Thought for the Day – 2 February – The Purification of Our Lady

Thought for the Day – 2 February – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

The Purification of Our Lady

“Today, the Church commemorates the Presentatio of the Child Jesus in the temple ad the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
These ceremonies were carried out, in order to comply with a twofold Mosaic law.
One part of this law referred to women who had become mothers; the other pat was concerned with first-born male children.
According to the first law, a mother was officially regarded as impure for forty days after she had given birth to a child.
When this period was over, she had to present herself in the temple and make an offering of a lamb and a turtledove.
If she were poor, she could substitute a second young pigeon for the lamb (Cf Lev 12).
The second law (Cf Es 13:2, 34:19; Num 8:16; Lev 27:26) commanded the mother to offer and consecrate to God, her first-born son.
She was to do this in memory of the miracle in Egypt when the Angel of God destroyed all the first-born sons of the people of the country and spared those of the Israelites.
In later times, when the ritual worship of God became the special obligation of the tribe of Levi, the first-born sons of the other tribes, had to be presented in the temple and bought back by an offering.

It is quite clear, that Jesus and Mary were not bound by this twofold law.
But they voluntarily subjected themselves to it, in order to give an example of humility and obedience.”

Antonio Cardinal Bacci

Part One here:


Quote/s of the Day – 2 February – Purification and Presentation

Quote/s of the Day – 2 February – The Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin and the Presentation of the Lord

“And inspired by the Spirit he came into the temple
and when the parents brought in the child Jesus,
to do for him according to the custom of the law,
he took him up in his arms and blessed God ..…”

Luke 2:27-28

“We must be burning with love
and radiant with good deeds
and so take up Christ
in our hands with Simeon.
Could anyone hold up
a lighted candle in his hands
on this day, without at once
remembering that old man,
who on this same day,
took up in his arms Jesus, God’s Word,
clothed in flesh like a candle-flame clothed in wax
and affirmed Him to be
“the Light which would be a beacon for the Gentiles.”

Bl Guerric of Igny O.Cist (c 1080-1157)

“She, the holy Mother of God,
must go to the Temple like other Hebrew mothers,
as though she had lost something,
which needed restoring by a legal sacrifice.
He, that is the Son of God and Son of Man,
must be treated in all things,
as though He were a servant
and be ransomed in common.
with the poorest Jewish boy.
Mary adores the will of God
and embraces it with her whole heart.
… She was in the Temple of Jerusalem,
what she was in the house of Nazareth,
when she received the Archangel’s visit;
she was the Handmaid of the Lord.”

Servant of God Abbot Prosper Guéranger

More here:


One Minute Reflection – 2 February – ‘ … If anyone leaves this world …’

One Minute Reflection – 2 February – The Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin and the Presentation of the Lord, Readings: Malachi 3:1-4, Psalm 24:7-10, Hebrew 2:14-18, Luke 2:22-40

“Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace …” Luke 2:29

REFLECTION – “A woman touched the tassel on Jesus’ cloak and she was cured.” (cf. Mt 9:20). If this woman gained so many benefits from touching the border of His cloak, what are we to think of Simeon who “took the child in his arms” and, holding him, gave himself up to rejoicing as he perceived, that he was carrying the Child who had come to “proclaim liberty to captives” (Lk 4:18) and that he himself, was about to be set free from the constraints of the body?
He recognised, that no one could release someone from the prison-house of the body, in hope of the life to come, except He whom he held in his arms. And it was to Him that he spoke, saying: “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace. For so long as I was not holding Christ, so long as I was not cradling Him in my arms, I was held fast and unable to escape from my bonds.

Moreover, not Simeon alone but the whole human race, is to be understood by these words.
If anyone leaves this world, if anyone is set free from prison and the place of captivity, to gain the royal throne, he should take Jesus in his hands and wrap his arms around Him; he should draw Him wholly to his heart.
Then, leaping for joy, he will be able to go wherever He wills.
” – Origen (c 185-253) Priest and Theologian, Father of the Church – Homilies on Saint Luke’s Gospel, no 15

O Light of All the Earth!
Prayer, Morning Hymn
for the Feast of the Presentation
Liturgy of the Hours

Hail to the Lord who comes,
comes to His temple gate,
not with His angel host,
not in His kingly state.

But borne upon the throne
of Mary’s gentle breast,
thus to His Father’s house
He comes, the heavenly guest.

There Joseph at her side,
in reverent wonder stands
and, filled with holy joy,
old Simeon in his hands,
takes up the promised Child,
the glory of all lands.

The world’s true light draws near,
All darkness to dispel,
the flame of faith is lit
and dies the power of hell.

Our bodies and our souls,
are temples now for Him,
for we are are born of grace –
God lights our souls within.

O Light of all the earth!
We light our lives with Thee,
the chains of darkness gone,
all sons of God are free.


Our Morning Offering – 2 February – Prayer for the Feast By Servant of God Abbot Prosper Guéranger

Our Morning Offering – 2 February – The Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin and the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple

Prayer for the Feast
By Servant of God Abbot Prosper Guéranger OSB (1805-1875)

O Blessed Mother,
the sword is already in your heart.
You foreknow the future
of the Fruit of your womb.
May our fidelity in following Him,
through the coming mysteries,
of His public life
bring some alleviations
to the sorrows
of your maternal heart.


Feast of the Purification of Our Lady, the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple – Candlemas Day – 2 February

Feast of the Purification of Our Lady, the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple – Candlemas Day – 2 February

Master of Saint Severin c 1490

Besides commemorating the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, this day has another meaning, for it is called Candlemas Day. The candle is one of the most widely used sacramentals in the Church; one blessed in a special Mass.

We use candles at Baptism, at Mass and other church devotions, at the Ordination of a Priest, the Consecration of a Bishop, at Easter, at Christmas to signify the coming of Christ. Two blessed candles should be in every home, to use in times of sickness, death, storms and calamities.

In the blessing of candles, the Church reminds us, that the candles signify light; they are blessed for the service of mankind, for health of body and soul, for those who desire to carry them in their hands with honour. Christ, the true Light and Fire of Charity, is asked to bless these candle,; to dispel the darkness of night, to free us from the blindness of vice and to discern what is pleasing to Him and profitable for our salvation.

On the Feast of Mary’s Purification, we greet her with lighted candles – shining with faith and understanding, burning with love and zeal, as Sion welcomed Christ the King; today we go to Christ through Mary, to Christ, the new Light that gives Faith, Hope and Charity to us all.

The two-fold Jewish rites, to which the Holy Family submitted on this occasion, were the legal purifying of the mother after childbirth and the offering of the first-born male child to the Lord. They showed reverence for the Father’s Law, by fulfilling its obligations and so, the Mother submitted to the Purification in all humility.

Angels beheld in wondering awe, what was the greatest event the Temple had ever witnessed. It was nothing less than the second coming of the Lord to His Temple, which the prophets had foretold. At the Presentation, God the Son made Man, took possession of the Temple built for His Father’s glory and so, ratified the worship which is offered to God in sacred courts, churches.

This simple ceremony is the link between the mystery of the Incarnation and the Redemption; here the Saviour renews the oblation of Himself; “Sacrifice and oblation Thou wouldst not but a body Thou hast fitted to me. Then, I said: “Behold, I come: in the head of the book it is written of me, that I should do Thy will, O God.”

Jesus really begins His Passion in this mystery of the Presentation and so, too, Mary begins her dolors. It is by Mary’s hands, that Jesus makes the oblation, which is the prelude to His Sacrifice. We honour the Presentation among the Joyful Mysteries but it is also, first in place among Mary’s Sorrows.

Simeon enlightened by the Holy Spirit, understood the mystery and so, too, did Mary. After his first transports of joy at seeing the Messiah, he blessed them and said to His Mother, “Behold this Child is set for the fall and the resurrection of many in Israel and for a sign which shall be contradicted and thy own soul, a sword shall pierce, that out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed.”

This prophecy reminds us, that Mary is always to be associated with the destiny of Jesus, the one solitary partner of His lot, singled out to suffer with Him. Heresies that pierced the Son have trans-pierced the Mother. The early Church guarded the doctrines of Jesus by defining Mary’s titles; today, those who repudiate the honour of Mary, turn from the Son also; in the mind of satan as in the mind of the Church, the honour of Son and Mother go together.

The Church of Jerusalem was the first to celebrate this Feast. On this day, also, a procession was held to the Constantinian basilica. The Armenians still keep the day on 14 February and call it “The Coming of the Son of God into the Temple.” The Greeks called it “Hypapante” the meeting of the Child Jesus and His Mother with Simeon and Anna in to Temple.

This Feast reminds us how intimately Mary is associated with her Son in the work of Redemption. We welcome Her Child to our hearts with love and faith, we bless the Mother, too, for she had “not spared her life by reason of the distress and tribulation of her people but has prevented our ruin, in the presence of our God.”


Saint of the Day – 2 February – Blessed Peter Cambiano OP (1320-1365) Priest and Martyr

Saint of the Day – 2 February – Blessed Peter Cambiano OP (1320-1365) Priest and Friar of the Order of Preachers (the Dominicans) and Martyr, Confessor, renowned Preacher calling many to conversion by his holy zeal and the power of his words. Born in 1320 in Chieri, Piedmont, Italy and died by being stabbed to death with daggers on 2 February 1365 by Waldensian heretics outside the Franciscan friary of Susa, Italy. He is also known as – Pietro de Ruffi, Peter of Ruffia, Peter Cambiani, Pietro Cambiano av Ruffi. Additional Memorial – 7 November (Dominicans).

Peter Cambiano was born in Chieri, in Piedmont, in 1320. Peter’s father was a City Councillor, his mother was from a noble family and the boy was raised in a pious household. He received a good education and was drawn early to religious life, with a personal devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary and was thus attracted to the Dominican Order.

He joined the Dominicans in Piedmont, Italy at age 16. He continued his studies and was ordained at age 25 and was a noted preacher throughout northern Italy.
Among his talents, it is said, that he had a loud clear voice, which was very useful at that time when he had to preach in the open air. He received an appropriate formation that allowed him to be prepared for controversy with the Waldensians, a heretic sect spread in northern Italy.

The inquisition had been set up to deal with those people in Lombardy before the death of St Peter Martyr, a century before. So well did young Peter carry out the work of preaching among them, that the Order sent him to Rome to obtain a higher degree. The Pope, impressed by his talents and his family name, appointed him Inquisitor General in Piedmont.

In January 1365, Peter and two Dominican brothers went on a preaching mission through the mountains between Italy and Switzerland, working from the Franciscan Friary at Susa, Italy.

Peter’s preaching brought many back to the faith, which earned him the anger of the Waldensians. Three of the heretics came to the Friary, asked to see Peter and then murdered him at the gate.

He was buried at the Franciscan Friary, as it was considered unsafe to transport his body through the hostile heretical territory. His relics were translated to the Dominican house in Turin, Italy in 1517, after the Franciscan Friary was destroyed by an invading army.

Peter was Beatified on 4 December 1856 by Pope Pius IX (cultus confirmation).

Loving God, in Your mercy
You bestowed the crown of Martyrdom on Blessed Peter
for his defence of the true faith.
Help us by his prayers to please You
by a faith that is manifested through charity.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Son, who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.
(General Calendar of the Order of Preachers)


Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin and the Presentation of the Lord and Memorials of the Saints – 2 February

Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin and the Presentation of the Lord – also known as Candlemas – 2 February:
The feast commemorates the purifying of the Blessed Virgin according to the Mosaic Law, 40 days after the birth of Christ and the presentation of the Infant Jesus in the Temple. The feast was introduced into the Eastern Empire by Emperor Justinian I and is mentioned in the Western Church in the Gelasian Sacramentary of the 7th century. Candles are blessed on that day in commemoration of the words of Holy Simeon concerning Christ “a light to the revelation of the Gentiles” (Luke 2) and a procession with lighted candles is held in the church to represent the entry of Christ, the Light of the World, into the Temple of Jerusalem. “Candlemas” is still the name in Scotland for a legal term-day on which interest and rents are payable (2 February).
Patronages – Jaro, Philippines, Western Visayas, Philippines.



Our Lady of the Candles – (formally known as Nuestra Señora de la Purificación y la Candelaria) is a Marian title and image venerated by Filipino Catholics. The image, which is enshrined on the balcony of Jaro Cathedral, is known as the patroness of Jaro District of Iloilo City and the whole of the Western Visayas.
The feast day of Our Lady of the Candles is on Candlemas (2 February) and is celebrated in Iloilo City with a Solemn Pontifical Mass presided by the Archbishop of Jaro.

St Adalbald of Ostrevant
St Adeloga of Kitzingen
St Agathodoros of Tyana
St Andrea Carlo Ferrari
St Apronian the Executioner
St Bruno of Ebsdorf
St Burchard of Wurzburg
St St Candidus the Martyr
St Columbanus of Ghent
St Cornelius the Centurion
St Felician the Martyr
St Feock
St Firmus of Rome
St Flosculus of Orléans
St Fortunatus the Martyr
St Hilarus the Martyr
St Jeanne de Lestonnac
St Lawrence of Canterbury
Bl Louis Alexander Alphonse Brisson
Blessed Maria Domenica Mantovani (1862-1934)
Her Life:
St Marquard of Hildesheim
St Mun
Blessed Peter Cambiano OP (1320-1365) Priest and Martyr
St Rogatus the Martyr
St Saturninus the Martyr
St Sicharia of Orleans
St Simon of Cassia Fidati
Bl Stephen Bellesini
St Theodoric of Ninden
St Victoria the Martyr

Martyrs of Ebsdorf: Members of the army of King Louis III of France under the leadership of Duke Saint Bruno of Ebsdorf. The martyrs died fighting invading pagan Norsemen, and defending the local Christian population. Four bishops, including Saint Marquard of Hildesheim and Saint Theodoric of Ninden, eleven nobles, and countless unnamed foot soldiers died repelling the invaders. They were martyred in the winter of 880 in battle at Luneberg Heath and Ebsdorf, Saxony (modern Germany).