Thought for the Day – 27 May – The Importance of Humility

Thought for the Day – 27 May – Meditations with Fr Richard Frederick Clarke SJ (1839-1900) SJ

The following pages are based, in great measure, on the beautiful little treatise issued by Our Holy Father, Pope Leo XIII on the subject of Humility. They can be read and utilised at any time but, if used from the beginning of Lent, these Meditations will leave the reader free to turn, during Passion Week and Holy Week, to the Sacred Passion of Jesus Christ.

Meditations for a Month

Chapter One
The Importance of Humility

Humility is not only important to the welfare of our souls, it is also absolutely necessary to obtain grace from Almighty God. He resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble. Pride is an insuperable bar to the entrance of grace into the soul and, as we can do nothing good in the sight of God, without the assistance of His grace, we must have at least some degree of humility before we can do anything pleasing to Him. In proportion to our humility, will be the grace given us and the supernatural virtue to which we shall attain. The first thing I must do if I wish to please God more, is to humble myself more.

Humility is not only necessary to the obtaining of grace but, without it, we are the enemies of God. He resists the proud that is, they have God fighting against them and regarding them as His enemies! How awful a thing to have God for our adversary. It was this which rendered the devils forever accursed!

In one moment, the humility of their subjection of themselves in their love of God confirmed the Holy Angels in perfect happiness to all eternity. If I wish God to fight for me, not against me, the first condition is humility.

Humility is a necessary condition of entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. “Unless you become as little children,” says our Divine Lord, “you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.” He loves the humble and no-one, who has, in his heart, the spirit of humility, need have any fear of death and judgement.

O my God, am I really humble? Is there not still in me, alas, a spirit of pride hateful to Thee?
Drive out from me all pride and fill me with true humility that I may be fit for Thee and fit for Heaven.

Posted in "Follow Me", CHRIST the LIGHT, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, GOD ALONE!, QUOTES on ETERNAL LIFE, QUOTES on JOY, QUOTES on LOVE of GOD, The WILL of GOD

Quote/s of the Day – 27 May – St Bede the Venerable

Quote/s of the Day – 27 May – St Bede the Venerable (673-735) Confessor, Father and Doctor of the Church

St Bede became known as “Venerable Bede or Bede the Venerable” (Latin: Beda Venerabilis) by the 9th Century because of his great devotion and holiness but this was not linked to consideration for sainthood. According to a legend, the epithet was miraculously supplied by Angels. It was first utilised in connection with St Bede, where he was grouped with others, who were called “venerable,” at two Ecclesiastical Councils, held at Aachen in 816 and 836. Paul the Deacon (c 720-c 796) Italian Monk, Writer, Historian, then referred to him as Venerable consistently. By the 11th and 12th Centuries, the title had become commonplace and it is rarely omitted today.

The soul glorifies the Lord,
when it consecrates all its inner powers
on praising and serving God
and when, by its submission
to the Divine commands,
it proves that it never loses sight
of His Power and Majesty.
The spirit rejoices in God, its Saviour,
when it places all its joy
in the remembrance of its Creator,
from Whom it hopes for eternal salvation.

I was no longer the centre of my life
and, therefore, I could see God in everything!

Unfurl the sails
and let God steer us
where He will.

Purgatorial fire will be more intolerable
than all the torments which can be felt
or conceived in this life.

Be Thou our Joy and Strong Defence,
Who art our future Recompense.
Alleluia, alleluia.
So shall the Light that springs from Thee
Be ours through all eternity.
Alleluia, Alleluia.


St Bede the Venerable (673-735)
Confessor, Father and Doctor of the Church


One Minute Reflection – 27 May – ‘ … that it may shine to all …’ Matthew 5:15

One Minute Reflection – 27 May – “The Month of the Blessed Virgin Mary” – St Bede the Venerable (673-735) Confessor, Father and Doctor of the Church – Timothy 4:1-8; Matthew 5:3-19. – – Scripture search here:

Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but upon a candlestick that it may shine to all who are in the house.” – Matthew 5:15

REFLECTION – “Nothing is more cold than a Christian who is not dedicated to saving others. In this respect there can be no pretence of poverty – the widow who gave her two tiny coins would rise up and call you to account (Lk 21:2). Peter too, who said: “Silver and gold have I none” (Acts 3:6). And Paul, who was so poor that he often went hungry and lacked the necessary means to live on (1 Cor 4:11). Neither can you protest your humble birth – they too were of modest degree. Ignorance will noy give you any better excuse – they were uneducated too … It is no good claiming sickness – Timothy was subject to frequent illnesses (1 Tm 5:23) … Anybody at all can be of service to his neighbour if he would do what he can …

Do not say that it is impossible for you to draw others because, if you are a Christian, it is impossible that you should not! Every tree bears its own fruit (Mt 17:17) and, since there is no contradiction in nature, what we are saying is likewise true, since it follows from the very nature of a Christian … It is easier for light to be darkness than that the Christian should not shine!” – St John Chrysostom (345-407) Bishop of Constantinople, Father and Doctor of the Church (Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles, 20:3-4 ).

PRAYER – O God, Who enlightened Your Church with the learning of blessed Bede, Your Confessor and Doctor, graciously grant that Your servants may ever be enlightened by his wisdom and helped by his merits. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).

Posted in CHRIST the LIGHT, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS

Our Morning Offering – 27 May – Grant us Thy Light, O LordBy St Bede

Our Morning Offering – 27 May – St Bede the Venerable (673-735) Confessor, Priest, Monk, Linguist, Translator, Historian, Father and Doctor of the Church (Added by Pope Leo XIII in 1899)

Grant us Thy Light, O Lord
By St Bede the Venerable (673-735)
Father and Doctor of the Church

Grant us Thy Light, O Lord,
so that the darkness of our hearts,
may wholly pass away
and we may come at last,
to the Light of Christ.
For Christ is that Morning Star,
Who, when the night
of this world has passed,
brings to His Saints,
the promised Light of Life
and opens to them,
everlasting day.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 27 May – Saint Eutropius of Orange (Died c475) Bishop

Saint of the Day – 27 May – Saint Eutropius of Orange (Died c475) Bishop of Orange in France, from 463 until his death. It is believed that he was the successor to St Justus. Born in Marseilles, France and died in c475 at his See. Also known as – Eutrope, Eutropio.

The Roman Martyrology reads: “At Orange in France, St Eutropius the Bishop, illustrious for virtues and miracles.

Eutropius was born to the nobility, in Marseille, where he spent a wild dissipated and wasted youth. According to tradition, he was converted by his wife and, after her death, was Ordained a Deacon by the Bishop of Tours, Eustochius.

His conversion proved to be permanent and fruitful. He succeeded Saint Justus at the latest in 463, as Bishop of the old Diocese of Orange (Vaucluse), around 25 kilometers north of Avignon and became Bishop Eutropius II of Orange (c464-c475).

This appointment occurred at a time when the Bishopric had been laid waste by the Visigoths and Eutropius was greatly tempted to give up his difficult task because of the material and moral breakdown. At first, he was overwhelmed by the magnitude of the work he would have to do and fled. A man of God named Aper convinced him to return and devote himself to tending his flock. He became a man of intense piety and pastoral zeal and was regarded as worthy of imitation by all in surrounding regions, among other things, for his extreme devotion.

The new Bishop proved exemplary under difficult circumstances. At the same time, he continued to work with his hands. His biographer and successor as Bishop, Verus (475-494), praises his piety and his acts of love. According to tradition, his prayers also performed several miracles. He exchanged letters with the holy Pope Hilarius (461-468). He was a friend of Saint Faustus of Riez. Letters from contemporaries speak highly of his learning and piety. St Sidonius Apollinaris (c432-c482), Bishop of Clermont, who had experienced similar difficulties in his own Diocese, shows great respect for Eutropius’ learning and piety. Sidonius, an eloquent but wordy writer, has been considered the last representative of classical culture.

During his Episcopate, which lasted about twelve years, he did not hesitate to devote himself to many manual tasks, sometimes in a field where he himself worked with a plough, sometimes at a building site where he carried stones even when the other workers were having their meals.

He took part in the Councils of Arles in 463 and 475. According to tradition, Eutropius died on 27 May 475 in Orange and an Epitaph describes him as flawless. His memorial day in the Martyrologium Romanum is the day of his death on 27 May. His Relics are in the Altar of St Mary Magdalene’s Chapel in the London Oratory.

Around the year 500, his successor, Verus wrote his Vita which describes various miracles – the deliverance of a possessed person, the healing of someone struck by lightning; stopping a fire through prayer.

Posted in MARTYRS, SAINT of the DAY

St Bede the Venerable (673-735), St John I (Died 526) Pope and Martyr and the Saints for 27 May

St Acculus of Alexandria
St Antanansio Bazzekuketta
St Barbara Kim
St Barbara Yi

Bl Dionysius of Semur
St Eutropius of Orange (Died c475) Bishop
St Evangelius of Alexandria
St Frederick of Liège
Bl Gausberto of Montsalvy
St Gonzaga Gonza
St James of Nocera

St Julius the Veteran and Companions
St Liberius of Ancona
St Matiya Mulumba
Bl Matthias of Nagasaki
St Melangell
St Ranulphus of Arras
St Restituta of Sora and Companions
St Secundus of Troia