The Transfiguration of Our Lord, The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Nossa Senhora das Graças / Our Lady of Graces, Brazil (1936) and Memorials of the Saints – 6 August

The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

The Transfiguration of Our Lord

St Gezelin of Schlebusch O.Cist. (Died 1149) Lay Brother of the Cistercian Order, Hermit.
St Gislain of Luxemburg
St Glisente of Brescia
Bl Goderanno
Bl Guillermo Sanz
St Hardulf of Breedon

St James the Syrian

Bl Octavian of Savona
St Stephen of Cardeña
Bl William of Altavilla


Nossa Senhora das Graças / Our Lady of Graces, Pesqueira, Pernambuco, Northeast, Brazil (1936) and Memorials of the Saints – 6 August

The Transfiguration of Our Lord

St Pope Sixtus II/ Xystus (Died 258) Pope and Martyr, Philosopher. 25th Pope from St Peter. Papal Ascension 30 August 257. He was Martyred along with seven deacons, (St Lawrence of Rome a few days later) during the persecutions of Christianity by Emperor Valerian. This is the St Sixtus who is commemorated in the Roman Canon Eucharistic Prayer.
His Life and Death:

Nossa Senhora das Graças / Our Lady of Graces, Pesqueira, Pernambuco, Northeast, Brazil (1936) – 6 August :

Bl Gezelin of Schlebusch O.Cist. (Died 1149) Lay Brother of the Cistercian Order, Hermit
St Gislain of Luxemburg
St Glisente of Brescia
Bl Goderanno
Bl Guillermo Sanz
St Hardulf of Breedon

St Pope Hormisdas (c 450-523) Bishop of Rome from 514 until his death in 523. A talented diplomat, arbitrator and negotiator.
His Life:

St James the Syrian

St Justus and St Pastor of Alcala – Holy Martyred Children (Died 304) Saints Justus and Pastor of Alcala were two brothers, who in their tender age overcame, with an heroic courage, the rage and power of Dacian, armed with all the instruments of cruelty.
The Martyred Children:

Bl Octavian of Savona
St Stephen of Cardeña
Bl William of Altavilla

Martyrs of Cardeña: Two hundred Benedictine Monks at the Saint Peter of Cardegna monastery, Burgos, Spain who were Martyred in the 8th century by invading Saracens. They were buried by local Christians in a nearby churchyard in Burgos, Spain and Beatified in 1603 by Pope Clement VIII (cultus confirmed).


Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, Nossa Senhora das Graças / Our Lady of Graces, Pesqueira, Pernambuco, Northeast, Brazil (1936) and Memorials of the Saints – 6 August

Transfiguration of Our Lord (Feast)

Nossa Senhora das Graças / Our Lady of Graces, Pesqueira, Pernambuco, Northeast, Brazil (1936) – 6 August :

On 6 August 1936, Maria da Luz Teixeira, 13, and Maria da Conceição, 16 (a poor girl living with the Teixeira family), were gathering castor beans on Guarda mountain in the Cimbres district, 15 miles from Pesqueira. There was a flash of light and then Maria da Conceição said, “Look, there’s an image that looks like Our Lady.” Maria da Luz saw it too, up on a rock. They ran home and told Maria da Luz’s parents. At her mother’s insistence, Artur Teixeira climbed the hill with the girls, who reached the spot long before he struggled up through the brush. He saw nothing unusual but, at his suggestion, the girls together asked the image, “Who are you?” “I am Grace.” They asked what she wanted. “I’ve come to warn of three punishments sent by God. Tell the people to pray much and do penance.”

After this the girls returned to the site daily, where they prayed with a growing crowd of pilgrims. On 9 August, the crowd demanded a sign; reluctantly, the girls asked for one. The next day, they found water flowing from the rock and two sets of footprints embedded in stone, one an adult’s and one a child’s. The apparition confirmed they belonged to her and her son. The Bishop conducted an investigation. Maria da Luz described Our Lady of Grace as “similar to Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Pesqueira Cathedral but her mantle is blue and her dress cream, with a belt. She has a little child in her left arm and both have very beautiful crowns on their heads.”

Eventually the Virgin told her that the people’s response had been sufficient to avert the three chastisements, sometimes identified as armed bandits (particularly the notorious Lampião, killed by police in 1938) and the coming of World War II or a Communist regime to Brazil. Maria da Conceição died young. In 1940, Maria da Luz joined the Religious of Christian Instruction, taking the name Sister Adélia. In her absence, pilgrims continued to visit the Shrine at the apparition site, where 296 carved stone steps lead to a Statue of Our Lady of Grace (as depicted on the Miraculous Medal, without the Child, not as the girls saw her) and to report miracles there.
In 1966, the Vatican approved the apparitions. Sister Adélia has since participated in some events at the Shrine, including the anniversary pilgrimages of 1985 and 1986 and reported some new messages from Our Lady. As of 2010 she was still living, aged 87. Because the original site is located in the Xukuru Indian reservation, an area of constant conflict, the City and Diocese of Pesqueira have built a new Shrine to Our Lady of Grace, with a grotto and Chapel, on a Calvary Shrine hill closer to town.

Bl Gezelin of Schlebusch
St Gislain of Luxemburg
St Glisente of Brescia
Bl Goderanno
Bl Guillermo Sanz
St Hardulf of Breedon

St Pope Hormisdas (c 450-523) Bishop of Rome from 514 until his death in 523. A talented diplomat, arbitrator and negotiator.
His Life:

St James the Syrian

St Justus and St Pastor of Alcala – Holy Martyred Children (Died 304) Saints Justus and Pastor of Alcala were two brothers, who in their tender age overcame, with an heroic courage, the rage and power of Dacian, armed with all the instruments of cruelty.
The Martyred Children:

Bl Octavian of Savona
St Pope Sixtus II (Died 258) Pope and Martyr

St Stephen of Cardeña
Bl Tadeusz Dulny
Bl William of Altavilla

Martyrs of Cardeña: Two hundred Benedictine monks at the Saint Peter of Cardegna monastery, Burgos, Spain who were martyred in the 8th century by invading Saracens. They were buried by local Christians in a nearby churchyard in Burgos, Spain and Beatified in 1603 by Pope Clement VIII (cultus confirmed).

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War: 10 Beati
• Blessed Alejandro Casare Menéndez
• Blessed Andrés Soto Carrera
• Blessed José González Ramos Campos
• Blessed José María Recalde Magúregui
• Blessed Juan Silverio Pérez Ruano
• Blessed Saturnino Ortega Montealegre


Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord and Memorials of the Saints – 6 August

Transfiguration of Our Lord (Feast)


Bl Gezelin of Schlebusch
St Gislain of Luxemburg
St Glisente of Brescia
Bl Goderanno
Bl Guillermo Sanz
St Hardulf of Breedon
St Pope Hormisdas (c 450-523)
His Life:
St James the Syrian
St Justus and St Pastor of Alcala – Holy Martyred Children (Died 304)
Bl Maria Francesca Rubatto
Bl Octavian of Savona
St Stephen of Cardeña
Bl Tadeusz Dulny
Bl William of Altavilla

Martyrs of Cardeña: Two hundred Benedictine monks at the Saint Peter of Cardegna monastery, Burgos, Spain who were martyred in the 8th century by invading Saracens. They were buried by local Christians in a nearby churchyard in Burgos, Spain and Beatified in 1603 by Pope Clement VIII (cultus confirmed).

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War: 10 Beati
• Blessed Alejandro Casare Menéndez
• Blessed Andrés Soto Carrera
• Blessed José González Ramos Campos
• Blessed José María Recalde Magúregui
• Blessed Juan Silverio Pérez Ruano
• Blessed Saturnino Ortega Montealegre

Posted in SAINT of the DAY, The SIGN of the CROSS

Saint of the Day – 6 August – Saint Pope Hormisdas (c 450-523)

Saint of the Day – 6 August – Saint Pope Hormisdas (c 450-523) – Papal Ascension 514 to 523 – talented diplomat, arbitrator and negotiater, born at Frosinone, Latium (southern Italy) and died at Rome on 6 August 523 of natural causes.St.-Hormisdas-Pope

One of the few popes to ever have children, Hormisdas’ actually raised his son to be a pope, Silverus (died 538).

A man of wealth, Hormisdas was born about 450 AD in Frosinone, Campagnia di Roma, Italy, in other words, the plains around the city of Rome.   This would put him in the centre of continual politics and controversy his whole life.   As a youth, Hormisdas married and had at least one son.   He most likely had a career in law or diplomacy, since he seemed to have such talent in this field.

However, as a middle-aged man, Hormisdas was probably widowed and turned his attention to the Church.   He became a deacon.   A well-known figure in Rome, Hormisdas was a foremost clerical supporter of Pope Symmachus during the Laurentian Schism, a time of competing papacies.   He was a notary of the 502 synod.

The day after the burial of the dead pope, Symmachus, Hormisdas was elected without notable controversy.   The people of Rome were probably tired of the anger and fighting.
His first action after his election was to receive back into the Church all the adherents of the Laurentian schism, those who had not yet reconciled.   The schism had lasted much too long, most likely because of a hatred directed at the person of Symmachus. Hormisdas wanted to move forward.

The second action Hormisdas took was to try to clear up the long lasting Acacian schism. This had been going on for 30 years, since 484.   Some Eastern bishops had tried to take the matter into their hands by writing to Symmachus asking for an attempt at re-unification.   However, Symmachus wanted the bishops to condemn Acacius and the bishops disagreed.   It was time for the new pope to try.Pope_hormisdas-e1496087523114

Emperor Anastasius, succssor to Zeno, was still on the throne.   He had maintained the Henoticon to the point that he was inclined toward Monophysitism, the belief that the Divine nature and the human nature of Jesus were one.   This was not the teaching of Rome.   Anastasius had driven three patriarchs out of their cities for their too orthodox teachings.

Discontent had been growing towards Anastasius’ inclinations.   A commander of the army, Vitalian of Lower Moesia, led a revolt.   He made two demands – 1. he wanted the office of distribution of grain for the troops restored to his person, a rather minor request;  and  2. he wanted the decisions of the Council of Chalcedon to be recognised and full unity with Rome.   Vitalian was very insistent.   He got many supporters as he marched towards Constantinople with his growing army.   By the time he arrived, in the late fall of 514, the emperor’s nephew, Hypatius, was waiting for him with the emperor’s army.   Hypatius was defeated and Emperor Anastasius was obligated to negotiate.

Vitalian was in a position to push his agenda.   He demanded that Anastasius convene a synod at Heraclea on 1 July 515, invite the pope and submit to the pope’s arbitration, the dispute about the various empty sees to restore unity.   Playing a game of chance with letters to the pope, the emperor sent out two letters by two carriers.   It took months for the pope to receive either and his ambassadors got to Heraclea too late for the synod.

A game of cat and mouse took up the next three years as ambassadors went back and forth, to no avail.   But suddenly, Anastasiius died in July of 518 and his supporter, the Patriarch Timotheus died shortly thereafter.   The new emperor, Justin I was a Chalcedonian Christian and was bound to reject the Monophysitism.   Within a year, negotiations had ironed out a formula.

In March, 519, the new Patriarch John signed a confession of faith, also known as the Formula of Hormisdas, reaffirming the teachings of the Council of Chalcedon.
The first sentence of the Formula reads as follows:  “The first condition of salvation is to keep the norm of the true faith and in no way to deviate from the established doctrine of the Fathers.”

Pope Hormisdas lived several years after his crowning accomplishment, dying on August 6, 523 AD.   He is buried in St Peter’s Basilica.   The Papal Medallion below is one of the only 56 on the main floor of St Peter’s pope medallion at st peter's M-Hormisdas-52


Feast of the Transfiguration and Memorials of the Saints – 6 August

Transfiguration of Our Lord (Feast)

Bl Gezelin of Schlebusch
St Gislain of Luxemburg
St Glisente of Brescia
Bl Goderanno
Bl Guillermo Sanz
St Hardulf of Breedon
St Pope Hormisdas (c 450-523)
St James the Syrian
St Justus of Alcala
Bl Maria Francesca Rubatto
Bl Octavian of Savona
St Pastor of Alcala
St Stephen of Cardeña
Bl Tadeusz Dulny
Bl William of Altavilla

Martyrs of Cardeña: Two hundred Benedictine monks at the Saint Peter of Cardegna monastery, Burgos, Spain who were martyred in the 8th century by invading Saracens. They were buried by local Christians in a nearby churchyard in Burgos, Spain and Beatified in 1603 by Pope Clement VIII (cultus confirmed).

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War: 10 Beati
• Blessed Alejandro Casare Menéndez
• Blessed Andrés Soto Carrera
• Blessed José González Ramos Campos
• Blessed José María Recalde Magúregui
• Blessed Juan Silverio Pérez Ruano
• Blessed Saturnino Ortega Montealegre