Thought for the Day – 22 January – The Proper Use of Time

Thought for the Day – 22 January – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

The Proper Use of Time

“The high value of the divine gift of time imposes an obligation on us to avoid laziness.
The obligation to avoid sin, is still greater.
Sin is the most serious way in which we can abuse this gift of God.
It is also an act of deep ingratitude, in that, we turn this treasure which God has bestowed on us, into a weapon to be used against the Giver of every good.
To use time properly, it is necessary to direct all our actions, intentions and desires towards God, Who is the source of our being and the goal of our earthly pilgrimage.

If everything we do, intend, or desire, springs from our love of God and is aimed at the manifestation of His glory and the expansion of His kingdom upon earth, then, even our most humble and apparently indifferent actions, are precious in the sight of the Mos High and receive His blessing.
But, if we are working for ourselves, for our own satisfaction and petty glorification, we ruin everything.
All that we do is barren.
If we seek ourselves instead of God, we shall hear Him say one day: “You shall have no reward with your Father in Heaven” (Mt 6:1).

Antonio Cardinal Bacci


Quote/s of the Day – 24 January – St Vincent Pallotti

Quote/s of the Day – 24 January – The Memorial of St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850)

“Immediately after rising
and throughout the day,
all make the Sign of the Cross
and renew their trust in God:
to be strengthened by the power of the Father,
to be enlightened by the wisdom of the Son
and to be sanctified by the love of the Holy Spirit.
And as they bless themselves, they may say:
Of myself I can do nothing,
with God I can do everything,
I want to do everything for love of God.

From the Rule of the Pallottines

Our life is:
“To breathe God in and out.
To find God in everything.
To reveal God to all.
To radiate the presence of God.”

“Remember that the Christian life
is one of action,
not of speech and daydreams.
Let there be few words and many deeds
and let them be done well.”

“Since God is perfect in loving man,
man must be perfect
in loving his neighbour.”

St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850)

More here:

Posted in "Follow Me", DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, ONE Minute REFLECTION, QUOTES on VOCATIONS, The APOSTLES & EVANGELISTS, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 22 January – He appointed the Twelve – Mark 3:16-18

One Minute Reflection – 22 January – Friday of the Second week in Ordinary Time, Readings: Hebrews 8: 6-13, Psalms 85:8 and 10, 11-12, 13-14, Mark 3:13-19 and the Memorial of St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850)

He appointed the twelve –
Simon (to whom the gave the name Peter);
James the son of Zebedee and John the brother of James
(to whom he gave the name Boanerges, that is, Sons of Thunder);
Andrew and Philip and Bartholomew and Matthew and Thomas
and James the son of Alphaeus and Thaddaeus
and Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.
– Mark 3:16-18

REFLECTION – “Accordingly, in affirming that they are sent by Him, just as He was sent by the Father, Christ sums up in a few words the approach, they themselves should take to their apostolate. From what He said, they would gather, that it was their vocation to call sinners to repentance, to heal those who were sick, whether in body or spirit, to seek in all their dealing, never to do their own will but the will of Him who sent them and, as far as possible, to save the world by their teaching.” – St Cyril of Alexandria (376-444) Bishop, Father & Doctor of the Church

PRAYER – Human weakness finds its anchor in You, Lord and our faith is build on You as on a rock. Supported by the teachings, lives and prayers of our fathers, Your Apostles, may we always answer Your call and live in ever-closer union with You. And may all your Angels, Martyrs and Saints, pray for Holy Mother Church and for us all. Through Christ, our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spiirt, God forever and ever, amen.

Posted in Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Our Morning Offering – 22 January – My God, In Your Infinite Love

Our Morning Offering – 22 January – The memorial of St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850)

My God, In Your Infinite Love
By St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850)

“My God,
in Your infinite love
You created me
according to Your image and likeness.
You gave me a free will.
Help me to use Your gifts
and improve myself
so as to become totally Your living image,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
an image of Your infinite
qualities and perfections.

Posted in MARTYRS, SAINT of the DAY

Saint/s of the Day – 22 January – Saint Valerius of Saragossa (Died 315) and Saint Vincent of Saragossa (Died 304) Deacon – Protomartyr of Spain.

Saint/s of the Day – 22 January – Saint Valerius of Saragossa (Died 315) Bishop of Saragossa, Spain from 290 until his death. Patronage – Saragossa.

There are few records of Valerius but tradition holds that he had a speech impediment, and that the Deacon, St Vincent of Saragossa, acted as his spokesman.

Both Valerius and Vincent suffered imprisonment under Diocletian. Vincent was Martyred at Valencia. Valerius was exiled for a time to a place called Enet, near Barbastro but is known to have been present at the Council Elvira, (c 306).

A chapel dedicated to him can be found at La Seo Cathedral in Saragossa. It includes a baroque entryway of gilded wood from the seventeenth century with scenes of the saints Valerius, Vincent, and Lawrence.

Statue of St Valerius at the Monastery of Santa María de Veruel, Spain

Saint Vincent of Saragossa (Died 304) Deacon – Protomartyr of Spain. 22 January. Patronages – São Vicente, Lisbon, Diocese of Algarve, Valencia, Vicenza, Italy, vinegar-makers, wine-makers, Order of Deacons of the Catholic Diocese of Bergamo (Italy). His life and death here:

Vincent of Saragossa was one of the Church’s three most illustrious Deacons, the other two being Stephen and Lawrence. He is also Spain’s most renowned martyr. Ordained Deacon by St Valerius of Saragossa, he was taken in chains to Valencia during the Diocletian persecution and put to death. From legend we have the following details of his martyrdom. After brutal scourging in the presence of many witnesses, he was stretched on the rack but neither torture, nor blandishments, nor threats, could undermine the strength and courage of his faith. Next, he was cast on a heated grating, lacerated with iron hooks and seared with hot metal plates. Then he was returned to prison, where the floor was heavily strewn with pieces of broken glass. A heavenly brightness flooded the entire dungeon, filling all who saw it with greatest awe.

After this he was placed on a soft bed in the hope that lenient treatment would induce apostasy, since torture had proven ineffective. But strengthened by faith in Christ Jesus and the hope of everlasting life, Vincent maintained an invincible spirit and overcame all efforts, whether by fire, sword, rack, or torture, to induce defection. He persevered to the end and gained the heavenly crown of martyrdom.

Below are a few stanzas of the magnificent Hymn composed by Prudentius (c 348 – c 413) (Aurelius Prudentius Clemens), the renowned Poet, in honour of St Vincent. There is a short biography of Prudentius here:

The Ambrosian Breviary has selected several verses of this long Poem, for one of its Hymns and there are offered to you.

O blessed Martyr!
bless this day of thy feast,
whereon the crown is given to thee,
the Conquero
and thou didst purchase it by thy blood.

This is the day which took thee
from this dark world to heaven
and restored thee in triumph to Christ,
for thou hadst conquered
thy torturer and thy judge.

Fellow now of the Angels,
thou shinest in thy bright stole,
which thou didst wash in the stream of thy blood,
for thou wast the invincible witness of Christ.

Thou wast a levite of the holy tribe,
a Minister of God’s altar,
which is surrounded by its seven snow-white pillars
and, by thy noble triumph,
thou art a Martyr of Christ.

Thou alone, O doubly noble!
didst bear away the palms of a double victory
and wreathe two laurels for thy brow.

Conqueror, once, in the hard death thou didst endure
and, then, after death,
thou wast conqueror over the tyrant-thief
and, with thy body alone,
didst gloriously defeat him.

Oh! by thy chains
and fires and hooks;
by thy prison-chains;
by the potsherds,
strewed to enhance thy glory.

Assist us now
and hear the humble prayers of thy suppliants
and make intercession for us sinners
at the throne of God.

To God the Father
and to His Only Son
and to the Holy Paraclete,
be glory now and for all ages.

Posted in MARTYRS, SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 22 January

St Vincent of Saragossa (Died 304) Deacon – Protomartyr of Spain (Optional Memorial)

St Vincent Pallotti SAC (1795-1850) (Optional Memorial)
St Vincent here:

St Anastasius the Persian
St Antonio della Chiesa
St Blaesilla of Rome
St Brithwald of Ramsbury
St Caterina Volpicelli
St Dominic of Sora
Bl Esteve Santacana Armengol
St Francis Gil de Frederich de Sans

Blessed Giuseppe Giaccardo SSP (1896-1948)
Bl Giuseppe Nascimbeni
St Guadentius of Novara
Bl Ladislao Batthyany-Strattmann
Bl Laura Vicuna
Bl Maria Mancini
St Mateo Alonso de Leciñana
St Valerius of Saragossa (Died 315) Bishop
Bl Walter of Himmerode
Blessed William Joseph Chaminade SM (1761-1850)
His Life:

Bl William Patenson

Martyrs of Puigcerda:
St Victor
St Vincent