Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 22 May – Saint Romanus of Subiaco (Died c560) Abbot

Saint of the Day – 22 May – Saint Romanus of Subiaco (Died c560) Abbot, Hermit and Monk. Protector and benefactor of St Benedict during the latter’s early years as a Hermit. Also known as Romano.

Life of St Benedict, Scene 4: The Monk Romanus Dresses Benedict by Il Sodoma,

The spirituality of the great Saint Benedict, Patron Saint of Europe, originated with a three-year Retreat at the so-called “Sacro Speco” of Subiaco. In this deep, almost inaccessible cave, the young Benedict dedicated himself, body and soul, to a very harsh ascetic practice.
However, not everyone knows that it was our Saint Romanus, a Monk near the Lazio village of Subiaco, who dressed the famous Saint of Norcia in the Hermit’s Habit, helped him enter the Sacro Speco and provided him with everything he needed to survive for three long years. All this, however, was done with secrecy, to prevent anyone from suspecting Benedict’s presence in the cave and possibly disturbing his asceticism.

Everyday, Romanus provided the penitent boy with some bread recovered from the canteen of his Monastery, climbing the cliff above the entrance to the cavity, he warned Benedetto of his arrival with a bell and letthe supplies, just as much as was needed, down to him down with a rope.

Legend has it that one day the bell was broken by the devil, enraged by the strong ascetic and charitable virtues which he found in Benedict and Romanus respectively. The latter, however, did not limit himself exclusively to providing the Saint of Norcia with material aid but thanks to his experience and his wisdom, he was able to reveal to him, the secrets of monastic asceticism which proved to be of fundamental importance in the drafting of the Benedictine Rule.

Unfortunately, it is not known with historical certainty whether the two Sints remained in contact even at the end of the three years of collaboration at the Holy Sepulchre of Subiaco. When Saint Benedict finally became famous as Abbot of Monte Cassino, tradition rather leans towards a transfer of Romanus to France, where he did his utmost to found a new Monastery and trained many young Monks. Here, upon his death, he was venerated for his immense spiritual merits which materialised mainly in the inspiration of Saint Benedict in the foundation of the new religious family, which formed the Christian soul of the old continent.


Ember Wed, sday – Fast & Partial Abstinence, Pentecost Wednesday, Beata Vergine di San Luca, Bologna, Italy / The Blessed Virgin of Saint Luke, Bologna, St Rita of Cascia and the Saints for 22 May

Ember Wednesday Fast & Partial Abstinence:

Pentecost Wednesday

St Aigulf of Bourges
St Atto of Pistoia
St Aureliano of Pavia
St Ausonius of Angoulême
St Baoithin of Ennisboyne

St Boethian of Pierrepont
St Castus the Martyr
St Conall of Inniscoel
Bl Diego de Baja
Bl Dionisio Senmartin
St Emilius the Martyr
St Faustinus the Martyr

Bl Fulk of Castrofurli
Bl Giacomo Soler
Bl Giusto Samper
St Helen of Auxerre

St Lupo of Limoges
St Marcian of Ravenna Bishop and Confessor
St Margaret of Hulme
Bl Pedro of the Assumption
St Quiteria
St Romanus of Subiaco (Died c560) Abbot, Protector and benefactor of St Benedict during the latter’s early years as a Hermit.
St Timothy the Martyr
St Venustus the Martyr