Thought for the Day – 28 July – “The men of God and the women of God are unmistakable.” Let us Pray…

Thought for the Day – 28 July – Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, Gospel: Luke 11:1–13 and the Memorial of St Pedro Poveda (1874-1936) Martyr

“The men of God and the women of God are unmistakable.   They do not stand out because they are brilliant, or dazzling, or for their human strength but because of their wholesome fruit,” wrote Saint Pedro Poveda in a letter in 1925.   These words may describe his life.   He was a weaver of dreams because he was able to dream, design projects and even achieve some dreams through his trust in Divine Providence.

Saint Pedro Poveda, priest, educator, founder of the Teresian Association, active in over 30 countries now and martyr was born in Linares, Spain, on 3 December 1874.   He died on 28 July 1936 at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.   He witnessed to his Christian faith and to his priesthood until his last moment.   He was Canonised by St Pope John Paul II on 4 May pedro poveda canonisation.jpg

“My belief, my faith, is not wavering

but firm and unshakeable

and that is why I speak out.”

 St Pedro Poveda, 1920.


Lord, our God,
you have given Saint Pedro Poveda,
Founder of the Teresian Association,
the grace of promoting
the evangelising action of Christians,
through education and culture,
and of giving his life in martyrdom
as a priest of Jesus Christ:
we ask that, like him, we may know
how to participate faithfully
in the mission of the Church
through the witnessing of our Christian life
and the generous surrender
to the announcement of Your Kingdom.
We pray that through his intercession,
you may grant us the favour we wish to receive.
………………………. (make your petition)
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

His remains are venerated in the chapel that bears his name at the Cultural and Spirituality Center, Santa Maria de Los Negrales.

To learn more about St Pedro visit:

Saint Pedro Poveda, Pray for Us!st pedro poveda pray for us no 2 28 july 2019.jpg


Quote/s of the Day – 28 July – St Pedro Poveda (1874-1936) Martyr

Quote/s of the Day – 28 July – The Memorial of St Pedro Poveda (1874-1936) Martyr

“Lord, may I think, what you want me to think.
May I desire, what you want me to desire.
May I speak, as you want me to speak.
May I work, as you want me to work.”lord may i think - st pedro poveda 28 july 2019.jpg

When the Civil War broke out, he was identified as an enemy by those who wished to dechristianse the schools.   A few days before his death he wrote:

“Now more than ever,
we must study the lives of the first Christians
so as to learn from them, how to behave
in times of persecution.
See how they obeyed the Church,
how they confessed Christ,
how they prepared for martyrdom,
how they prayed for their persecutors
and forgave them…”now, more than ever we must study the first christians st pedro poveda 28 july 2019.jpg

his last words:

“I am a priest of Christ”

St Pedro Poveda (1874-1936) Martyri am a priest of christ - last words - st pedro poveda 28 july 2019.jpg


Sunday Reflection – 28 July – Become the bread of Christ

Sunday Reflection – 28 July – Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, Gospel: Luke 11:1–13

Become the bread of Christ
St Bernard (1090-1153) Doctor of the Church

Saint Bernard teaches that it is not enough for us to take and eat the Bread from Heaven.
We must also offer ourselves to be eaten.
Holy Communion is a wondrous exchange in which we become the bread of Christ.
Listen to Saint Bernard:

“My penitence, my salvation are His food.
I myself am His food.
I am chewed. as I am reproved by Him;
I am swallowed by Him. as I am taught;
I am digested by Him. as I am changed;
I am assimilated. as I am transformed;
I am made one with Him, as I am conformed to Him.
He feeds upon us and is fed by us,
that we may be the more loosely bound to Him.”

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Saint Bernard, ever the poet, uses images of eating and assimilation to describe how Christ unites us to Himself.
Our Lord becomes our food that we might become His.
We need the language of poets and preachers in our approach to the Eucharist.

Saint Bernard says, “Christ eats me that He may have me in Himself and Christ, in turn, is eaten by me, that He may be in me and the bond between us, will be strong and the union complete.”

What awaits you in Holy Communion exceeds all that you can desire.   Eat, then and offer yourself to be eaten.   Receive the Bread of God and become the bread of God.

“I am in you and you are in me!”i-am-in-you-and-you-are-in-me-29-july-2018 and 28 july 2019.jpg

Posted in FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on PRAYER, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 28 July – ‘Before all else …’

One Minute Reflection – 28 July – Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, Gospel: Luke 11:1–13 and the Memorial of St Pedro Poveda (1874-1936) Martyr

“For everyone who asks, receives and he who seeks, finds and to him who knocks, it will be opened.” … Luke 11:10

REFLECTION – “The attitude of prayer is one and the same for all but there are many kinds of prayer and many different prayers.   Some converse with God as with a friend and master, interceding with praise and petition not for themselves but for others.  Some strive for more (spiritual) riches and glory and for confidence in prayer.   Others ask for complete deliverance from their adversary.   Some beg to receive some kind of rank, others for complete forgiveness of debts.   Some ask to be released from prison, others for remission of accusations.
Before all else, let us list sincere thanksgiving, first on our prayer-card.   On the second line we should put confession and heartfelt contrition of soul.   Then let us present our petition to the King of all.   This is the best way of praying.” … St John Climacus (c 575-c.650) The Ladder of Divine Ascent 28, 6-7luke 11 10 for everyone who asks - befoe all else let us put sincere thanksgiving st john climacus 28 july 2019.jpg

PRAYER – All-powerful and ever-living God, splendour of true light and never-ending day, chase away the night of sin and fill our minds with the glory of Your coming.    Take away our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh, help us in our battle with sin and the devil.   By our prayers, Your holy sacraments and the strength of the Holy Spirit, may we be ever vigilant of the evil one.   By our baptism in Your Son, we are Your children, grant us Your protection.   Listen, to the prayers of Saint Pedro Poveda, as we ask for his intercession, through Christ our Lord, with the Holy Spirit, God for all eternity, pedro poveda pray for us 28 july 2019.jpg

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, The HOLY EUCHARIST / The HOLY MASS

Our Morning Offering – 28 July – Make Your Dwelling in Me

Our Morning Offering – 28 July – Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Make Your Dwelling in Me
By St John Damascene (675-749)
Father & Doctor of the Church

Hold dominion over my heart, O Lord!
Keep it as Your inheritance.
Make Your dwelling in me,
along with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Widen in me
the cords of Your tabernacle,
even the operations
of Your Most Holy Spirit.
For You are my God
and I will praise You,
together with the Eternal Father
and your quickening Spirit,
now, henceforth and forever.
Amenmake your dwelling in me - st john damascene - 28 july 2019 17 sun year C.jpg

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 28 July – Saint Pedro Poveda Castroverde (1874-1936) Martyr

Saint of the Day – 28 July – Saint Pedro Poveda Castroverde (1874-1936) (aged 61) Priest and Martyr, Founder of the Teresian Association, Teacher, apostle of charity and prayer, promoter of the woman’s role in society especially via Christian female education – born on 3 December 1874 at Linares, Jaen, Spain and died by firing squad on 28 July 1936 at Madrid, Spain.header - st. pedro poveda.jpg

Pedro Poveda was born on 3 December 1874 in Linares, Spain, to a solidly Christian family.   From early childhood he felt called to become a priest and in 1889 he entered the diocesan seminary in Jaén.   Because of financial difficulties, he transferred to the Diocese of Guadix, Grenada, where the Bishop had offered him a scholarship  . He was ordained a priest on 17 April 1897.

After ordination Fr Poveda taught in the seminary and served the diocese in many other ways.   In 1900 he completed a licentiate in theology at Seville and later began an apostolate among the “cave-dwellers”, those who lived in dugouts in the hills outside of Guadix.   Here he built a school for children and workshops for adults that provided professional training and Christian formation.   He was misunderstood, however, and had to leave this special ministry.pedro-poveda-castroverde-809722b2-f0a7-4093-924d-3aefba36b3b-resize-750

So Fr Poveda headed for the solitude of Covadonga, in the mountains of northern Spain, where, in 1906, he was appointed canon of the Basilica of Covadonga in Asturias, where the Blessed Virgin is venerated under this title.

In Covadonga, he devoted much time to prayer and reflected particularly on the problem of education in Spain. He understood that the Lord was inviting him to open new paths in the Church and in the society of his time  . He began to published articles and pamphlets on the question of the professional formation of teachers and was also in contact with other persons who felt the need for the presence and action of Christians in society.

The opposition between faith and science was becoming more and more evident in the culture of his day, which carried with it a de-Christianisation of the public education system.   Fr Poveda, after his apostolic experience in Guadix and his years of reflection and prayer in Covadonga, understood better the need to provide Christian formation for teachers who work in the State school system.   He believed that a solid faith and professional qualifications were both needed to keep the Gospel message alive.

In 1911 he opened the St Teresa of Avila Academy as a residence for students and the starting point of the Teresian Association, dedicated to the spiritual and pastoral formation of teachers.   The following year he joined the Apostolic Union of Secular Priests and started new pedagogical centres and some periodicals.pedro-poveda-castroverde-9a9e56f3-6e0a-47b4-a269-9a2e2c16293-resize-750

To further his work Fr Poveda moved to Jaén, where he taught in the seminary, served as spiritual director of Los Operarios Catechetical Centre and worked at the Teacher Training College.    In 1914 he opened Spain’s first university residence for women in Madrid.

Meanwhile, the Teresian Association continued to develop, spreading to various groups and areas and leading to its ecclesiastical and civil approval in Jaén.   Fr Poveda offered the Teresian Association as a new path of Christian life and evangelisation created with- and for- lay persons, forming them to be witnesses of the Gospel, according to his expression:   “To believe firmly and to keep silent is not possible”.   He wanted the adherents to be ready to give their lives for the faith and in fact, expressed the same desire himself.

In 1921 Fr Poveda moved to Madrid and was appointed a chaplain of the Royal Palace.   A year later he was named a member of the Central Board against illiteracy but most of his time was devoted to the Teresian Association, which received papal approval in 1924. Although he did not direct the Association, as its founder, he worked to consolidate and promote the various dimensions of its mission as it spread to Chile and later to Italy (1934).

It was during the religious persecution in Spain that Fr Poveda would be called to the martyrdom he so desired.  At dawn on 28 July 1936, when told by his persecutors to identify himself, he said, “I am a priest of Christ”.   He died a martyr for the faith and was Beatified on 10 October 1993 and Canonised on 4 May 2003 by St Pope John Paul II…Vatican.vaSan-Pedro-Poveda-©-Institución-Teresiana.jpg

Father Poveda was deeply aware of both the need for education in his country, and for qualified teachers to provide it.   He also saw this as an important role for women. In 1911 Pedro founded 1911 the St Teresa of Avila Academy in Oviedo for those ladies studying to become teachers.   He named it after St Teresa of Avila, a woman of learning, a doctor of the Church and a teacher of prayer.   He named his organisation the Teresian Association.   Its aim is to invite men and women to work for a social and human transformation, in accordance with Gospel values, from the platform of their own professions, especially those related to the fields of education and culture.   The early members of the Association were women involved in all levels of education, from elementary to the provision of higher education for women.   Additional academies were established in many other cities of Spain.  This association has schools around the world, including Brazil, Ireland, Philippines, India and in most South American capitals.

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The Teresian Headquartes in Madrid

In 1914 he opened Spain’s first university residence for women in Madrid.   Residences for women were opened in those places that have a university.

In 1924, Pope Pius XI approved the Teresian Association as a “pious union of the faithful” and later spread to Chile and Italy.   In 1951 the Teresian Association was granted the status of Secular Institute.   On 10th July 1990, St Pope John Paul II approved that it reverts back to its original identity as being an Association of the Faithful.   The Teresian Association is registered in the Vatican’s Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life of the Holy See.   It is active in thirty countries.   Its objective is the human promotion of individuals and the transformation of unjust structures by means of an education and culture imparted from a Christian perspective.

A film was made of his life in 2016.poveda

“St Pedro Poveda, grasping the importance of the role of education in society, undertook an important humanitarian and educational task among the marginalised and the needy.   He was … a teacher of the Christian life and of the relationship between faith and knowledge, convinced that Christians must bring essential values and commitment to building a world that is more just and mutually supportive.   His life ended with the crown of martyrdom.” … Homily of St Pope John Paul II on the occasion of his Apostolic Journey to Spain, 4 May 2003

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 28 July

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C *2019

St Acacius of Miletus
St Alphonsa of the Immaculae Conception/India FCC (1910-1946)
About St Alphonsa:
St Arduinus of Trepino
St Botwid of Sudermannland
St Camelian of Troyes
St Celsus of Rome
Bl Christodoulos
Bl Davíd Carlos-Marañon
St Eustathius of Galatia
St Irene of Cappadocia
Bl John Soreth
St José Caselles-Moncho
Bl José Melchór García-Sampedro Suárez
Bl Josep Castell-Camps
St Longinus of Satala
St Lucidius of Aquara
St Lyutius
Bl Manuel Segura-López
St Nazarius of Rome
St Pedro Poveda Castroverde (1874-1936) Priest and Martyr

St Peregrinus
St Samson of York
Bl Stanley Francis Rother (1935-1981) Martyr

He is the first US-born Priest and Martyr to be Beatified (on 23 September 2017) and the second person to be Beatified on US soil following the 2014 Beatification of New Jersey-born nun, Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich S.C. (1901-1927).

His First Feast Day today, 28 July 2018

St Pope Victor I

Martyrs of Laodicea – 8 saints

Martyrs of Thebaid: A large but unspecified number of Christians who were imprisoned, tortured and murdered together in the persecutions of Decius and Valerian. 3rd century Thebes, Egypt.

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War – Thousands of people were murdered in the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War from 1934 to 1939.
Martyrs of Fernán Caballero – 14 beati: Fourteen Claretian clerics who were martyred together in the Spanish Civil War. – 28 July 1936 in Fernán Caballero, Ciudad Real, Spain. They were Beatified on 13 October 2013 by Pope Francis.

Bl Antolín Astorga Díez
Bl Enrique Serra Chorro
Bl Gregorio Charlez Ribera
Bl Joan Ayats Plantalech
Bl Joan Bover Teixidor
Bl Joan Costa Canal
Bl José Aurelio Calleja de Hierro
Bl José Gutiérrez Arranz
Bl Josep Camí y Camí
Bl Josep Martí Coll
Bl Lluis Casanovas Vila
Bl Lorenzo Arribas Palacio
Bl Manuel Collellmir Sentíes
Bl Miguel Léibar Garay
Bl Narcís Felíu Costa
Bl Pedro Alonso Fernández
Bl Pelagi Ayats Vergés
Bl Pere Vilar Espona
Bl Primitivo Sandín Miñambres
Bl Ramon Gros Ballbé
Bl Vicente Toledano Valenciano