Posted in MARTYRS, SAINT of the DAY

Saints of the Day – 14 June – St Valerius and St Rufinus of Soissons (Died 4th Century) Laymen, Martyrs.

Saints of the Day – 14 June – St Valerius and St Rufinus of Soissons (Died 4th Century) Laymen, Martyrs.

The Roman Martyrology reads: “At Soissons in Belgic Gaul, today in France, the Holy Martyrs – Saints Valerius and Rufinus, who after enduring many torments, were condemned to be beheaded by the Governor, Rictiovarus, in the persecution of Diocletian.

The Martyrdom of Sts Valerius and Rufinus

The two Martyred companions who are remembered on 14 June – Rufinus and Valerius, according to a legendary account of their Martyrdom, lived in the 4th century at the time of the Emperors Diocletian and Maximian.

They were warehousemen, in charge of supervising the imperial granaries, located in Braine downstream of Basoche (France), on the road which led from Rome to the sea to England.

They were fervent Christians and apostles of the Gospel but their profuse zeal caused the hatred of the barbarian leader Rictiovarus, who decided to eliminate them and hence travelled to Basoche. But the two Christians, having learnt of his intention in time, had fled, taking refuge in a nearby cave.

But a search discovered them, they were beheaded and their bodies thrown into the Vesle river. Christians rescued them and buried them in a marked grave. Although the date of their death is unknown, it must be placed at the beginning of the fourth century.

In c525, the Bishop of Soissons, a certain Bishop Wolf, founded a Chapter of Clerics to whom he entrusted the custody of the bodies of the Martyrs and where a Church was built over their graves. The Relics are currently placed in the Cathedral of Soissons.


Notre-Dame de la Treille / Our Lady of the Trellis, Lille, France (1234), St Basil the Great and Memorials of the Saints – 14 June

Within the Octave of Corpus Christi

Notre-Dame de la Treille / Our Lady of the Trellis, Lille, Nord, Flandres, France (1234) – 14 June:

St Basil the Great (329-379) Bishop of Caesarea, Confessor, Father and Doctor of the Church. From the 13th Century until 1969, St Basil’s Feast was celebrated today, 14 June.
It was combined with St Gregory of Nazianzen’s Feast in 1969.

St Anastasius of Córdoba
St Burchard of Meissen
St Caomhán of Inisheer
St Castora Gabrielli
St Cearan the Devout
Bl Constance de Castro
St Cyprien
St Cyriacus of Zeganea
St Davnet
St Digna of Córdoba
St Dogmael of Wales
St Elgar of Bardsey

St Elisha the Prophet “My God is salvation” (790 BC) Prophet was a disciple and protégé of St Elijah.
St Elisha!

St Etherius of Vienne
St Felix of Córdoba
Bl Fortunatus of Napoli
St Gerold of Evreux
Bl Hartwig of Salzburg
St Joseph the Hymnographer

St Marcian of Syracuse (Died c 68) Bishop of Syracuse, Sicily, Italy Martyr. Disciple of and Consecrated by St Peter, Missionary, Evangelist.

St Mark of Lucera

St Methodius of Constantinople (born 8th Century – 847) Monk and and Bishop of Constantinople, “Defender of Icons”
His Life:

St Nennus of Arran
Bl Peter de Bustamante
St Protus of Aquileia
St Quintian
St Richard of Saint Vannes
St Rufinus of Soissons * (Died 4th Century) Layman, Martyr
St Theopista
St Valerius of Soissons * (Died 4th Century) Layman, Martyr