Thought for the Day – 11 October – The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery – The Road to Calvary

Thought for the Day – 11 October – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

“Month of the Holy Rosary”
The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery
The Road to Calvary

“Scourged, crowned with thorns and derided, Jesus is finally condemned to death.
Burdened with the Cross, He sets out for the place of execution in the midst of a crowd of enemies, blasphemers and idle speculators.
Among them , there is only a tiny group which sympathises with Jesus, namely, Mary His Mother, the devout women and the beloved Apostle, St John.

The divine Redeemer goes forward laboriously beneath the heavy weight of the Cross.
He has already lost a large quantity of blood in Gethsemane and during the scourging and crowning with thorns.
His strength seems to be failing but love sustains Him.
Looking feebly around Him, He sees the mocking Jews, the indifferent and disrespectful Roman soldiers and a throng of curious spectators looking for something to amuse them.
Is there nobody else?
Where are those whom He cured miraculously and those whom He comforted and forgave?
Has nobody any pity for Him?
Suddenly the crowd falls silent.
A woman, pale and tearful, is approaching Him, supported by her friends.
She defies the commands of soldiers and the scowls of the executions and comes close to Him.

Here and there, a murmur is heard – It must be His Mother, poor woman!
Jesus and Mary gaze at one another.
It would be impossible for us to guess at the immense depths of love contained in that loving exchange of glances.
Neither utters a word, for no words could express their anguish, nor manifest their love.
They look and understand one another, offering themselves as a holocaust for the redemption of wayward humanity.

Nevertheless, in this silent meeting, there was great consolation for the Heart of Jesus, for He had found someone who loved and understood Him, amongst those malicious throngs.
Why do we not sympathise with Him too and love Him with all our hearts?

Antonio Cardinal Bacci


Quote/s of the Day – 11 October – St Alexander Sauli

Quote/s of the Day – 11 October – The Memorial of St Alexander Sauli CRSP (1534-1592) Bishop “The Apostle of Corsica”

“I offer my whole self to You, to You alone.”

St Alexander’s Motto on the profession of his Vows
as a Barnabite.

“I will follow God’s inspiration everyday.”

(From a letter written to St Charles Borromeo after his arrival in Corsica)

“If I should start all over, what I have done,
I would do it over again.
For a shepherd,
it is a duty, to give his life for his flock.”

St Alexander Sauli (1534-1592)

(Said just before his death whilst on pastoral visits to his Diocese)


One Minute Reflection – 11 October – The Wedding garment – Matthew 22:1-14

One Minute Reflection – 11 October – The Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year in Ordinary Time, Readings: Isaiah 25:6-10Psalms 23:1-33456Philippians 4:12-14,19-20Matthew 22:1-14 and the Memorial of St Alexander Sauli CRSP (1534-1592) Bishop “The Apostle of Corsica”

“But when the king came in to meet the guest,s he saw a man there, not dressed in a wedding garment.” – Matthew 22:11

REFLECTION – “But you, my friends, since you have already come into the house of the marriage feast, our holy Church, as a result of God’s generosity, be careful lest when the King enters He finds fault with some aspect of your heart’s clothing.

What do we think is meant by the wedding garment, dearly beloved? For if we say it is baptism or faith, is there anyone who has entered this marriage feast without them? A person is outside because he has not yet come to believe. What then must we understand by the wedding garment but love? That person enters the marriage feast but without wearing a wedding garment, who is present in the holy Church. He may have faith but he does not have love. We are correct when we say that love is the wedding garment because this is what our Creator Himself possessed, when He came to the marriage feast to join the Church to Himself. Only God’s love brought it about, that His only begotten Son ,united the hearts of His chosen to Himself. John says that “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son for us.” St Pope Gregory the Great (540-604) Father and Doctor of the Church – Homilies on the Gospel, no. 38

PRAYER – Lord Holy God and Father, open our hearts o Your grace. Let it go before us and be with us. Open our hearts to Your love. Let it be the foundation of our love, let our love be Your love. Stepping in the footsteps of Your Son, in imitation of His Saints as St Alexander Sauli lived, grant that by his intercession, we too may reach Your eternal Feast. Through Jesus our Lord who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, God now and forever, amen.

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, The HOLY EUCHARIST / The HOLY MASS

Our Morning Offering – 11 October – St John Chrysostom’s Prayer before Holy Mass

Our Morning Offering – 11 October – The Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year in Ordinary Time

Prayer before Holy Mass
By St John Chrysostom (347-407)
Father and Doctor of the Church

O God, loose, remit and forgive
my sins against You.
Whether in word, or in deed, or in thought,
willingly or unwillingly,
knowingly or unknowingly, committed,
forgive them all,
for You are good and love mankind.
And through the prayers of Your most holy Mother,
of Your heavenly servants and holy powers
and of all the saints
who have found favour in Your sight,
enable me to receive, without condemnation
Your holy and immaculate Body
and Your Precious Blood,
to the healing of my soul and body
and to the driving away of all evil imaginations,
for Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
now and forever
and to ages of ages.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 11 October – Saint Alexander Sauli CRSP (1534-1592)

Saint of the Day – 11 October – Saint Alexander Sauli CRSP (1534-1592) Bishop “The Apostle of Corsica,” Clerk Regular of the Congregation of Saint Paul (The Barnabites) – St Alexander is referred to as “The Second Founder,” Missionary, Writer, Teacher of philosophy and theology at the University of Pavia, Reformer, Evangeliser, Confessor, Superior-General of the Barnabites in 1565. In addition, St Alexander Sauli was both friend, advisor and spiritual comfort to St Charles Borromeo, who held him in very high esteem. Born as Alessandro Sauli on 15 February in 1534 at Milan, Italy and died on 11 October 1592 at Pavia, Italy of natural causes. Patronages – Corsica, Barnabite Seminarians. He was appointed by St Pope Pius V to the ancient see of Aleria, Corsica, where he rebuilt churches, founded colleges and seminaries and, despite the depredations of the Corsairs, placed the Church in a flourishing condition.

In 1591, he was made Bishop of Pavia and died at Calozza the following year. He left a number of works, chiefly catechetical. He was Beatified by Pope Benedict XIV on 23 April 1742 and Canonised by St Pope Pius X on 11 December 1904.

Alexander was born of a wealthy and highly regarded family of Lombard on 15 February 1534. His father, Dominic, was the Marquis of Pozzuolo and assistant to Duke Francesco II of Sforza. Tommasina Spinola, his mother, also came from an ancient and noble family.

His parents provided a superior education for him at Pavia. This enabled him to become a page in the court of Emperor Charles V in Milan when he turned 17. This ended quickly when he sought to enter the Barnabite order, resisting his family and friends who urged him to enter a well-established order such as the Franciscans or Dominicans.

The Barnabites imposed a harsh test on the youth before they would accept him. On 17 May, 1551, the Vigil of Pentecost, he had to carry a heavy cross through the streets dressed as a page and preach on the love of God. That evening he was received as a postulant.

Three months later Alexander received the habit on 15 August. Yet at the next chapter meeting, he received much criticism for being tepid, possessing a superior attitude and being incompetent. A year later, Alexander participated in the sessions on the Constitutions for the Order and then was permitted to continue his theological studies at the Franciscan Friary of St Mary of Peace. Finally, he professed his vows on 29 September 1554. He was Ordained a Subdeacon on 22 December 1954 and a Deacon on 8 June 1555. Having received a special dispensation for his youth — he was 22 years old — he was Ordained on 21 March 1556 and then was assigned to the community library.

When a nobleman miraculously recovered his health, his family built a Church in Pavia in thanksgiving. The Barnabites were given the Church and sent Fr Sauli to be the Parish Priest. Like most saints, he did much more than dispense the Sacraments.

Although possessing no degree, he established study groups for both college students and seminarians. He promoted frequent Holy Communion and the Forty Hours devotion. His classes were well attended with lively debates, and instruction was geared to students’ ability rather than to deadlines.
He introduced innovations such as teaching geometry to instill discipline and law so students could protect themselves in a society rife with disputes. He encouraged the organisation of Church law.

After receiving an honourary bachelor’s degree, he was offered a position at the university but his superiors declined saying it was not in accord with humility. Providence changed that when a substitute was needed and Sauli was called. In 1562 because he was such an excellent teacher, he was given a permanent position at the university.

Fr Sauli, although given little time to prepare to discuss the “unity of the creating principle,” passed his doctoral exams even under the demands of an elite board of examiners. He received the degree on 28 May 1563. As a member of the College of Professors of Theology, he taught theology and philosophy while also serving the parish where he taught the Epistles of St Paul. In both places he drew large audiences with his wisdom and eloquence.

Despite his overwhelming success as a preacher and being the dean at the university, he wanted to focus on the running of the private school of the Barnabites. All this was interrupted when Bishop Ippolito de’ Rossi of Pavia called Fr Sauli to his service. He appointed Fr Sauli to be his theologian, lector for cases of conscience, examiner of clergy and planner for pastoral visits. Fr Sauli also published many books and republished some in accordance with the documents of the Council of Trent.

Being a humble man, he had no fear of losing positions and easily made way for others to take over his work and assignments — frequently to develop and encourage more men to serve God’s sheep.

In 1567 he was elected Superior General of the Order at the young age of 33. He proceeded to practice the rule with great diligence, proving his dedication and commitment to the order. Soon Attilio Gritti schemed to take over the church given to the Barnabites but Fr Sauli appealed to Archbishop Cardinal Charles Borromeo, who settled the dispute in a meeting with the Pope.

As superior, Sauli ensured that the Order followed the proclamations of the Council of Trent. Then he called for a Special Chapter to adopt the new Breviary published by Pope Pius V in 1568. In addition, he wrote updated guidelines for the curriculum and the seminary, gave conferences to religious orders, kept up with his voluminous correspondence and settled disputes. Under his leadership the fervour of the order was rekindled, so successfully, that he is credited with being the Second Founder.

About 1569 Fr Sauli went to Milan where he served St Charles Borromeo. He participated in the first Synod of the Archdiocese of Milan, while continuing to serve as Superior General, helping to improve the stature of the Barnabites in Venice — they had been expelled in 1552. St Charles Borromeo recognised a great homilist in Fr Sauli, inviting him to speak at the Cathedral in Milan. Likewise, Pope Gregory XIV also appreciated the prudence and wisdom of Fr Sauli who participated in several Synods and Councils.

When Fr Sauli was sent to hear Borromeo’s general Confession, the cardinal remarked that it had changed his life. Then Borromeo made a miraculous escape from enemies and asked Fr Sauli for advice to which he replied, “Humble yourself and reflect if God has allowed it, in punishment for some of your defects.” Once a month, Borromeo found refuge at the House of St Barnabas. Moreover, he spent the whole Holy Week with the Community. At first he used Sauli for delicate and secret missions, such as peace among spouses and families and delicate cases of conscience. He immediately noticed his prudence and common sense.

In 1571, Pope Pius V appointed Fr Sauli to Aleria on Corsica — a place where the Church was in a wretched state. In Milan the news caused great unrest among the Barnabites who protested, “We have no-one who equals him. We have few among us, whom either age does not qualify for active duty, or youth in consequence of their want of experience, does not render unfit for the government of others.”

They sought Cardinal Borromeo’s help to avert such a disaster. He wrote to his man in Rome, Msgr. Ormaneto: “Having notified the Superior of St Barnabas about the decision of Our Lord to give him the care of the Church of Aleria in Corsica, he, for the humble esteem of himself, has stated not to be qualified: which I do not agree with, as I know very well his qualifications…. Meanwhile I cannot avoid to present to His Holiness the great worry of the old Fathers of this Congregation, whom I have notified about it…. because of the great damage coming to their Congregation with the loss of this man, as it relies on his prudent government with great help from his knowledge, in which, truthfully, there is no equal; … Then, I know too how the city at large will suffer because of it, since the Superior is very useful to it in so many ways, such as conferences and confessions , and other spiritual services , and his prudent counsel, of which I avail myself regularly. If, then, Our Lord believes that he will render greater service to God in his new vocation, he is a son of obedience.”

To prepare himself to follow God’s will, together with St Charles, Fr Sauli went to the Carthusian Abbey in Carignano for a retreat. Writing to his father, Alexander stated: “The effort I have endured here as Superior General seems to me like roses in comparison with what I am starting to experience as a Bishop.”

The ceremony took place in the Cathedral of Milan on 12 March. Sauli was Consecrated bishop by his friend, Cardinal Borromeo of Milan, with Ippolito de Rossi, Bishop of Pavia, and Federico Comer, Bishop of Bergamo, as concelebrants. St Charles provided and donated to him all the Episcopal vestments

Since Corsica had not had a Bishop for 70 years, the Diocese needed much work. Of the 12 priests he was advised to take with him, only four were available. On 18 May 1570 he wrote to Borromeo about the devastation in Corsica after years of guerrilla warfare, famine and lack of pastoral leadership. The priests did not know Latin and had to be trained how to administer the sacraments. He established himself in precarious and humble dwellings and started immediately the visitation of the whole Diocese, entailing great and severe sacrifices, to bring to all the Word of God “like a beneficial rain that the good Lord sends on a field for long time arid and destroyed.” By the end of August he was able to hold a Synod with 150 Priests present to set up rules and regulations. He built a Seminary and a Cathedral and he defused many vendettas. After twenty years, he had revitalized the Church and the Corsicans had come to love and respect their Bishop.

Thus, when he was called to become Bishop of Pavia they grieved deeply. The people of Pavia were thrilled to learn that Sauli was returning and gave him a great welcome. He arrived on 19 October 1591 and began to enkindle a deeper faith in the people, who were also suffering famine. Although for some time he had been sick on and off with fever, toward the end of September 1592, Sauli began the pastoral visit of his new diocese.

After presiding at the Ordinations in Bursignano, he reached Colosso d’Asti on 1 October, where he spent the day in preaching, catechesis, confirmations, and personal meetings. That night he became sick with fever and gout. Not wanting to disturb the local Parish Priest, he decided to accept the invitation of his friend, Count Ercole Roero, to stay at his castle. He died on Sunday, 11 October 1592. A few days before he had said: “Don’t think that I am dying because of the efforts of this pastoral visit; be convinced that this is the hour fixed by God. If I should start all over what I have done, I would do it over again.”

His body was brought to Pavia on 14 October and, the next day, the solemn funeral took place. His universal fame as a saint spread immediately and grew steadily. The unanimous consensus and great devotion, especially in Pavia, led, in 1623, to the initiation of the canonical process. He was Beatified by Pope Benedict XIV, on 23 April 1742 and Canonised by St Pope Pius X, 11 December 1904. St Alexander Sauli is the Patron of Barnabite Seminarians and of Corsica.


O God, in the holy bishop Alexander Sauli
you have given to Your Church
a model of faithful religious observance
and of tireless pastoral dedication.
Grant, we pray, that Your people
may always be led by worthy pastors.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time +2020 and Memorials of the Saints- 11 October

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time +2020
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Traditional Calendar) +2020

St Pope John XXIII (1881-1963) (Optional Memorial)
Biography here:

St Agilbert of Paris
St Alexander Sauli CRSP (1534-1592) Bishop “The Apostle of Corsica”
St Anastasius V
St Anastasius the Apocrisarius
St Andronicus of Ephesus
St Andronicus the Soldier
St Ansilio
St Bruno the Great
St Canice
St Digna of Sicily
St Dionisio de Santarem
St Emilian of Rennes
St Ethelburgh of Barking
St Eufridus
St Firminus of Uzes
St Germanus of Besancon
St Gratus of Oloron
St Guiadenzio of Gniezno
St Gummarus
Bl James Grissinger
St Juliana of Pavilly
St Maria Soledad Torres Acosta (1826-1887)
Her Life:

Quotes by St Maria Soledad Torres Acosta:

St Nectarius of Constantinople
St Phêrô Lê Tùy
St Philip the Deacon
St Philonilla
St Placid
St Placidia
St Probus of Side
St Santino of Verdun
St Sarmata
St Taracus of Cladiopolis
St Zenaides

Martyrs of Vilcassin – 4 saints: Four Christians who were martyred together. We know little more than the names – Nicasius, Pienza, Quirinus and Scubicolus. Their martyrdom occured in Vexin Lugdunense territory of Gaul (modern Vilcassin, France), date unknown.