Posted in "Follow Me", CHRIST, the WAY,TRUTH,LIFE, HUMILITY-Fr Richard Clarke, QUOTES on HUMILITY

Thought for the Day – 28 May – The Obligation of Humility

Thought for the Day – 28 May – Meditations with Fr Richard Frederick Clarke SJ (1839-1900) SJ

Meditations for a Month

Chapter Two
The Obligation of Humility

Every Christian as such, is under an obligation to follow in the sacred footsteps of Jesus Christ and, to make His Life, the model of his own. In the life of the Son of God on earth, the most wonderful feature is its humility. That the omnipotent God should so humble Himself as to take the form of the lowest of the rational creatures He has made, is an almost incredible marvel.
The condescension, the lowering of Himself which is involved in it, altogether passes our power of comprehension. He could not have stooped so low unless He had been God. Thus, His humility
becomes the characteristic feature of the Incarnation and, in proportion, as we lower ourselves, we imitate Jesus upon earth.

Our Lord is not satisfied with teaching us by His example; He also gives a positive command.
“Learn of Me for I am meek and humble of heart.”
Out of all the virtues, He came to teach us, He selects His humility as that, to the practice of which, He binds us, by which we are to become
like unto Him. How indifferent, how disobedient I have shown myself to our Lord’s command!

Can I say that I have learned the lesson of meekness and humbleness of heart?

We are also bound to practice humility as children of the Catholic Church. Humility and submission is the very essence of her teaching — subjection to God, subjection to all lawful authority, subjection of will and intellect to the Dogmas of Faith. He who is not content with
subjection, cannot be a really good Catholic and no-one can love subjection without humility.
Examine your own heart, to find whether you rejoice in being subject, for Christ’s sake.

Posted in "Follow Me", CHRIST, the WAY,TRUTH,LIFE, FATHERS of the Church, GOD ALONE!, QUOTES on The HUMAN SOUL

Quote/s of the Day – 28 May – St Augustine of Canterbury

Quote/s of the Day – 28 May – St Augustine of Canterbury (Died c605) He is consideredthe Founder of the English Church and “The Apostle to the English.” He is the first Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor, Missionary, Father of the Church.

God, in His promises to hear our prayers,
is desirous to bestow Himself upon us;
if you find anything better than Him, ask it
but if you ask anything beneath Him,
you put an affront upon Him
and hurt yourself, by preferring to Him,
a creature which He created!

Pray in the spirit and sentiment of love,
in which the royal Prophet said to Him,
‘Thou, O Lord, art my portion.’
Let others choose to themselves,
portions among creatures,
for my part, Thou art my portion,
Thou alone I have chosen
for my whole inheritance.

Take care of your body,
as if you were going to live forever
and take care of your soul,
as if you were going to die tomorrow.

St Augustine of Canterbury (Died c605)
“The Apostle to the English”


One Minute Reflection – 28 May – Into whatever house yoLuke u enter, first say: Peace be to this house … 10:5

One Minute Reflection – 28 May – “The Month of the Blessed Virgin Mary” – St Augustine of Canterbury (Died c 605) He is consideredthe Founder of the English Church and “The Apostle to the English.” He is the first Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor, Missionary, Father of the Church. – 1 Thessalonians 2:2-9; Luke 10:1-9 – Scripture search here:

Into whatever house you enter, first say: Peace be to this house.
And, if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon him but if not, it shall return to you.
” – Luke 10:5-7

REFLECTION – “As you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house,‘” (Lk 10:5) so that the Lord Himself might enter and remain there, as with Mary. … This greeting is the Mystery of Faith which shines forth in the world. Through it, enmity is stifled, war is ended and people acknowledge one another. The effect of that greeting was hidden by a veil in spite of the fact that it prefigures the Mystery of the Resurrection … when the light rises and dawn chases night away. From the moment Christ sent out His disciples, people began to give and receive this greeting, a source of healing and blessing. …

This greeting with its hidden power … is amply sufficient for us all. That is why Our Lord sent it out, together with His disciples, as forerunner, so that it might bring about peace and, carried by the voice of the Apostles whom He sent, prepare the way before them. It was sown in every dwelling … it entered into all who heard it, so as to separate and set apart, the children it recognised as its own. It remained in them but it denounced those who were alien to it, for they did not welcome it.

This greeting of peace did not dry up; it began in the Apostles and then sprang up in their brethren, revealing the Lord’s inexhaustible treasures. … Present in those who offered greetings in this way and in those who welcomed the greeting, this announcement of peace was neither diminished nor divided. It announced that the Father is near and is in everyone; it revealed that the Son’s mission is bound up with all, even if its object is to be with His Father. It will not cease to proclaim that images are now brought to completion and Truth will cast all shadows away at last.” – St Ephrem (306-373) Father and Doctor of the Church (Diatessaron 8: 3-4).

PRAYER – O God, Who graciously enlightened the English peoples with the light of the True Faith by the preaching and miracles of the blessed Augustine, Thy Confessor and Bishop, grant, through his intercession that the hearts of those who have strayed, may return to the unity of the True Faith and that, we may be in harmony with Thine Will. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).


Our Morning Offering – 28 May – I’ll Sing a Hymn to Mary

Our Morning Offering – 28 May – “The Month of the Blessed Virgin Mary” – As we face the last few days of the special month of our Queen and Mother, we kneel at her feet in love, veneration and supplication and implore her unfailing protection and refuge. I cannot imagine how anyone may reach our goal of eternal life and weave their way through this vale of tears, without our Most Blessed Mother!

I’ll Sing a Hymn to Mary
By Father John Wyse (1825-1898)
Irish Priest and Hymn writer

I’ll sing a hymn to Mary,
The Mother of my God,
The Virgin of all virgins,
Of David’s royal blood.
O teach me, Holy Mary,
A loving song to frame,
When wicked men blaspheme thee,
To love and bless thy name.

O Lily of the Valley,
O Mystic Rose, what tree,
Or flower, e’en the fairest,
Is half so fair as thee?
O let me, tho’ so lowly
Recite my Mother’s fame.
When wicked men blaspheme thee,
I’ll love and bless thy name.

O noble Tower of David,
Of gold and ivory.
The ark of God’s own promise,
The gate of Heav’n to me.
To live and not to love thee
Would fill my soul with shame.
When wicked men blaspheme thee,
I’ll love and bless thy name.

When troubles dark afflict me
In sorrow and in care,
Thy light doth ever guide me
O beauteous Morning Star.
Lo, I’ll be ever ready
Thy goodly help to claim,
When wicked men blaspheme thee,
To love and bless thy name.

The saints are high in glory,
With golden crowns so bright;
But brighter far is Mary,
Upon her throne of light.
Oh that which God did give thee,
Let mortal ne’er disclaim;
When wicked men blaspheme thee,
I’ll love and bless thy name.

But in the crown of Mary,
There lies a wonderous gem,
As Queen of all the Angels,
Which Mary shares with them;
No sin hath e’er defiled thee,
So doth our faith proclaim;
When wicked men blaspheme thee,
I’ll love and bless thy name.

And now O Virgin Mary
My mother and my Queen,
I’ve sung thy praise so bless me,
And keep my heart from sin.
When others jeer and mock thee,
I’ll often think how I
To shield my Mother, Mary,
Would lay me down and die.

Verses 4, 5 and 6 omitted on image.

Posted in MARTYRS, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 28 May – Saint Caraunus of Chartres (5th Century) Deacon Martyr

Saint of the Day – 28 May – Saint Caraunus of Chartres (5th Century) Deacon Martyr, Missionary, Miracle-worker. Also known as – Caran, Carauno, Ceraunus, Cheron. Additional Memorial – 18 October (translation of Relics).

Although the precise date of the birth of Saint Caraunus is uncertain, hagiographic sources agree that it occurred in Rome in the 5th Century to a noble patrician family. His youth is shrouded in mystery, but it is assumed that he received an excellent education, typical of the Roman elite of the time.

A crucial event in his life was his conversion to Christianity. Embracing faith, Caraunus renounced the privileges and comforts of his aristocratic life to dedicate himself to spreading the Gospel.
Being Ordained as a Deacon, Carauno felt called to bring the Word of God to distant lands. He undertook a journey to Gaul, a region of modern-day France, where he preached Christianity with zeal and passion. His preaching touched several Cities, including Marseille, Lyon and Chartres.

News of his preaching reached the ears of some criminals who, blinded by greed, decided to ambush him. In a location not far from Chartres, where the village of Saint-Chéron stands today, Caraunus was attacked and barbarously killed.

The tomb of San Caraunus soon became a destination for pilgrimages. The faithful, attracted by the fame of his sanctity and by the miracles which occurred through his intercession, went to the place of Martyrdom to pray and ask for graces.

Statue in the Église Saint-Chéron de Cavan

A Chapel was built over the tomb which became the nucleus of a flourishing Monastery, documented as early as the 9th Century. The monastic community prospered for centuries, preserving the memory and devotion to the holy Martyr. However, during the French Revolution, the Monastery was suppressed and the Monks dispersed.
The Relics of our Saint, saved during the revolutionary desecrations, were, in 1849, placed in the new Church dedicated to him. Even today, the memory of St Caraunus is venerated in the Diocese of Chartres and in some others, including that of Paris. His Liturgical Feast is celebrated today 28 May.

The devotion to St Caraunus is intertwined with a rich hagiographic tradition, narrated in a legendary Vita of the 9th Century. In it, historical elements are mixed with legendary ideas which also reflect the influence of other Saints’ lives. A fascinating 13th Century stained glass window, located in Chartres Cathedral, illustrates some scenes from the Saint’s legend, offering an artistic testimony to his veneration.

Église Saint-Chéron de Cavan

St Augustine of Canterbury and the Saints for 28 May

St Accidia
Bl Albert of Csanád
St Caraunus of Chartres (5th Century) Deacon Martyr
St Caraunus the Deacon
St Crescens of Rome
St Dioscorides of Rome
St Eoghan the Sage
St Gemiliano of Cagliari

Bl Heliconis of Thessalonica
St Helladius of Rome
St Herculaneum of Piegaro
Bl John Shert
St Justus of Urgell

St Luciano of Cagliari

Bl Mary of the Nativity
St Moel-Odhran of Iona
St Paulus of Rome
St Podius of Florence
Bl Robert Johnson
St Senator of Milan
Bl Thomas Ford
St Ubaldesca Taccini

Martyrs of Palestine: A group of early 5th Century Monks in Palestine who were Martyred by invading Arabs.