Posted in MORNING Prayers, VATICAN Resources

The Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity 18-25 January 2018

The Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity 18-25 January 2018

Your right hand, O Lord,
glorious in power
(Ex 15:6)

Day 5:  Hark, the cry of my poor people from far and wide in the land!

Deuteronomy 1:19-35 The Lord God goes before you and carried you

Psalm 145:9-20 The Lord upholds all who are falling

James 1:9-11 The rich will disappear like a flower in the field

Luke 18:35-43 Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!

The Caribbean economies have traditionally been based on the production of raw materials for the European market and so have never been self-sustaining.   As a consequence, borrowing on the international market became important for development.   The requirements of such borrowing impose a reduction of spending on transport, education, health and other public services, which impacts most severely on the poor.   The Caribbean Conference of Churches has launched an initiative to address the current debt crisis in the region and through their international networks to come to the aid of the poor.


We can imagine the noise of the crowd as Jesus enters Jericho.   Many voices shout down the cry of the blind beggar.   He is a distraction and an embarrassment.   But through all this tumult Jesus hears the blind man’s voice, just as God always hears the cries of the poor in the Hebrew Scriptures.  The Lord who upholds the falling not only hears, he responds.   Thereby, the beggar’s life is radically transformed.

The disunity of Christians can become part of the world’s tumult and chaos.   Like the arguing voices outside Jericho, our divisions can drown out the cry of the poor.  However, when we are united we become more fully Christ’s presence in the world, better able to hear, listen and respond.   Rather than increasing the volume of discord, we are able to truly listen and so discern the voices that most need to be heard.


Loving God,
You lift up the poor and distressed
and restore their dignity.
Hear now our cries for the poor of our world,
restore their hope and lift them up,
that all Your people may be one.
This we pray in Jesus name.


The right hand of God
is lifting in our land,
lifting the fallen one by one;
each one is known by name,
and rescued now from shame,
by the lifting of the right hand of God.DAY 5 - 22 January 2018 - OCTAVE OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY 2018 - 18-25 JAN

Posted in MORNING Prayers, NOVENAS

Novena to St John Bosco – Day One – 22 January

Novena to St John Bosco – Day One – 22 January

St John Bosco is the Patron of Christian apprentices, editors, publishers, schoolchildren, young people, magicians, juvenile delinquents.  Choose ALL young people or your own children.   Or simply Pray the 9 days for your own intention.

1st Day – 22 January – Love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

O Saint John Bosco,
you loved Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
and zealously promoted this devotion
by encouraging participation in the Holy Eucharist,
reception of Holy Communion and daily visits
to Our Lord in the Tabernacle.

Pray for us that, inspired by your example,
we may grow in this love,
so that we may end our days strengthened
and comforted by the Heavenly Food of
the Most Holy Eucharist.

Through your intercession
may God grant me the following grace
[mention your intention]
so that together with others
I may assist in bringing all, especially the young,
to the love of Christ in the Eucharist, amen.

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory to the Father…

St John Bosco, Pray for us!DAY ONE -NOVENA ST JOHN BOSCO - 22 JAN 2018


Novena to St Paul in preparation for the Feast of The Conversion of St Paul on 25 January

Novena to St Paul in preparation for the Feast of The Conversion of St Paul on 25 January

Day Seven – 22 January

“Make no mistake, my brothers, if anyone joins a schismatic he will not inherit God’s Kingdom.   If anyone walks in the way of heresy, he is out of sympathy with the Passion.   Be careful, then, to observe a single Eucharist.   For there is one flesh of our Lord, Jesus Christ and one cup of His blood that makes us one and one altar, just as there is one bishop along with the presbytery and the deacons, my fellow slaves.   In that way whatever you do is in line with God’s will.”………………St Ignatius of Antioch


Glorious St Paul,
your conversion is a powerful witness to the world
that God loves us and does not give up on us,
no matter how far we stray.
Help me to cling to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament
help me to fully participate at every Holy Mass
help me to understand, that this IS He
who showed us the way
gave us the light to follow it in Holy Mother Church
who is His bride and shows us the only truth.
May every circumstante of my life be an occasion
to change my way of thinking,
to renounce self-will and
to surrender myself to the wisdom and tenderness of Jesus Christ
who is acting to make me His saint.
Pray that I may love God’s will and providence for me.
In this confidence, I entrust to you, St Paul,
these, my intentions
(mention your request)

I ask this through Christ, Our Lord, amen.

St Paul Pray for us!day-7-novena-st-paul.2018

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, NOVENAS

Novena to St Francis de Sales: Day EIGHT – 22 January

Novena to St Francis de Sales
Day EIGHT – 22 January

“One of the greatest proofs of love that Jesus displayed on the cross was putting up with the imperfections of His neighbour.   There He showed us that He has a heart that loves us tenderly and watches over us kindly.   He even showed His love for those who put Him to death.   In those dire moments the Saviour expressed thoughts of love even for his executioners, pardoning them in the very act of sinning!   How petty-minded we are when we cannot bring ourselves to forget some injury received, even after a long time!   Whoever sincerely pardons another calls down abundant blessings and perfectly imitates Christ.” (St Francis de Sales Spiritual Treatises IV; O. VI, pp. 65-66)

O blessed Francis de Sales,
who on earth did excel in a life of virtue,
especially in the love of God and neighbour,
I earnestly ask you to take me under your compassionate care and protection.
Obtain for me conversion of mind and heart.
Grant that all people, especially
(names of those whom you wish to include)
may experience the depth of God’s redeeming and healing love.
Teach me to fix my eyes on the things of heaven
even as I walk each day with my feet planted firmly on the earth.
Help me, through the practice of virtue and the pursuit of devotion,
to avoid anything that would otherwise cause me to stumble
in my attempt to follow Christ and to be an instrument of the Holy Spirit.
Encouraged by your prayers and example,
help me to live fully my sacred dignity with the hope of experiencing my sacred destiny: eternal life with God. Receive also this particular need or concern that I now lift up in prayer
(mention your particular need).
O God, for the salvation of all,
You desired that St Francis de Sales—
preacher, missionary, confessor, bishop and founder—
should befriend many along the road to salvation.
Mercifully grant that we,
infused with the humility and gentleness of his charity,
guided by his wisdom and sharing in his spirit may experience eternal life.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

St Francis de Sales, pray for usDAY EIGHT- ST FRANCIS DE SALES NOVENA - 22 JAN 2018jpg

Posted in MORNING Prayers, ON the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Second Thoughts for Today – 22 January

Second Thoughts for Today – 22 January – The Memorial of St Vincent of Saragossa (Died 304) – Deacon and Martyr – The Protomartyr of Spain, St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850) Priest, Missionary, Apostle of Charity and Marian Devotion, Founder and Blessed William Joseph Chaminade S.M. (1761-1850) Priest, Apostle of Mary and Founder of the “Society of Mary or Marianists”

There is a certain genius that comes from the faith and we saw it in our own day in St Mother Teresa.   The saints tend to tackle great and difficult things and accomplish wonders because they did NOT and do NOT depend on their OWN strength and effort. They KNOW that all things are possible ONLY with and in God – they take Him at His word – they ask for miracles and receive them!
They are never disappointed – this is the genius of faith!

St Vincent of Saragossa, pray for us!st vincent of saragossa - pray for us no 2 - 22 jan 2018
St Vincent Pallotti, pray for us!st vincent pallotti - pray for us no 2 - 22 jan 2018
Blessed William Joseph Chaminade S.M., pray for us!bl william pray for us - 22 jan 2018


Thought for the Day – 22 January – The Memorial of St Vincent of Saragossa (Died 304) – Deacon and Martyr – The Protomartyr of Spain

Thought for the Day – 22 January – The Memorial of St Vincent of Saragossa (Died 304) – Deacon and Martyr – The Protomartyr of Spain

From a sermon by Saint Augustine  (354-430)

Father & Doctor of the Church

“To you has been granted in Christ’s behalf not only that you should believe in Him but also that you should suffer for Him.   Vincent had received both these gifts and held them as his own.   For how could he have them if he had not received them?   And he displayed his faith in what he said, his endurance in what he suffered.   No one ought to be confident in his own strength when he undergoes temptation.   For whenever we endure evils courageously, our long-suffering comes from Him,Christ.   He once said to His disciples: “In this world you will suffer persecution,” and then, to allay their fears, He added, “but rest assured, I have conquered the world.”

There is no need to wonder then, my dearly beloved brothers, that Vincent conquered in Him who conquered the world.   It offers temptation to lead us astray;  it strikes terror into us to break out spirit.    Hence if our personal pleasures do not hold us captive and if we are not frightened by brutality, then the world is overcome.   At both of these approaches Christ rushes to our aid and the Christian is not conquered.”

St Vincent of Saragossa, pray for us!

Prayer of St Vincent of Saragossa (Died 304)

Everlasting God,
to whom all hidden things
are revealed,
who sent into the world
Your Only Begotten Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ,
conceived through the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
that He might take on Himself
the punishment of our sins
and by His resurrection,
snatch us from the gates of hell,
grant to our hearts
such steadfastness of faith
that confessing Christ, Your Son,
we may not perish
but may be joined to Him
in the confession
of Your Holy Name.
Amen.everlasting god to whom all hidden things - st vincent of saragossa - 22 jan 2018st vincent of saragossa - pray for us - 22 jan 2018


Quote/s of the Day – 22 January – The Memorial of St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850) and Blessed William Joseph Chaminade (1761-1850)

Quote/s of the Day – 22 January – The Memorial of St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850) and Blessed William Joseph Chaminade (1761-1850)

Before his First Holy Mass

“Not the intellect
but God
Not the will
but God
Not the heart
but God
Not taste
but God
Not touch
but God
Not food and drink
but God
Not clothing
but God
Not tranquillity
but God
Not the worldly goods
but God.
Not riches
but God.
Not honours
but God.
Not distinction
but God.
Not dignities
but God.
Not advancement
but God.
God in all
God always.”not the intellect but god - st vincent pallotti - 22 jan 2018

“Remember. that the Christian life.
is one of action;
not of speech and daydreams.
Let there be few words
and many deeds
and let them be done will.”

St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850)st-vincent-pallotti-remember-that-the-christian-life-2018

“Jesus made Mary
the companion
of His labours,
of His joy,
of His preaching,
of His death.
Mary had a part in all the
glorious, joyous
and sorrowful mysteries of Jesus.”jesus made mary - bl william joseph chaminade - 22 jan 2018

“The deposit of the Faith
is entirely in Mary.
At the foot of the Cross
she held the place of the Church. “

Blessed William Joseph Chaminade (1761-1850)the deposit of the faith = bl william joseph caminade - 22 jan 2018

Posted in MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – – 22 January – The Memorial of St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850)

One Minute Reflection – – 22 January – The Memorial of St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850)

But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”…1 Peter 1:15-16

REFLECTION – “You must be holy in the way that God asks you to be holy. God does not ask you to be a Trappist monk or a hermit.   He wills that you sanctify the world and your everyday life.” …St Vincent Pallottiyou must be holy - st vincent pallotti - 22 jan 2018

PRAYER – God of all might, grant that I may place myself in Your hands and never despair.   Let me not shrink from even the hardest of tasks – for with Your help I can do anything.   Grant that I may learn the ways of holiness from Your divine Son, that I may always follow His ways.   St Vincent Pallotti, you who accomplished so much for the Glory of the Kingdom of God, please pray for us, amen!st vincent pallotti - pray for us - 22 jan 2018

Posted in MORNING Prayers, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Our Morning Offering – 22 January – The Memorial of St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850)

Our Morning Offering – 22 January – The Memorial of St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850)

Prayer of St Vincent Pallotti

My God, in every moment
You nourish me with Your Wisdom
and You destroy my ignorance.
You nourish me
with Your inaccessible Light
and You destroy all my shadows.
You nourish me
with Your infinite Perfection
and you destroy my life
which is a monstrosity of imperfections.
You nourish me with Your infinite Being
and you destroy my brutish life,
my loathsome self, a sinful man
and by a miracle of Your Mercy,
even though I have merited infinite times.
to lose God forever, God Himself,
with all of His Nature,
Person and Attributes
made Himself all mine,
He becomes my nourishment
and He nourishes me always,
so as to transform me into Himself
and make me one with Him.
Therefore, I am all in God
and God is all in me
and with His eternal nature
He brings me to all times
and in His immensity,
He brings me to all places
and I experience myself as eternal
and am immersed in Him.
Oh Wondrous God, oh Infinite Mercy.
Amenprayer of st vincent pallotti - 22 jan 2018

Posted in MORNING Prayers, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 22 January – St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850)

Saint of the Day – 22 January – St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850) Priest, Missionary, Founder of the Pallottine Fathers and the Pallottine Missionary Sisters, Marian devotee, Apostle of Charity and Evangelisation  – known as “second St. Philip Neri.” (21 April 1795 in Rome, Italy – 22 January 1850 in Rome, Italy from a severe cold (he probably caught the fatal illness on a cold rainy night when he gave his cloak to a beggar who had none).    St Vincent was the founder of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate later to be known as the “Pious Society of Missions” (the Pallottines).   The original name was restored in 1947.   He is buried in the church of San Salvatore in Onda.   He is considered the forerunner of Catholic Action.   Patronages –  the Pallottines and Catholic Action and is the principal patron of the Pontifical Missionary Union of Clergy.header pallottist vincent pallotti - lovely

St Vincent  was an Italian ecclesiastic, born in Rome of a noble family.   This unpretentious man, Saint Vincent Pallotti, who out of respect for God omnipresent always went bareheaded, is one of the glories of the Catholic clergy, the pillars of the Church in troublesome times and the successful apostles of the people.

From earliest childhood he evinced tender love for the Blessed Mother of God and the decree on the heroic nature of his virtues emphasises the following facts:  “He possessed an exceptional love for poverty and penance and was therefore especially devoted to St Francis of Assisi.   Because various obstacles were in the way of his entering the First Order, he desired at least to belong to the Third Order.   It was his constant endeavour to imitate and venerate St Francis.”   Vincent became a Tertiary in the Franciscan church of Aracoeli on 29 November 1816. saint-vincent-pallotti-terezia-sedlakova-wutzay

A contemporary of Cardinal Newman’s and the Cure of Ars’, St Vincent Pallotti was a very modern saint who organised so many remarkable pastoral programs that he is considered the forerunner of Catholic Action.   He was a man of great ideas and great vision and was able to inspire others to tackle great things.   He is the founder of the Pallottine Fathers and the Pallottine Missionary Sisters;  however, this was but the tip of the iceberg of his accomplishments.   He left behind schools, guilds and institutes that carried the Catholic mission into the very heart of contemporary society.

He was born in Rome in 1795 and began studies for the priesthood very early.   Although he was very bright, he was not attracted by studies, even though he was ordained a priest at twenty-three and earned a doctorate in theology soon afterward.   He was given an assistant professorship at the Sapienza University but resigned it soon after to devote himself to pastoral work.   With prayer and penance, with his labours in the pulpit and the confessional, with his efforts on behalf of the sick and the endangered and especially on behalf of young clerics in the Roman seminary, he did a measureless amount of good.  During the cholera plague in 1837, Pallotti constantly endangered his life in ministering to the stricken.   In fact, it is well known that the saint often bi-located so as to be able to reach more souls when necessary.pallotti_jub5ast vincent pallotti - large

Before long, his zeal was known all over Rome.   He organised schools for shoemakers, tailors, coachmen, carpenters and gardeners so that they could better work at their trade, as well as evening classes for young farmers and unskilled workers.   He soon became known as a “second St. Philip Neri.”   He gave away his books, his possessions, and even his clothes to the poor and once dressed up as an old woman to hear the confession of a man who threatened “to kill the first priest who came through the door.”

In 1835, he founded his two congregations and was instrumental in the founding of a missionary order in England and several colleges for the training of missionaries.

On 14 January 1840, St Vincent celebrated Mass before the miraculous image of the Mother Most Admirable at the convent of Santa Trinitá dei Monti.   As he was leaving, he told Mother Makrina, a Russian Nun, that this would be the last Mass he said there.   Two days later he took ill at the home of James Salvati.   He was diagnosed with pleurisy. Giving away his cape to a cold pauper during the Octave apparently brought on the illness.   Thin cassocks just aren’t warm enough in January, even in Rome.

St Vincent’s death was the kind of death we should all pray to have.   He received the Last Rites, reciting the words with the priest administering it.   He blessed his little community and encouraged them to perseverance.  “Do you know what a beautiful feast there is tomorrow? It is the wedding feast of the Mother of God, and there will be great joy in heaven tomorrow.”   He was referring to the Feast of the Espousals of our Lady on 23 January of special significance to him because he was mystically wedded to that great Spouse.   His spiritual sons tried to induce him to stay in this life, after all, he had cured so many others. “My God, my God! Please, please, let me go, to wherever God wills!” he said.   He fell further into the bed and repeated, “Please, please, let me go, to wherever God wills!”   Half an hour later, after once again receiving sacramental absolution, he died.

He was only fifty-five but God glorified His humble servant by the gift of miracles both during his lifetime and after his death in 1850.   There was a strange and marvellous scent, a heavenly perfume, that was noted about the saints body and in his room at the time of his death.  That scent lingered in the room in which he had died for a month, even through the window to the room was left open.   St Vincent Pallotti was comparatively young when he was called to eternity, but in that short span he had accumulated a wealth of merits.   He was beatified in 1950 and canonised by St Pope John XXIII in 1963.

The body of Saint Vincent Pallotti was exhumed in 1906 and 1950, and his body was found to be completely incorrupt.   His body is enshrined in the church of San Salvatore in Onda, in Rome, where it can be seen.

During the Christmas Season, a nativity scene that Saint Vincent made himself is put on display at the Vatican, in the Basilica’s square, before the Christmas tree.   Vincent promoted the celebration of the Octave of the Epiphany as an act of unity with his Orthodox brethren who celebrated Christmas on that day.

s. vincent pallotti.incorrupt


Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 22 January

St Vincent of Saragossa (Died 304) Deacon – Protomartyr of Spain (Optional Memorial)
St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850) (Optional Memorial)

St Anastasius the Persian
St Antonio della Chiesa
Bl Bernard of Vienne
St Blaesilla of Rome
St Brithwald of Ramsbury
St Caterina Volpicelli
St Dominic of Sora
Bl Esteve Santacana Armengol
St Francis Gil de Frederich de Sans
Bl Giuseppe Nascimbeni
St Guadentius of Novara
Bl Ladislao Batthyany-Strattmann
Bl Laura Vicuna
Bl Maria Mancini
St Mateo Alonso de Leciñana
St Valerius of Saragossa
St Vincent Pallotti
Bl Walter of Himmerode
Bl William Joseph Chaminade (1761-1850)
Bl William Patenson

Martyrs of Puigcerda: