Posted in QUOTES of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Thought for the Day – 31 January – The 9 Resolutions of St John Bosco

Thought for the Day – 31 January -The Memorial of St John Bosco (1815-1888)

On 19 September 1840, John Bosco was ordained sub-deacon at Turin, the diaconate followed on the Saturday of Passion week (27 March) 1841.   On 26 May, he went into retreat at the Vincentian House in Turin, in preparation for his ordination to the priesthood.   The notes of his retreat contain the nine resolutions which he made at this solemn moment of his life.   They can be set down without commentary, for they speak for themselves and their punctual execution for the rest of his days, is added testimony to his determination in taking them.

1. I will take no unnecessary walks.

2. I will make exactingly careful use of my time.

3. When the salvation of souls is at stake, I will be always ready to suffer, to act and to humble myself.

4. May the charity and gentleness of St Francis de Sales, inform my every action.

5. I will always be content with the food set before me, unless it is really harmful to my health.

6. I will always add water to my wine and drink it only for reasons of health, that is, on such days ain such measure as health requires.

7. Since work is a powerful weapon against the enemies of my salvation, I will take only five hours sleep a night. During the day, especially after dinner, I will take no rest, except in case of illness.

8. Every day, I will devote some time to meditation and spiritual reading. During the day, I will make a short visit, or at any rate a prayer, to the Blessed Sacrament. My preparation for Mass, shall last at least a quarter of an hour and so shall my thanksgiving.

9. Outside the confessional and save in cases of strict necessity, I will never stop to talk with women.  *
(the only commentary is in regard to this point * – just remember the times in which St John lived).

We would do well to adopt some of these resolutions for our own spiritual growth!

St John Bosco, Pray for Us! st john bosco pray for us 31 jan 2019 .jpg


Quote/s of the Day – 31 January -The Memorial of St John Bosco (1815-1888)

Quote/s of the Day – 31 January -The Memorial of St John Bosco (1815-1888)

“Do not try to excuse your faults,
try to correct them.”

“Fly from bad companions
as from the bite
of a poisonous snake.”

“Act today in such a way,
that you need not blush
tomorrow.”do not try to excuse, fly from bad, act in such a way - st john bosco 31 jan 2019.jpg

“We do not go
to Holy Communion
because we are good,
we go to become good.”we do not go to holy comm - st john bosco 31 jan 2019 no 2.jpg

“Ask the Blessed Virgin for the grace
to receive Communion frequently and worthily…
Try to imagine that the Blessed Virgin, herself,
will give you the Sacred Host.
No-one would dare strike at the Heart of Jesus
while He is in Mary’s hands.”ask the blessed virgin for the grace - st john bosco 31jan2019.jpg

“Be good. This will make your angel happy.
When sorrows and misfortunes, physical or spiritual,
afflict you, turn to your guardian angel
with strong trust and he will help you.”

“Ask your angel
to console and assist you,
in your last moments.”

“Be ever more convinced that,
your guardian angel is really present,
that he is ever at your side.
St Frances of Rome always saw him
standing before her,
his arms clasped at his breast,
his eyes uplifted to Heaven –
but at the slightest failing,
he would cover his face as if in shame
and at times,
turn his back to her!”be good. ask your angel, be ever more convinced - st john bosco on angels - 31 jan 2019.jpg

“Serve the Lord joyfully!”
“Servite Domino in laetitia!”

St John Bosco (1815-1888)serve the lord - servite domini - no 2 st john bosco 31jan2019.jpg

and more here:

Posted in MORNING Prayers, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 31 January – The measure with which you measure

One Minute Reflection – 31 January – Thursday of the Third week in Ordinary Time, Year C – Gospel: Mark 4:21–25 and The Memorial of St John Bosco (1815-1888)

And he said to them, “The measure with which you measure will be measured out to you
and still more will be given to you.
To the one who has, more will be given,
from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”…Mark 4:24–25

REFLECTION – “Brothers and sisters, the Lord’s scales are different from ours. He weighs people and their actions differently – God does not measure quantity but quality,   He examines the heart, He looks at the purity of intentions.   This means that our “giving” to God in prayer and to others in charity should always steer clear of ritualism and formalism, as well as of the logic of calculation and must be an expression of gratuity, as Jesus did with us – He saved us freely.   And we must do things as an expression of gratuity. “…Pope Francis – Angelus, 11 November 2018mark 4-24-25 the measure with which you mesure - the lord's scales are different pope francis 31 jan 2019.jpg

PRAYER – We praise You, Lord, for calling St John Bosco to be a loving father and prudent guide of the young.   Give us his fervent zeal for souls and the graces You granted him, making him in a servant of all.   Enable us, O Lord, to live for You alone and to see in all, Your image.   For the more we give of ourselves in total love of You and Your children, the more You will shower down Your grace.   Grant we pray, that we may become a shining beacon of the salvation which comes to us in Christ.   Through our Lord Jesus Christ, in union with the Holy Spirit, one God with You, forever and ever,


Our Morning Offering – 31 January – The Memorial of St John Bosco (1815-1888)

Our Morning Offering – 31 January – The Memorial of St John Bosco (1815-1888)

Most Holy Virgin Mary,
Help of Christians
By Saint John Bosco

Most Holy Virgin Mary,
Help of Christians,
how sweet it is to come to your feet
imploring your perpetual help.
If earthly mothers cease not to remember their children,
how can you, the most loving of all mothers forget me?
Grant then to me, I implore you,
your perpetual help in all my necessities,
in every sorrow
and especially in all my temptations.
I ask for your unceasing help
for all who are now suffering.
Help the weak,
cure the sick,
convert sinners.
Grant through your intercessions
many vocations to the religious life.
Obtain for us, O Mary, Help of Christians,
that having invoked you on earth
we may love
and eternally thank you in heaven.
Amenmost holy virgin mary help of christians by st john bosco 31 jan 2019.jpg

Posted in CHILDREN / YOUTH, INCORRUPTIBLES, Of Catholic Education, Students, Schools, Colleges etc, PATRONAGE - ORPHANS,ABANDONED CHILDREN, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 31January – St John Bosco “Don Bosco” SDB (1815-1888)

Saint of the Day -31 January –  St John Bosco “Don Bosco” SDB (1815-1888) Founder of the Society of St Francis de Sales now known as the Salesians, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and the Association of Salesian Co-operators.   His body is

John Bosco’s theory of education could well be used in today’s schools.   It was a preventive system, rejecting corporal punishment and placing students in surroundings removed from the likelihood of committing sin.   He advocated frequent reception of the sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion.   He combined catechetical training and fatherly guidance, seeking to unite the spiritual life with one’s work, study and play.

Encouraged during his youth in Sardinia to become a priest so he could work with young boys, John was ordained in 1841.   His service to young people started when he met a poor orphan in Turin and instructed him in preparation for receiving Holy Communion. He then gathered young apprentices and taught them catechism.

After serving as chaplain in a hospice for working girls, Don Bosco opened the Oratory of St Francis de Sales for boys.   Several wealthy and powerful patrons contributed money, enabling him to provide two workshops for the boys, shoe-making and tailoring.don-bosco-mending-shoes.jpg

By 1856, the institution had grown to 150 boys and had added a printing press for publication of religious and catechetical pamphlets.   John’s interest in vocational education and publishing justify him as patron of young apprentices and Catholic publishers.

John’s preaching fame spread and by 1850 he had trained his own helpers because of difficulties in re-training young priests.   In 1854, he and his followers informally banded together, inspired by Saint Francis de Sales.don_bosco_vector_by_mokap-d33rb3d

With Pope Pius IX’s encouragement, John gathered 17 men and founded the Salesians in 1859.   Their activity concentrated on education and mission work.   Later, he organised a group of Salesian Sisters to assist girls.

John Bosco knew God wanted him to work with boys because of a dream he had when he was young.   In this dream, boys who had been playing roughly suddenly began playing together as happily as lambs.   John heard a voice saying,  “Teach them right from wrong. Teach them the beauty of goodness and the ugliness of sin.”   When John told his mother about his dream, she said it might mean God wanted him to be a priest and care for some of the sheep in his flock.

John Bosco spent so much time working that people who knew him well became worried about his health.   They said he should take more time for rest and sleep.   John replied that he’d have enough time to rest in heaven. “Right now,” he said, “how can I rest? The devil doesn’t rest from his work.”

When John died, 40,000 people came to his wake.don_bosco_1.jpg

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 31 January

St John Bosco “Don Bosco” SDB (1815-1888) (Memorial) Founder of the Society of St Francis de Sales now known as the Salesians
All about beautiful Don Bosco:

St Abraham of Abela
Bl Adamnan of Coldingham
St Aedan of Ferns
St Aiden
St Athanasius of Modon
St Bobinus of Troyes
St Eusebius of Saint Gall
St Francesco Saverio Maria Bianchi
St Geminian of Modena
Bl John Angelus
St Julius of Novara
Bl Louise degli Albertoni
Bl Luigi Talamoni
St Madoes
St Marcella
Bl Maria Cristina di Savoia
St Martin Manuel
St Nicetas of Novgorod
St Tryphaena of Cyzicus
St Tysul
St Ulphia of Amiens
St Waldo of Evreux
St Wilgils

Martyrs of Corinth – 14 saints: A group of Christians tortured and martyred together in Corinth, Greece in the persecutions of Decius. We know nothing about them except some names – Anectus, Claudius, Codratus, Crescens, Cyprian, Diodorus, Dionysius, Nicephorus, Papias, Paul, Serapion, Theodora, Victor and Victorinus.

Martyrs of Canope:
Cyrus the Physician
John the Physician
Martyred in Alexandria, Egypt

Martyred in Alexandria, Egypt:

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War:
José Acosta Alemán
Juan José Martínez Romero
Pedro José Rodríguez Cabrera

Martyrs of Korea: Thousands of people were murdered in the anti-Catholic persecutions in Korea.
• Saint Agatha Kwon Chin-i
• Saint Agatha Yi Kyong-I
• Saint Augustinus Park Chong-Won
• Saint Magdalena Son So-Byok
• Saint Maria Yi In-Dok
• Saint Petrus Hong Pyong-Ju

Posted in NOVENAS

Novena to St John Bosco – Day Nine – 30 January

Novena to St John Bosco – Day Nine – 30 January

9th Day:  For Family, Friends, and those in Need

O Saint John Bosco,
you were full of compassion toward all people,
especially the young,
who suffered from illness, poverty, hunger, injustice and alienation.
Pray for all in need and for us too,
that the blessings of God and protection of Mary Help of Christians
may be on us all,
to care for and cure us,
strengthen us
and comfort us.
Pray for our families,
especially for our young people,
that they may be kept safely in God’s grace.
Intercede for us in life and in death
so that we may eternally sing the Divine mercies in heaven.
Through your intercession
may God grant me the following grace
(make your request)
so that together with others
I may bring all to the love of Christ, amen.

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory to the Father…
St John Bosco Pray for us!day-nine-novena-st-john-bosco-30-jan-2018

Posted in CONFESSION/PENANCE, DIVINE Mercy, Goodness, Patience, DOCTORS of the Church, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on SIN

Thought for the Day – 30 January – Where sin abounded grace has overflowed – St Bernard

Thought for the Day – 30 January – Wednesday of the Third week in Ordinary Time, Year C – Gospel: Mark 4:1-20

Where sin abounded grace has overflowed

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)
Abbot and Doctor of the Church

An excerpt from his Sermon 61 On the Song of Songs

“Where can the weak find a place of firm security and peace, except in the wounds of the Saviour?   Indeed, the more secure is my place there, the more He can do to help me.   The world rages, the flesh is heavy and the devil lays his snares but I do not fall, for my feet are planted on firm rock.   I may have sinned gravely.   My conscience would be distressed but it would not be in turmoil, for I would recall the wounds of the Lord – He was wounded for our iniquities.   What sin is there so deadly that it cannot be pardoned by the death of Christ?   And so, if I bear in mind this strong, effective remedy, I can never again be terrified by the malignancy of sin.

Surely the man who said – my sin is too great to merit pardon, was wrong.   He was speaking as though he were not a member of Christ and had no share in His merits, so that he could claim them as his own, as a member of the body can claim what belongs to the head.   As for me, what can I appropriate that I lack from the heart of the Lord who abounds in mercy?   They pierced His hands and feet and opened His side with a spear.   Through the openings of these wounds I may drink honey from the rock and oil from the hardest stone:  that is, I may taste and see that the Lord is sweet.

He was thinking thoughts of peace and I did not know it, for who knows the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counsellor?   But the piercing nail has become a key to unlock the door, that I may see the good will of the Lord.   And what can I see as I look through the hole?   Both the nail and the wound cry out that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.   The sword pierced His soul and came close to His heart, so that He might be able to feel compassion for me in my weaknesses.

Through these sacred wounds we can see the secret of His heart, the great mystery of love, the sincerity of His mercy with which He visited us from on high.   Where have Your love, Your mercy, Your compassion shone out more luminously that in Your wounds, sweet, gentle Lord of mercy?   More mercy than this no one has than that He lay down His life for those who are doomed to death.where have your love your mercy - st bernard 30 jan 2019.jpg

My merit comes from His mercy, for I do not lack merit so long as He does not lack pity.   And if the Lord’s mercies are many, then I am rich in merits.   For even if I am aware of many sins, what does it matter?   Where sin abounded grace has overflowed. And if the Lord’s mercies are from all ages forever, I too will sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever.   Will I not sing of my own righteousness?   No, Lord, I shall be mindful only of Your justice.   Yet that too is my own; for God has made You my righteousness.”

Holy Mother, Pray for Us!holy mother pray for us 30 jan 2019.jpg



Quote of the Day – 30 January – Gospel: Mark 4:1-20

Quote of the Day – 30 January – Wednesday of the Third week in Ordinary Time, Year C – Gospel: Mark 4:1-20

“When we go to Confession,
we are not telling God something
He doesn’t already know
and we’re not showing Him something
He doesn’t already see.
We are giving Him something
He doesn’t already have –
Your broken heart.”

Father Mike Schmitzwhen we go to confession - father mike 30 jan 2019.jpg


One Minute Reflection – 30 January – Gospel: Mark 4:1-20

One Minute Reflection – 30 January – Wednesday of the Third week in Ordinary Time, Year C – Gospel: Mark 4:1-20 and the Memorial of the Salesian Priest Blessed Bronislaw Markiewicz SDB (1842-1912)

“The sower sows the word. … And others are the ones sown among thorns; they are those who hear the word but the cares of the world and the delight in riches and the desire for other things, enter in and choke the word and it proves unfruitful.”…Mark 4:14,18-19

REFLECTION – “Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus invites us today to look inside ourselves – to give thanks for our good soil and to tend the soil that is not yet good.   Let us ask ourselves, if our heart is open to welcome the seed of the Word of God with faith.   Let us ask ourselves, if our rocks of laziness are still numerous and large;, let us identify our thorns of vice and call them by name.,, Let us find the courage to reclaim the soil, to effect a new conversion of our heart, bringing to the Lord in Confession and in prayer our rocks and our thorns.   In doing this, Jesus, the Good Sower will be glad to carry out an additional task – to purify our hearts, by removing the rocks and the thorns which choke His Word…Pope Francis – Angelus, 16 July 2017mark 4,14,18 19 - pope francis - the sower and the soil 30 jan 2019.jpg

PRAYER – Lord God, in Your wisdom You created us, by Your providence You rule us, You have planted us, penetrate our inmost being Your holy Light, so that our way of life may always be one of faithful service to You.   May we never hesitate to run to Your all-forgiving arms of mercy, when we allow the rocks and thorns of this life to prevent our growth and our steps as we return home to You.   May the prayers of the Blessed Virgin, our Mother, all the angels and saints and of Blessed Bronislaw Markiewicz be unfailing assistance to us.   Through Jesus Christ our Lord, with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever, amen.blessed virgin holy mother mary pray for us 14 oct 2018.jpg

bl bronislaw markiewicz pray for us - 30 jan 2019.jpg


Our Morning Offering – 30 January

Our Morning Offering – 30 January – Wednesday of the Third week in Ordinary Time, Year C and the Memorial of the Salesian Priest Blessed Bronislaw Markiewicz SDB (1842-1912)

Invocation to the Holy Spirit
Daily Salesian Prayer

If Thou does not light our way,
Ever from Thee must we stray,
Sinful man with grace inspire!
What is stained by sin, renew,
What is dry, with grace bedew,
Strength to wounded souls restore!
Coldness with Thy ardour burn,
Wilfulness to wisdom turn,
Crooked ways make straight once more!
To Thy people come in love,
All our hope is from above,
With Thy sevenfold grace descend!
Come with virtues high reward,
Come in death as living Lord,
Come with joy that knows no end!
Amendaily invocation to the holy spirit - salesain prayer - 30 jan 2019.jpg

Posted in SAINT of the DAY, VATICAN Resources

Saint of the Day – 29 January – Bl Bronislaw Markiewicz SDB (1842-1912)

Saint of the Day – 29 January – Bl Bronislaw Markiewicz SDB (1842-1912) Religious Priest and Founder of the Orders of St Michael the Archangel with both priests and sisters – born on 13 July 1842 at Pruchnik, archdiocese of Przemysl dei Latini, Poland and died on 29 January 1912 at Miejsce Piastowe, Poland of complications related to bronislaw artwork

“Bronislaw Markiewicz, the sixth of the eleven children of John Markiewicz, City Mayor, and Marianna Gryziecka, was born on the 13th of July 1842 in Pruchnik, Poland, in the present day Archdiocese of Przemysl dei Latini.   In his family home, he received a solid religious formation.   Nonetheless, during his secondary studies in Przemysl he experienced a certain wavering in the faith due, in large part, to the strong anti-religious atmosphere which dominated the school.   However, he succeeded in overcoming this in a relatively short period, once again finding peace and serenity.

Feeling a call from God to the priesthood, the young Bronislao entered the major seminary of Przemysl in 1863 after having received the Maturity diploma.   Upon completion of the regular course of study he was ordained to the priesthood on 15 September 1867.   Following six years of pastoral wok as a parochial vicar in the Parish of Harta and the Cathedral of Przemysl, seeking to become better equipped to work with youth, he studied pedagogy, philosophy and history for two years in the Universities of Leopoli and Cracow.   In 1875 he was named pastor at Gac and in 1877 pastor at Blazowa. In 1882 he was entrusted a teaching position in pastoral theology and the Major Seminary of Przemysl.bronisaw-markiewicz-45d7f012-45b4-48c6-855c-1af1e92b539-resize-750.jpg

Hearing a call to the religious life, he left for Italy in the month of November 1885 and joined the Salesians where he had the joy of meeting Saint John Bosco (1815-1888) before whom he professed religious vows on March 25, 1887.

As a Salesian he carried out the various tasks assigned to him by his superiors, which he sought to accomplish with dedication and zeal.   Due to the austerity of the lifestyle and the change of climate, Fr Bronislao fell gravely ill with consumption in 1889, to the point of having been considered close to death.   Having recovered from his illness, he convalesced in Italy until 23 March 1892 when, with the permission of his Superiors, he returned to Poland where he assumed the assignment of Pastor at Miejsce Piastowe, in Przemysl his native Diocese.

In addition to his ordinary pastoral activity, Father dedicated himself, in the Spirit of St John Bosco, to the formation of poor and orphaned youth.   He opened an institute in which he offered his students both material and spiritual support preparing them for life with a professional formation in the schools around the institute itself.   To carry on his work, he decided in 1897 to found two new religious congregations based on the spirituality of St John Bosco, adapting his rules to reflect their own Charism.   Once again received among the clergy of the Diocese of Przemysl, Father Markiewicz continued his work as Pastor and Director of the Society (erected in 1898) which he named Temperance and Work, seeking to obtain its approbation as a religious institute.   The approbation was granted a few years after his death: in 1921 for the male branch and in 1928 for the female branch.

With the approval and blessing of his bishop Saint Joseph Sebastian Pelczar, Fr Bronislao continued his activity forming youth and abandoned and orphaned children.   He was assisted by collaborators to whose preparation and formation he himself always contributed.   Already at Miejce Piastowe he had offered a home and formation to hundreds of children giving of himself totally for them.   Always desiring to do more for them, in the month of August of 1903, Fr Markiewicz opened a new house in Pawlikowice, near Cracow, where over 400 orphans found a house and the possibility for spiritual and professional bronislaw markiewicz.jpg

His total dedication to children, his heroic self-denial and the enormous work he accomplished, quickly exhausted the strength of Fr Markiewicz,. undermining his health, which was already greatly compromised from his illness in Italy.   All of this led rather rapidly to the end of his earthly pilgrimage which came on 29 January 1912.markiewicz-01-428w

Both before and after his death he was considered an extraordinary man.   As the fame of the sanctity of Bronislao Markiewicz continued to constantly increase, the Superiors of both religious institutes of St Michael the Archangel, founded by him, asked the Bishop of Przemysl to initiate the process of beatification of their founder, which began in 1958. Having completed the procedure for the Cause, on 2 July 1994 in the presence of his Holiness John Paul II, the decree of heroic virtue was promulgated and ten years later on 20 December 2004 the decree of the Miracle performed by God through the intercession of Fr Bronislao was promulgated, thus opening the way for his beatification….Vatican.vabl bronislaw

Blessed Bronislaw was Beatified on 19 June 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI.   The recognition was celebrated by Cardinal Jozef Glemp in Pilsudski Square, Warsaw, bronislaw plague.JPG

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 30 January

St Aldegundis
St Alexander of Edessa
St Amnichad of Fulda
St Armentarius of Antibes
St Armentarius of Pavia
St Barsen
St Barsimaeus of Edessa
St Bathilde
Bl Bronislaw Markiewicz SDB (1842-1912)

Bl Carmen Marie Anne García Moyon
St David Galván-Bermúdez (1881-1915) Martyr of the Mexican Revolution
Biography here: Felician of Africa
St Felix IV, Pope
Bl Francis Taylor
Bl Haberilla
St Hippolytus of Antioch
St Hyacintha of Mariscotti
Bl Margaret Ball
Bl Maria Bolognesi
St Martina of Rome
St Matthias of Jerusalem
St Mutien Marie Wiaux
St Paul Ho Hyob
St Philippian of Africa
St Savina of Milan
Bl Sebastian Valfrè
St Theophilus the Younger
St Tôma Khuông
St Tudclyd
Bl Zygmunt Pisarski

Posted in NOVENAS

Novena to St John Bosco – Day Eight – 29 January

Novena to St John Bosco – Day Eight – 29 January

8th Day:  For Purity

O Saint John Bosco,
you prized the virtue of purity highly
and strove with all your might to foster it
in the hearts of young and old.
Pray for us that, inspired by your example,
we may nurture it in our hearts and minds
and may act effectively to defend our young people
against a culture pervaded by sex and violence.
Through your intercession
may God grant me the following grace
so that together with others,
I may assist in bringing my neighbour,
especially young people to the love of Christ, amen.

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory to the Father…
St John Bosco Pray for us!day-eight-novena-st-john-bosco-29-jan-2018


Thought for the Day – 29 January – Doing the Will of God

Thought for the Day – 29 January – Tuesday of the Third week in Ordinary Time, Year C – Gospel: Mark 3:31–35

31 And his mother and his brethren came; and standing outside they sent to him and called him. 32 And a crowd was sitting about him and they said to him, “Your mother and your brethren are outside, asking for you.” 33 And he replied, “Who are my mother and my brethren?” 34 And looking around on those who sat about him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brethren! 35 Whoever does the will of God, is my brother and sister and mother.”

Whoever does the will of God,

is my brother and sister and mother.

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622)

Our determination to follow God’s will in all things without exception is contained in the Lord’s prayer, in the words we say each day:  “Your will be done on earth as in heaven.”  In heaven there is no resistance to the divine will, everything is submitted to Him and obeys Him, we promise to do the same for Our Lord, never offering any resistance but always remaining very subject to this divine will in every circumstance.   Now, the will of God can be understood in two ways: there is the will of God that is clearly stated and the will that is His good pleasure.

The will that is stated consists of four parts:   His commandments, His counsels, the counsels of the Church and His inspirations.   As regards the commandments of God and His Church, each of us must bow the neck and submit to obedience because in this, the will of God is absolute, willing that we should obey if we wish to be saved.

He wants us to observe the counsels by desire but not in an absolute manner, since some are so opposed to each other, that it would be altogether impossible to take on the practice of one of them, without taking away the means of practising the other.   For example, it is a counsel to leave all one has in order to follow our Lord, stripped of everything and it is a counsel to lend and give alms.   But how can someone lend who all at once has left all that he has, or how can he give alms, tell me, when he has nothing?   So we have to follow the counsels God wants us to follow and not think He has given them all to us, so that we should embrace them all.

In addition there is the will of God’s good pleasure which we are to consider in every eventuality, I mean in all those things that happen to us – in sickness, death, affliction, consolation, in things that are adverse and things that are profitable, in brief in everything unforeseen.   And to this will of God we should always be ready to submit in all that happens, in the agreeable as in the disagreeable, in affliction as in consolation, in death as in life and in all that is not clearly against the stated will of God, for that always comes first.

Blessed Virgin, Mary Most Devout Mother, Pray for Us!mary most devout virgin - pray for us - 19 may 2018.jpg

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, QUOTES of the SAINTS, SPEAKING of ....., The WILL of GOD

Quote/s of the Day – 29 January – Speaking of: Doing God’s Will

Quote/s of the Day – 29 January – Tuesday of the Third week in Ordinary Time, Year C – Gospel: Mark 3:31–35

Speaking of: Doing God’s Will

“God does not command impossibilities
but by commanding,
admonishes you to DO what you can
and to PRAY for what you cannot
and AIDS you that you may be able.”

St Augustine (354-430) Father & Doctor of the Churchgod does not comman impossibilities - st augustine - 29 jan 2019

“I am the king’s good servant
but God’s first.”

St Thomas More (1478-1535) Martyr i am the kings good servant but god's first - st thomas more 29 jan 2019.jpg

“God is not a slot machine.
We don’t go to God,
to get something.
we go to give something.”

Mother Angelica of the Annunciation PCPA (1923-2016)god is not a slot machine - mother angelica - 29jan2019.jpg

“If we wish to follow Christ closely,
we cannot choose an easy, quiet life.
It will be a demanding life
but full of joy.”

Pope Francisif we wish to follow christ closely - pope francis - 29jan2019.jpg

“The will of God
will never take you,
to where the grace of God,
will not protect you.”the will of god will never - fr mike schmitz 29 jan 2019

“A disciple of Jesus
is a decision maker.”

Father Mike Schmitza disciple of jesus is a decision maker - fr mike - 29jan2019

“Jesus promises two things
for those who follow Him:
1. Trouble
2. Victory”

Father John Parksjesus promises two things - fr john parks - 29 jan 2019

Father John Parks is a priest for the Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona. Before seminary, Father Parks received a degree in theatre from Arizona State University and was a youth speaker specialising in pro-life and chastity topics.   Father Parks was ordained a priest in 2010, has taught theology and philosophy at a Catholic high school the last four years and is currently the vicar for Evangelisation for the Diocese of Phoenix.   Father Parks has a great passion for the Gospel and loves being a priest.

Posted in MORNING Prayers, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 29 January – Gospel: Mark 3:31–35

One Minute Reflection – 29 January – Tuesday of the Third week in Ordinary Time, Year C – Gospel: Mark 3:31–35

“Here are my mother and my brethren!    Whoever does the will of God, is my brother, and sister and mother.”…Mark 34-35mark 3 - 34 35 - whoever does the will of god- 29 jan 2019.jpg

REFLECTION – “Jesus formed a new family, no longer based on natural ties but on faith in Him, on His love which welcomes us and unites us to each other, in the Holy Spirit.  All those who welcome Jesus’ word are children of God and brothers and sisters among themselves.   Welcoming the word of Jesus makes us brothers and sisters, makes us Jesus’ family. Speaking ill of others, destroying others’ reputations, makes us the devil’s family. Jesus’ response was not a lack of respect for His mother and His brethren.   Rather, for Mary it is the greatest recognition, precisely because she herself is the perfect disciple who completely obeyed God’s will.   May the Virgin Mother help us to live always in communion with Jesus, recognising the work of the Holy Spirit who acts in him and in the Church, regenerating the world to new life.”…Pope Francis – Angelus, 10 June 2018welcoming the word of jesus - pope francis 29 jan 2019.jpg

PRAYER – Loving Father, You gave us Your only-begotten Son to teach us, to make us Your adopted children by His adoption of ourselves as His siblings.   What grace, what mercy, what love, is this!   We give You our gratitude and our love.   Mary, holy and blessed Virgin, Mother of God, pray for us.   Through Jesus, our brother and our Saviour, who gave us His mother to guide and protect us, we pray, with the Holy Spirit, God forever, amen.mary mater creatoris, mother of the creator - pray for us - 14 may 2018


Our Morning Offering – 29 January

Our Morning Offering – 29 January – Tuesday of the Third week in Ordinary Time, Year C

Prayer Before a Crucifix
By St Francis of Assisi (c 1181-1226)

Most High glorious God,
enlighten the darkness of my heart.
Give me right faith,
sure hope
and perfect charity.
Fill me with understanding
and knowledge
that I may fulfil
Your command.
Amenprayer before a crucifix - st francis - 29 jan 2019.jpg


Saint of the Day – 29 January – the Servant of God Brother Juniper OFM (Died 1258)

Saint of the Day – 29 January – the Servant of God Brother Juniper OFM (Died 1258) – Franciscan Friar.   Brother Juniper is called “the renowned jester of the Lord” and was one of the original followers of St Francis of Assisi.   Not much is known about Juniper before he joined the friars.   In 1210, he was received into the Order of Friars Minor by St Francis himself.   “Would to God, my brothers, that I had a whole forest of such Junipers” Saint Francis would say.Bartolomé_Esteban_Murillo-_Brother_Juniper_and_the_Beggar.JPG

We don’t know much about Juniper before he joined the friars in 1210.   Francis sent him to establish “places” for the friars in Gualdo Tadino and Viterbo.   When Saint Clare was dying, Juniper consoled her.   He was devoted to the passion of Jesus and was known for his simplicity.

Several stories about Juniper in the Little Flowers of St Francis illustrate his exasperating generosity.   Once Juniper was taking care of a sick man who had a craving to eat pig’s feet.   This helpful friar went to a nearby field, captured a pig and cut off one foot and then served this meal to the sick man.   The owner of the pig was furious and immediately went to Juniper’s superior.   When Juniper saw his mistake, he apologised profusely.   He also ended up talking this angry man into donating the rest of the pig to the friars!the-little-flowers-of-st-francis1

Another time Juniper had been commanded to quit giving part of his clothing to the half-naked people he met on the road.   Desiring to obey his superior, Juniper once told a man in need that he couldn’t give the man his tunic but he wouldn’t prevent the man from taking it either.   In time, the friars learned not to leave anything lying around, for Juniper would probably give it away.

He died in 1258 and is buried at Ara Coeli Church in Rome.   He was never formally Beatified.

Ara Coeli Church in Rome

St Junípero Serra OFM (1713–1784), born Miquel Josep Serra i Ferrer, took his religious name in honour of Brother Juniper when he was received into the Order.

St Francis said of him:  A perfect friar would have “the patience of Brother Juniper, who attained the state of perfect patience because he kept the truth of his low estate constantly in mind, whose supreme desire was to follow Christ on the way of the cross.” 

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints 29 January

St Abundantia the Martyr
St Aphraates
St Aquilinus of Milan
St Barbea of Edessa
St Blath of Kildare
Bl Boleslawa Maria Lament
St Caesarius of Angoulême
Bl Charles of Sayn
St Constantius of Perugia
St Dallan Forgaill (c 530- 598) Martyr
St Dallan’s story:

St Pope Gelasius II
St Gildas the Elder
St Gildas the Wise (c500-c 570)

Blessed Juniper OFM (Died 1258)
St Maurus of Rome
St Papias of Rome
St Sarbellius
St Serrano
St Sulpicius Severus
St Valerius of Trier
St Voloc

Posted in NOVENAS

Novena to St John Bosco – Day Seven – 28 January

Novena to St John Bosco – Day Seven – 28 January

7th Day:  For Missionaries

O Saint John Bosco,
in your love and concern for all the scattered children of God,
you sent your sons and daughters to the farthest part of the world
to bring the knowledge of the loving God and the Light of the Gospel.
Pray for all missionaries and pray for us, that,
inspired by your example and in your spirit,
we may be united in work and prayer to win souls for Christ.
Through your intercession
may God grant me the following grace
(mention your request)
so that together with Salesian missionaries all over the world
I may assist in bringing all I meet especially the young
to the love of Christ, amen.

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory to the Father…
St John Bosco, Pray for us!day-seven-novena-st-john-bosco-28-jan-2018.jpg


Thought for the Day – 28 January – The cross exemplifies every virtue

Thought for the Day – 28 January – The Memorial of St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Doctor of the Church

The Cross Exemplifies every Virtue

Saint Thomas Aquinas
Priest and Doctor of the Church

An excerpt from a Conference

Why did the Son of God have to suffer for us?   There was a great need and it can be considered in a twofold way – in the first place, as a remedy for sin and secondly, as an example of how to act.

It is a remedy, for, in the face of all the evils which we incur on account of our sins, we have found relief through the passion of Christ.   Yet, it is no less an example, for the passion of Christ completely suffices to fashion our lives.   Whoever wishes to live perfectly should do nothing but disdain what Christ disdained on the cross and desire what He desired, for the cross exemplifies every virtue.

If you seek the example of love:  Greater love than this no man has, than to lay down his life for his friends.   Such a man was Christ on the cross.   And if He gave His life for us, then it should not be difficult to bear whatever hardships arise for His sake.

If you seek patience, you will find no better example than the cross.   Great patience occurs in two ways – either when one patiently suffers much, or when one suffers things which one is able to avoid and yet does not avoid.   Christ endured much on the cross and did so patiently, because when He suffered He did not threaten;,He was led like a sheep to the slaughter and He did not open His mouth.   Therefore, Christ’s patience on the cross, was great.   In patience let us run for the prize set before us, looking upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith who, for the joy set before Him, bore His cross and despised the shame.

If you seek an example of humility, look upon the crucified one, for God wished to be judged by Pontius Pilate and to die.

If you seek an example of obedience, follow Him who became obedient to the Father even unto death.   For just as by the disobedience of one man, namely, Adam, many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one man, many were made righteous.

If you seek an example of despising earthly things, follow Him who is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.   Upon the cross He was stripped, mocked, spat upon, struck, crowned with thorns and given only vinegar and gall to drink.

Do not be attached, therefore, to clothing and riches because they divided my garments among themselves.   Nor to honours, for He experienced harsh words and scourgings. Nor to greatness of rank, for weaving a crown of thorns, they placed it on my head.   Nor to anything delightful, for in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

St Thomas Aquinas, Pray for Us!st thomas aquinas pray for us 28 jan 2019.jpg


Quote/s of the Day – 28 January – St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Doctor of the Church

Quote/s of the Day – 28 January – The Memorial of St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Doctor of the Church

“Believing is an act of the intellect,
assenting to the divine truth,
by command of the will,
moved by God,
through grace.”everything-is-possible-mark-9-23- no 2 - believing-is-an-act-of-the-will-st-thomas-aquinas-5-june-2018

“The only-begotten Son of God,
wanting to make us
sharers in His divinity,
assumed our nature,
so that He, made man,
might make men gods.”the only-begotten son of god - st thomas aquinas - 28jan2019

“Charity is the form,
mover, mother
and root
of all the virtues.”charity is the form mover mother and root - st thomas aquinas 28 jan 2019

“To convert somebody,
go and take them by the hand
and guide them.”to-convert-somebody-st-thomas-aquinas-18-sept-2018

“We are like children,
who stand in need of masters
to enlighten us and direct us
and God has provided for this,
by appointing His angels,
to be our teachers and guides. “we are like children - st thomas aquinas no 2 - 28 jan 2019.jpg

“Just as a woman
had announced
the words of death
to the first man,
so also, a woman was the first
to announce to the Apostles
the words of life.”just-as-a-woman-had-announced-st-thomas-aquinas-22-july-2018.jpg

And if He gave His life for us,
then it should not be difficult
to bear whatever hardships arise for His sake.
If you seek patience,
you will find no better example than the cross.
Christ endured much on the cross and did so patiently,
because “when he suffered he did not threaten,
he was led like a sheep to the slaughter
and he did not open his mouth.”

St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Doctor of the Churchand-if-he-gave-his-life-for-us-st-thomas-aquinas-28-jan-2018

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES - J R R Tolkien and MORE, QUOTES on ENVY, QUOTES on SIN, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 29 January – Gospel: Mark 3:22-30

One Minute Reflection – 29 January – Monday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time, Year C – Gospel: Mark 3:22-30 and The Memorial of St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Doctor of the Church

And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, “He is possessed by Beelzebub and by the prince of demons he casts out the demons.”...Mark 3:22

REFLECTION – “It is characteristic of evildoers, stirred by envy, to shut their eyes as much as they can, to other people’s merits and when, overcome by the evidence, they cannot do so any longer, to depreciate or undervalue it.   Thus, when the crowd rejoiced in devotion and marvelled at the sight of Christ’s works, the scribes and Pharisees either closed their eyes to what they knew to be true, or minimised what is great, or undervalued what is good.   Once, for example, feigning ignorance, they said to Him who had worked so many wonderful signs:  “What sign can you do that we may believe in you?” (Jn 6:30).   In this case, unable to blatantly deny the facts, they wickedly depreciate them… and they devalue them by saying: “It is by Beelzebub, the prince of devils, that he casts out devils.”
Now this, dear brethren, is the blasphemy against the Spirit that binds all those he has seized with the bonds of an eternal sin.   This is not to say that it would be impossible for the repentant to gain forgiveness for it all if they “produce fruit as evidence of their repentance” (Lk 3:8).   The only thing is that, crushed beneath such a weight of malice, they lack the strength to aspire to that praiseworthy repentance worthy of forgiveness… Those who, perceiving the proofs of grace and the Holy Spirit at work in a brother…, are not afraid to undermine and calumniate and brashly ascribe to the evil spirit what they clearly know to be of the Holy Spirit, such as these have been so forsaken by this Spirit of grace, that they no longer even desire the repentance that would obtain pardon.   They are completely in the dark, blinded by their own malice.   Indeed, what could be more serious than to dare, out of envy for a brother one had been commanded to love as oneself (Mt 19:19), to blaspheme God’s goodness… and insult his majesty by wanting to discredit another?”...Isaac of Stella (c 1100-c.1171) O.Cist. Cistercian monkmark 3 22 - he is possessed by beezlebub - it is charactiristic - isaac of stella 28 jan 2019

PRAYER – Lord, our God, keep us free from envy of others, for this is a poison that can destroy all community and love.   Help us to know that to each You have given gifts and all are Your wonder and made to honour You alone.   Help us to appreciate our neighbour’s talents and understand that we are all one in the Mystical Body of Your Son. And since it was by Your gift that St Thomas became so great a saint and theologian, give us grace to understand his teaching and follow his way of life.   May his great love for Jesus Crucified and his pure adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, be our guide to follow in Your Son’s footsteps and take up our cross and follow Him.   Grant that by the prayers of St Thomas, we may grow in love and sanctity.   We make our prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, God forever, thomas aquinas pray for us no 2- corpus christi - 28 jan 2019..jpg

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Our Morning Offering – 28 January – The Memorial of St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)

Our Morning Offering – 28 January – The Memorial of St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)

Grant to me, O Merciful God
By St Thomas Aquinas

O merciful God,
grant that I may ever perfectly
do Your Will in all things.
Let it be my ambition to work
only for Your honour and glory.
Let me rejoice in nothing
but that leads to You,
nor grieve for anything
that leads away from You.
May all passing things
be as nothing in my eyes,
and may all that is Yours
be dear to me,
and You, my God,
dear above them all.
May all joy be
meaningless without You
and may I desire
nothing apart from You.
May all labour and toil
delight me when it is for You.
Make me, O Lord,
obedient without complaint,
poor without regret,
patient without murmur,
humble without pretense,
joyous without frivolity,
and truthful without disguise.
Give me, O God,
an ever watchful heart
which nothing can ever
lure away from You;
a noble heart,
which no unworthy affection
can draw downwards to the earth;
an upright heart,
which no evil can warp,
an unconquerable heart,
which no tribulation can crush;
a free heart,
which no perverted affection
can claim for its own.
Bestow on me, O God,
understanding to know You,
diligence to seek You,
and wisdom to find You;
a life which may please You,
and a hope which may
embrace You at the last.
Amengrant to me o merciful god - st thomas aquinas 28 jan 2019.jpg

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 28 January – St Thomas Aquinas OP (1225-1274)

Saint of the Day – 28 January – St Thomas Aquinas OP (1225-1274 aged 49 ) Doctor angelicus (Angelic Doctor) and Doctor communis (Common Doctor). Priest, Religious, Master Theologian, Philosopher, Writer, Teacher, Jurist. Also known as – The Great Synthesiser, The Dumb Ox, The Universal Teacher.header - st thomas aquinas

St Thomas was born of noble parents at Aquino in Italy, in 1226.   At the age of nineteen he received the Dominican habit at Naples, where he was studying.

Seized by his brothers on his way to Paris, he suffered a two years’ captivity in their castle of Rocca-Secca but neither the caresses of his mother and sisters, nor the threats and stratagems of his brothers, could shake him in his vocation.

While St Thomas was in confinement at Rocca-Secca, his brothers endeavoured to entrap him into sin but the attempt only ended in the triumph of his purity.   Snatching from the hearth a burning brand, the Saint drove from his chamber the wretched creature whom they had there concealed.   Then marking a cross upon the wall, he knelt down to pray and forthwith, being rapt in ecstasy, an angel girded him with a cord, in token of the gift of perpetual chastity which God had given him.   The pain caused by the girdle was so sharp that St Thomas uttered a piercing cry, which brought his guards into the room.

Diego Velazquez – The Temptation of St Thomas

But he never told this grace to anyone save only to Father Raynald, his confessor, a little while before his death.   Hence originated the Confraternity of the “Angelic Warfare,” for the preservation of the virtue of chastity.

the temptation of st thoms aquinas by bernardo daddi 1338
Bernardo Daddi – The Temptation of St Thomas

Having at length escaped, St Thomas went to Cologne to study under Blessed Albert the Great and after that to Paris, where for many years he taught philosophy and theology. The Church has ever venerated his numerous writings as a treasure-house of sacred doctrine – while in naming him the Angelic Doctor she has indicated that his science is more divine than human.   The rarest gifts of intellect were combined in him with the tenderest piety.   Prayer, he said, had taught him more than study.fra bartolomeo st thomas aquinas

His singular devotion to the Blessed Sacrament shines forth in the Office and hymns for Corpus Christi, which he composed.   To the words miraculously uttered by a crucifix at Naples, “Well hast thou written concerning Me, Thomas.   What shall I give thee as a reward?” he replied, “Naught save Thyself, O Lord.”beautiful st thomas aquinas eucharistic.JPG

He died at Fossa-Nuova, 1274, on his way to the General Council of Lyons, to which Pope Gregory X had summoned him.

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 28 January

St Thomas Aquinas OP (1225-1274) Doctor angelicus (Angelic Doctor) and Doctor communis (Common Doctor)(Memorial)

St Aemilian of Trebi
St Agatha Lin
Bl Amadeus of Lausanne
St Antimus of Brantôme
St Archebran
Bl Bartolomé Aiutamicristo
St Brigid of Picardy
St Callinicus
St Cannera of Inis Cathaig
Bl Charlemagne (a decree of canonization was issued by the anti-pope Paschal III but this was never ratified by valid authority.)
St Constantly
St Flavian of Civita Vecchia
St Glastian of Kinglassie
Bl James the Almsgiver
St James the Hermit
St Jerome Lu
St John of Reomay
St Joseph Freinademetz
Bl Julian Maunoir
St Julian of Cuenca
St Lawrence Wang
St Leucius of Apollonia
Bl María Luisa Montesinos Orduña
St Maura of Picardy
Bl Mosè Tovini
Bl Odo of Beauvais
Bl Olympia Bida
St Palladius of Antioch
St Paulinus of Aquileia
Bl Peter Won Si-jang
St Richard of Vaucelles
St Thyrsus of Apollonia

Martyrs of Alexandria: A group of 4th-century parishioners in Alexandria, Egypt. During the celebration of Mass one day an Arian officer named Syrianus led a troop of soldiers into their church and proceded to murder all the orthodox Christians in the place. 356 in Alexandria, Egypt.

Posted in NOVENAS

Novena to St John Bosco – Day Six – 27 January

Novena to St John Bosco – Day Six – 27 January

6th Day:  For Salesian Cooperators and the Salesian Family

O Saint John Bosco,
you founded the Association of Salesian Cooperators,
the seed of the worldwide Salesian Family,
in order to ensure the widest possible participation
in the charitable work on behalf of young people.
Pray for all the members of the Salesian Family that,
inspired by your example and bonded in one spirit,
they may share in the Salesian mission and model in their life
and work pastoral educative charity.
Through your intercession may God
grant me the following grace
(mention your intention)
so that together with the Salesian Family
I may assist all I am able to
and help young people in today’s society.

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory to the Father…
St John Bosco Pray for us!day-six-novena-st-john-bosco-27-jan-2018.jpg


Thought for the Day – 27 January – The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C- Christ is present to His Church

Thought for the Day – 27 January – The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C – Gospel: Luke 4:14–21

Christ is present to His Church

Second Vatican Council

An excerpt from Sacrosanctum Concilium, 7-8.

Christ is always present to His Church, especially in the actions of the liturgy.   He is present in the sacrifice of the Mass, in the person of the minister (it is the same Christ who formerly offered Himself on the cross that now offers by the ministry of priests) and most of all under the eucharistic species.   He is present in the sacraments by His power, in such a way, that when someone baptises, Christ Himself baptises.   He is present in His word, for it is He Himself who speaks, when the holy Scriptures are read in the Church. Finally, He is present when the Church prays and sings, for He Himself promised:  Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in their midst.

Indeed, in this great work which gives perfect glory to God and brings holiness to men, Christ is always joining in partnership with Himself, His beloved Bride, the Church, which calls upon its Lord and through Him gives worship to the eternal Father.

It is, therefore, right to see the liturgy as an exercise of the priestly office of Jesus Christ, in which through signs addressed to the senses, man’s sanctification is signified and, in a way proper to each of these signs, made effective and in which public worship is celebrated in its fullness, by the mystical body of Jesus Christ, that is, by the head and by His members.

Accordingly, every liturgical celebration, as an activity of Christ the priest and of His body, which is the Church, is a sacred action of a pre-eminent kind.   No other action of the Church equals its title, to power or its degree, of effectiveness.

In the liturgy on earth we are given a foretaste and share in the liturgy of heaven, celebrated in the holy city of Jerusalem, the goal of our pilgrimage, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God, as minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle.   With the whole company of heaven we sing a hymn of praise to the Lord, as we reverence the memory of the saints, we hope to have some part with them and to share in their fellowship, we wait for the Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ, until He, who is our life, appears and we appear with Him in glory.

By an apostolic tradition taking its origin from the very day of Christ’s resurrection, the Church celebrates the paschal mystery every eighth day, the day that is rightly called the Lord’s day.   On Sunday, the Christian faithful ought to gather together, so that by listening to the word of God and sharing in the Eucharist they may recall the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus and give thanks to God who has given them a new birth with a lively hope, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

The Lord’s day is therefore the first and greatest festival, one to be set before the loving devotion of the faithful and impressed upon it, so that it may be also, a day of joy and of freedom from work.   Other celebrations must not take precedence over it, unless they are truly of the greatest importance, since it is the foundation and the kernel of the whole liturgical year.the lord's day - sacrosanctum concilium 7-8 vat II.jpg


Sunday Reflection – 27 January – Honour Jesus Truth, Way and Life at Mass

Sunday Reflection – 27 January – The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C – First Reading: Nehemiah 8:8–10

“Go your way, eat the fat and drink sweet wine…” Nehemiah 8:10

“For it is a holy day of the Lord for us when we take pains to hear and carry out His words.   On this day it is proper that, however much outwardly we have endured the obstacles of tribulations, we should be “rejoicing in hope,” in keeping with the apostle’s saying:  “As if sorrowful, yet always rejoicing.”   On this day we are also commanded to eat fat food and drink sweet drink, that is, to rejoice over the abundance of good action bestowed on us by God and over the very sweetness of hearing God’s Word” ., St Bede the Venerable (673-735) Father & Doctor (On Ezra and Nehemiah, 3.)

By Blessed James Alberione (1884-1971) (Founder of the Pauline Family)

Honour Jesus Truth, Way and Life at Mass

The Eucharistic Celebration is the centre and principal act of worship….
There are many methods for participating in the Mass.
A suggestion:
a) From the beginning to the Gospel,
honour Jesus Truth
by meditating and applying the sacred doctrine, especially the Epistle and the Gospel.
b) From the Gospel to the “Our Father,”
honour Jesus, Way to the Father, especially in the Passion and prayer.
c) From the “Our Father” to the end,
honour Jesus, Life of the soul,
by receiving Communion and its sanctifying and healing grace.

Then Live a Eucharistic Day

It is a good practice to make the Host the day’s foundation.
This means making the day Eucharistic.
Spend the morning [after Mass] in thanksgiving,
displaying the fruits of a holy joy,
working “through Him, with Him and in Him,”
to the glory of the most Blessed Trinity.
From midday to the following morning
start your preparation by offering, sanctifying and carrying out your various duties
with your heart in tune with the Dweller in the a eucharistic day 27 jan 2019 - bl james alberione.jpg