Posted in MORNING Prayers, NOVENAS

Novena to Blessed Benedict Daswa- Day Eight – 30 January

Novena to Blessed Benedict Daswa- Day Eight – 30 January

After his strong stand against witchcraft at the community meeting on Sunday, 28
January 1990, people started grumbling and said, “He is the one who is influencing
people, as he is a leader. Why does he refuse to burn witches? He does not agree with
our way”.
Many saw him as belittling their traditional beliefs and practices, and as a stumbling
block in the community because of his consistent stance against witchcraft.   Because
Benedict, as a true disciple of Jesus Christ, was standing firm in his Catholic faith,
some people said, “We had better kill him!”   They therefore conspired to get rid of him.

Word of God
There shall not be found among you any one who burns his son or his daughter as an
offering, anyone who practices divination, a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer, or
a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard, or a necromancer.   For whoever does these
things is an abomination to the LORD;  and because of these abominable practices the
LORD your God is driving them out before you.   You shall be blameless before the
LORD your God.   For these nations, which you are about to dispossess, give heed to
soothsayers and to diviners;  but as for you, the LORD your God has not allowed you
so to do. (Deuteronomy 18, 10-14)

Reflection: Do I respect the lives of others, even the weakest ones, especially
the unborn babies?
Do I live a healthy and responsible life?

Prayer:  The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
When evildoers assail me, uttering slanders against me,
my adversaries and foes, they shall stumble and fall. (Psalm 27:1-3,12-14)


O Blessed Trinity,
I believe that you dwell in me through my baptism.
I love You, I adore You and I worship You.
I give You thanks for Blessed Benedict,
Whom You chose to bear witness unto death for his faith
In Jesus Christ, my Saviour and my Lord.

Almighty Father, You filled the heart of Blessed Benedict,
With great love and zeal in building up Your kingdom.
You gave him the courage and the strength
To stand up for his faith without fear, even the fear of death.

Loving God, keep me free from all deeds of darkness.
Protect me from evil spirits and the powers of evil.
Make me a true apostle of life in my family and in society.
May Your light, O Lord, shine upon me and through me.

Lord Jesus, through the intercession of Blessed Benedict,
I ask that I may follow his example
Of always being ready to forgive in a Christian spirit.
You know all about my many problems and worries
And my great fears when I look to the future.
I draw strength and courage from the life of Blessed Benedict.

I come to You now, Lord, and through his intercession
I ask for this very special favour
(mention your request/s)
if it is according to Your will.

Help me always to follow the good example of Blessed Benedict.
By daily prayer and regular attendance at Church,
Help me to love You, O Lord, above all things
And to love others as You love me.

Posted in MORNING Prayers, NOVENAS

Novena to St John Bosco – Day Nine – 30 January

Novena to St John Bosco – Day Nine – 30 January

9th Day:  For Family, Friends, and those in Need

O Saint John Bosco,
you were full of compassion toward all people,
especially the young,
who suffered from illness, poverty, hunger, injustice and alienation.
Pray for all in need and for us too,
that the blessings of God and protection of Mary Help of Christians
may be on us all,
to care for and cure us,
strengthen us
and comfort us.
Pray for our families,
especially for our young people,
that they may be kept safely in God’s grace.
Intercede for us in life and in death
so that we may eternally sing the Divine mercies in heaven.
Through your intercession
may God grant me the following grace
(make your request)
so that together with others
I may bring all to the love of Christ, amen.

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory to the Father…
St John Bosco Pray for us!DAY NINE - NOVENA ST JOHN BOSCO - 30 JAN 2018


Thought for the Day -30 January – Lent is Coming!

Thought for the Day -30 January – Lent is Coming!

Ash Wednesday is on Valentine’s Day!

On a day typically reserved for chocolates, candies and delicious meals shared with a loved one, the Church asks you to fast, pray and abstain from meat!   Take it as an opportunity to pray with each other and grow deeper in a true and abiding love of God.

Lent lasts 40 days and ends on April 1 (no fools!)

In imitation of Jesus fasting in the desert, the Church instituted a special season of fasting that lasts 40 days.   However, the six Sundays in Lent are not considered part of the official “Lenten fast” (every Sunday is a special remembrance of the Resurrection of Christ).   For this reason, Easter is “technically” 46 days after Ash Wednesday.   This year Easter lands on April 1, but is no joke!

The three pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting and almsgiving

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “The interior penance of the Christian can be expressed in many and various ways. Scripture and the Fathers insist above all on three forms, fasting, prayer and almsgiving, which express conversion in relation to oneself, to God, and to others.   Alongside the radical purification brought about by Baptism or martyrdom they cite as means of obtaining forgiveness of sins:  effort at reconciliation with one’s neighbour, tears of repentance, concern for the salvation of one’s neighbour, the intercession of the saints and the practice of charity ‘which covers a multitude of sins.’”

Lent is a time to practice these essential spiritual practices and clean out our interior house.

Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting

Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics … For members of the Latin Catholic Church, the norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59.   When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal.   The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding upon members of the Latin Catholic Church from age 14 onwards.

All Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence from meat (unless superseded by a solemnity)

Fridays have always been special days of prayer and penitence in the Church.   Catholic peoples from time immemorial have set apart Friday for special penitential observance by which they gladly suffer with Christ that they may one day be glorified with Him.  This is the heart of the tradition of abstinence from meat on Friday where that tradition has been observed in the holy Catholic Church.

Go Forth – may this be our best Lent ever!lent - preparing our hearts - 30 jan 2018

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on PRAYER

Quote/s of the Day – 30 January – “Speaking of Prayer”

Quote/s of the Day – 30 January

“Speaking of Prayer”

“Prayer is the place of refuge
for every worry,
a foundation for cheerfulness,
a source of constant happiness,
a protection against sadness.”

“It is simply impossible, to lead,
without the aid of prayer,
a virtuous life.”

“What prayer, could be more true
before God the Father,
than that, which the Son,
who is Truth, uttered with His own lips?”prayer is - st john chrysostom - 30 jan 2018

“You can set up an altar to God
in your minds, by means of prayer.
And so it is fitting,
to pray at your trade,
on a journey,
standing at a counter
or sitting at your handcraft.”

St John Chrysostom (347-407) Father & Doctoryou can set up an altar - st jophn chrysostom - 30 jan 2018

“Faith furnishes prayer with wings,
without which it cannot soar to heaven.”

St John Climacus (579-649)faith furnishes prayer - st john climacus - 30 jan 2018

“It is an old custom of the saints of God,
to have some little prayers ready
and to be frequently, darting them
up to heaven, during the day,
lifting their minds to God,
out of the mire of this world.
He who adopts this plan,
will obtain great fruits with little pain.”

St Phillip Neri (1515-1595)it is an old custom - st philip neri - 30 jan 2018

“Without prayer,
we have,
neither light
nor strength,
to advance
in the way
which leads to God.”

“He who
prays most
receives most.”

St Alphonsus Maria de Liguori (1696-1787) Doctor of the Churchwithout prayer - st alphonsus - 30 jan 2018

“In order to succeed in prayer,
it should be done when we first awaken,
when our whole being is calm and recollected.
We need to make our meditation
before anything else.”in order to succeed in prayer - st peter julian eymard - 30 jan 2018

“As far as possible,
you should pray in quiet silent devotion.
Try to have a favourite topic of prayer,
such as a devotion to the passion of Jesus,
the Blessed Sacrament,
awareness of the divine presence,
go directly to Jesus without too much fuss.”

St Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868)as far as possible you should pray - st peter julian eymard - 30 jan 2018

Posted in MORNING Prayers, PAPAL SERMONS, QUOTES - J R R Tolkien and MORE, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 30 January – Gospel of the Day Mark 5:21-43 Year B

One Minute Reflection – 30 January – Gospel of the Day Mark 5:21-43 Year B

She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. She said, “If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.”…Mark 5:27-28mark 5 27-28 - 30 jan 2018

REFLECTION – “The second episode, that of the woman with the haemorrhage, again manifests how Jesus came to liberate human beings in their totality.   In fact, the miracle takes place in two stages:  first there is the physical healing but this is closely linked to the deeper healing, that which grants God’s grace to those who welcome Him in faith. Jesus says to the woman:  ‘Daughter, your faith has saved you.   Go in peace and be healed of the evil that afflicts you!’ (Mark 5:34).   These two stories of healing are an invitation for us to overcome the purely horizontal and materialistic vision of life.   We rightly ask God for so many healings from our problems, from concrete necessities.   But what we must ask for insistently, is a more solid faith, so that the Lord might renew our life and a firm trust in His love, in His providence that does not abandon us.”…Pope Benedict XVI July 2012we rightly ask God - 30 jan 2018 - pope benedict

PRAYER – Almighty Father, grant that our trust and faith may grow each day.   Help us to be secure in Your unfailing love and help.   Even in our times of fear, pain and distress, give us the trust to know that You are always with us and that Your healing grace does indeed work miracles in our lives.   Grant us strength, O Lord, to overcome all our fears with confidence in Your loving care.   Through Jesus Christ in union with the Holy Spirit, one God forever, amen.


Our Morning Offering – 30 January 2018

Our Morning Offering – 30 January 2018

O make my heart beat with Your Heart!
By Bl Cardinal John Henry Newman

Most Sacred,
most loving Heart of Jesus,
You are concealed in the Holy Eucharist,
And You beat for us still.
Now, as then, You say:
“With desire I have desired.”
I worship You
with all my best love and awe,
With fervent affection,
With my most subdued,
most resolved will.
For a while, You take up Your abode within me.
O make my heart beat with Your Heart!
Purify it of all that is earthly,
All that is proud and sensual,
All that is hard and cruel,
Of all perversity,
Of all disorder,
Of all deadness.
So fill it with You,
That neither the events of the day,
Nor the circumstances of the time,
May have the power to ruffle it;
But that in Your love and Your fear,
It may have peace. Ameno make my heart beat with your heart!-bl john henry newman.8 june 2017

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 30 January – St David Galván Bermúdez (1881-1915) Martyr

Saint of the Day – 30 January – St David Galván Bermúdez (1881-1915) Martyr of the Mexican Revolution, Priest, Lecturer, apostle of Charity.   St David was born on 29 January 1881 at Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico and was martyred by firing squad on 30 January 1915 at Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

St David Galvan entered the seminary in Guadalajara, Mexico at age 14.   He was an excellent student but during a period of discernment of his vocation, he left the seminary for three years.   He worked, dated, wasted his time and lived a dissolute lifestyle;  at one point he was arrested for hitting his girlfriend while he was drunk.
However, he finally realised he could not ignore the call to his vocation.   After a year’s probation, he was allowed to return to the seminary and was ordained on 20 May 1909. He was appointed as the Seminary Superior and Lecturer at Amatitán Seminary.
During periods of armed rebellion, he went into the field of fire to work with the injured, patching wounds and hearing confessions.

In 1914 he protected the sanctity of marriage by assisting a single young lady who was being harassed by a married man, a young lieutenant, Enrique Vera.   Not long after this incident, on Saturday 30 January 1915, violent clashes broke out in Guadalajara between the opposing factions of the Villistas and Carrancistas.   Frs David Galván and José María Araiza, went to assist the dying and wounded on the streets which had become a bloody battlefield.   On his way to minister to the wounded, he said, “What greater glory is there than to die saving a soul?”
Whilst working with the injured and dying victims, they were intercepted by Lieutenant Enrique Vera, who ordered their immediate arrest and without a trial, they were condemned to the death penalty.   A pardon saved the life of Father Araiza but Galván would die by Firing Squad.

Whilst in prison, St David comforted and assisted his fellow prisoners with prayer and confessions.   He refused to be blindfolded and, to his executioners, he calmly pointed to his chest.   He was shot by the firing squad on 30 January 1915 at Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

In June 1922 , his remains were enshrined in a Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, near the place of his martyrdom, in the Retiro neighbourhood.   He was beatified the 22 November 1992 and canonised 21 May 2000 during the Jubilee of Mexico by St Pope John Paul II.   VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100st david galvan relics

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 30 January

St Aldegundis
St Alexander of Edessa
St Amnichad of Fulda
St Armentarius of Antibes
St Armentarius of Pavia
St Barsen
St Barsimaeus of Edessa
St Bathilde
Bl Carmen Marie Anne García Moyon
Bl Columba Marmion
St David Galván-Bermúdez
St Felician of Africa
St Felix IV, Pope
Bl Francis Taylor
Bl Haberilla
St Hippolytus of Antioch
St Hyacintha of Mariscotti
Bl Margaret Ball
Bl Maria Bolognesi
St Martina of Rome
St Matthias of Jerusalem
St Mutien Marie Wiaux
St Paul Ho Hyob
St Philippian of Africa
St Savina of Milan
Bl Sebastian Valfrè
St Theophilus the Younger
St Tôma Khuông
St Tudclyd
Bl Zygmunt Pisarski
Martyrs of Corinth