Thought for the Day – 25 May – The Mystery of Suffering

Thought for the Day – 25 May – Meditations with Fr Richard Frederick Clarke SJ (1839-1900) SJ

Meditations for a Month

The Mystery of Suffering

  1. Those who look upon the world without taking into account the nature of sin, the meaning of a state of probation and the rewards and punishments of the life to come, are puzzled by the sufferings which seem everywhere to abound. Why has a merciful God created us to suffer? Why is it that the innocent have to suffer one day, while the guilty seem to prosper? Why is it that the most virtuous often have the hardest lot and the bitterest trials? Suffering is indeed a mystery.
  2. Friendship with God generally entails suffering. How many a man hitherto prosperous falls into every kind of misfortune when he turns to God! It seems as if a high degree of virtue brought misery, not happiness. Dives, surrounded with every luxury and Lazarus, covered with ulcers lying half-starved at his gate; Annas triumphant and Jesus Crucified; Herod feasting and John butchered in his prison cell; the Roman Emperor in all the pride of empire and the friends of God torn by wild beast – what an apparent anomaly! On a small scale there is the same anomaly in my life and in the little world in which I live. I am inclined to find fault with God’s arrangements. Oh how foolishly!
  3. Does God repay good with evil by sending suffering to those He loves? They themselves do not think so and they are the best judges. They rather like sufferings. How can this be? Suffering, in itself, is the reverse of pleasant. But in its effects how wonderful! In its power to counteract evil how effectual! As a mark of God’s favour how valuable! In its promise for the future, how replete with blessings! It may be said to contain, within itself, all sweetness, not in the present but in the future. This is the view I must take of suffering.
Posted in 7 GIFTS of the HOLY GHOST, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, QUOTES on UNITY/with GOD, The HOLY GHOST

Quote/s of the Day – 25 May – Pentecost Saturday

Quote/s of the Day – 25 May – Pentecost Saturday

He who abides in Me and I in Him,
the same bears much fruit

John 5:5

We are preserved in being, if we grow onto Him
and cling fast to the holy commandment,
which has been handed down to us
and, if we are eager to keep the blessing of nobility,
that is to say, if we never consent, in any way,
to “grieve the Holy Spirit” (Eph 4:30),
Who has come to dwell in us and, through Whom,
we believe, God has made His home in us. …
For just as the vine-stock supplies and distributes,
the virtue of its own inherent natural quality to the shoots,
so, too, the Only-Begotten Word of God,
implants, in His people, a sort of affinity
with His own nature and that of the Father.
By the gift of the Spirit, they are united with Him
by every kind of holiness.
He nourishes them, so that they become devout
and He moves them to knowledge of all virtue
and good works.

St Cyril of Alexandria (376-444)
Father & Doctor of the Church


One Minute Reflection – 25 May – ‘ … Each day He sees our lack of faith …’

One Minute Reflection – 25 May – “The Month of the Blessed Virgin, Mother of God” – Pentecost Saturday – Joel 2:23-24; 26-27; Luke 5:17-26 – Scripture search here:

“Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them in reply, “What are you thinking in your hearts?” – Luke 5:22

REFLECTION – “Thanks to the faith of others the cripple’s soul would be cured before his body. “Seeing their faith,” the Gospel says. Note here, my brethren, that God is not interested in what foolish people want and does noy expect to find faith among the ignorant … among those who conduct themselves badly. On the other hand he does not refuse to come to the help of others’ faith. Such faith is a gift of grace, at one with God’s will … In His divine goodness, Christ the Physician, strives to draw to salvation, even in spite of themselves, those affected by sickness of soul, those whom the burden of their sins and offences overwhelms, even to delirium. Yet they do not want to submit.

O my brethren, if only we wanted to, if only we all wanted to perceive our soul’s paralysis in all its depth! Then we would see that it is lying on a stretcher of sins, deprived of strength. Christ’s action within us, would be a source of light and we would understand that each day He sees our lack of faith, harmful as it is, that He draws us towards healing remedies and sharply presses our rebellious wills. “My son” He says, “your sins are forgiven you. – St Peter Chrysologus (c 400-450) Bishop of Ravenna, Father and Doctor of the Church (Sermon 50 ; PL 52, 339).

PRAYER – Grant to Thy Church, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that, united by the Holy Ghost, she may in no way be harmed by any assault of the enemy. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).

Posted in Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, PRAYERS to THE HOLY GHOST, St Alphonsus de Liguori,

Our Morning Offering – 25 May – Come O Holy Ghost! By St Alphonsus

Our Morning Offering – 25 May – Pentecost Saturday

Come O Holy Ghost!
By St Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787)
Most Zealous Doctor

Thou made Mary full of grace
and inflamed the hearts of the Apostles
with a holy zeal,
enflame our hearts with Thy Love.
Thou art the Spirit of Goodness,
give us the courage to confront evil.
Thou art Fire,
set us ablaze with Thy Love.
Thou art Light,
enlighten our minds,
that we may see what is truly good and true.
Thou art the Dove,
give us gentleness.
Thou art a Soothing Breeze,
bring calm to the storms which rage within us.
Thou art the Tongue,
may our lips ever sing God’s praises
Thou art the Cloud,
shelter us under the shadow of Thy Protection.
O Holy Ghost, melt the frozen,
warm the chilled
and enkindle in us,
an earnest desire to please Thee.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Saint of the Day – 25 May – Blessed Bartolomeus Magi di Amghiari OFM (1460-1510) Confessor

Saint of the Day – 25 May – Blessed Bartolomeus Magi di Amghiari OFM (1460-1510) Confessor, Friar of the Order of Friar’s Minor. Born in 1460 in Anghiari, Italy and died in 1510 in Empoli, Italy of natural causes. Also known as – Bartholomeo, Bartholomew. Additional Memorial – 29 August (Enshrinment of Relics)

In the Franciscan Obituary our Bartholomeus is remembers today as follows: “Near Empoli, in Tuscany, the Blessed Bartholomaeus Magi, from Anglario, a Confessor who, adorned with chastity, humility,and patience, led an almost angelic life.

I can find little personal detail of our Saints life but the cult and memory of Bartolomeus Magi of Anghiari, as well as within the Franciscan Order, has been a constant love over the centuries, espeically in the devotion of the Parish of Anghiari, indeed the Church of Santa Croce, with the adjoining Convent, remains a monument in honour of the Blessed.

He, by his holy advice, organised the construction of this Church which, according to his intention, was to commemorate the miracle of the of the Stigmata of Saint Francis which occurred in 1224, when he passed near the Castle and raised a Cross there.

The Church of Santa Croce in Anghiari was built and Consecrated on 15 October 1566. The faithful of Anghiari wanted to house the mortal remains of the blessed Bartolomeus Magi. But this grace was obtained only in 1603. It was on 19 August when, in the City of Empoli, Father Valerio Martelli delivered the Relics of the head of the Blessed to Mr. Maurizio di Girolamo Magi, to place them in the Church of Santa Croce in Anghiari which was officiated at the time by the Zoccolanti Fathers.

Public veneration of the Blessed Bartolomeo Magi was paid in the Church of Santa Croce by the Decree of the Bishop of Sansepolcro Fra Zanobio de Medici OP, issued on 19 June 1635. This privilege was granted at the request of the Municipal Administration of Anghiari of those times, who erected a beautiful Monument to Blessed Bartolomeo. In the Hall of the City Council of Anghiari, the marble bust of the Blessed still dominates today, as does the picture painted by Proposto Tuti in the Sacristy of the Church.

Coming to more recent times, we remember that public veneration of the Blessed Bartolomeus Magi was recognised in any Church, Oratory, or Chapel by the Bishop of Sansepolcro ,Annibale Tommasi on 2 May 1830, after having completed the recognition of the illustrious Relic. In 1907 Giovanni Volpi, Bishop of Arezzo, made his first pastoral visit to Anghiari and with the Decree of 9 June of the same year, he repeated what Monsignor Tommasi had established and was allowed to transfer the Relic from the Church of Santa Croce to that of Propositura, in order to encourage the rememberance and veneration of the faithful.

In August 1910 the IV Centenary of the death of the Blessed was celebrated in the Propositura of Anghiari and in 1922 the Association of Male Catholic Youth had the Blessed Bartolomeus Magi as its protector. In 1950, the Catholic Action Associations of the Parish, built a new Altar in the Propositura under Sogliani’s painting to give a more decorous arrangement to the Relic of the Head of the Blessed Magi, placed in a precious Reliquary.

The Feast of the Blessed is celebrated at this Altar on 29 August of each year.


EMBER SATURDAY, Our Lady the Nea/New Church of the Virgin Mary, Jerusalem (530), St Pope Gregory VII

EMBER SATURDAY Fast & Partial Abstinence:

Bl Antonio Caixal
Blessed Bartolomeus Magi di Amghiari OFM (1460-1510) Confessor, Friar of the Order of Friar’s Minor
St Canio
St Denis Ssebuggwawo
St Dionysius of Milan
St Dunchadh of Iona
St Egilhard of Cornelimünster
Bl Gerardo Mecatti
St Gerbald
St Injuriosus of Auvergne
St Iosephus Chang Song-Jib
Bl James Bertoni
Bl Juan of Granada
St Leo of Troyes

St Matthêô Nguyen Van Ðac Phuong
St Maximus of Evreux
Bl Nicholas Tsehelsky
St Pasicrates of Dorostorum
Bl Pedro Malasanch
St Pherô Ðoàn Van Vân
St Scholastica of Auvergne
St Senzio of Bieda
St Urban I, Pope
St Valentio of Dorostorum
St Victorinus of Acquiney
St Winebald of Saint Bertin
St Worad of Saint Bertin
St Zenobius of Florence