our behalf, be a succour to us all.   Through our Lord Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit, one God for all eternity, amen.


st leopold the good pray for us 15 nov 2018

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 15 November – St Leopold III (1073-1136) – “Leopold the Good”

Saint of the Day – 15 November – St Leopold III (1073-1136) – “Leopold the Good” Margrave of Austria (the Margraviate of Austria was a southeastern frontier march (borderland) of the Holy Roman Empire created in 976 out of the territory on the border with the Principality of Hungary) – born in 1073 at Melk, Lower Austria, Austria and died in 1136 at the abbey of Klosternburg, Niederosterrich, Austria of natural causes. Patronages – against the death of children, large families, Lower Austria, step-parents, Austria (since 1663 but officially proclaimed on 17 December 1913 by Pope Pius X), Upper Austria, Abetone, Italy.814px-Hl_Leopold_(Österreich_18_Jh)

Leopold was born at Babenberg castle in Gars am Kamp, the son of Margrave Leopold II and Ida of Formbach-Ratelnberg.   The Babenbergs came to Austria from Bavaria where the family had risen to prominence in the 10th Century.   He grew up in the diocese of Passau under the influence of the reformer Bishop Altmann of Passau.

In 1096 Leopold succeeded his father as Margrave of Austria at the age of 23.   He married twice.   His first wife, who died in 1105, may have been one of the von Perg family.   The following year he married Agnes, the widowed sister of Emperor Henry V whom he had supported against her father Henry IV.   This connection to the Salians raised the importance of the House of Babenberg, to which important royal rights over the Margravate of Austria were granted.   Also, Agnes had influential connections through her previous marriage to Frederick of Hohenstaufen, one of her sons being Conrad III of Germany.

Leopold called himself “Princeps Terræ”, a reflection of his sense of territorial independence.   He was considered a candidate in the election of the Kaiser of the Holy Roman Empire in 1125 but declined this honour.Saint_Leopold_III_Margrave_of_Austria_(Church_at_Gaaden)

He is mainly remembered for the development of the country and, in particular, the founding of several monasteries.   His most important foundation is Klosterneuburg (1108).   According to legend, the Virgin Mary appeared to him and led him to a place where he found the veil of his wife Agnes, who had lost it years earlier.   He established the Klosterneuburg Monastery there.   He subsequently expanded the settlement to become his residence.   Leopold also founded the monasteries of Heiligenkreuz, Kleinmariazell and Seitenstetten which developed a territory still largely covered by forest.   All of these induced the church to Canonise him in 1485.Leopold_III_of_Austria

Leopold also fostered the development of cities, such as Klosterneuburg, Vienna and Krems.   The writings of Henry of Melk and Ava of Göttweig, which are the first literary texts from Austria, date back to Leopold’s time.

He is buried in the Klosterneuburg Monastery, which he founded.   His skull is kept in an embroidered reliquary, which leaves the forehead exposed, it also wears an archducal crown.

In 1663, under the rule of his namesake Emperor Leopold I, he was declared patron saint of Austria instead of Saint Koloman.

The brother, Joseph and Michael Haydn, each of whom sang in the choir of St Stephen’s Cathedral, both sang in that capacity at Klosterneuburg on this day.   Joseph Haydn later became the more famous composer of the two.   Michael Haydn later (1805) wrote a Mass in honour of Leopold, the Missa sub titulo Sancti Leopoldi.

St Leopold was Canonised on 6 January 1485 by Pope Innocent leopold III snip